CorelCAD :: LOFT Command Fails With 3D Polyline Objects
Jan 10, 2013
There is a major bug with CorelCAD LOFT command - when used with 3D polyline objects, it fails and errors out with the following error:
Specify cross-sections in lofting order»1 found, 2 totalSpecify cross-sections in lofting order»Selected cross-section is not a valid type.
The workaround is to set the CCS to the plane of the 3D polyline object and then use 2D polylines to recreate it, move the 2D version, delete the 3D version, Align the 2D version with where the 3D version came from and then repeat the LOFT command.
Has been logged with Graebert under ticket: #12458
To repeat the error, see the test file. There are two radially aligned triangles in each set. The set on the left are 3D polyline. The set on the right are 2D polyline. Attempting to loft the set on the left will cause the error.
Both large and small triangles are respectively co-planar.
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Nov 16, 2011
the use of the LOFT command with circular sections along a polyline path?
Experiment 04 Loft and Path.dwg
Experiment 04 Loft and Path-Layout1.jpg
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Sep 26, 2013
FAIL-UNION-3D-Polyline based wedge.dwg...An unusual bug here, and a workaround of sorts. This one is fairly serious and results from attempting a union of a solid with another solid, when one of the solids is created entirely from 3D polylines and is not on a CCS planar axis.
I'll attach the same file twice - once with a bug ( 3D polyline solid ) and once without the bug ( Solid has been modified to include one "normal" polyline face.
In the middle, a wedge connects the two. Basically, I needed to increase the angle between them by 15 degrees, so slice, polyline around faces and LOFT. Pretty simple and straight forward. The result was that any attempt of a union with the wedge in the middle results in a failure due to inconsistent faces, and the deletion of the non-polyline solid.
This results in damage to the file, and the operation must be backed out or reloaded.If the middle solid includes ONE normal polyline face, with a repositioned CCS on the face, then no problem. This is a workaround, but only sometimes, however if fixes the problem for both the polyline face and the 3D polyline face.
I've encountered this problem a few times, but it was this project that made it possible to capture it cleanly and understand what was happening. It's a critical bug, but only affects parts made from 3D polylines and LOFT operation, so it's more likely to affect complicated designs.
To see problem, take 3D polyline file and use SOLID UNION on the three ( or middle and one side ) pieces and you'll get an error and part deletion. Try again with the "workaround" file, and you'll see that it works both sides now.
The file with this post is the "broken" one - the middle wedge is a single 3D solid created with LOFT and 3D Polylines.
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Nov 24, 2011
I'm currently facing this problem of lofting/elevating the drawing.
The drawing had all the 3D polyline and I need to join them. I have no problem joining a 2D polyline, but now i'm facing this problem.
see attached. Capture.jpg
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Mar 2, 2013
Sometimes, we just don't know there's a better way to do stuff, and others can point it out. Perhaps we'll come up with something useful that Corel can pass back to Graebert for inclusion within ARES. :)
I'd like to see a 3D font that could be placed on objects and extruded as a solid, so that text could be added or removed from objects as a 3D image. So that a minimum width could be assigned to the font, to allow text to be added as a raised or inlaid surface to 3D designs...
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Jan 31, 2011
I am trying to loft 4 circles onto a straight path it seems as if they are turning somewhere in the middle, and the shape ends up looking like several 8:s stacked on top of each other instead of the cone-like shape I'm after.
I've tried aligning the first vertices with the "make first" command, but it didn't work. If I go to subobject level of the lofted object and choose Shape > Compare (as I read in some thread I should..), the pop-up window shows nothing (blank, with the pointer in the middle, doesn't matter how much I zoom).
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Oct 8, 2012
I am following the U-Tube exercise called "Emergency Light (Cabinet) volume 1". I am at time stamp 1 hour 26 minutes, exactly.
In the video they use a Loft command in order to cut a shape out of two sketches numbered 10 & 11. I have been copying exactly and am having difficulty at this stage of the model.
Is there any reason why I am managing to use the Loft command earlier perfectly but not at this point.
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Mar 12, 2013
"Join" option in "Loft" command.
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Jan 31, 2011
I am having multiple problems creating a loft. Firstly, it seems as if the "loft" command remembers and uses history of the objects to be lofted, which in my case meant that instead of lofting the scaled down (correct) version of a shape, it insisted on lofting the former, out-of-scale version. It would be great to know if there's a more conveniant workaround to this than redrawing the shapes (as I ended up doing).
