Photoshop :: Construction Paper Effect
Nov 28, 2008how to achieve a construction paper-type effect?
how this sort of a texture was achieved?
how to achieve a construction paper-type effect?
how this sort of a texture was achieved?
I'm using version 7, I'm trying to create a curled paper effect then paste an image on the "paper". A couple of web sites suggested creating a rectangle then create a path or something like that and then using the pen tool and the "handles" manipulate the corners. I'm not sure if I have the terminology correct but the problem is that when I create the rectangle and go to add the path (the icon looks like a circle with handles on it) it's grayed out and can not be selected and manually creating a path with the pen tool doesn't work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've seen many architectural videos and theres an effect i would like to reproduce. I want to make an animation where the construction is build by steps. It appears by parts as the movie runs.
And example of what im talking about can be found here : [URL] ....
I am guessing maybe they are using some type of mask or something like that.
How can this be done, I like the paper effect style.. if you can do it and save in psd,
View 3 Replies View RelatedEverything is on one layout/sheet.
Currently there are a total of 3 viewports in an L formation. The fourth viewport, will go in the upper right. But first, I have to get these aligned.
I think the viewports themselves are fine enough. The problems arise because the model is in Model space so, construction line (as far as I can tell) didn't want to snap to a line, (on the model,) in Paper space.(vertical or horizontal) So, I can only see the construction line, in one viewport at a time. Which means, the construction line is not visible in the viewport immediately to the left. So, I can't extend the construction line across both viewports, to to snap them to the construction line.
how to create a cool looking recycled paper effect in photoshop?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to do this lifted paper corner effect.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi was trying to make an e-card for xmas and came out with the one attached, my problem was to find a torn paper image to make the brush to create the effect.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to get a natural looking, slightly crumpled/torn paper effect but have had little success.. THIS WEBSITE is exactly what i'm looking to recreate.. not only the background but also the top of the header and the "torn straight out a notebook" paper halfway down the screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to make something kinda like this, but I really have no idea how it was done. The whole image has a damaged look to it, and looks a little scratched up. Also I would like to know how to create the creases that appear to be in the paper.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a background paper like you see here:
I've tried every combination of bevel/emboss in the layer style with inner glow, outer glow, drop shadows added, but I can't get close to the example. Maybe the layer style of bevel/emboss is not the starting point.
I created the torn paper effect on a screen print using CS5.
How can I use this same modified image to create a mask that I can use on other screen prints?
Is these a way to replicate the graph paper too in CorelDraw - it makes it super-fast to divide a page up into X number of colums etc. I cant find this in Xara.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI think that line weight controls line thickness in plot.
If I want to see the result in paper pace, what shall I do?
I noticed that when "distance effect" is selected in viewing preferences, the paper color of .idw files changes. I think it's not good, is it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like to get the torn paper effect in PS2.
Let me explain what I am trying to do. I have a photo of a large sunflower which I have completed post production on, sized, color corrected, retouched, and, ready to print 12" x 18" on my Epson printer.
Now, I want to make a more artistic version by "tearing" a dupe into several sections of various sizes and manipulate the colors in each section.
I want to then layer each section over corresponding area of the original photo and flattening the image into one.
The tears do not need to be "jagged." However, some will be squares, rectangular and other shapes.
I am useing a Canon Pro 9000 MKII and when I try to print 11x14 paper, it will not alow custom paper size. The Canon printer driver does have custom size but it does not show up in printer settings.
View 1 Replies View RelatedQ I am trying to set the paper size for a H 30cm x W 80cm image using roll paper on an Epson R3000 printer. Computer Dell I7 64b and using Elements 9.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi was wondering if i take soem picture from the net and add dome custom stuff from other picture or use ps to make it different can someone sue me - i mean the owner of the original
and where to get free pictures for construction like workers building house, windows.
When I print 11 x 17 paper on Epson R2880 in LR the image begins printing before the leading edge of the paper reaches the printerhead (not prininting borderless.) Only happens in LR and not PS. I am using the LR paper standards for borders.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to rig a construction crane? I will be animating the erection of it and then using it to lift forms and other objects into place for various construction projects. I want to be able to have a rig with the capabilities of this video... [URL] ...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am making use of some of the building models created using CAD. Since the models are added to virtual earth, I would like to get clarified for few of my doubts,
1) say, when the buildings of true representation on ground is made, whether any reference axis with respect to ground is considered to build the model?
2) How the scaling is made for the same model with respect to ground?
I applied a material (bitmap) which has the google map of my site to a plane to represent the construction site of a new building. But whenever I zoom in or pan, the image moves/rescales. How do I set this up so that the image is stationary?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a animation like this with a very Engineering Drawing theme to it: URL....I have also attached two images (stills) from the animation.
The question is, how do I create the "construction" lines (i.e. the blue marker lines) that go beyond the models? Is this something I should consider doing in post?
My current approach is to use planes with textures of the "construction" lines and linked to 3D models. The lines would also look like marker pen/pencil lines.
An alternative could be to use lots of lines and make then render-able but then they would look too perfect and not pencil graphite or marker lines.
I am trying to achive various exploded renders. I have done this in the past using the section box tool and moving the view up and down to reveal or hide parts.I am wanting to do a constructional exploded render as shown in the image attached.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have this problem with construction lines - maybe it's a misunderstanding of how they're supposed to work on my part. (And I know they're kind of old school and I should use some direct input probably for some things, but I like 'em )
If I click out in blank space, they seem to always act fine - that is, they'll rotate to any degree based on a next point or go ortho if that's turned on.
But, if I click first on a snap (any type, mid, end, etc), then move my mouse somewhere else to pick a second point, SOMETIMES the xline slides along along with my cursor, staying aligned to one of the two ortho directions. It does NOT stay fixed at the first point picked and additionally, will not go to any other angle (regardless of where the second point is). Sometimes it works okay when I start from a snap.
Ortho, Polar, etc all have no effect on this behavior.
I lost a toolbar containing several very useful construction icons. The buttons created red horizontal, vertical, cross hairs and other useful options with the click of a button.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI like to use the construction guides in Illustrator, however I can't get them to work. I have it checked off in Preferences.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow better to represent this shape - its a dome, which the height is a parameter (elispe), and the fins coming off the top of the dome are supposed to be angled (thicker at the bottom then the top), and the height of the fins needs to increase as they move towards the center.
I created a dome with a repeating pattern of fins but having trouble getting the varying thickness of each fin along with the varying height - the whole part I'm wanting it to be a thin wall shell that can be cast in aluminum and then cleaned up with cnc -
How to create some construction lines on the Inventor drawing? I have been used construction lines on the AutoCAD drawing; it is very convenient tools to use in the daily basic.
View 7 Replies View RelatedCurrently I save all my 2D DWGs as IGES files and then import the files into Inventor. That converts all the geometry to Construction Wires in an IPT, which means MUCH improved performance (you don't have to wait for Inventor to convert every single entity in the DWG to a Sketch entity). I then start a new Sketch and Project those lines that I need from the Construction Wires.
Is there a way to do this directly (convert to Construction Wires) with a DWG, without having to save as an IGES file first?