AutoCad :: Sketch Dotted Line To Represent Hidden Line?
Feb 8, 2013
I need to change a solid line in a drawing to a dotted line to indicate that it is a hidden line. I know I should use Modify/Properties, I just don't know how to import the dotted line into the properties box.
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I must be missing something fundamental when trying to change a line from a solid line to a hidden or dashed line in Autocad 2000. I use the ltype command then load either Hidden, or dashed ISO,or both, and invariably the scale is way off in that I always end up with a still solid line, after using modify properties. After all that, every line I draw after that comes out dashed. Maybe I should fool with the layers? Is there a basic procedure I should follow here?
by default revit shows roof plan in the Site plan view.
Is it possible to show site plan that one line would represent building contour? Also is it possible to cast shadows of all the building if the first floor is selected?
i was trying to make site plan from the fist floor, but since i gave intense topography ground is being cut and i need full topography. i am using 2013 revit.
Running Autocad 2010 in trial mode and did something that created a vertical dotted line giving me an unusable area on the right side of my workspace. I've attached a pic, if I did it right.
I am new to autocad, and just want to know what the dotted line in the paperspace window represents, and if I can move it, adjust it, hide it or delete it? Also, does it show up if I print the sheet?
I have pasted a title block from another drawing onto it, and it doesn't quite fit.
I am new to Autocad and I want to learn as much as I can. I am working on a drawing of a wheel and a 40mm pin that is inside of some boxtubing. I would like to draw a dotted line to show the pin inside the boxtubing. I click properties and I only get the choices of layer , block and continious . I have Autocad Lite 2005.
Also, I love the dimension tool , but how do I know how wide or long I am making it until I do my dimension , and then it is too short or too long. It don't seem like there is a way to edit it. I know it is.
For a while now I have been attempting to resolve a a part of my CAD drawing. As seen below I have a 3D Solid. The part circled is result of subtracting a cylinder from the shape. I am now trying to find a solution to make both the above and below edges of the dotted line meet as one while maintaining the curve I have subtracted.
Every time I make a custom line (I used a dotted line a lot), once I close down Xara, the brush is no longer in my library and I have to create it all over again from scratch. Why is it not saving automatically to my library so that I don't have to keep creating the same custom line over and over again?
I have a list of dotted pairs and some of the entries are paired with a deeper list others contain mostly string data. the issue is that I need to print the data to the command line with a newline to seperate them. So I want the output to look like:
;from(customer (city . "Mesa")(zip . "85213")(project (scope (demo . "some description")(construction . "some description")) (cost (subtotal . "some subtotal") (total . "some total"))));tocity Mesazip 85213demo some descriptionconstruction some descriptionsubtotal some subtotaltotal some total
But, the issue is that when the data is a list it print it out to a single line making it very difficult to read. I tried adding another FOREACH into the loop that I had hoped would iterate through the deeper list and print those lines out in a simular fashion but I only get an "error: bad argument type: consp " and it displays the first element of my list.
I tried to evaluate the IDX and check the type, so that if it is a list then it triggers the deeper FOREACH but it seems I did it wrongly.
Ihow one can make a brush like this (the white dotted lines), so when you drag your brush in photoshop, they are spaced out nice like this (instead of doing it individually). If anyone knows how to do this, or know of places with brushes like these.
I've switched to Photoshop 7.0, and in all my documents, I have a dotted line bordering them, this doesn't affect the final product, but it does somewhat obstruct my vision of the document... can this be removed? Preview
Another problem I have, though not sure if it is related, I cannot draw 1-pixel lines with the pencil tool near the edges of my documents... sometimes when i try on the top it works, sometimes not and so forth. I just seems to not recognize it when i try to make a custom 1-pixel border.
I am creating a stitched leather look, and am able to get the black dots under one of the white stitches, but cannot offset my dotted path put a hole under the opposite end of the white stitch. So that I have 2 holes for each stitch.
I've been trying to draw without the command line visible and am liking it. Have been using F2 if I need it while in a command but am finding the text window a bit obtrusive. It also gets hidden when you click in the drawing area.
Is there a way to activate the command line transparently? If you are in a command, Ctrl+9 cancels it.
I have drawn a black horizontal line 100mm long. Under that line a have a 100mm line coloured blue. How do I select the blue line? In AutoCAD 2000 I would hold down ctrl and select the line. Then scroll using the mouse pressing right click to select. I am currently using AutoCad2011. This function does not work.
I use CS4 and somehow I turned the dotted or dashed lasso line into a solid black line. I want to get the dotted or dashed line back. How can I do that?
I used these commands years ago and cant remember what they are. I am designing furniture in 3D and want to view the object at SE Isometric, then rotate an additional 18 degrees, then take a screenshot that will basically give me a block that is a line drawing of the object with lines hidden. This is a question with two parts:
#1: How do I rotate from SE Isometric 18 degrees to get the view angle I want?
#2: How do I take a screenshot of the object that will produce a block with hidden lines?
There are two seperate commands for each of these, I just can't remember what they are.
Attached is a picture of the final product I'm looking for.
I am trying to use the line shape tool. However, the shape stroke type affects the arrows. Does it mean that I have to draw the line first, without the arrows, and then add the solid arrows to the line