3ds Max Modeling :: Loft Command Reports Invalid Shape?
Jan 31, 2011
I am having multiple problems creating a loft. Firstly, it seems as if the "loft" command remembers and uses history of the objects to be lofted, which in my case meant that instead of lofting the scaled down (correct) version of a shape, it insisted on lofting the former, out-of-scale version. It would be great to know if there's a more conveniant workaround to this than redrawing the shapes (as I ended up doing).
Secondly - and this is where I'm stuck now - 3ds will not let me do a loft with the new, redrawn shapes. The loft accepts two of the shapes, but will not let me select the remaining three, claiming that "the shape has a different number of curves than others in the Loft". My question is thus: What should I do to be able to see and edit the number of curves in the shape, so that my Loft will be valid?
I am trying to loft 4 circles onto a straight path it seems as if they are turning somewhere in the middle, and the shape ends up looking like several 8:s stacked on top of each other instead of the cone-like shape I'm after.
I've tried aligning the first vertices with the "make first" command, but it didn't work. If I go to subobject level of the lofted object and choose Shape > Compare (as I read in some thread I should..), the pop-up window shows nothing (blank, with the pointer in the middle, doesn't matter how much I zoom).
I'm going to be creating a 3d visualization for an existing network of gold mining tunnels and ore veins. What I have are scans of 2d hand drawn pages showing mining tunnels and ore veins. There are a couple hundred of these, each representing a 100' thick slice which get progreessively deeper. My intent is to trace these in autocad and stack them up, create solids, import them into 3ds max. One issue is that the ore veins are in some cases continuous from level to level so I'm thinking of using polylines and the loft command to connect the veins between levels.
how to model this efficiently so the import into 3ds max goes smoothly. Or is there an easier way than the acad loft command to model the veins within 3DSMax?
I'm trying to create a "wipeoutish" track using splines. In fact, the track itself is generated by a tool and I want to use it in 3dsMax to create the environment.
So i'm importing the spline into 3dsMax, create a template spline and use "Loft" or "Sweep" to extrude the model along the track. But whereas everything works if my track is perfectly planar, I get some crazy stuffs if there's even the slightest change in the Z axis.
I've tried disabling Contour (then the track is horizontal but there are problems at each turns) and Banking but I can't seem to be able to get a perfectly horizontal track using this way.
Is there a way to force the normal of the generated Track to be vertical ? (get the green track over the spline used by the blue track ...)
I'm making a short oval race track. I'm lofting along an oval shaped path and can get the track width consistant all the way round - but my issue is that I want the bends to have more width than the straights.
i've seen examples of lofts having more than 1 shape along them (tubes turning into cubes at certain points etc), but I just lofted my path to a line as the track only needs to be a flat 2 dimensional surface.The scale deformations allows for some change of width, but doesn't seem to have much accuracy.
The black line is the path, grey area is the loft produced, blue area is an example of how I want the track area to be.I'm using 3dsmax v5.
I'm building a test track to use on a driving simulator.I'm trying to apply banking to the corners. The track's path is a loft with it's path defined as a line, and the loft shape is a rectangle to represent the cross section of the track. I'm trying to apply banking to the corner by using a different shape part way along the loft... however, the result is that the track twists the wrong way so that the top of the track becomes the side and vice versa.
I am having trouble trying to get the Loft-1 to run the same shape as Revolution-2 .Picture 1-1 shows how Loft-1 is slightly off centre to Revolution-2 at the top .could i model the Loft-1 and Revolution-2 using different tools in one command making it a smooth shape. Another problem i have is how do i make Revolution-2 at the end terminate into Revolution-1 smoothly.I tried using Loft but it kept getting fail message.Picture 1-2 shows where to terminate the end into the Revolution-1 body.
I am following the U-Tube exercise called "Emergency Light (Cabinet) volume 1". I am at time stamp 1 hour 26 minutes, exactly.
In the video they use a Loft command in order to cut a shape out of two sketches numbered 10 & 11. I have been copying exactly and am having difficulty at this stage of the model.
Is there any reason why I am managing to use the Loft command earlier perfectly but not at this point.
I am trying to loft a port shape for a project. I have been able to loft pretty much the same thing when part of a larger model but this time around it keeps giving me an error.
In the past i will loft the whole part then remove the inner portion to get the port.
There is a major bug with CorelCAD LOFT command - when used with 3D polyline objects, it fails and errors out with the following error:
Specify cross-sections in lofting order»1 found, 2 totalSpecify cross-sections in lofting order»Selected cross-section is not a valid type.
The workaround is to set the CCS to the plane of the 3D polyline object and then use 2D polylines to recreate it, move the 2D version, delete the 3D version, Align the 2D version with where the 3D version came from and then repeat the LOFT command.
Has been logged with Graebert under ticket: #12458
To repeat the error, see the test file. There are two radially aligned triangles in each set. The set on the left are 3D polyline. The set on the right are 2D polyline. Attempting to loft the set on the left will cause the error.
