I have CS5 extended. I know with coral draw I can use a paint bucket to fill an area with a premade pattern and on CS5 I found the pattern stamp tool where I can paint a pattern but is there a way to dump or fill a set area with a pattern? I find when I paint a pattern even the smallest mistake of painting a section twice can lighten or darken the pattern.
I'm trying to change the color palette of a sprite's gif in GIMP, but I can't get the bucket tool to put the right color in to each layer.
Here's a screenshot of the gif opened up in GIMP with only the first frame visible.
Next, I selected one of the colors in the frame.
Then, I clicked on the new foreground color and set the blue and green sliders to 0.
Then, I selected the Select By Color tool, and selected the area with the old color.
Last, I used the Bucket Fill tool (making sure that FG color fill and Fill whole selection were chosen on the left) to add the new color, but I got a completely different color in its place.
it's regarding this image. Originally it was very dirty in the background (still is if you look at the striped mountains and cottage), and I've tried making it white by playing around a bit with the curve adjustments. Obviously the results weren't as white as I wanted them to be, so I decided to dodge some areas (on the other parts of this picture which I didn't include). Later on I decided to pick up the bucket tool.
It works very well, but now I'm having this problem. If you look at the red ground, it's all dotted. However, the bucket tool filled up some of these dots too, making the ground very thin.what I can do about this?how I can make the background white (the quicker the method the better!) in case the curve adjustment settings doesn't properly work?
Is it possible to fill an area with content-aware using the paint bucket tool? i have been able to fill the exact area I would like to be replaced with a general swatch. perhaps it is possible to create a swatch which uses the content-aware filter?
I have been working with Paint.net for a couple of years and have never had this issue before. Suddenly, today, I tried using paint bucket to fill in a square and it filled in the entire image. I don't know if I accidently changed some setting on accident or what. how to make this stop so that the paint bucket only fills in the area I have outlined for it?
How do I bucket fill the way Paint does, where it fills every thing of a similar color? (or every thing adjacent, I don't remember.) It keeps filling my entire canvas, instead of the area I want.
I have an image that has a white background but that darkens in the immediate neighborhood of the image in question. So I do a bucket fill (red) with the threshold of 15 that sets the entire white(ish) area to red. So far so good. But then when I switch to fill this red area to white with the same threshold, I find small pixels of red adjacent to the image. I don't see how that is happening since the first fill set the entire filled region to one color (red) and I would expect that the second fill would completely replace all red with my new color (white).
I have a PNG logo that has anti-aliased letters on a transparent background. In other words, all pixels are white (for example) and either 0% transparent (in the letters) or semi-transparent (in the anti-aliasing). The rest of the image is transparent.
What I'm trying to do is take change the color of the logo. Bucket fill in normal mode changes the alpha value of the semi-transparent pixels to 0% transparent when applying the color--so I loose the anti-aliasing. I did manage to get what I want with bucket fill mode Darken only, but this only works for certain colors on certain other colors (I can change white to any other color, but not vice versa).
Is there a straightforward way to fill a color while keeping the alpha channel intact? I tried all the modes, and also modifying the Fill transparent areas, but don't really understand them to figure out if one does this in the general case.
GIMP 2.8.6 on Window 8.I used Canvas Size to add a horizontal space at the bottom of a jpeg photo. (I want to use it for a text caption for the photo.) The new space is filled with a checkerboard of small light & dark grey squares.
I used the Rectangle Select Tool to select the new space.I clicked on the Bucket Fill Tool and moved the mouse over the new space. The mouse pointer includes a circle with a diagonal stroke through it, indicating I cannot fill the selected area.
step 1) I remove the background of my image with the color to alpha method, isolating the part of the image i want.
step 2) I then use color select tool to select all the transparent area that was left behind from step 1.
step 3) I create a new layer.
step 4) Then I use the bucket fill tool to fill in the area on the 2nd layer that was selected in step 2.
This is where I run into trouble. On some pixels where the color filling meets dotted line area (made by color select tool) the color comes out translucent. I don't want this to happen. I want it to be solid ff00ff (color hex) without the random reductions in opacity.
