3ds Max Modeling :: How To Create Construction Lines
Jul 26, 2012
I want to create a animation like this with a very Engineering Drawing theme to it: URL....I have also attached two images (stills) from the animation.
The question is, how do I create the "construction" lines (i.e. the blue marker lines) that go beyond the models? Is this something I should consider doing in post?
My current approach is to use planes with textures of the "construction" lines and linked to 3D models. The lines would also look like marker pen/pencil lines.
An alternative could be to use lots of lines and make then render-able but then they would look too perfect and not pencil graphite or marker lines.
In the "move" tool options, you can set the move manipulator to snap to a plane or to three points; is there an equivalent for rotations? Ultimately I'd like to select three points to establish a construction plane, then have an orthographic camera based on those three points. This way you can make a complex rotation based on some real coordinates. I think the old "Design Studio" used to have this function - you can take a polygon face, snap the plane right to it, and all your movements and rotations are exactly relative to that face.
How to create some construction lines on the Inventor drawing? I have been used construction lines on the AutoCAD drawing; it is very convenient tools to use in the daily basic.
I would like to export sketches, but leave off the construction lines as they all show up the same in my CAM program. Is there a way to not export the construction lines? Possibly using the "Post Process" options of the Export Options. I am using 2013.
i've got this snowboard rack that i need to layout/markup with some #8 machine screw holes (with countersink for tapered wood screw head) - two on the end of each stretcher to fasten them to the uprights - 8 in total. I also want to layout 8 more holes on the stretchers themselves. I've got some center holes marked in the sketches..but they're not visible when i activate the hole feature so i can properly place the holes?
why i can't extrude the 4 spacers i've got sketched on the back of the stretchers into a solid . . . . i can only cut?
Is there any way to hide construction lines in Part & Assembly sketches in the same way you can in a Drawing sketch?
I know you can change the line colour to the background colour but this makes the lines invisible in sketch as well.
Not being able to hide the construction is making some layouts pretty pointless since relevant detail is obscured by the construction lines. Grounding the geommetry and deleting the construcion lines isn't an option since the sketches are part of the design development and not fixed.
I'm wanting to have vertical and horizontal construction lines already created whenever I start a sketch so that I can set symmetric constraints to the part I'm drawing up. At the moment, I have to draw both lines every time and constrain them to the center point. It would be much easier if it was already there when I started so I can start on the sketch right away. Is there a way to do this? I've included a photo of what I'd like to do.
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
I would like to create a label that can be copied on a construction drawing that will label various materials. The last time I did this I drew a circle, put text inside, and attached a leader. Every time I wanted to label another instance of a material I had to copy all three things which was too repetitive. I think there is a way to create a dynamic block where all of these things are one block that can be selected and moved with one click but the leader is still adjustable.
I would like to create a construction geometry that would behave as the Polyline Bulge. In other worlds I would like to create a Construction Arc that would have a Bulge. Upon examination, I was not able to locate any of the Construction Geometry that has a bulge.
The purpose of this is to determine the Bulge location (direction) of the polyline I am creating.
I would like to stay away from creating a database geometry, if possible.
Currently there are a total of 3 viewports in an L formation. The fourth viewport, will go in the upper right. But first, I have to get these aligned.
I think the viewports themselves are fine enough. The problems arise because the model is in Model space so, construction line (as far as I can tell) didn't want to snap to a line, (on the model,) in Paper space.(vertical or horizontal) So, I can only see the construction line, in one viewport at a time. Which means, the construction line is not visible in the viewport immediately to the left. So, I can't extend the construction line across both viewports, to to snap them to the construction line.
I am looking for a way to create a master list of construction notes then use blocks attributes with fields to link to that master list. That way if the master list changed the note bubbles would change as well.
Sheet sets are being used with this project but I can't think of a way to make it work with the existing sheet set technology.
Problem with command from Home tab - Draw panel - Curves drop-down - Create Curves Between Two Lines OR Create Curve on Two Lines.
If you select the Degree option, it draws a zero length curve when you type in a valid number for degree of curve. I have tried entering it in decimal format and as ##d##'. NOTHING WORKS!
My boss came to me with a max question and its been a while since ive used max. he has a single diagonal line on the face of every solid in his model. I tried every fix i know and nothing worked.
then we found a site and the fix worked after reboot, for all of 5 minutes and the it went back. He is using XP based pc with MAX7.
