AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Delete Viewport

Aug 9, 2009

On the layout page I have several viewports. 2 of my viewport borders are not visible. I can not pick them, property them, delete them, or manipulate them in any way. When I activate them as "model space" view, I can work in the model space but the border still does not become visible. I only know where the border is by the truncated drawing. Is there any way to correct this problem?

Before I get the usual "turn on your layer" responses: ALL of my layers are thawed, ALL of my layers are on. I am running Civil 3D LDD Companion but have had this "glitch" on previous versions. I seem to remember the only answer is delete layout and start a new layout from scratch. Tell me this is not so!!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Viewport In Layout Doesn't Create Another Viewport

Jul 25, 2012

When I copy a viewport in a layout it does not create another viewport, only a poly line.....

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AutoCad :: How To Delete Viewport Border

Sep 21, 2013


im just new here..

how to delete the viewport border as shown above figure..

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AutoCAD LT :: 2004 Cannot Delete Viewport

Aug 19, 2013

All I want to do is delete the **** viewports.

I've tried right clicking every **** thing on the screen. LAYER, VPORT, DELETETHEDAMNVIEWPORT

none of these commans doing anything for me.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Editing In Viewport That Is Over A Viewport?

Jul 12, 2012

I have a drawing with a viewport that fits to the page. And I created another smaller viewport over top that just shows the legend. Now when I try to double click inside the smaller viewport it always goes into the larger one. I have tried bringing the smaller one to the front but that didn't work. I know that I can clip the larger viewport around the smaller one or bring the legend right into paperspace or slid the smaller one off to the side work in it and slide it back. This is more out of curiosity of how to get into the smaller viewport.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Delete / Move Or Select Viewport

Aug 13, 2013

Something that's been driving me around the bend lately. I have a drawing, with a viewport which I cannot select. I have unfrozen all layers, ticked the 'Selection Cycling' box, but no lines show. It's just there, a viewport, but with no viewport polyline. No way of deleting, or clipping, or doing anything with it.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Delete Viewport Frame To Make Custom One

Sep 20, 2012

I am having issues with creating viewports in the attached file. When I open the layout, say layout 3, it shows the viewport frame but I cannot highlight it in order to delete it. This is a setting in this file I have inadvertently turned on or off. I have created a new file, done a scribble, opened a layout and deleted the viewport.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't See Viewport

Aug 18, 2009

I am sure this is a widely know thing but I personally have never run into this before. - And don't know how to change it. In paper space I can not see the viewport outline box. When I double click inside the vp the outline box shows up and I can move or rescale. What I want to do is move the vp - and I obviously can't do that unless I can grab the outline box. What is the setting that makes the vp boxes visible or invisable?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Scale Changes

Apr 26, 2013

In c3d 2013 in the layout tabs when I hover over the annotation scale for the viewport it automatically changes the viewport like a "preview" of that scale.  Is there a way to shut that off? 

I ask because I believe it is altering my annotative point descriptions so I have to regen everytime my scale changes to see if the scale will work or not.  A co-workers computer doesn't seem to preview and it works fine on their computer my preview appears to mess the annotation up on mine.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Set Scale In Viewport

Apr 30, 2013

I double click in the viewport; under misc the annotated scale is in the list but not the standard scale.  I want to set the scale for the viewport.  Why doesn't the standard scale show as on option?  Or, how to I set the scale in my viewport?

I'm using autocad LT 2008

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XREF DWG In Viewport

Nov 20, 2012

I am having problems bringing in an xref dwg in a viewport. The scale for my stationing labels are huge and I cant remember how to fix it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Plotting With Viewport Filled

Sep 24, 2012

I am curious what would cause my viewport to print as if it is filled with solid hatch?  I haven't changed any settings for the viewport and even recreated it from scratch.  In my print preview it shows it will print as it looks on the screen, however when it actually prints, it's filled in solid.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Symbol Under The Viewport Control

Mar 6, 2013

I'm using Civil 3D 2013, and this morning, I have this symbol that appeared under my Viewport Control. What is it and can it be removed?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Rotate Drawing In Viewport

Dec 5, 2012

How do I rotate the drawing in viewport?