I'm working with sprites and the emulator i use has ff00ff as transparent. I'm getting random pink color coming out of the edges of my sprites. These little specks of pink should not be appearing in game because it is supposed to be read as transparent. i suspect that these specks coming out are related to these translucent hiccups made in gimp.
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
I have been using Gimp for awhile (love it!) and have always used layer masks with no problems. But for some reason when I create a layer mask by filling in an area with black it isn't 100% opacity. Everything seems to show 100% opacity, but I can see the layers underneath (the mask is maybe at 90%??). If I "show layer mask" it is black where it should be and white where it should be, it doesn't look transparent. All my layers are set to "normal" mode. I'm at a lost as to what setting I must have changed?
New to GIMP and would like to add some color to a line drawing. I have a line drawing that I scanned into the computer as a JPG. I've imported that JPG into GIMP.
the line drawing has a dozen or so areas created by the intersecting lines. I would like to fill the various areas with different colors. How can I do that?
If I pour a color paint on the picture without doing anything, the entire page changes to the color poured. Not what I want to do. I want area A to be red, area B to be blue, and area C to be yellow.
I have a cartoon line drawing. The black outlines are anti aliased so the edges of the lines have different grades of gray pixels on them. When I use the fill tool, and adjust the fill with the opacity and tolerance sliders, (I think that's what they're called in GIMP), I still can't get what I want. Only some of the gray pixels are colored in. Others are canceled out. Completely covered by the color, erasing some of the line.
Or some pixels remain uncolored. Just gray instead of a combination of the gray AND the fill color. What I'm looking for is an effect that looks like I placed a colored gel shaped like the cartoon character over the drawing. All the different shades of gray pixels should still be seen. Even the ones that are lighter than the fill color. With a gel, those pixels would appear darker, even though they were lighter than the fill color without the gel over them. The darkness of the color PLUS the added darkness of even the lightest gray pixels should make all the pixels appear darker. And the line would appear complete. Not partially erased.
After filling the inside of a line drawing, (cartoon "shape"), I'm left with the checkerboard pattern that indicates transparency. I'd just like to get rid of that checkerboard pattern so I can view my drawing the way it really looks! Can this be done in GIMP?
In Coreldraw 12, I often use combine to end up with a one solid shape with many holes in it. Often I want to add a color inside one of the holes, much like a coloring book, but there is no shape there, it is just empty. What is the quickest way to create a solid that fills that hole exactly?
I've selected a rectangular area of a jpeg and I want to fill it with a particular colour from another area of same image. Bucket Fill doesn't work here as it only selects from particular colours and shades in forground/background.
These gradients in gimp are really hard to figure out (not saying other things seem easy to me), however I'm sure if one knows what to do, they can solve many problems.
I had that screenshot of a text list:
And I wanted to make it fade away from the highlighted line:
However, with the blend tool, this is actually impossible or really really hard, because I can't aim it so preciselly.
In MS Paint when i select part of image with Polygon tool, this part is auto filled with background color. In GIMP i have to use first Selection tool (Free Select) and than switch to Bucket Fill for filling selected area with color. How to make auto filling selected area with color in GIMP as it in MS Paint ?
When I make a selection in a picture, the selection dotted line shows a coloured border, which is the colour of the second choice in the Materials palette. Especially if I make an addition to the selection, this coloured line runs right through the selected figure. If I copy the selection, undo the selection and then paste as a new layer, the coloured border, especially in added areas, remains visible.
how I can get rid of this strange artifact? I didn't use to have it, it emerged a few days ago.
I am using the Bloc Theme from YooThemes for my webpage: [URL]....
I'm looking to fill in those 3 colors with three colors that I have designed myself.
I used the eyedropper to pick up colors from other files and tried to fill the shapes. No matter what I've done - even using the pen tool to close in the shape the fill goes all over the whole page.
When I fill in the colors how can I also keep the 3-D effect?
using PS CS. i have selected a circular area with the marquee tool on a transparent background and i want to fill that area with colour, using the paintbucket tool i attempt to fill area but what happens when i do this is it acts like a spray can does, dark colour in the centre fading aways towards the edges also it does not actually fill the selected area it's as if i have not selected it, but i have.
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I need to change a solid line in a drawing to a dotted line to indicate that it is a hidden line. I know I should use Modify/Properties, I just don't know how to import the dotted line into the properties box.