AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reports Manager - New Tools Not Saving?
Sep 5, 2012
Using Report manager - Toolbox editor panorama I create a new parcel tool, in this case an xslt type, set up and can run it by right clicking the new tool while still in the panorama box. When I save it using the disk icon at the top of the page it does not show up in the Reports Manager toolbox. I refresh both boxes and still have a no show. Get out of the editor and still nada in the toolbox. I'm using C3D 2012 sp2 Win 7 64 bit. This report and setup acts correctly on a sister machine (32bit) C3D 2012 sp2 Win XP sp3.
How to customize the reports that Civil 3d can generate to my firms needs. I have figured out how to change the appearance and precisions to the most of the numbers, but i still can not figure out a lot. Currently i am working on the output of the Parcel Map Check Report. If you look at the attachment i have an Image of what i have been asked to generate and an excel file of what i have been able to generate. I need to figure out how to remove the "," from the coordinates and how to rearrange/ change font of the way some things come out.
Using AutoCAD Map 3D 2010, I'd like to create a new legend for my map ("Tools > Create Legend").I'm trying to follow the steps shown on this video: URL....but there's no "Tools" option in my "Display Manager" tab.
Is there any way of printing Autocad reports using a different web browser than IE? My computer has lost the use of IE so I've loaded Firefox. I can no longer access any of the reports. I use the reports mostly for point print outs but I have used some of the others as well. I'm using C3D 2009.
The main question I have is when should I delete lines in my surface, so if there is literature on how to manipulate surfaces created from survey data that would be perfect.
I am trying to create some cross section reports. But I have noticed that none of the options available (Section Point Report, or any of the ones that use Sample Lines) will show any featureline information if it is not part of the region which is attached to the alignment chosen in the report.
For instance, I prefer to create my splitter islands as a seperate baseline (levels taken from a dummy surface) and add a simple kerb assembly to this. (So both are in the same corridor). My normal visual cross sections show the splitter island kerbs without issue. But the cross section reports do not.
I have a similar problem with some of the footways, which are created on a separate baseline. (I am working on car parks, where the footway surrounds the car park. So it is easier to create the footways seperately). The section reports do not pick up the footways, presumably because it belongs to a different baseline.......
I dont understand why a section report cant simply pick up any featureline it crosses??
Intel Xeon E31230 - 3.20 GHz 4.00 GB RAM Windows 7 Professional - 64-bit Nvidia Quadro 600 - 1GB DDR3
How to replicate this? Add a vertical link to an assembly and have it target a profile for the elevation. In the section editor, check out the parameters of the link and see if it reports the correct elevation. Here's a video of what I did, how to do it in your own drawing: [URL]
I have edited the "GeneralLegalPhrasings.xml" file used for the parcel report "General_Legal_Description_for_Parcels".
Two issues: 1. it will not label a reverse curve shows them all as "compound curves". 2. A curve to curve is always shown as "NonTangent".
I've attached the .xml file (I only edited the imperial parcels - the second large group of <Metes>).
Quite simply, these two "types" below have the words "reverse curve" and tangent or non-tangent accordingly in the output phrase, but it only creates non-tangent compound reports.
Curve to TangentReverseCurve
Curve to NonTangentReverseCurve
This is the report from the parcel in the attached dwg file (notice the "curve to the left" -> "curve to the right" labelled as compound, and all non-tangent curve to curve):
From the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence, North 90° 00' 00" West, 129.16 feet to a point for corner;
Thence, North 00° 00' 00" East, 100.00 feet to a point for corner, the beginning of a curve; tangent
Thence, 61.46 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 39.13 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 55.34 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 47.09 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the left, having a radius of 29.98 feet, a central angle of 90° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 45° 00' 00" East, 42.40 feet, to a point for corner, the beginning of a compound curve; non-tangent
Thence, 94.33 feet along the arc of a ____ curve to the right, having a radius of 30.03 feet, a central angle of 180° 00' 00", and a chord which bears North 90° 00' 00" East, 60.05 feet, to a point for corner;
Thence South 00° 00' 00" West, 169.11 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.483 acres of land.
