GIMP :: Aerial Photo Of Island - Make Water Areas Black And Land Areas White
Jan 29, 2013
In the image below I have an aerial photo of an Island. I need to make it so as water areas are black and land areas are white (not greyscale) almost like a silhouette. My first plan was to draw round the island with a black paint brush and then use the "bucket fill" with a suitable threshold to fill all of the areas up to the black outline with black, however this doesn't work as the bucket fill either breaks through the black line or when I reduce the threshold, doesn't color the water areas solidly.
I have a scan of a couple-hundred year old document. The background is light brown due to age. How can I best make the browned areas white and preserve/improve the black type? Getting a white background by playing with levels, brightness / contrast seems to result in worse black type.
I have a map of an island. I am trying to copy and object say a block or triangle into the certain areas of the island several times. How can i do this using the command.
How do I make the white areas inside this logo transparent? I can't seem to find a way to do it and I would like to so it can be put onto different coloured backgrounds. The semi-cirlces are all seperate shapes, the white circle outline is a white cirlce with a smaller blue circle placed on top and the text is normal text on the blue circle.
I've got a drawing in Acad 2010 which consist of about 6000 lines. The image is a ship, and I need the drawing to insert in a HMI screen.
Now my problem: The accomedation of the ship is white, as is the background of the sheet. I need the drawing with a black background, but want to keep the white color of the accomedation of the ship. When I change the backgroundcolor of the sheet to black, the white areas inside the drawing will also change into black. If I trie to hatch the white areas inside the drawing the program gives a messages that there are to many open bounderies.
I tried to make a blok of the drawing and move it on a black square, but then again the white areas will turn black.
So for short: How can I make the white areas non-transparent without using the hatch-command?????
What is the difference between rooms and areas? Why create an area schedule off 'areas' as opposed to using 'room' areas? Can you create a schedule off room areas?
I have a drawing (autocad 2011) ,which i have to measure the areas of the many rooms and i arrange these areas in a table! is there any fast way to do so? avoiding the boaring typical area measurements room by room?
Colours are being over saturated in shaded areas and less saturated in light areas when filled over an aeea. The colours need to remain the same saturation level when darkened or lightened. Is a setting affecting the saturation levels?
I just purchased a new computer which is running Windows 7 and has an AMD Radeon graphics card. I loaded my Photoshop CS4 on this new computer. I previously had CS4 loaded on a Dell Inspiration laptop that died. I never had any problems with CS4 on my laptop. I have always used a working color profile of sRGB IEC61966-2.1 as that is the color profile that my digital camera uses. Now when I open photos in CS4 using this color profile, there are black pixelated areas on many of the photos. I can get rid of this in two ways, 1. by dropping the saturation down to around -8 or 2. changing my working space profile to Adobe RGB 1998 and then converting the documents color profile to the working space. I have to convert every photo that I bring in to Photoshop.Is the graphics card not compatible with CS4?
I have been trying to print to my local windows printer (monochrome laser) and to a pdf file but cannot seem to get all of my lines black. Different colors, by layers, produce a greyscale arrangement of linework. I have tried changing the plotstyles to the various available plotstyles: Monochrome.stb, Monochrome.ctb and Autodesk-MONO.stb, but have not had any success. All are printing the same.
Ideally I would like to set most linework to black and be able to have shaded areas and some linework in a grey tone when needed.
I started trying to mess around on trying to make a new background. I have the start of my design but it is all on top of white and that ruins it. Is there a way that I can either make the white transparent or change it all to a different color? It is the only white in the whole picture, but it is divided up into a bunch of places.
I have an ink drawing intended for part of a comic book that I scanned in black and white (no grey) and I am just trying to replace the white areas with transparency so that I can come in with other layers and add color to the image...I am just wondering how I would go about doing this...
LR3.4.I have a whole selection of photos that were taken at an event where there was 2 types of lighting, so the people in the back of the shots have a warm orangey glow and the people at the front have the day light. What would be ideal option to adjust the white balance on 2 separate areas, but I can't seem to find this in Lightroom? is it possible or will I need to export 2 versions and merge in photoshop etc?