Secondly - and this is where I'm stuck now - 3ds will not let me do a loft with the new, redrawn shapes. The loft accepts two of the shapes, but will not let me select the remaining three, claiming that "the shape has a different number of curves than others in the Loft". My question is thus: What should I do to be able to see and edit the number of curves in the shape, so that my Loft will be valid?
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Jan 7, 2011
I'm going to be creating a 3d visualization for an existing network of gold mining tunnels and ore veins. What I have are scans of 2d hand drawn pages showing mining tunnels and ore veins. There are a couple hundred of these, each representing a 100' thick slice which get progreessively deeper. My intent is to trace these in autocad and stack them up, create solids, import them into 3ds max. One issue is that the ore veins are in some cases continuous from level to level so I'm thinking of using polylines and the loft command to connect the veins between levels.
how to model this efficiently so the import into 3ds max goes smoothly. Or is there an easier way than the acad loft command to model the veins within 3DSMax?
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Jul 6, 2012
How can i interact with the source code of LOFT command.Especially, I'd like to inform me, about the method that Loft commad uses in order to draw a solid. I suppose that the two sketches I want to intersect, are close enough, thus the programm, can't generate the geometry...
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Mar 16, 2013
I have a bunch of points that I am trying to turn into a solid object. I am doing this by using the 3D poly command and then LOFT, UNION and CONVTOSOLID. this has previously worked well, but this time when I use the LOFT command it does not produce a 'closed' surface, but rather a grid like surface which wont convert to a solid. Are there different settings for the LOFT command, and if so, How do I change them to produce a closed surface?
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May 15, 2013
I have infer constraints to off (just in case) and I have these hints on every rectangle (in example) i create.
I do click on "hide all" but on every new creation I have the hints again......
I dont understand this behavior.
if I want to hide all I want to hide all always....
Civil 3D (2013) how much you have to improve....
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Feb 25, 2012
I often need to remove larger objects like this AC grille sitting on a plain coloured wall:
The brightness of the wall varies over the affected area. There are subtle gradients in both horizontal and vertical direction, so a flat colour fill doesn't work. Content-aware fill produces an unusable patchwork of bits randomly picked up from the surroundings.
So most of the time I've ended up by filling the areas with a flat colour and then using the patch tool repeatedly on smaller overlapping areas to smoothen things.
I'd want an automated way to create a non-linear gradient to match the areas adjacent to the selection.
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Apr 27, 2011
We installed ACA 2012 a few weeks ago on computers running Windows Vista Business 64-bit. On one of our machines, the Detail Component Manager was working fine and now when we go to insert an object the insertion fails with a *cancel* appearing on the command line.
I have checked all of the file paths and folder permissions and everything is fine. Microsoft.Net Framework 4 Client & Extended is installed as along with Microsoft.Net Framework 3.5 SP1.
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Jun 14, 2012
I want to know how to change subcommand shortcut
When I do a Polyline, after i done an arc section, I would like to be able to press "F" instead of "L" to do a line section...
Is there an easy way to do that or do I have to reprogram a new Polyline command in lisp with the subcommand shortcut that I would like? (would prefer to avoid it as sometime I have to work on LT)
The reason behind all of this is that I remapped all my command to keys that are on the left side of the keyboard ... it work really well and I almost never have to lift my left hand except for the case with the polyline... the L key is miles away ..
Right now I remapped a button on my mouse to "L" but its not as natural as just using the keyboard.
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Feb 15, 2012
This is something I should know as a long time CAD user. I have line of points, ~200 on the screen and I want to draw a polyline through them without selecting each point. I know there was a command to select the first point and the last and ACAD would draw the line between. I am using AutoCAD 2010.
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Jul 29, 2013
Creating a ribbon for Partial Customization files in the CUI, and I am trying to setup some buttons for existing polylines for example underground electric and overhead electric. When writing the macro what are some ideas for creating a polyline with the proper linetype for that particular object rather than changing the layer in layer properties dialogue.
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Jun 14, 2012
I want to know how to change subcommand shortcut
When I do a Polyline, after i done an arc section, I would like to be able to press "F" instead of "L" to do a line section...
Is there an easy way to do that or do I have to reprogram a new Polyline command in lisp with the subcommand shortcut that I would like? (would prefer to avoid it as sometime I have to work on LT)
The reason behind all of this is that I remapped all my command to keys that are on the left side of the keyboard ... it work really well and I almost never have to lift my left hand except for the case with the polyline... the L key is miles away ...
