Videostudio X3 crashes everytime I try to export a video. It doesn't matter the file type inputed or how you are trying to export it. It even crashes when trying to export one of the default title screens included with the program. Have tried a clean install with no luck. I have also insured I am using the latest version.
The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump file for analysis.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.. There is no error message, it just says Corel VideoStudio X3 has stopped working... The video is only 48 seconds long (A test video) 1280x720 and was recorded at 30fps.
I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 Video Card and a 3.4GHz processor and 6GB of RAM
I downloaded a trial copy of the Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultra. Every time I click on the Create Video File button the program crashes. I get a message that the program must exit. Every time I try this, it crashes.
I am having a difficult time Exporting my 640 X 360 Video In an Mpeg Format, I am making a YouTube Video in 640 X 360 ( 360P I believe the size is called ) only because that is what my source video size is. My original source video is " AVI - 30Fps " I have cut and fine tuned my 8 Second Video that took me 8+ hrs to figure out how to make
Under the Project Properties there are 2 format types available, MPEG and AVI. Under MPEG Project Options --> General, I have only 4 sizes to choose from in the frame size box, 720 x 480 - 704 X 480 - 352 X 480 - 352 X 240, And the user defined selection bullet is GREYED out.
Is it possible that because im using the trial version that I just cannot fully use the software, If so then I can go back and install my VideoStudio X4, I was hoping to Upgrade to X5 because I can directly import my Paint Shop Pro Layers as well as CorelDRAW too.
My Corel VS X6 Pro is crashing during a MPEG-4 1920x1080 export at 69% complete. Happened twice in a row. The error message refers to this dump file. I have been able to export this same video before, this just started happening.
I tried to add the dump file as an attachment but the .DMP extension is not allowed.
I have already more than 100 projects running under VS X4 it is problematic to jump to other software, also because of spending 2 years studying Corel VS.I have found now (2 years to late) the top very stable professional software with Edius 6.06.
What happens.... In new installed VS X4 if i put a videofile on the timeline and go to SHARE >MAKING VIDEOFILE MENU....the computer breaks down, and gives the error: " VS X4 does not work anymore..... " and stops working, realy breaking down....
Have tryed it lots of times, it looks like at installing the program, the link to the output formats is not there and VS X4 does not now how to handle.....Yes I am going over to the professional software edius 6, but with a usermanual with 1000 pages i need studying at least one year on that....
I have registered my product. When I log in, I see it in the list.I have no "Support code".I have spent 20 minutes trying to figure out how to send them the dump that the program says I should send them so they can find their problem.
In general, I'm very happy with CVS. I've used X5 and just bought X6. So I'm not a whiner.Get it together for support.When you put so many roadblocks in the way of sending you a bug report, you reduce the quality of your product.If you are going to have such a difficult support policy, then the program should have sent the dump automatically to you.
I've been searching and trying to see if there's a way that I can make my video right under 500mb, basically so I can have the best quality possible but still be under Vimeo's 500mb upload limit. It's not a long video, it's slightly under 2 minutes, but I've tried about 10 different export options and they're either around 100mb and the quality is awful, or they're gigantic files.
Is there a way that I can set it to close to 500mb? I'm using Video Studio Pro X5.
I need to export video frames to images, jpeg for example, I use "Edit / Take a snapshot" from VideoStudio Pro X4 menu, but this option only exports 1024 x 576 resolution images....Can I export 1920 x 1080 resolution images?
Is it possible to export a part of the timeline to a new video file?
So if I have a 10 min video in the timeline, I would like to "mark in" and "mark out" from 3m02s to 5m30s, and create a new file.
I used to use Edius I could mark in and mark out from time to time and export to a new video file. Is there a workaround in Videostudio ?
I'm editing a training video, and would like to export different "chapters" to seperate video files, so I can upload the seperate videos to the web, and not have to export the entire video, as this would be too big.
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
finally deduced it was when I clicked a video for flagging. I removed the videos from the catalog but that defeats the purpose. I tried the ui.dll and did rename the ui.dll.old file. I unstalled and reinstalled LR5 and update to 5.3. Its working now but like I said I removed the video.
issue was when I put in the ui.dll then LR would not even open up so effectively I did not do the ui.dll because I couldnt,. I did it successfully for lr3 when I had the edit/flagging crashes without issue this is weird.
Each time I make an attempt to import video frames to layers, I get as far as the "select range to import" screen, and then when I select the range and click ok, it says "Adobe Photoshop has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly." And then it closes.
