AutoCad :: Can't Extend Construction Line Across Both Viewports To Snap Them To Construction Line
Dec 24, 2011
Everything is on one layout/sheet.
Currently there are a total of 3 viewports in an L formation. The fourth viewport, will go in the upper right. But first, I have to get these aligned.
I think the viewports themselves are fine enough. The problems arise because the model is in Model space so, construction line (as far as I can tell) didn't want to snap to a line, (on the model,) in Paper space.(vertical or horizontal) So, I can only see the construction line, in one viewport at a time. Which means, the construction line is not visible in the viewport immediately to the left. So, I can't extend the construction line across both viewports, to to snap them to the construction line.
When trying to place a construction line through an intersection the line offsets depending on where the cursor is placed. When the on screen prompt ask to specify through point. It defaults to 0 and I enter in 45'. It comes back invalid. believe this is a snap setting somewhere but I cant seem to find it.
I have this problem with construction lines - maybe it's a misunderstanding of how they're supposed to work on my part. (And I know they're kind of old school and I should use some direct input probably for some things, but I like 'em )
If I click out in blank space, they seem to always act fine - that is, they'll rotate to any degree based on a next point or go ortho if that's turned on.
But, if I click first on a snap (any type, mid, end, etc), then move my mouse somewhere else to pick a second point, SOMETIMES the xline slides along along with my cursor, staying aligned to one of the two ortho directions. It does NOT stay fixed at the first point picked and additionally, will not go to any other angle (regardless of where the second point is). Sometimes it works okay when I start from a snap.
Ortho, Polar, etc all have no effect on this behavior.
I am trying to suppress features or Extrusions if the extrusions are outside of the Raduis of a contruction circle Called the OTL. I have added a model to look at. So lets say I have holes enougth for a 40" dia but I want only hole today for a 20" dia how do i suppress the holes on that radius. Sketch 10 is where the OTL contruction line is and its a radius so its always moving as I go from center out.
I am making use of some of the building models created using CAD. Since the models are added to virtual earth, I would like to get clarified for few of my doubts,
1) say, when the buildings of true representation on ground is made, whether any reference axis with respect to ground is considered to build the model? 2) How the scaling is made for the same model with respect to ground?
I lost a toolbar containing several very useful construction icons. The buttons created red horizontal, vertical, cross hairs and other useful options with the click of a button.
How better to represent this shape - its a dome, which the height is a parameter (elispe), and the fins coming off the top of the dome are supposed to be angled (thicker at the bottom then the top), and the height of the fins needs to increase as they move towards the center.
I created a dome with a repeating pattern of fins but having trouble getting the varying thickness of each fin along with the varying height - the whole part I'm wanting it to be a thin wall shell that can be cast in aluminum and then cleaned up with cnc -
How to create some construction lines on the Inventor drawing? I have been used construction lines on the AutoCAD drawing; it is very convenient tools to use in the daily basic.
Currently I save all my 2D DWGs as IGES files and then import the files into Inventor. That converts all the geometry to Construction Wires in an IPT, which means MUCH improved performance (you don't have to wait for Inventor to convert every single entity in the DWG to a Sketch entity). I then start a new Sketch and Project those lines that I need from the Construction Wires.
Is there a way to do this directly (convert to Construction Wires) with a DWG, without having to save as an IGES file first?
I would like to know if there is a way to produce a report, or an Excel or text file in order to list and sort all the construction files by the levels or divisions they are in (i.e. to retrieve information from the corresponding project navigator xml files).
I would like to create a label that can be copied on a construction drawing that will label various materials. The last time I did this I drew a circle, put text inside, and attached a leader. Every time I wanted to label another instance of a material I had to copy all three things which was too repetitive. I think there is a way to create a dynamic block where all of these things are one block that can be selected and moved with one click but the leader is still adjustable.
I have a massive problem with my autocad map 3d's linetype scale..Problem is caused from creating an primary viewport "construction plan", then creating a second viewport "detail plan" and zooming in on the detail plan viewport.
My line type in the detail plan turns into ------ LV ----- as apart from the normal size of -----LV-----.I've tried everything form psltscale, lt scale, msltscale (i think), audit, recover, basically everything i could.
