AutoCAD Architecture :: Reports About Construction Files
Sep 5, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to produce a report, or an Excel or text file in order to list and sort all the construction files by the levels or divisions they are in (i.e. to retrieve information from the corresponding project navigator xml files).
Currently there are a total of 3 viewports in an L formation. The fourth viewport, will go in the upper right. But first, I have to get these aligned.
I think the viewports themselves are fine enough. The problems arise because the model is in Model space so, construction line (as far as I can tell) didn't want to snap to a line, (on the model,) in Paper space.(vertical or horizontal) So, I can only see the construction line, in one viewport at a time. Which means, the construction line is not visible in the viewport immediately to the left. So, I can't extend the construction line across both viewports, to to snap them to the construction line.
Is there any way of printing Autocad reports using a different web browser than IE? My computer has lost the use of IE so I've loaded Firefox. I can no longer access any of the reports. I use the reports mostly for point print outs but I have used some of the others as well. I'm using C3D 2009.
The main question I have is when should I delete lines in my surface, so if there is literature on how to manipulate surfaces created from survey data that would be perfect.
How to customize the reports that Civil 3d can generate to my firms needs. I have figured out how to change the appearance and precisions to the most of the numbers, but i still can not figure out a lot. Currently i am working on the output of the Parcel Map Check Report. If you look at the attachment i have an Image of what i have been asked to generate and an excel file of what i have been able to generate. I need to figure out how to remove the "," from the coordinates and how to rearrange/ change font of the way some things come out.
Using Report manager - Toolbox editor panorama I create a new parcel tool, in this case an xslt type, set up and can run it by right clicking the new tool while still in the panorama box. When I save it using the disk icon at the top of the page it does not show up in the Reports Manager toolbox. I refresh both boxes and still have a no show. Get out of the editor and still nada in the toolbox. I'm using C3D 2012 sp2 Win 7 64 bit. This report and setup acts correctly on a sister machine (32bit) C3D 2012 sp2 Win XP sp3.
I am trying to create some cross section reports. But I have noticed that none of the options available (Section Point Report, or any of the ones that use Sample Lines) will show any featureline information if it is not part of the region which is attached to the alignment chosen in the report.
For instance, I prefer to create my splitter islands as a seperate baseline (levels taken from a dummy surface) and add a simple kerb assembly to this. (So both are in the same corridor). My normal visual cross sections show the splitter island kerbs without issue. But the cross section reports do not.
I have a similar problem with some of the footways, which are created on a separate baseline. (I am working on car parks, where the footway surrounds the car park. So it is easier to create the footways seperately). The section reports do not pick up the footways, presumably because it belongs to a different baseline.......
I dont understand why a section report cant simply pick up any featureline it crosses??
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz 4.00 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
How to replicate this? Add a vertical link to an assembly and have it target a profile for the elevation. In the section editor, check out the parameters of the link and see if it reports the correct elevation. Here's a video of what I did, how to do it in your own drawing: [URL]
I was wondering how to combine common subassemblies so you don't have to seperately count them.
I realize the long way around this is avoiding subassemblies in general and linking a circuit drawing with a predefined additional MAN, CAT in the drawing of the subassemblie(s). This also allows me to annotate the subassembly Footprints. I havent seen an easy way of auto inserting subassemblies and linking common subitems to make a unique item number. The above is all I get when linking subassemblies through the databases (which also doesn't allow you to annotate/ insert the subassembly footprints). I must be missing a way to auto insert the subassembly Footprints . . . creating unique drawings with the subassembly Footprints is time consuming.
I have edited the "GeneralLegalPhrasings.xml" file used for the parcel report "General_Legal_Description_for_Parcels".
Two issues: 1. it will not label a reverse curve shows them all as "compound curves". 2. A curve to curve is always shown as "NonTangent".
I've attached the .xml file (I only edited the imperial parcels - the second large group of <Metes>).
Quite simply, these two "types" below have the words "reverse curve" and tangent or non-tangent accordingly in the output phrase, but it only creates non-tangent compound reports.
Curve to TangentReverseCurve
Curve to NonTangentReverseCurve
This is the report from the parcel in the attached dwg file (notice the "curve to the left" -> "curve to the right" labelled as compound, and all non-tangent curve to curve):
From the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence, North 90° 00' 00" West, 129.16 feet to a point for corner;
Thence, North 00° 00' 00" East, 100.00 feet to a point for corner, the beginning of a curve; tangent
Thence, 61.46 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 39.13 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 55.34 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 47.09 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the left, having a radius of 29.98 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 42.40 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 94.33 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 30.03 feet, a central angle of 180° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 90° 00' 00" East, 60.05 feet, to a point for corner;
Thence South 00° 00' 00" West, 169.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.483 acres of land.
It’s been drilled into me that we should keep Civil 3D Objects as separate as we can in the design process, thus minimizing data loss in case of corruption (or other some such disaster). So, our current workflow for our transportation projects is as follows:
Receive LandXML files of points, surface and existing CL alignment from surveyor.
