3ds Max :: Asset Browser Not Popping Up
Apr 12, 2011My asset browser does not pop up when I select it from the drop down menu...
View 6 RepliesMy asset browser does not pop up when I select it from the drop down menu...
View 6 RepliesI'm updating our Revit template in Revit Structure 2013. When I look into the Asset Browser in the unreferenced library there are a lot of Assets wich are incremented [(1), (2), (3),...]. I don't need these Assets in my template, but I can't remove them because the unreferenced folder is locked. How can I delete these Assets?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI opened the drawing and then from the drawing opened the model. In the drawing it is showing the 4th instance of ROUND CRS-032175 X 33 as an assembly. It also is not showing in the view and yet the visibility is checked. AI2012 SP2
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use the Browsernode.addchild method to add an occurence to an empty browser folder. The code fails at this point and I gett an error pointing to the line "Call oTargetNode.AddChild(oSourceNodeDef)". I can add the occurence with the browserpanes.Reorder method without issue if the folder is not empty. The code is pasted Below.
Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML: 165 EndHTML: 29338 StartFragment: 314 EndFragment: 29306 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection: 314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
DimPrcsTpAsStringPrcsTp=InputListBox("Process Type?", MultiValue.List("ProcessType"), Parameter("ProcessType"), Title :="Select Process Type", ListName :="Process Type")DimRtgNameAsStringRtgName=PrcsTp&"-"&Parameter("NoRtgsInc")+1MessageBox.Show(RtgName, "Title",MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel)DimoAsmAsAssemblyDocument=ThisDoc.DocumentDimoMatrixAsMatrix=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDimoOccAsComponentOccurrenceoOcc=oAsm.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences.AddVirtual(RtgName, oMatrix)DimoCompDefVirtualAsVirtualComponentDefinition=oOcc.Definition'CREATE AND SET THE
When I press F1 Inventor opens the help on my default browser (Chrome), but when I click the bynocular it uses Internet Explorer.
Is it possible to force Inventor to use a browser of my choice or the default browser?
how to add custom browser views to the project browser window. See the attached image
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't find the preferences for changing the default browser than opens when previewing an animation.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using Windows 7 Professional and the Log in option on Asset Tracking its disabled. Its disabled for Vault and Perforce as well.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a simple file with a retangular box in a new layer, which I filled with a color. I then added an image in another layer. I labeled the image layer as a image.png.
The image was transferred as an asset to Reflow, but not the retangular box.
I have tried all kinds of shapes, and none of them are transferred to Reflow.
What am I doing wrong?
I seem to have lost the asset menu in my ACAD Architecture factory design suite 2012. how to get it back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAside from being completelly baffled by the new 'Asset Editor' arrangements in 2013, I have just realised that my Manage Tab>Additional Settings drop down> Asset Editor button has disappeared. I am certain it was there before as I have used it and WikiHelp [URL] says so. Whilst I have done a repair on my instalation, it is still absent. See the partial sreen print.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I update an asset in use by Edge Animate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a host of materials with a certain appearance etc and saved them as a library. When I open my Inventor 2013 this morning I seemed to have lost my appearances. It says my materials are missing the Appearance asset - see attached screenshot.
What is this, and how can I rectify the problem?
Dim oAppAsset As Inventor.Asset oAppAsset = m_inventorApplication.AssetLibraries.Item _
("Autodesk Appearance Library").AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03")
oPartDoc.ActiveAppearance = oAppAsset
Dim oNewAsset As Inventor.Asset
oNewAsset = oPartDoc.AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03")
Dim oValue As AssetValue oValue = oNewAsset.Item("generic_bump_map")
Dim oColorValue As ColorAssetValue oColorValue = oValue
oColorValue.HasConnectedTexture = False
The above failed while changing the HasConnectedTexture. How to overcome this.
I created a material asset library for the company I work for with all of our materials in it. I was making adjustments earlier today to the library and now when I open it nothing shows up. It claims there is nothing in my file but yet the file size is 58,118 kb. How to get it back without having to completely redo the whole library!?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes this happens when I'm working with photoshop : first it doesn't do anything for a moment because he is processing something (I don't have loads of RAM) then suddenly like 5 help-windows open... I wonder: is there any way to prevent it?: is there a shortcut I must prevent pushing? some settings? It's not that important as I can still do everything, but it is very irritating...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a full spherical panorama image in a psb format that I converted into a 3D spherical map in order to cleanup, clone a little and add nadir art. All good there but can't figure out how you get the 3D object back into the full flattened psb format rather than just exporting/saving the view the 3D camera is looking at?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have several art assets that I have already rigged, skinned, and animated. Unfortunately, the objects have to be re-sized.
