I'm running Architecture 2013. When creating an elevation object from a 3D model, the hidden lines are not being removed. I've never seen this before, though I have been using Architecture and ADT for years. I've recently upgreaded from 2009 to 2013, and VOILA!
Hidden lines not removed from elevation and section objects. I've tried various tests, to no avail.....
I must be missing something fundamental when trying to change a line from a solid line to a hidden or dashed line in Autocad 2000. I use the ltype command then load either Hidden, or dashed ISO,or both, and invariably the scale is way off in that I always end up with a still solid line, after using modify properties. After all that, every line I draw after that comes out dashed. Maybe I should fool with the layers? Is there a basic procedure I should follow here?
I need to change a solid line in a drawing to a dotted line to indicate that it is a hidden line. I know I should use Modify/Properties, I just don't know how to import the dotted line into the properties box.
In solidworks there's a "hidden line" option that displays a 3d part with all its sketch lines (instead of a regular solid) which allows the user to view all the different sides of the part easily. So I was wondering if there's such an option in autodesk inventor 2013. Currently, to view all the different sides and aspects of a part easily, i have been changing the part's material to polycarbone or some other plastic material; this makes the part a little translucent. But this is less effective than the hidden line vew availble in solidworks. method that makes different parts of a 3d part more easily to be viewed?
A large part of my job is creating installation drawings for plants (equipment and catwalks). Usually what I like to provide the installers is a plan view showing the equipment / catwalks with the base pads of the supports visible as hidden lines. If I just turn on hidden lines in a view, then it is too crowded.
However, manually turning on hidden lines for hundreds of base pads (potentially) is a huge time-sink and usually involves going through the browser manually to find them all. What I would like to do is automate the procedure to some extent. Usually there is only 4 or 5 different parts in an assembly that I need to have hidden lines for.
Can this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.
I am facing small problem with inverter drafting. I am unable to show hidden line of pattern by direct selection of all object . I have to select one by one item from pattern.
In my drawing there is tie rod item ( find attached file) i have shown hidden line of only this part . and i have to select all items one by one.
I made a drawing, but after using ilogic (ilogic is in drawing,assembly, part) in it, drawing view of a particular part is coming in hidden line, other are shaded as u can see in image.
Drawing view is associative, all edges shown, level of detail is master, view style is Hidden Line Removal with Shaded
Computer Config:
Inventor 2013 Intel Xeon CPU 2.67 GHZ 8 Gb ram Windows 7 64 bit
I've been trying to draw without the command line visible and am liking it. Have been using F2 if I need it while in a command but am finding the text window a bit obtrusive. It also gets hidden when you click in the drawing area.
Is there a way to activate the command line transparently? If you are in a command, Ctrl+9 cancels it.
I have drawn a black horizontal line 100mm long. Under that line a have a 100mm line coloured blue. How do I select the blue line? In AutoCAD 2000 I would hold down ctrl and select the line. Then scroll using the mouse pressing right click to select. I am currently using AutoCad2011. This function does not work.
I am doing a .idw drawing of an assembly that I have several parts that I do not want to appear in the BOM parts list. I have therefore set these parts as Reference parts however this has caused them to appear as "hidden type" lines in the drawing and are even visible through other parts.
Is there any way to make these parts appear in the drawing "as normal" and not be listed in the parts list?
I used these commands years ago and cant remember what they are. I am designing furniture in 3D and want to view the object at SE Isometric, then rotate an additional 18 degrees, then take a screenshot that will basically give me a block that is a line drawing of the object with lines hidden. This is a question with two parts:
#1: How do I rotate from SE Isometric 18 degrees to get the view angle I want?
#2: How do I take a screenshot of the object that will produce a block with hidden lines?
There are two seperate commands for each of these, I just can't remember what they are.
Attached is a picture of the final product I'm looking for.
I have a problem with a recently downloaded version of Inventor. When I start a new drawing all I get is a blank blue screen instead of one with a grid display. If I start a line I can see the cursor change to draw the line but a line does not appear. I don't know if it something with how I installed the program or just system settings.
Some of objects that I draw have partly hidden lines. Basically I can create two lines and then set one to be solid and the other one to be hidden. But may I know any faster way to do that?
We have been trying to plot some 3D objects in our drawing with a hidden line. We need the drawing to not show the hidden 3D lines but to show the edge lines of the object to plot as a hidden line.
In the attached drawing you'll see I am trying to print a wireframe view of a 3D object with hidden lines displayed as dashed...in paperspace with an MVIEW viewport. To achieve this, I created a custom visual style called "3D Wireframe with hidden lines" because AutoCAD Mechanical doesn't come with a view preset that will do that for some reason. Even though the viewport looks perfect in paperspace, and is set to print "as displayed", the drawing prints (and previews) with the dashed line as solid instead.
