AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Sheet Set Manager - Open Recent
Jan 7, 2013
Every time I try to select the text of an item in the open recent list the recent list will disappear before I can select it. I've discovered that I must carefully move my mouse pointer down the left column that precedes the entries in order to select any of them. Autodesk, could you fix this so that anywhere on each item is selectable and the recent list stays open until the mouse moves off of it?
It is said that a fool's voice is known by multitude of words... I'm just writing this stuff instead of saying it outloud... that's my loophole.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1
Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM
nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1
I have been using the sheet set manager with very few problems for years until - you guessed it - I was upgraded to Windows 7 OS v6.1 and Civil3D 2012 IDS.
Up until then, I was able to open layouts in different drawing files through the sheet set manager while in an open file. Now, I get an error message (see attached) and have to close the file I'm in to open the other.
I can open files through the regular file open command and have more than one open at the same time, but it takes away the convenience of using the sheet set manager to avoid having to browse to the desired sheet layouts when copyclipping sheet layout drawing elements from one file to another.
I have studied every sheet set system variable to see if that was the problem, but could not find an answer. I have the same problem in Civil3D 2010. It happens to new and existing sheet sets in both versions and sheet sets made before the Windows update.
How do I get my Sheet Set Manager to open up each time I open a CAD drawing? I turned it off and can't remember how to turn it back on. I use command SSautoopen, set to 1 but doesn't alway work. Sometimes if I close AutoCad and reopen it I can got to drop down menu and click on .dst extension and it will open but if I close out of it it won't open again unless I restart AutoCAD. I thought I used a command from the Express Tool menu but can't find it.
How people deal with multiple revisions of one sheet with sheet set manager, basically I want the cover sheet of drawings to have a list of drawings including the revision letter and revision date and on each individual sheet keep track of historical revisions
There is the current sheet revision and date fields.Does everyone usually just update these and manually keep track of historical revisions else where in there title block?
I was creating a new sheet set in the sheet set manager as I have created new drawings to be added to the old one. When I do this and browse to the directory of drawings, once I hit next it only wants to create a sheet with a few drawings in the directory. There are 22 drawings in the directory and is leaving out about 18 when it creates the sheet set.
Any way to stop the recently opened Sheets Sets from showing up? To me, it's highly irritating and they always crowd out my .dwg's. All you have to do is open any sheet file and the Sheet Set Manager opens automatically.
In ACA 2012 there was a nice feature that did the following:
When you finished creating a new Sheet Set in the SSM, it would then immediately open the new Sheet Set in the SSM. (a few seats of ACA 2012 were in use in the office) In ACA2011, it didn't do this. You had to browse for the newly created .dst file to open it. (I was using ACA 2011 at the same time as those others were using ACA 2012).
Now we've all upgraded to ACA 2013 in the office. However, that nice little feature appears to be gone again. Any way to turn that back on in ACA 2013?
How to open multiple sheets using sheet set manager? In our office we have some machines that do and some that don't. Is there a variable to change? I know its possible I just don't know how to do it.
I have 64 bit machine, Windows 7, kipp plotter, and two sharp printers.
When I send a sheet set manager plot to any of my output devices I get an autocad error. That boots me out of Autocad. I have used this in the past with 32 bit machine, Windows XP , kip plotter and two sharp printers and have had no issues. It worked great.
Today, my question is about sheet set manager for civil 3D drawings.When I doing create sheet set, in the 3rd step "Choose Layouts", I browse the folder which is stored my all of drawings into the sheet set manager dialogue window. But only part of drawings inserted. All of Civil 3D drawing (included plans and profiles) did not into it
Basically, I want to get the sheet set to automatically label in my title block the TOTAL sheets of the sheetset. I have a field within each drawing for the current page number of the sheetset, that is an easy one, what is hard is how do I code the second field to display the LAST page of the sheetsets page number?
My text looks like this: Page 4 / 10. Say I have 10 sheets, all in the sheetset and numbered. What I have done in the past is set the first page number to Current Sheet Page Number, but in each sheet set the second part to the last page number, in this case sheet 10. The problem comes later if I add in a sheet or two, to push the total sheets to say 12, I would then have to go through each sheet individually to change that last page component to sheet 12 instead of 10.