Both large and small triangles are respectively co-planar.
How can i interact with the source code of LOFT command.Especially, I'd like to inform me, about the method that Loft commad uses in order to draw a solid. I suppose that the two sketches I want to intersect, are close enough, thus the programm, can't generate the geometry...
When I make a loft, from a 12x12 square to an 8" circle (12" high for the sake of arguement), the corners of the square kind of loft up to the circle where it's corners would be...leaving a sharp break between the planes
Is there a way to make it look like the sheet metal lofted flange appears? So that the corners of the square drift to the quadrants of the circle, making a smooth transition?
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
Is it possible to loft a shape which includes a hole or a section missing?
I am trying to loft the following shape but it doesn't seem to work with the missing section in the middle. Currently the 2 sketches are the same but in the actual design they aren't. i wanted to test if it would work with the same sketches but it doesn't.
Im trying to create a shape like the attached image using sheet metal loft from one sketch to the second sketch. No problem doing that but i want to extend the neck on the small end 1 inch like the attached image.
Currently the product is produced using 4 panels brazed together. I want to create the product with 2 bent panels 90 degrees that are split apart from the loft.
Not sure if this even possible in the real world sheet metal house to develop the flat pattern.
I am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.
I am trying to insert blocks but in the command line it says invalid, if I copy & paste the block in it works fine but as soon as i try to use the insert command it will not work.
Probably useful to tell you that I have around 60 blocks each saved as a DWG file and all of them are saved in 1 folder so there is no other crap in there.
the thing that really baffles me though is the fact that after I have pasted the block in to the drawing, the insert command works for that block.
I have a bunch of points that I am trying to turn into a solid object. I am doing this by using the 3D poly command and then LOFT, UNION and CONVTOSOLID. this has previously worked well, but this time when I use the LOFT command it does not produce a 'closed' surface, but rather a grid like surface which wont convert to a solid. Are there different settings for the LOFT command, and if so, How do I change them to produce a closed surface?
The best that work out was giving it a path constrain to a sphere changing to a rectangle and making some snapshot which it does not give me the specific control I need.
See image to see what I am trying to model, image is from NADAA, and am trying to do something similar to this but I can't.
How to make an arch shaped door i have a box with a hole cut out i have create another two boxes for the left and right part of the door (joints) and attached them together then bridge them together. here is the problem i am working with a maya tutorial and on the bridge you can set the number of divisions but in max you cannot set the number of divisions.
Computer engineer, 3ds max freelancer 3ds max used currantly using max 9 (7, 8) poser using 8 (5,6,7) windows xp sp2 512 memory 40 and 80 gb hard drives sis mirage 3 VGA Card Asus motherboard
How to make this shape? I am using this lamp in a project for school. I have attempted to create this shape with many different methods. I tried a Gengon but that did not work and I tried piecing the lamp together with individual pieces but that looked cheap.
I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.
I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.
I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.
I have booleand two splines, that were beveld to give them depth, than booleen together to make the shape of a car. I am having trouble completing the modeling because of the mesh. Is there anyway to make the mesh better (as in like a grid)?
I'm trying to model a box like shape with ripples over it's surface. The box can have rounded corners and edges. The ripples need to flow over the 6 faces of the box. I want 2 or 3 sets of ripples, originating in different places, interacting with each other.
My modelling skills in Max are not great. I generally use Inventor for modelling and Max for lighting, materials, animation and rendering. I've followed loads of tutorials on ways of doing this, but haven't quite managed it yet.
My latest attempt has been to use the patchdeform tool. What I've done is
1) modelling a plane, with many segments 2) applied the ripple modifier to the plane 3) created a box with smoothed edges/corners 4) converted the box to a patch 5) tried to patchdeform the plane to the box - get 'illegal patch' error
The above work with a sphere rather than a box. I'm not convinced this is the best way to achieve what I want.
I am currently working on creating a bedroom just for fun. I wanted to know what is the best way, without using the boolean tool, to create a cylindrical hole in a box.The plan is so I can insert a screw into a piece of wood
I am stumbling through the lessons and am stuck on Lesson #1.For those who do not know, it is to model a helmet similar to a dirt bike helmet. I have created a smoothed poly, removed much of it to create the top portion of the helmet (or cap).
I have created a poly shape using the Mesh >> Create Poly command. I have extruded said poly 3 times to shape the front facial guard.
The next step tells me to use the bridge border edges command. My problem is only my "cap" is showing a border edge. The facial shield poly has no border and I cant figure out why?
I have tried Display >> Polygons >> Border Edges and it doesn't make a difference on the facial shield.how do i view the border edges on said poly?
using the sub-object SET VOLUME function to change the shape of the lattice (down to the positions of the individual points) does not affect where the object deforms. The only way to alter the lattice is to go sub-object LATTICE and move the whole lattice prior to deformation.