NOTE: This problem is only on my pc, and none of the other pc's in the office do this. I use classic autocad and have customised my buttons etc.
Is there any way to give selection priority to real geometry instead of construction geometry? Every time I go to dimension or constrain IV wants to to pick the construction geometry first. I would like very much to change that.
Inventor Professional 2014 Windows 7, x64 Dual-core i7, 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M HP Elitebook 8540w
I need to bust a floor plan up into 4 quadrants. Just so I don’t do anything to the original, typically I will copy the plan from one starting coordinate to my “construction document”, or working construction lines. Once I’ve made the copy, I typically use the construction line as a “Quadrant Marker” for match-lines, etc., etc., etc… My problem is that I cannot remove the construction lines from the new copy that I’ve made. Not only that, if I move the copy, or delete the copy, the construction lines now seem to be a part of the “new drawing”. The “Grip” is also listed as a “Constraint”.
“This Does Not Happen With AutoCAD2008, or Earlier Versions” so What is Wrong, or so Different with AutoCAD2011, or Later?
I would like to export sketches, but leave off the construction lines as they all show up the same in my CAM program. Is there a way to not export the construction lines? Possibly using the "Post Process" options of the Export Options. I am using 2013.
i've got this snowboard rack that i need to layout/markup with some #8 machine screw holes (with countersink for tapered wood screw head) - two on the end of each stretcher to fasten them to the uprights - 8 in total. I also want to layout 8 more holes on the stretchers themselves. I've got some center holes marked in the sketches..but they're not visible when i activate the hole feature so i can properly place the holes?
why i can't extrude the 4 spacers i've got sketched on the back of the stretchers into a solid . . . . i can only cut?
Is there any way to hide construction lines in Part & Assembly sketches in the same way you can in a Drawing sketch?
I know you can change the line colour to the background colour but this makes the lines invisible in sketch as well.
Not being able to hide the construction is making some layouts pretty pointless since relevant detail is obscured by the construction lines. Grounding the geommetry and deleting the construcion lines isn't an option since the sketches are part of the design development and not fixed.
I'm wanting to have vertical and horizontal construction lines already created whenever I start a sketch so that I can set symmetric constraints to the part I'm drawing up. At the moment, I have to draw both lines every time and constrain them to the center point. It would be much easier if it was already there when I started so I can start on the sketch right away. Is there a way to do this? I've included a photo of what I'd like to do.
Inventor Professional 2013 Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz 12GB DDR3 RAM NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
I would like to create a construction geometry that would behave as the Polyline Bulge. In other worlds I would like to create a Construction Arc that would have a Bulge. Upon examination, I was not able to locate any of the Construction Geometry that has a bulge.
The purpose of this is to determine the Bulge location (direction) of the polyline I am creating.
I would like to stay away from creating a database geometry, if possible.
How to rig a construction crane? I will be animating the erection of it and then using it to lift forms and other objects into place for various construction projects. I want to be able to have a rig with the capabilities of this video... [URL] ...
I have conducted a level survey on site and once I have loaded it in to aurtocad I need to copy them on to a drawing so can tell where abouts the level are in relation to the site. When I have done this I copy with base point and paste with coordinates but it comes up tiny compared to the drawing.
How do I extend a line to a block or trim? seems like every time i trim or extend the line to a block the line won't recognized/notice the block. what can i do?
I applied a material (bitmap) which has the google map of my site to a plane to represent the construction site of a new building. But whenever I zoom in or pan, the image moves/rescales. How do I set this up so that the image is stationary?
I want to create a animation like this with a very Engineering Drawing theme to it: URL....I have also attached two images (stills) from the animation.
The question is, how do I create the "construction" lines (i.e. the blue marker lines) that go beyond the models? Is this something I should consider doing in post?
My current approach is to use planes with textures of the "construction" lines and linked to 3D models. The lines would also look like marker pen/pencil lines.
An alternative could be to use lots of lines and make then render-able but then they would look too perfect and not pencil graphite or marker lines.
I am trying to achive various exploded renders. I have done this in the past using the section box tool and moving the view up and down to reveal or hide parts.I am wanting to do a constructional exploded render as shown in the image attached.