For architectural designing purpose I mainly use Sketchup because of its way of drawing like on paper but in 3D. Its quick, easy and precise. Therefor I use 3DS more or less for 3D compositing and freeform things like landscape and rendering. Sketchup is kind of a plugin for 3DS for me. The connection works well if you're modeling precisely and follow some rules.
Once in a while it comes up that Id like to draw more or less precise shapes in 3DS too, eg. kitchen appliances or whatever. I was searching for this often on the web, but only to find out that you can draw somehow approximately and use the type-in tool after to move (parts of) objects- or use the snap option while drawing, eg. to grid.
Just simple as: move cursor towards a certain direction, maybe lock angles with ctrl or shift or lock in relation to the line just drawn before, type in the distance and maybe the angle (or radius in arcs, whatever)- and continue to the next point.
The best / easiest way to subdivide a panel of a ceiling into parallel lines (each panel having these lines going in different directions)? See attached sketch.
Was wondering if there is a way or a plugin for 3dsmax to use splines or nurb curves to create "Jura"-like line patters- the exact thick and thin line formation you would see on a dollar bill. To create curves, and contours, around text and shapes.
Win7 Pro 64bit I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling ASUS P9X79 32 GB DDR3 NVidia Quadro 5000 3TB WD
I need to form a line/lines with thickness on the surface of a sphere as seen on the attached image. I also want to apply transforms to the line while keeping it stay on the surface. How can I do that?
Why can i use lines from a 3d sketch to constraint a part to a skeleton base part?
I have attached a example where i try to constraint the tube.ipt using 3D geometry lines of the part Layout_3d_sketch.ipt in the assembly teste.iam, but i'm unable to select any lines from that file.
Why can't i use this 3D sketch lines in a skeleton base part?
When opening the uv editor when I select the model polys, I have green lines running around the object. I'm guessing these are mapping seams automatically generated? but I'm not sure. I'm trying to add my own so rather than delete the green ones, I'd like to add to them.
Is there anyway to create a gap in AEC extended wall in 3ds max. I know to create a gap while using doors and windows. But I wish to create a gap without any doors or windows. I do not want to use proboolean also, because I need the properties of Walls too.
Is there any modifier to create proboolean? Can we create a curved wall using AEC extended wall?
I was creating a gun on 3DS and everything was fine, I started with an horizontal Cylinder but since I wasn't happy with the final result I wanted to restart.
Now when I create that Cylinder again it's created vertically, not horizontally, probably I pressed something that I didn't want to, I want every object to be created in an horizontally way, how can I do that?
PS: I don't want to use any modifiers and/or mirrors, I just want every object to be created horizontally!
How to make this shape? I am using this lamp in a project for school. I have attempted to create this shape with many different methods. I tried a Gengon but that did not work and I tried piecing the lamp together with individual pieces but that looked cheap.
I'm trying to create a surface between 2 splines. See attached image. I normally do this in AutoCAD very easily but I I'm playing around with the Max modeling tools.
I have tried drawing a spline between them and using loft. But the loft surface does not go between the two splines.
I have tried drawing a spline between them, converted them to nurbs and tried a number of the nurb surface options such as 2 rail and ruled. But they both create a surface but the surface does not go the full length of the splines.
I used to use lightwave. With lightwave I could select vertices and then press the "P" key to create a polygon from the selected verts.Now, with max I have found the "create" feature. When using an editable poly, in poly select mode, I select the "create" button and this allows me to do 2 things:
1 - I can create a poly out of nothing by clicking empty space
2 - all verts from existing objects become visible and I select the verts I want to create a new poly.
These seem like really cool tools, if it wasn't for one small detail..With "#2" if I engage the create button, and select a vert - I can no longer rotate around the object and look at it from different angles (by pressing alt+center mouse) UNTIL AFTER I have created the new polygon.
This small detail is kind of annoying because with certain intricate models, I may need to move it around to get to the next vert in line. The only way for it to work, it to make sure I can clearly see ALL verts needed for the new poly with no other geometry or objects obscuring them before starting the create button.
Is it not possible to simply go into "vert selection mode" select a collection of verts (in doing so, be able to rotate around the object between making the selections) and then after I have made my selections simply click a button or key to create a new polygon from the selection?
I'm trying to use the Create Polygon tool. My problem is that when I click to create a polygon I don't see anything. I can keep clicking and clicking to create points, which it apparently IS creating, but I don't see anything until I switch through one of the View types (wire frame, shaded, etc.).
I know I'm supposed to see the verts the second I click but that's not what I'm getting, it's more like I need to just go through the motions of blindly creating my shape, change views, and then edit the resulting verts and edges later.