Aside from being completelly baffled by the new 'Asset Editor' arrangements in 2013, I have just realised that my Manage Tab>Additional Settings drop down> Asset Editor button has disappeared. I am certain it was there before as I have used it and WikiHelp [URL] says so. Whilst I have done a repair on my instalation, it is still absent. See the partial sreen print.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
I'm updating our Revit template in Revit Structure 2013. When I look into the Asset Browser in the unreferenced library there are a lot of Assets wich are incremented [(1), (2), (3),...]. I don't need these Assets in my template, but I can't remove them because the unreferenced folder is locked. How can I delete these Assets?
I created a material asset library for the company I work for with all of our materials in it. I was making adjustments earlier today to the library and now when I open it nothing shows up. It claims there is nothing in my file but yet the file size is 58,118 kb. How to get it back without having to completely redo the whole library!?
I have a Revit file with over 1,000 materials and associated appearance assets. It was created in a previous version of Revit before library support. What I want to do is create libraries from them. However, the only instructions to add them one at a time using dragging and dropping. That will take me days to do. Is there a way to simply create an asset or material library out of multiple materials from a project file at one time without having to individually select them?
I am attempting to use 3ds Max 2013 at my job, and I have run into a rather painful bug/problem. Every time I open the curve editor, my cursor starts flickering between normal pointer image and hourglass, the buttons in the top of the editor flicker randomly, and I cannot select and type anything in the input boxes in top or bottom. All this flickering lasts for about 10-20 seconds, which is not a long time if it just happened once, but I have noticed that it happens after every time I move a key. What 3ds Max goofed up to cause this problem?
"The Focus icon updates to show the same type of property belonging to any element you select (hence "focusing" on the type of property). For example, if you display the Light property of a spotlight and then select a point light, the property editor is updated to display the Light property of the point light. However, if you then select a geometric object, the property editor is not updated".
Testing this out, it does not seem to work. Even when the focus icon is depressed it refreshes if I select a different type such as a mesh object after a light.
I have a simple scene set up to test it. A point light,a spot light and a cylinder. Basically the scenario in the description. It always refreshes in focus mode. Clicking on the mesh always gives me the mesh properties rather than sticking to the light properties which was selected first and Focus button depressed. Or clicking on a null also shifts to the null properties.
If there is a way to change the behavior of the middle mouse button in the Node Editor so that by default it moves the panel without needing to press the Alt key?
Ideally I'd like to swap the behavior of pressing the Alt Key + Middle Mouse with just the Middle Mouse.
I have a users machine that is displaying some odd behaviour. Their Macros and VBA Editor buttons have stopped working. We have tried several things already but nothing appears to have any effect.
I find that my save button is greyed out both on the ribbon and in the left dropdown window above "save as"! The project does seem to be automatically saving. Just can't access that button! Using Revit 2013 Ultimate. Win 7 64 Pro.
For no apparent reason the Render Button at the bottom of the view frame has disappeared. With RayTrace I just get a black screen. It was all working fine then suddenly the problem occurred.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the PC - I can render in MAX Design as normal.
I need to be able to work back and forth with sketchup, and revit. Unfortunatly the orbit and pan commands in revit are the exact opposite of sketchup( mmb = pan in revit) (mmb = orbit in sketchup) (shift + mmb = orbit in revit) (shift + mmb = pan in sketch up)
these commands are ingrained in my muscule memory and going back and forth is like writing one sentnce with your left hand and the next with your right. it is totally dibilitating.
Is there any way to customize these in revit? Can i change the MMB to be orbit and shift+MMB to be pan ?
When I save a selection in the family editor I can't seem to find the load selection button on the manage tab like you would in the project environment. The whole panel selection is not there. If I make a selection of at least two elements I get the load selection button on the modify tab. Is this as design or as forgotten?
At this moment it seems I first have to make a selection in order to load another selection.
I'm having difficulty placing a pattern type on my materials. When I select the pattern from the list that pops up and I click "OK," the pattern selector pops back up and won't let me exit. I think that if I go back to my original pattern, it will go away. I've tried restarting Revit and various other matierals in other projects on different types of families in both the surface and cut pattern prompts.How do I chage my patterns?
