I'm trying to rotate an image. Actually, I figured out how to rotate it. But I can't figure out how to fill in the "empty" triangular areas that represent the area between the edges of the original image and the horizontal and vertical edges of the canvas. I would like to fill these spaces so it is not obvious that the image was rotated. How can I do this?
What is the standard way to manipulate images in this manner?
I've used GIMP to great effect for quite a while now but I know I'm taking the long way around on a lot of things because I'm not very savvy on CG stuff, so I thought I'd ask here. I actually was registered with Gimptalk but it appears to be gone? Anyway...
I am currently making my own 'original artwork' by using usually open source/public domain photos and such, and using transparent layers to "draw" lines over them, making my own lineart. My problem is that I can't seen to find a "turn antialising off" checkbox in GIMP.
Even if I did, I do some postprocessing in Inkscape to turn the lineart into something more smooth, and then it re-antialiases (is that even a word) the picture, and when I try to use the paintbucket to fill in the lineart to get simple color pictures, I get lots of white specks and dots from the antialiased edges of the smooth lines.
What do I need to do to a picture to make sure I can fill spaces with a color right up to the lines, AFTER it has been antialiased, in my example? I can't use duotone or index to 2bit color or whatever, because that bites chunks out of the black lines and also destroys the smoothness of the Inkscape processing, but even if I haven't used that, it still reduces the lines spottily.
I've tried turning the tolerance way up and filling the areas with white first, hoping the white and the near-white specks will be close enough to "bleed" together so I have one color, and then paint with the desired color, but it still has specks.
Also, how to do lineart to achieve the same results I'm trying to achieve. I'm hand-tracing over the lines by eye, which, though I'm good at it and it doesn't take long, is more time consuming than it probably should be, and tedious.
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
I've got a few pictures taken at night of buildings and the street lights and lights on the buildings have come out extremely bright and 'bleed' out of their point of origin (not sure how else to explain it).
All I want to do is to darken these areas without affecting any of the other parts of the image. Is this possible at all?
What would be ideal would be if there was a tool, plug-in or method where I could select a certain colour range or brightness threshold that I could then lower however much I want without affecting the already dark areas.
I have an urgent need to calculate the foam fill inbetween two slabs on different planes. Also, the foam will come in 4x8' pieces. I am fairly good at family creation but am a little perplexed as how to start this one.
i recently started using GIMP and i made afew stencils with pretty decent success. i started making my 3rd stencil and when i go to fill the image with a dark color, it fills with dark gray instead of dark green, and the light color wont fill at all.
I am using Coreldraw 6X on a trial basis ( my previous cad is all mechanical/ 3D based such as autocad and 123D). I have a problem with an object which is basically an outline of an animal in CDR format, and cannot find a way to fill in the outline areas.
I am having trouble when tracing a sketch to convert it to vector. I have tried scanning it into photoshop first then exporting it to illustrator, and also just scanning in as a jpeg and opening it in illustrator.
The trouble I am experiencing is that the lines are not clean, but appearing very grainy. When i choose Fills I get the best result, but with Strokes i get 2 thin lines and obviouly no fill.
Either way I can make the color of the lines all the same, but am unable to create objects within the lines to fill with color, such as face, sunglasses, etc. I can do it with live paint but I know there are other ways to color in files in AI.
Here are the original, the fill, and the stroke result outcomes
My question concenrs this photo: [URL] ... (this is my own photo by the way). Just so you know what I mean with 'sky' later on: you're looking at balconies.
I want to extend it on the left so I can make it a desktop wallpaper. However, the original photo does not extend far enough to allow me to just crop differently. How can I, using GIMP, fill up the new space so that it looks like the sky that's already there?
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
I would like to cut a section through an extrusion. Attached find a section view of my extrusion cut at 90%%d. My deal is I want to be able to specify the angle. It could be anything, and it could be a compound miter (using in saw-speak, because my drawings go to saw operators), that is, angles in two directions. But, let's keep it simple - how to cut a section parallel with the Y axis in the attached drawing?
Right now I am warping something in due to the complexity of the profile. But for accuracy sake it is obvious why I'd like something better. I'd like my operators to have confidence in what they see.
I could do this easily in Inventor. Or even oin Civil 3D, working around it (using Autodesk-speak). But, I have neither. Is this a UCS thing? I trained myself to never touch the UCS long ago, because I am a surveyor by trade, and surveyors pull coordinates from AutoCAD (or one of its children) to stake points on the ground with, and a surveyor ends up working at McD's if she/he goes outside with coords pulled from a made-up UCS. So I don't know the first thing about manipulating the UCS, despite daily use of the products since release 12.