Is there an easy way (and Im sure there is) to just set that last field to automatically reference the page number of the final sheet in the sheetset, no matter if it changes or not? How do you do it?
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro K3000M Dual Monitor 32.0 GB RAM Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.70 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2
I am struggling to get SSM to work in C3D. I have never really used it in normal AutoCAD, so totally new to it. I have setup a plan an profile *.dwt template with our companies title block in it, and populated the attributs with sheet set fields. But when I go through the Plan & Production process, it populates the SSM with mny sheets, but I dont think it has used my fields, as when I right click the sheets and go to properties, I cannot see the custom fields I put in the title block. What is the process of getting these fields into my SSM?
I'm trying to create a new titleblock for a company I just started with that wants to make the move to AutoCAD. I have a couple of years drafting exp but I'm still learning the finer points of setting up a virgin system. So, I've drafted a titleblock which I'm trying to add attributes to, and I think I'm very close to having it all sorted out but I'm stuck at the moment. See below:
A breakdown of what I've done: Created title block and added attributes for all values we'll be taking from sheet sets (i.e. client name, revision numbers, revision dates}. This titleblock is saved as its own drawing and the attributes are in that drawing. The attributes have tags only- no default data or prompts Created a "Dummy" sheet set with all custom properties needed for future sheet sets/projects (i.e. client name, revision numbers, revision dates. Created a New Drawing using the sheet set manager, with our company's current drawing template.Purged all old title blocks from the new drawing Inserted the new title block (Bullet point 1) with attributes into layout 1.When prompted, I inserted the field for each corresponding attribute.
At first everything looked fine. Sheet number was correct, sheet title was correct, even a couple of the custom properties were alright and displaying properly in the layout. BUT THEN I noticed that a few attributes weren't showing up at all in the layout. When I would edit the title block itself, all of the attributes would be there but when I would try to insert a field into their 'default' parameters, the 'custom sheet set' properties wouldn't exist (like this sheet was not associated with this sheet set). But some of the attributes in the block WOULD be able to reference the custom sheet set properties, so that's not the issue.
My issues are inconsistent. Some attributes work, some don't, some update according to sheet set properties in the layout, others change in the block editor.
Is all of this weirdness being caused by the fact that my attributes are within a block? And does that mean that I have to define attributes in the Drawing template instead?
I am looking for a step by step Sheet Set Manager tutorial that includes a dataset since there are many interdependencies that must exist to use certain features. Ideally it would be nice to have videos as well (YouTube is great but there are no datasets and it is too haphazard).
Recently (In the past 6 months) I have noticed that Sheet Set Manager is very slow when trying to do anything. It takes at least 45 seconds for a box to appear when right clicking on SSM to publish or change properties. Every user in our office has the same problem. I am not sure if this is a network problem or if it is a problem with C3D ?
I want to set up a sheet set manager template which uses a specific client titleblock, which due to the work I do is quite frequent.
I would like to insert as many fields into the title block that refer to custom properties in the Sheet Set. In particual some common fields point to the actaul Sheet Set custom properties (eg Client Name), and some point to the actual sheets custom properites (eg Title). I have set up a sheet set with a range of custom properties attached to both the Sheet Set and the Sheet.
However, I cant figure out how to set up the titleblock template to read in this information for each new sheet I create.
I open my template file, insert fields as required and try to point the fields to the sheet sets file. However I cant point to the custom properties for a sheet unless there is a sheet open. When I do this, all new sheets are created with the fields using the original sheet values - I wanted to update these based on custom properties I set for each sheet.
is there a way to renumber sheets in the sheet set manager? i've got over 100 sheets and i need to insert some new sheets in the middle. there wasn't a way in 2009 but i was hoping for something in 2012. it seems like something that would be included by now.
Dell Studio XPS 9100 Intel Core i7 CPU 930 @ 2.8GHz 12GB Ram 64 bit C3D 2012 SP3.0
I'm trying to incorporate in my new workplace the Sheet Set in our plan production.