I am having a huge issue with Photoshop CS5.5. The gradients and colors are acting crazy. When I bring in a image with a gradient it gets black spots all in the dark areas. Even when I use the default gradient selection this is what happens. When I bring in a picture that should have a white background it turns to black. Now apparently, when I save it out as a JPEG saves correctly without the black line or messed up gradients. So it seems to only be an issue when I am working in Photoshop, the gradients appear messed up. What is wrong with my display?
I have a drawing with multiple layouts which is of a road plan and profile in 2 view ports.
When I publish the multiple drawings to DWF the 2nd viewport with the profile in it is completely black, but when I plot to DWF a single layout, it works fine which I don't understand. Surely the publish command publishes to DWF with the same settings as when you do a single plot to DWF, no?.
I've got a little graphic that I'm working on at the moment. I am trying to trace it using the Image Trace feature in illustrator.
Everything's hunky dory apart from the fact that the original graphic has a lot of white features on it that I want to preserve. These white bits are not bordered so, in the main page of illustrator, they merge with the white background. When I go to use Image Trace, I can either select "Ignore white" which leaves out all of this white detailing, or I can deselect it which means that the trace then includes the white background and the whole image is set into an annoying box.
how I can remedy this? I know in Photoshop, there's that checked background that shows when your work surface is empty. Is there a way of getting this same thing in Illustrator?
For no apparent reason I am opening images where there would be a blue background, and getting blocks or streaks of black pixels. Using CS 5. How do I prevent or correct?
Whenever I drag an image off the web into Photoshop it seems like some colors gets pixels, large black areas inside the image. This only occurs in 8-bit mode, when I turn the image to 32-bit it show all colors correctly. But in 32-bit mode I cannot save to web. If I finish the image in 32-bit and then downgrade it to 8-bit, the black parts return.
What I see in 8-bit mode: What it should look like, and does in 32-bit mode:
If you need any technical specs apart from knowing that I use Photoshop CS5,
There's probably a simple explanation, but if I have a file open for a long time in Photoshop the blacks will start to appear oversaturated/blocked up. If I close and reopen file it looks normal again.
I am using OS X Lion, Photoshop 5, Apple 30" Cinema display. My monitor is calibrated with a i1 Display by X-Rite and resets according to amibent light.
I selected interesting areas of raster using color mask so I have about 300 areas masked. I'd like to change their color (from 100% black to 30% black). How can I fill them all together with new color (not painting them one by one)?
I'm trying to zoom a photo by right clicking but the zoom icon shows only in some areas of the picture (mostly on the left side). Everywhere else, right click takes me to the next photo?
I've got a problem editing an image with a dotted background in it. By 'dotted', I mean an array of small evenly spaced black dots on a white background.
I've tried the fuzzy select tool which kind of works. It fills in the white space with the color I want but leaves the dots untouched. I want to get rid of the dots.
The image has a lot of rectangles containing text (these are not dotted) on this dotted background so using the select tool would be a real chore.
I know how to use the scissor tool to cut out patches but since they're difficult to place i like to define areas like with the wand tool. Did i by chance miss a important function?
I've used GIMP to great effect for quite a while now but I know I'm taking the long way around on a lot of things because I'm not very savvy on CG stuff, so I thought I'd ask here. I actually was registered with Gimptalk but it appears to be gone? Anyway...
I am currently making my own 'original artwork' by using usually open source/public domain photos and such, and using transparent layers to "draw" lines over them, making my own lineart. My problem is that I can't seen to find a "turn antialising off" checkbox in GIMP.
Even if I did, I do some postprocessing in Inkscape to turn the lineart into something more smooth, and then it re-antialiases (is that even a word) the picture, and when I try to use the paintbucket to fill in the lineart to get simple color pictures, I get lots of white specks and dots from the antialiased edges of the smooth lines.
What do I need to do to a picture to make sure I can fill spaces with a color right up to the lines, AFTER it has been antialiased, in my example? I can't use duotone or index to 2bit color or whatever, because that bites chunks out of the black lines and also destroys the smoothness of the Inkscape processing, but even if I haven't used that, it still reduces the lines spottily.
I've tried turning the tolerance way up and filling the areas with white first, hoping the white and the near-white specks will be close enough to "bleed" together so I have one color, and then paint with the desired color, but it still has specks.
Also, how to do lineart to achieve the same results I'm trying to achieve. I'm hand-tracing over the lines by eye, which, though I'm good at it and it doesn't take long, is more time consuming than it probably should be, and tedious.