I want to have my profile and alignment to be in the same orientation on paper space. I have VPROTATEASSOC set to 1. I am not sure if I am using UCS and MVSETUP correctly.  All information will work.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: PDF Viewport Layer Control?

Mar 7, 2012

If you have more than one PDF overlay, you might put them on separate layers.  Generally speaking in this case, the PDF extents overlap so when i plot different sheets, I would want only a single PDF to be visible.

So, my first thought was to freeze the layers of unwanted PDFs in the viewport.  Except, once i did that, nothing happened.  So, i guess i have to manually freeze the layer when plotting each sheet?  I then can't publish the layouts as the appropriate PDF's won't be visible.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Choose Plan Viewport Type?

Sep 5, 2013

I'm setting a layout - I choose plan view for my viewport, save the template and .... I have set it again to unspecified. 

Civil 3D (2013) how much you have to improve....

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Turn Off Display Of SHP Connection In Viewport?

Jul 31, 2013

Using the DAta Connections tool under Planning and Analysis, also known as Map 3D, I have attached a series of shapefiles and I want to be able to toggle the view of some of them on or off depending on the viewport. Is this possible to do?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Align Section View In Viewport

Dec 8, 2012

When using "Create Multiple Section Views", some of the information is placed outside the viewport.

How can i get this information inside ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 Point Labels Are Too Big In Viewport?

May 28, 2013

While using AutoCAD 2008 LDD, I was able to set my point label size so that it looked the same in Model Space and Paper Space. I have my Model Space at 1:1, and my Paper Space Viewport set at the Scale Factor as needed, 1" = 50' i.e.. I now am using Civil 3D 2012 and have a decent grasp of Point Label Styles, the problem I am having is that when using the same parameters as mentioned before, my Point Label is at the right size in Model Space, setting the height at a size comparable to the Drawing Scale, such that if the Drawing Scale within the Viewport was 1" = 60', I would set the text size 4.8, but when doing this, it makes my Point Label text size huge.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Hide A Polygonal Viewport When Plotting

Jun 3, 2013

I brought a normal 4 sided viewport into my layout, but needed to clip and make a viewport with 6 sides.  I have also tried to redraw this by using a polygonal viewport.  When I go to plot the page, parts or all of the viewport boundaries are on.  It doesn't matter if I go to layer control and turn the layer off or freeze or select the non-plotting icon.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Locking The Layers State In The Viewport

Mar 9, 2013

“Locking” the layers state (turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc.) in the viewport,

I’m wondering if there is a technique that allows locking the “state” of layers (turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc.) in the viewport mode such that the viewport will keeps its required state REGARDLESS THEIR STATE IN THE MODEL MODE!

For example, in the screenshot below, freezing the point in the model mode will also freeze them in the viewport! And thus the layer state are not kept as required in the viewport which adds more efforts.

One possible option is saving the layer state! But this feature is not a property for the viewport but needs to be selected from the layers option. And thus we need again to think about layers that are supposed to be turned on/of frozen/thawed/ locked/unlocked, etc. in a particular viewport.

What I need here is to LOCK the viewport not only in terms of scale but also regarding the state of layers!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: LSP To Save Each Layouts Viewport And Layerstate

May 13, 2013

I have for a while been wanting some code that would run through all the layouts in a drawing and place a box in model space of where the viewports are looking and save a view and layerstate at the same time. I looked into doing it with .net and posted a query here but it all started to get a bit hard in .net.