But one of the powerfull thing of the SSM is to publish multiple (or single) sheets at a time.
Well, i tryed it since a few months in and out publishing via the style sheet on the sheet set template i'm building and it doesn't print.
The publishing icon in the status bar of civil 3d 2012 keeps on going for ever !!! (Even when i cancel the job, it doesn't stop the icone, like it's jamed)
Btw, even if i pass by a drawing that isnt in the SSM and choose several layouts to publish it does the same thing too.
I use to do this on a 2008 version of Autocad.
Using : Autodesk Civil 3D 2012 OS : Windows 7 - 64 bit pro
I have made all my sheets through the Plan Production wizards. When I go to sheet set manager, and select publish to pdf, i get an error saying the following:
ERROR: Layout not found..By using one tab per drawing, seems to publish ok. But we want multiple tabs per drawing, so not really any use to us.
I'm not up to speed in configuring title blocks with sheet set manager and I've come into this situation unexpectedly.
I had to come up with a set of P&P sheets in a hurry to assist a contractor in providing a rough estimate for a sewer run, so I generated the sheets using the preconfigured imperial sheet set template. Afterwards I've switched out the border and title block generated by the template with our standard blocks. Our block attributes are old school and do not use fields. Now I am trying to upgrade those old attributes by replacing them with fields that reference the Sheet Set attributes.
Here is the problem: when inserting the field for the sheet number I can either use the CurrentSheetNumber or the SheetSetPlaceholder attribute. If I use CurrentSheetNumber, the title block shows the correct sheet number for the current sheet (the sheet I am making the edits from). However all the other sheets show that same number. In other words the fields do not show the corresponding sheet numbers from SSM. If I use SheetSetPlaceholder none of the title blocks will update to show the sheet number.
I believe I should be using the placeholder field but I can't get it to synchronize it with the SSM. Is there a way to make this work?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1 WIN 7 64 PRO HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB RADEON 6450, 1 GB [URL]
I have a set of Design Drawings on my desk that I need to produce a set of Record Drawings. The Design Drawings are a combination of three original contracts so the file paths for these drawings are scattered thru three project folders. Is there an easy way to create a new Sheet Manager for my Record Drawings. If I open the original Design Drawings and use "Save As" then the drawings being saved to the new Record Drawing Sheet Manager are all tied to the original Design Sheet Manager.
To copy the drawings to the Record folder I will have to open them and relink all xrefs besides having to determine the file path of each drawing to be sure I am copying the correct files to the Record Drawing Folder. Is the easiest solution to use "Save As" and insert a new border with the corrected "Fields' so they are now connected to the Record Drawing Sheet Manager?
I am in the process of creating the cross section sheets and including them to an existing sheet set manager. When I try to create them I get an error saying "Sheet Set not created" which is odd because I selected add to existing ssm. If I save and exit out of the drawing and then get back into it, the sheets are created correctly in my layout tabs, but aren't added to my ssm.
I'm trying to set up a title block template that will be used between several different sheet sets. I have entered the custom properties, then when I go to the title block and try to insert the fields with current sheet set custom the drop down box is empty and then when I try to type in the custom property name the link still does not function. Is there some trick that I'm missing, or is this function broken on AutoCad 2013?
I'm fairly new to Autocad and getting used to using sheet set manager. What I'm experiencing is, when you insert a model view it brings in an xref of that model, but i'm then unsure how to add additional xref models into the same view.
For example I have a separate ground floor plan file and OS data file which I want to show in the one sheet view without nesting the OS data to the original ground floor file.
I am trying to create a sheet set with sheet set properties for title blocks but every time I close sheet set manage I lose the properties I typed in .
I am using the Sheet Set options to creat my Sheet Index. It imports everything just fine. My issue is when I want to create a space between sections the option to add a row is greyed out. For ex I would like my sheet index to look similer to the following
S1.01 S1.11 S1.41
S2.01 S2.03
S3.01 ETC.
Is there a way to do this using the sheet index option in Sheet Set manager?
I am in ACAD 2012 and want to delete sheet sets from my "recent" list. Many of them are invalid now. How can I do this? I would expect it is a registry entry but I don't know where.