My operating system is Windows XP, the photoshop type I use is CS3 as I mentioned before, and I have installed Quicktime 7.3.5.I checked one of the files I tried to use with the Mediainfo program as suggested, and got the following:
Few hours ago Premiere were working perfectly, but I updated the Intel HD Graphics 4000 driver because the new version have OpenCL support, and now every time I open a Premiere Project, it crashes after a few seconds. My computer is a Lenovo G400s Laptop with Windows 8.
I am running Lightroom 5.3 and a fairly fresh install of Windows 8.1 / 64 bit. It works perfectly when I use my local machine, but when I access Lightroom over Microsoft Remote Desktop from another computer, as soon as I try to open a video, Lightroom crashes.
I have tried reinstalling, rebuildin library, etc. But, it still crashes every time. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with the software.
I use remote desktop for most of my lbrary management and it's really frustrating when it crashes all the time (note that it will crash often just if I go to to the video folder, even if I don't try to play one!)
I was recently given a new CorelDRAW X6 update/service pack within the last month. Since then, when I export a Corel image to EPS, CorelDRAW X6 crashes. Be sure and SAVE before you export!
Well I use Corel draw X5 Service pack 2. Recently I have been having the problem of Corel draw crashing when I export any .cdr to pdf using any settings as long as the pages are more than 2 and the resolution is 300 dpi.
I have tried reinstalling it a couple of times but in vain.
My issue is pretty straightforward, I cannot export to PNG unless I trash the Illustrator preferences (located in: user/Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator CS6 Settings/en_US/) BEFORE I start Illustrator. As soon as I close Illustrator, I must delete those preferences again the next time I start up the program or I won't be able to export a file.
- I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion, but I was having the same issues in Lion. - I have uninstalled the whole CS6 Creative Suite and reinstalled (literally deleting every single Adobe file in the Library folder) still the same issue. - It seems to only be PNG files that I can't export to. If I try and make it a JPG it will export (I do commonly need to export with transparency so JPGs won't work for many things I need to export).
I haven't been able to EXPORT from Adobe's LIGHTROOM 4 in 2 days! I've rebooted the PC at least 4 times, backup the catalog (with over 90,000 photos that took a while lol), closed photoshop and lightroom and then reopened them countless times and it is still not allowing me to export. The files are not missing and it's just stalling when it starts to export and has to close itself down.
When I try to run a stress analysis on my model my video driver keeps crashing. I have updated my driver and downloaded the patch from the auto desk website. In addition I have played around with the visual settings on my computer and nothing works. I attached my computers specs.
I've been using Lightroom 4 for almost a year with no issues. 2 days ago, it suddenly stopped exporting when I was in the middle of editing a session. It will export and entire catalog, but not single photos. When I attempt to export a single file, it will simply stop, and I have to force a shut down. I've tried rebooting my PC, creating a new catalog and resetting the preferences folder. Is there anything I can do?!
I have a Civil 3D project with piping networks, grading etc. The servicing and grading plans are on layout tabs (5 of each 10 in total). When I would go export layout Civil 3D would go into not responding mode and crash. This caused quit a bit of stress as we had to get the drawings out to meet a deadline.
After investigating this issue, we identified that we had save our layer states in the layer manager. Delete the viewport on the layout tabs, draw a new viewport and then reinstate the layer states for each layout. This resolved, the crashing issue.
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 32. GB 64-bit Oepration System, x64-based processor
I am using Illustrator CS6 on OS X 10.8.4. Anything that rasterizes the artwork causes Illustrator to hang. Export (PNG), Save for Web, Filters like Drop Shadow or Gaussian Blur (even when just checking the preview box).
I've read through some discussions that suggested: – Uninstalling the entire CS6 suite and re-intalling it – Going into Disk Utitlity and 'Repair Permissions' – Creating a new user account on my Macbook, deleted the old user account and re-installed the CS6 suite
But none of the above suggestions worked. As soon as I create a new user account Illustrator began to crash again upon export the next of couple days.
This is a problem that has eluded me for a while. Im running Lightroom 3 and photoshop cs5 (both have the latest updates) . Now I've created droplets that run various actions. In lightroom I export images and use export actions dialog box to have lightroom run the droplet.
However now I get a "photoshop cs5 has stopped responding" and a "droplets can not communicate with photoshop.
Im running windows 7 64bit
Things I've tried
restarting both programs rebooting the computer running lightroom and photoshop as an admin recreating the droplets and telling windows to run the droplets as an admin