It’s been drilled into me that we should keep Civil 3D Objects as separate as we can in the design process, thus minimizing data loss in case of corruption (or other some such disaster). So, our current workflow for our transportation projects is as follows:
Receive LandXML files of points, surface and existing CL alignment from surveyor.
Create a separate dwg for points which is then xref attached into our base model Create dwg for EG surface, create dref Create base model (existing conditions) Create Roadway dwg, import LandXML of existing CL Create design CL, dref Create design profile, dref Create Corridor dwg [code]...
We are now being asked to produce slope staking reports, which require a “live” corridor and a SLG. Our current workflow doesn’t have both of these in the same drawing and since you can’t dref a corridor or a SLG, I'm forced to duplicate the SLG in the corridor dwg. Obviously copy/paste the SLG isn't an option either. I tried that, then exploding them down to polylines and creating a new SLG from the polylines, select them all, yeah, random creation.
Is the intended workflow to have the design corridor, SLG and all the section views in one drawing?
We have 2011 installed have customized some of the .XSL reports in ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2011enuDataReportsxsl
After installing 2013, the %ReportDir% variable for 2011 is pointing to the 2013 install, where the reports have NOT been customized. So when you run a report in 2011, it is using the XSL files in the 2013 location.
So the long and the short of it is the 2013 install broke our 2011 custom reporting to control the %ReportDir% variable in 2011?
I need to run two reports one for Cut and Fill, and one for Materials (shapes). I would like two material lists for the same alignment and sample line group.
The process, setup the materials list for Pave, Base, and Subbase. Generate report, delete list and setup for Cut and Fills, run the report. You do this over and over. Autodesk please add a way to save and import these setups, and a way to create multiple lists for each alignment and sample line group.
Note: Why the Civil 3d default for the interlude into the actual Compute Materials dialogue is Pave, Subbase, Base is beyond me, could someone tell the programmers that Subbase is generally below Base. Each time I have to delete the CIvil 3D defaults and redo this step.
We have a procedure of detaching Xref's from any drawing on our project to minimize Navisworks load time.
Is there a way to save a list of xref’s that are in your drawing so the next time I go back to that drawing I can just pick on the saved list and it will pull up all those xref’s??
We load a composite of over 2000 models. The drawings that contain xref's in them increase load time so we have to detach all xref's from the drawings before we save to minimize this load time.
How to get the classic layour manger to use the ACA layer manager tools?
In 2008 before the floating layer manager the manager looked as the Classic version does now in AutoCAD ACA 2012 with the tool of "new layer from standard". This tool now only seems to be in the floating layer manager and when I switch to Classic manager the "new layer from standard" is removed from the dialog box.
I want to use the classic dialog but have access to the "new layer from standard" tool
my CS6 keeps crashing constantly. Sometimes it's after I click a tooltip, sometimes it's when I save, sometimes it's when I use a keyboard shortcut. I get the same crash report every time:
I have 64 bit machine, Windows 7, kipp plotter, and two sharp printers.
When I send a sheet set manager plot to any of my output devices I get an autocad error. That boots me out of Autocad. I have used this in the past with 32 bit machine, Windows XP , kip plotter and two sharp printers and have had no issues. It worked great.
Today, my question is about sheet set manager for civil 3D drawings.When I doing create sheet set, in the 3rd step "Choose Layouts", I browse the folder which is stored my all of drawings into the sheet set manager dialogue window. But only part of drawings inserted. All of Civil 3D drawing (included plans and profiles) did not into it
Basically, I want to get the sheet set to automatically label in my title block the TOTAL sheets of the sheetset. I have a field within each drawing for the current page number of the sheetset, that is an easy one, what is hard is how do I code the second field to display the LAST page of the sheetsets page number?
My text looks like this: Page 4 / 10. Say I have 10 sheets, all in the sheetset and numbered. What I have done in the past is set the first page number to Current Sheet Page Number, but in each sheet set the second part to the last page number, in this case sheet 10. The problem comes later if I add in a sheet or two, to push the total sheets to say 12, I would then have to go through each sheet individually to change that last page component to sheet 12 instead of 10.