There isn't a simple way to simply scale the rigg to match the new size, because then the transforms are incorrect, and the scale on the bones are no longer at 100%. Normally it wouldn't matter, but these objects need to go into a game engine, so it has to be at 100%
No, simply re-sizing the rigg and hoping to just 'reset scale' will not work either.
Save/Load animation will inherit the pivot points of the original animation and paste them onto the re-sized objects, so that does not work either.
Is there a way to transfer a rigg and save it's animation when an object gets re-sized? I'd figure that Autodesk would have made some kind of feature for this scenario, since in game production things will inevitably be scaled at some point.
It's easy to scale everything to it's new size... the problem is... how do I reset it's transforms without the rigg going bonkers?
How do I take the original animations and re-apply them to the newly scaled down version?
Suppose I have an asset containing three transforms:
-transform A with published attributes tx, ty and tz,
-transform B with published attributes rx, ry and rz, and
-transform C with no published attributes (nurbs sphere used for selection).
Is it possible to make it so that when the user clicks on the nurbs sphere, the actual asset node gets selected instead of the sphere? I seem unable to set it as the selection transform.
Obviously this is a change from CS5 to CS6 and I don't like it. I would like to know how to change it back. When I have a bunch of tabs open in a window and then minimize them because I am working in yet another new window... every time I return to PS6, that minimized window keeps opening up on top of the project I really want to work with. Why doesn't it stay minimized (like it used to in CS5)? Is there a way to go back to the way that works in CS6?
View 10 Replies View Relatedevery time i try to draw a marquee or draw a shape in ps6, a small info box appears next to my curser. it is incredibly distracting, and i cannot figure out how to get rid of it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm having major problem with trying to record a screen capture. It's my first time trying corel videostudio. When I click record screen capture region the program minimizes but nothing else pops up and there is no frame on my monitor region. I've tried every compatibility mode, and it does the exact same thing. no recorder bar pops up.
windows 7 64
Having issue in Inventor Pro 2014 with the factory layout/simulation add-on (factory design suite) where you can't drag and drop "out of the box" assets onto your factory floor?
When I drag/drop onto the factory floor, nothing happens and no message appears..
When I start Photoshop, I get the message, "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video adapter manufacturer's website for the latest software. GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences."
I have updated everything but this message still pops up everytime I open Photoshop CS4. Not only that, I tried to enable the GPU enhancements via Preferences but my Photoshop keeps crashing every time I try to click or do anything.
For the longest time, when I open ID, the Info panel is there. Now suddenly the same thing is happening in PS. This is driving me nuts; I don't want the Info panel there when I open the programs. How can I prevent this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedCorel A.RM. has been popping up and forcing Corel to close. This has been happening at leas once or twice a day. I'm using X6 on WindowsXP. what A.R.M. is and possible reasons why this is happening?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to edit the scales and add custom ones, but when i type _SCALELISTEDIT, nothing happens, I know that its selected as my layout isn't any longer, but I can't find the darn window where the scales are located. I've also tried using the menu as well. This is for ALL drawings. New and already created.
View 8 Replies View RelatedAny way to use text and write in gimp without the text options popping up when you are writing.
I am asking because I would like to record a video using gimp and will be typing certain things and I really don't want the text options there while I'm typing.
So, this might be a silly question. I have lightroom on one monitor and when I drag it over (the program window) to my other monitor it pops (changes color) after about 1/2 a second. There is a shift in color. I'm wondering if it is the monitors ICC profile or something weird like that? Both of my monitors are samsungs (different models) and they are both using the Samsung natural color profile.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTwice now using PSP X4 I have got a message encouraging me to complete a 5 minute survey. I take the survey, press submit at the end, and get an annoying window to a Corel X4 ad page with no browser controls. The please take a survey message window is still there underneath. When I close the Corel X4 ad window, is asks if I really want to cancel?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a 2 bone chain that I have attached a spline IK to with a flex modifier on the spline. This was working pretty well however, once I skinned the mesh to these bones I noticed that when I rotated the 2nd bone it would seem to pop on a different axis. It was hard to spot at first because it popped between 2 frames, popped 90 degrees and seems to happen at the same rotation amount (can't recall exact degree at the moment).
I turned off the flex modifier and it is still popping so I'm assuming it is from the spline IK. Is there a way to prevent this?