Right now I remapped a button on my mouse to "L" but its not as natural as just using the keyboard...
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Jul 25, 2012
I've managed to create an array using custom blocks. This array is obviously comprised of "x" columns and "x" rows. What i'm trying to do is have the ability to essentially link all of the objects per column (and/or per row) with a polyline. So if i have 5 columns generated, I would like to have 5 polylines extend over those columns. Any example of how to do something like this. Essentially what i'm looking to do is create something of a grid using the objects in my array as place markers. And now for a bit of existing code:
//Use the upper-left corner of the objects extents for the array base point Extents3d acExts = bref.Bounds.GetValueOrDefault(); Point2d acPt2dArrayBase = new Point2d(acExts.MinPoint.X, acExts.MaxPoint.Y); //Track the objects created for each column
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May 23, 2011
Is there a way to select objects within a closed polyline? I thought there was but I can't remember how to do it.
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Jul 11, 2013
I am filtering for objects based on layer as shown below.The layer consists of lines and arcs.Is there anyway to convert all these entities into a polyline and get the object id of this single entity.
Dim acTypValArPath(0) AsTypedValue
Dim sf As SelectionFilter = New SelectionFilter(New TypedValue() {New TypedValue(8, "FirstBias")})
Dim ss As SelectionSet = acEditor.SelectAll(sf).Value
Dim idarray As ObjectId() = ss.GetObjectIds()
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Mar 14, 2012
I need a lisp that can remove all objects (lines, polylines, blocks etc.) outside of a polyline. polyline is closed and shape is variable, so not rectangle.
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Mar 30, 2011
Im practicing for my CAD certification test and im trying to select all objects inclosed in a poly line. Right now i have a bunch of random circles and a random figure drawn in the middle of a bunch of circles. How do i select ONLY the circles that are completely in the object?
P.S. I would add a picture but i don't know how to take a screenshot on windows xp.
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Jul 16, 2012
I need to have a table that updates when I change the length of a polyline, These lines are split up into segments for different types of materials. We usually add this up manually but would like to find a solution that is a little more automated.
I have mostly a background in GIS and have excellent knowledge of Autocad Map. I came up with a solution by creating a shapefile and making a multi-part feature for the segments. I added a table and connected to the .dbf file of the shapefile. I then calculate out the lengths of the line and update the attribution of the shapefile. Easy and took a few minutes to do.
I just want to know if there is a better way of doing this. I have did some searching and have found some information about alignment tables.
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Sep 2, 2013
I have drawings with a lot of polyline objects. I need a routine which will draw multilines by coordinates of vertexes of this polylines. For example, if there is a pline with coordinates 10,10 - 20,20 i want to draw in other layer MLINE with the same coordinates. I know it's should be simple but can not gues how to do it. I've never used LISP before.
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Oct 30, 2012
In general, we can select the objects first and then run a command. I have a problem with this, autocad wont let this in my PC. If i select objects and run a command, autocad wont take the selection and prompts to select objects. I work on PC in a company connected to server, but the problem is only on my PC.
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Apr 13, 2013
I think it's quite a lot of useless work to always select objects before or during a command, if you manipulate the same set of objects over a longer period of time. Say, as an architect I have a floor plan with a table and chairs. Now I want to copy, translate, rotate and scale the table with the chairs until they fit my floor plan. So I have to select the furniture, copy it, select it again, move it, select it again, rotate it, select it again and then scale it. Of course, there is the "previous" option, but is there a way of keeping a selection set active after the command so you just can go on to the next command without re-selecting the whole thing? My favoured workflow would be: Select the objects, copy them, move them, rotate them, then scale them. The objects should be active all the time and deactivated with ESC after the manipulation.
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Feb 23, 2013
Is there any way to use the copy command in such a way that the new objects are selected when I'm done copying? Perhaps a LISP of some kind?
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Jun 18, 2013
I can't remember the command that created a polygon, where you could item sections of lines so that they didn't visually conflict with other lines or text that you want to highlight. Then you could also make the box itself not show.
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Dec 5, 2011
I want to use BO command for vertically long and thin objects. When i zoom in and the object is not completely visible in the screen and i click inside the object , AutoCAD says , valid hatch boundary not found. Is there a way to join polylines of such objects using BO command. I have to eventually resort to Pedit command which is bit tedious to do.
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