Is there an easy way (and Im sure there is) to just set that last field to automatically reference the page number of the final sheet in the sheetset, no matter if it changes or not? How do you do it?
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor 32.0 GB RAM Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2
I am struggling to get SSM to work in C3D. I have never really used it in normal AutoCAD, so totally new to it. I have setup a plan an profile *.dwt template with our companies title block in it, and populated the attributs with sheet set fields. But when I go through the Plan & Production process, it populates the SSM with mny sheets, but I dont think it has used my fields, as when I right click the sheets and go to properties, I cannot see the custom fields I put in the title block. What is the process of getting these fields into my SSM?
Every time I try to select the text of an item in the open recent list the recent list will disappear before I can select it. I've discovered that I must carefully move my mouse pointer down the left column that precedes the entries in order to select any of them. Autodesk, could you fix this so that anywhere on each item is selectable and the recent list stays open until the mouse moves off of it?
It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1 Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I'm trying to create a new titleblock for a company I just started with that wants to make the move to AutoCAD. I have a couple of years drafting exp but I'm still learning the finer points of setting up a virgin system. So, I've drafted a titleblock which I'm trying to add attributes to, and I think I'm very close to having it all sorted out but I'm stuck at the moment. See below:
A breakdown of what I've done: Created title block and added attributes for all values we'll be taking from sheet sets (i.e. client name, revision numbers, revision dates}. This titleblock is saved as its own drawing and the attributes are in that drawing. The attributes have tags only- no default data or prompts Created a "Dummy" sheet set with all custom properties needed for future sheet sets/projects (i.e. client name, revision numbers, revision dates. Created a New Drawing using the sheet set manager, with our company's current drawing template.Purged all old title blocks from the new drawing Inserted the new title block (Bullet point 1) with attributes into layout 1.When prompted, I inserted the field for each corresponding attribute.
At first everything looked fine. Sheet number was correct, sheet title was correct, even a couple of the custom properties were alright and displaying properly in the layout. BUT THEN I noticed that a few attributes weren't showing up at all in the layout. When I would edit the title block itself, all of the attributes would be there but when I would try to insert a field into their 'default' parameters, the 'custom sheet set' properties wouldn't exist (like this sheet was not associated with this sheet set). But some of the attributes in the block WOULD be able to reference the custom sheet set properties, so that's not the issue.
My issues are inconsistent. Some attributes work, some don't, some update according to sheet set properties in the layout, others change in the block editor.
Is all of this weirdness being caused by the fact that my attributes are within a block? And does that mean that I have to define attributes in the Drawing template instead?
I have a file where the layer manager does not seam to be contorling the bylayer color settings. When I change the color in the layer manager everything seams to work fine. But when I try to creat objects on this layer they we not use the color that I set. They use the original color that the layer was set to. In the ribbon the color default is set to by layer. One interesting thing is that when I pull down the layer menu in the ribbon it will show the old color.
In fact the work around is to change the layer color from this menu and not the layer manager. This is the only drawing I have that exhibits this behavior. Any system variable that would cause this or is this just a coruption of this file. (I ran audit, closed autcad and restarted, verified that all objects are set to manage colors bylayer, default ribbon palets are set to bylayer).
One of my CAD techs is having an issue with the Layer Properties Manager Palette. When she opened AutoCAD, the palette was gone. When she tried to bring it up with "LAYERPALETTE", she gets the "unknown command" message. When she tried to bring it up using "LA" or "LAYER" or the button on the ribbon, she gets a bunch of options in the command line.
How can we get the Layer Properties Manager Palette back?
Having issues with Reference Manager - I can't add anything to it as it just goes into "Not Responding" mode and crashes? Is there a recovery/repair option for it?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I am looking for a step by step Sheet Set Manager tutorial that includes a dataset since there are many interdependencies that must exist to use certain features. Ideally it would be nice to have videos as well (YouTube is great but there are no datasets and it is too haphazard).