Create a separate dwg for points which is then xref attached into our base model Create dwg for EG surface, create dref Create base model (existing conditions) Create Roadway dwg, import LandXML of existing CL Create design CL, dref Create design profile, dref Create Corridor dwg [code]...
We are now being asked to produce slope staking reports, which require a “live” corridor and a SLG. Our current workflow doesn’t have both of these in the same drawing and since you can’t dref a corridor or a SLG, I'm forced to duplicate the SLG in the corridor dwg. Obviously copy/paste the SLG isn't an option either. I tried that, then exploding them down to polylines and creating a new SLG from the polylines, select them all, yeah, random creation.
Is the intended workflow to have the design corridor, SLG and all the section views in one drawing?
We have 2011 installed have customized some of the .XSL reports in ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2011enuDataReportsxsl
After installing 2013, the %ReportDir% variable for 2011 is pointing to the 2013 install, where the reports have NOT been customized. So when you run a report in 2011, it is using the XSL files in the 2013 location.
So the long and the short of it is the 2013 install broke our 2011 custom reporting to control the %ReportDir% variable in 2011?
I need to run two reports one for Cut and Fill, and one for Materials (shapes). I would like two material lists for the same alignment and sample line group.
The process, setup the materials list for Pave, Base, and Subbase. Generate report, delete list and setup for Cut and Fills, run the report. You do this over and over. Autodesk please add a way to save and import these setups, and a way to create multiple lists for each alignment and sample line group.
Note: Why the Civil 3d default for the interlude into the actual Compute Materials dialogue is Pave, Subbase, Base is beyond me, could someone tell the programmers that Subbase is generally below Base. Each time I have to delete the CIvil 3D defaults and redo this step.
I am making use of some of the building models created using CAD. Since the models are added to virtual earth, I would like to get clarified for few of my doubts,
1) say, when the buildings of true representation on ground is made, whether any reference axis with respect to ground is considered to build the model? 2) How the scaling is made for the same model with respect to ground?
I have this problem with construction lines - maybe it's a misunderstanding of how they're supposed to work on my part. (And I know they're kind of old school and I should use some direct input probably for some things, but I like 'em )
If I click out in blank space, they seem to always act fine - that is, they'll rotate to any degree based on a next point or go ortho if that's turned on.
But, if I click first on a snap (any type, mid, end, etc), then move my mouse somewhere else to pick a second point, SOMETIMES the xline slides along along with my cursor, staying aligned to one of the two ortho directions. It does NOT stay fixed at the first point picked and additionally, will not go to any other angle (regardless of where the second point is). Sometimes it works okay when I start from a snap.
Ortho, Polar, etc all have no effect on this behavior.
I lost a toolbar containing several very useful construction icons. The buttons created red horizontal, vertical, cross hairs and other useful options with the click of a button.
How better to represent this shape - its a dome, which the height is a parameter (elispe), and the fins coming off the top of the dome are supposed to be angled (thicker at the bottom then the top), and the height of the fins needs to increase as they move towards the center.
I created a dome with a repeating pattern of fins but having trouble getting the varying thickness of each fin along with the varying height - the whole part I'm wanting it to be a thin wall shell that can be cast in aluminum and then cleaned up with cnc -
How to create some construction lines on the Inventor drawing? I have been used construction lines on the AutoCAD drawing; it is very convenient tools to use in the daily basic.
Currently I save all my 2D DWGs as IGES files and then import the files into Inventor. That converts all the geometry to Construction Wires in an IPT, which means MUCH improved performance (you don't have to wait for Inventor to convert every single entity in the DWG to a Sketch entity). I then start a new Sketch and Project those lines that I need from the Construction Wires.
Is there a way to do this directly (convert to Construction Wires) with a DWG, without having to save as an IGES file first?
When trying to place a construction line through an intersection the line offsets depending on where the cursor is placed. When the on screen prompt ask to specify through point. It defaults to 0 and I enter in 45'. It comes back invalid. believe this is a snap setting somewhere but I cant seem to find it.
I would like to create a label that can be copied on a construction drawing that will label various materials. The last time I did this I drew a circle, put text inside, and attached a leader. Every time I wanted to label another instance of a material I had to copy all three things which was too repetitive. I think there is a way to create a dynamic block where all of these things are one block that can be selected and moved with one click but the leader is still adjustable.
I have a massive problem with my autocad map 3d's linetype scale..Problem is caused from creating an primary viewport "construction plan", then creating a second viewport "detail plan" and zooming in on the detail plan viewport.
My line type in the detail plan turns into ------ LV ----- as apart from the normal size of -----LV-----.I've tried everything form psltscale, lt scale, msltscale (i think), audit, recover, basically everything i could.
NOTE: This problem is only on my pc, and none of the other pc's in the office do this. I use classic autocad and have customised my buttons etc.
Is there any way to give selection priority to real geometry instead of construction geometry? Every time I go to dimension or constrain IV wants to to pick the construction geometry first. I would like very much to change that.
Inventor Professional 2014 Windows 7, x64 Dual-core i7, 8GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M HP Elitebook 8540w