I am doing a trial of Revit 2014. Usually I get the student version, but I enjoy 30 days with no stamp. I want to do some night renders, and so I dropped in studio lights that aren't showing up at all in the "sun and artifical" render.
I go to adjust the lights with the "Artificial Lights" button and nothing. No response at all. It's like a fake button that just looks like it's being clicked.
Why am I not able to select Line Styles in the family editor? This is the case for both creating new families and editing existing ones. See attached image for clarification
I am having a very strange issue that appears in the Materials editor within Revit 2013 Update Release 3. If I change a surface or cut hatch pattern within the editor, and then attempt to close out of the editor, go to a different material, or apply the change, the hatch dialog pops right back up again, as if I never closed it. I have found two ways to get out of this obnoxious loop:
1. Use the 'esc' key to back out of the materials dialog (unfortunately no changes are saved).
2. Change the color of the hatch - this allows for the changes to be applied etc.
I've tried resetting the UI and reinstalling Revit to no avail.
I have an extrusion with a profile consisting of two offset arcs. This results in a curved surface.
I want to show a line in 2.5" from the top, bottom, and start and end edges of the curve. What I've done to accomplish this is to create two reference planes, one 2.5" down from the top of the extrusion, and another 2.5" from the bottom.
For the vertical lines, I then have to create a reference plane that is a chord of the arc of the surface, where the plane intersects the outer surface 2.5" from the edge on each side.
I have some other items that are being drawn on this curved surface, and to be honest, that's a bit of a pain. Am I missing some easier way to accomplish this?
If this was a project file, all sorts of options, but I'm not finding any in the family editor.
I'm in an RFA file and can't seem to draw lines shorter than 1/32" without getting the "Element is Too Small on Screen" error. Even when I zoom in so that 1/32" is equal to the width of my monitor, I still get this error. I'm trying to draw very shallow grooves in a mullion. The attached shortline.jpg file show a line that is long on my screen, but to short for Revit, being drawn. how I can draw very short lines in the Family editor?
Have just installed Revit 2014. Material editor will not open with icon (Manage>materials) or Type Props>Edit Assembly>Material. Additionanl Setings>Material Assests is greyed out. I have gone back to a project where I know the Asset Library is loaded as well as trying in one of the new sample files. Additionaly means I cant add or change any layers in Edit Assembly.
Im trying to load up custom textures in the material library in revit 13..And Im having a hell of a time trying to load them into the editor. What are the required steps in order to load and edit custom textures in the material editor in Revit 13.
In customizing a sheet template, I entered into a "Schedule: Revision Schedule". I made the minor adjustments, but can not get back to the sheet template.
The 'Project Browser' only has "Schedules" under 'Views'. (refer to attached image) I know the rest of the content from the sheet (eg. titleblock) are still in the file, as it still is present when I "Load into Project".
How do you exit the schedule editor from a sheet template file?
I made a simple file with a retangular box in a new layer, which I filled with a color. I then added an image in another layer. I labeled the image layer as a image.png.
The image was transferred as an asset to Reflow, but not the retangular box.
I have tried all kinds of shapes, and none of them are transferred to Reflow.
I created a host of materials with a certain appearance etc and saved them as a library. When I open my Inventor 2013 this morning I seemed to have lost my appearances. It says my materials are missing the Appearance asset - see attached screenshot.
Dim oAppAsset As Inventor.Asset oAppAsset = m_inventorApplication.AssetLibraries.Item _ ("Autodesk Appearance Library").AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03") oPartDoc.ActiveAppearance = oAppAsset Dim oNewAsset As Inventor.Asset oNewAsset = oPartDoc.AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03") Dim oValue As AssetValue oValue = oNewAsset.Item("generic_bump_map") Dim oColorValue As ColorAssetValue oColorValue = oValue oColorValue.HasConnectedTexture = False
The above failed while changing the HasConnectedTexture. How to overcome this.