I know I could use VIEWBASE to create a drawing view with hidden lines set to "visible and hidden", but that doesn't mean I don't want to know why AutoCAD is doing this strange behavior with standard viewports.
I need to draw a couple of hidden lines into a drawing. I see that it is not in my database when I go to Modify/Properties, it does not exist. I am using either v 2000, or v 2007 if it matters.
how to break diameter line into horizontal line at the end ?... there's no such option in editor style (I want to have 2 arrows for this diameter, not one as it is in editor options)
I'm trying to plot 3D objects with hidden lines. I've set the viewport SHADE PLOT property to "Legacy hidden" and set my visual style to 2D Wireframe with 2D Hide-Occluded Lines linetype set to "Dashed". The hidden lines do appear, but I don't like the size and spacing of the dashes. Is there a way to add "Hidden" linetype to the selected visual style? Or perhaps there's a way of adjusting the linetype scale for visual style occluded lines (similar to LTSCALE or PSLTSCALE command)?
Many is the time that I need to have hidden, or dashed lines added to a drawing. I do this by putting LTYPE in the command line then loading the dash or hidden line that I want. The problem is that long after I have done this, I get a dashed line on any line that I attempt to draw. Even if I dimension something, the arrows and lines are also dashed lines. I go back into Modify Properties and LTYPE and attempt to delete the line types that I have added and I am not allowed to delete them.
Is it possible to select lines (maybe up to 6 lines) around an intersection point with a reference line. There is one intersection point and the lines are around it. And also, both the intersecting lines are in different layers.
How to get the ObjectARX's ArxDbg tool working on autocad 2012. ObjectARX 2010 sample project fails to open in VS2010 express.
BLOCK REFERENCE Layer: "TWC Dim" Space: Model space Handle = 27879
The above result from LIST > 'Last' ... gave only the above result.
We have a project... granted, the requirement is to model 1.6 million feet from world origin... I know that AutocAD can have issues with this... and we have certainly had issues on this job that can be attributed to this... BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS ISSUE?
When anything is INSERTed into this drawing file, or from this dwg file... it doesn't seem to show up... no command line errors, no OFF or Frozen layers, no objects Isolated, no indication at all that there was a problem... except that nothing showed up.
This was used to find the issue. List the last object added to the database. Then paste to original coordinates (NOT PASTE AS BLOCK)
Command: list Select objects: l 1 found Select objects:
[Code] .....
No more info.. no block name, no Handle, no Insertion point x,y,z... no scale factors, none of the normal info that should accompany the BLOCK REFERENCE LIST output.
Several Audits were done, and Recover... this reported fixing Invalid Block Refs... we even rebuilt the dwg in a blank dwg file... but still object INSERTed with this same behaviour.
It appears various people are posting things that are posted in the Readme. For Nitrous these are:
• To prevent issues with Nitrous, ensure you have the most up‐to‐date system drivers. For specific details, see the sections about 3ds Max 2012 / 3ds Max Design 2012 found at URL.... • Applying Unwrap UVW after painting in 2D with Viewport Canvas and painting on top of the Unwrap UVW can sometimes cause 2D paint to fail. Workaround: If this occurs, apply an Edit Poly modifier on top of the Unwrap UVW modifier. • Civil View parameters can cause a program error when modifying surface parameters. • Object Color display will show the object’s material color when set to object color. Workaround: Enable Use Environment Background and Display Background in the Viewport Background settings (Alt+B). • Locking the computer can cause the viewports to stop responding in some cases. Workaround: If this occurs, restart the program. • Mirrored or negatively scaled objects might display face edges incorrectly. • The Soft selection Shade Face Toggle does not always properly display the shaded faces. • MassFX constraints can cause Dummy objects not to display in Realistic mode. • Body Objects display tessellated/triangulated edges instead of the proper Body curves. • Back faces display as transparent. • Hidden Line style does not display texture maps in the viewport. • Tone Mapper used with a Skylight set to use the mr Physical Sky environment will display a black background when enabled. • Enable Gamma/LUT Correction does not work on stylized viewports. • Very large textures (10K x 10K) can cause a program error. Workaround: You can control texture sizes with MAXScript: NitrousGraphicsManager.SetTextureSizeLimit 512 true NitrousGraphicsManager.SetBackgroundTextureSizeLimit 1024 true
I have an object that when scanned in was not straight. I would like to draw a reference line that is drawn across the object that I know is horizontal in the artwork. I then want the object rotate to that line. Is that possible?