I looked at Sections in the 3D modeling workspace palettes, but nothing really jumped out at me for being able to rotate or cut sections where I want them to be. They all seem to snap to existing planes of the extruded solid. Big deal - I can do that intuitively just by looking at the part.
Somehow I switched my UCS without noticing from X,Y,X to Z,Y,X. Though the UCS was changed my layout never switched orientation (flat square remained flat square and did not turn into a line).
I was alerted to the error when inserting the blocks. Half of the blocks were showing up as thin lines (in the Z plane) and half where showing up in the X plane.
I was able to correct the UCS by typing UCS, world view, then PLAN, current.
My question now: How can I fix the blocks that where "created" in the Z plane so that they can be inserted into the X plane without having to 'rotate3d' every time I insert a block?
I'm writing down some names & seeing how they'd look like when I use a different font but just now, I've realized that the text slightly blurs when it's rotated.
Original text: [URL]
Rotated: [URL]
I know this isn't much of a big deal but I'm just wondering if there is a way to prevent the blurring or anything like that. I tried 'sharpening' the selection but as far as I'm concerned, it didn't change anything.
I have a base plan with some light fixtures that need to be rotated 180.
Yesterday, I rotated the fixtures then saved the file. Then I closed the file and emailed it. When I reopened it, the fixtures were rotated back, but the file I emailed was properly rotated. I saved over our file with the one that I emailed, and all seemed fine yesterday. This morning I open it and everything’s rotated incorrectly again.
I admit that I have used AutoCAD for several years now, but I have very, very little experience with 3D applications and needing to alter the typical horizontal/vertical coordinate system.
What I have is a file that, though the lower-left icon is horiz/vert, my crosshairs cursor is tilted approximately 30 degrees counterclockwise. This file, I believe, did originate in AutoCAD Civil 3D, so who knows what was done there. But, how can I get my crosshairs straightened out once more?
I have noticed a relation with the UCS and the cursor, when I've played with Orbits. I just can't grasp what that relationship is.
I have been drawing in 2d and my floor plan is in the middle and I am using construction rays to create my elevations but I cant find or know how to use a tool that will recall my rotated and zoomed views (elevations) with a use of a AutoCAD 2013 tool.
I've tried both draging an image into Autocad and importing it in as a block. When I try to rotates the image it either rotates around a point (but doesn't actually rotate itself) or rotates and disappears only leaving a white outline. How can I properly rotate an image?
Quite frequently when I rotate an image with the rotate tool and then work on it, after a while photoshop crashes on me. This never used to happen on CS5.
I've got a problem editing an image with a dotted background in it. By 'dotted', I mean an array of small evenly spaced black dots on a white background.
I've tried the fuzzy select tool which kind of works. It fills in the white space with the color I want but leaves the dots untouched. I want to get rid of the dots.
The image has a lot of rectangles containing text (these are not dotted) on this dotted background so using the select tool would be a real chore.
I know how to use the scissor tool to cut out patches but since they're difficult to place i like to define areas like with the wand tool. Did i by chance miss a important function?
i have an area we are running water lines in and are using the aerial as the survey kind of - so it is important that it not shift - but the viewport needs to be rotated
What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?
As a recent user of Photoshop, I need to attach details such as keywords to an image. This will usually be a TIFF or JPEG.. I'm new to Gimp but see in the Properties category I can enter the sort of info I want but when I try to save everything this info just disappears and obviously is not embedded in the file.
I'm using Gimp 2.8.2 on Linux. I've configured the UI to single-windowmode and have opened multiple images, each with a tabbed display.
It is my understanding that I should be able to grab a layer from oneimage and drag-and-drop it onto the tab of another image in order toappend a copy of that layer in the new image. I have not been able to dothis. I'm grabbing a layer from the layers dialog and dragging it to the tab-thumbnail, but the layer is not copied to the new image.
A couple of comments for the UI designers:
* I find the [X] icons on the image tabs to be a real problem getting accidentally selected and dismissing the image when attempting to quickly select another tab. I would prefer another tab dismissal method such as right-click-menu close.
* Some user control over the tabs would be good. For example, I would like to see the the vertical height of of the tabs be smaller and have the option of displaying file names and/or icons.