So I did a bit more googling and found a lsp solution that get most of the way over on the swap here

It cycles thru the viewports and placed the box in model space to save the view and layer state I have to inject some more code into the rountine along the lines of 

;; While we are here lets save a view with a layersnapshot
;;(command "_.View" "Save" "Nameoflayout" "_.View" "E" "l" "Nameoflayout" "s" "" "")

;; and as we can not access a view layersnapshot from layerstate manager lets save just a plain layerstate
;;(command " Layerstate" "????"  "Nameoflayout" ?????)

to save the views and layerstates.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Section View Outside Viewport Limits

Mar 29, 2013

How do you clean up areas where the section view is outside the viewport limits. C3d should have moved the top section to the next sheet becuase it didn't fit. How do you tell it this? An automatic toggle somewhere?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Paperspace Viewport Zooms Extents

Jul 10, 2013

In paperspace, each time I double click inside the viewport it automatically zooms to the extents of my drawing, changing the scale. Also, when I switch back to model space i am zoomed to extents in model space. How can I fix this?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Layer Color Override

Sep 13, 2013

I have a drawing with polylines that are set to color 6 in model space and are also set to color bylayer.

When I go to my layout and click inside my viewport and pull up layer manager and change the viewport color for that layer to color 12, only parts of the polylines change to the color 12 while other parts remain color 6.

If while I'm in the viewport I change the model color as well to color 12, then all the polylines turn to color 12.This is a problem though, because in some layouts I what that layer to be color 6, and in others I want it to be color 12, or 4 or 5 or whatever.

I could not match this situation even if I wanted to where you draw a line, and half of it is one color while the other half is another color.why the viewport color overrides are behaving like this.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewport Types And Layer Control

Apr 11, 2012

C3D 2010

I know you can set the view port type in your template for sheet setup controls...

BUT - I have a situation where we have profile xrefs of utilities, in those utility profile drawings we must <DR> in the utilities in plan view. I don't want those utilities to show in my PLAN VIEW view port... So now I simply VP freeze the profile layers in the plan view... simple and easy...

WISH - that I could set my view port types to PLAN and PROFILE, and have only PLAN layers show in PLAN and only PROFILE layers show in PROFILE.... AUTOMATICALLY....

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Multi-viewport - Text Is Out Of Scale

Feb 4, 2013

In paperspace the text are so out of scale and it only shows a specific area of the model view.the other viewports will have a realistic and 2d wireframe.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotation Scale Setting Is Being Ignored In Viewport

Sep 24, 2009

I am using version B.219.3 (UNICODE) of Autocad Civil3d 2008 with service pack 2 loaded.

I am putting together some plan and profile sheets for a civil roadway job.

The annotation scale setting of the text in the profile xref and alignment xref is being ignored in the sheet file viewports. This text should be appearing at 1:40 scale, automatically, same as the viewport scale, but they are appearing very small instead. According to the way annotation scale is supposed to work in Autocad2008, this annotation should be appearing at the correct scale, automatically.

If I try to adjust the annotation scale to a ratio I think will work, it automatically adjusts the viewport scale to match whatever I enter for an annotation scale. What to try next.

Can files become corrupted in AutoCAD? If so, are there utilities to repair corrupt AutoCAD files?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Annotation And Standard Scale Of Viewport

Jan 22, 2013

The properties palatte has both these scales listed.  In theory, they can be different.I would love to be able to plot my drawing at 1:1000 with the civil objects & labels scaled to 1:500 so they don't overwhelm the plan.  It would seem I should be able to simply set the viewport to have a standard scale of 1:1000 and annotation scale 1:500 and be done.  But it doesn't work.  It will always scale the annotative objects to the standard scale.

My workaround is to scale my sheet double size and plot it half size, to trick the Civil objects & labels.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Label Size Reduce In Viewport

Jul 17, 2013

I am using autocad civil 3d viewport. I am creating view frame. Even I try to edit my label location through viewport double click edit. It will reduce label size 25.4 times.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Image Shifting In Rotated Viewport?

Sep 5, 2007

i have an area we are running water lines in and are using the aerial as the survey kind of - so it is important that it not shift - but the viewport needs to be rotated

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