Maya :: Asset Node Publishing As Selection Transform?

Jan 24, 2013

Suppose I have an asset containing three transforms:

-transform A with published attributes tx, ty and tz,
-transform B with published attributes rx, ry and rz, and
-transform C with no published attributes (nurbs sphere used for selection).

Is it possible to make it so that when the user clicks on the nurbs sphere, the actual asset node gets selected instead of the sphere? I seem unable to set it as the selection transform.

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Maya :: Why Does Mental Ray Node Causes Crash

Jun 18, 2011

I tried starting Maya 2012 from the terminal and it started fine.Then it gave me this when I opened Hypershade libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area...As soon as I made a mental ray node , in Hypershade , Maya crashed.And before crashing it spit this out

Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.terminate called after throwing an instance of 'M2MI::ApiOutputError'maya encountered a fatal error

2012 Hypershade works fine on windows at my friends place. Do I need to upgrade my QT to the latest build ?

How am I supposed to render my scene with AmbOcc and SSS and all.

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Maya :: Place 2d Texture Node Not Visible?

Jul 5, 2011

I am working in the Hypershade in Maya 2009. I need to see my place 2d texture nodes for my file textures.

Somehow they seem to have disappeared completely. There are no nodes in the utilities tab, and expanding the network to see inputs and outputs is not showing them either.

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Maya :: Middle Mouse Button In Node Editor

Aug 3, 2013

If there is a way to change the behavior of the middle mouse button in the Node Editor so that by default it moves the panel without needing to press the Alt key? 

Ideally I'd like to swap the behavior of pressing the Alt Key + Middle Mouse with just the Middle Mouse.

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Maya :: Group Node / Child Mesh Visibility

Jan 3, 2012

We recently upgraded from 2008 to 2012. Sometimes, on saving a scene file, some of the meshes within a group node "disappear". They basically behave like they're on a hidden layer -- even though they're not. You can see the transform and shape nodes in the Outliner, but in the viewport they're gone.

I can fix this by un-parenting the missing meshes, at which point they reappear -- and then when I reparent them as children of the original group node they're fine. But when I save the file and reopen it, the meshes are (sometimes) invisible again.

You might think the group node itself is hidden or attached to a non-visible Display layer, but it isn't. And there are other meshes within the group node that show up fine.

How I can permanently avoid it? I'm working on fairly complex environment scenes, and having to selectively unparent/reparent meshes each time I open my files is a real hassle.

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Maya :: Node Removal Callbacks No Longer Triggered

Nov 8, 2012

I’ve got a small issue when migrating an in-house Viewport Renderer plug-in from 2012 to 2013, when resetting a scene (for instance by creating a new scene or opening another one).

In 2012 version, when creating a new scene, a node removal callback was triggered on every node of the scene to clean things up. More precisely, by installing a callback this way: _callbackRemoveNodes = MDagMessage::addParentRemovedCallback( removeNodeCB, (void*)this );

the method removeNodeCB was called on each Dag path of my scene. Which was pretty interesting for me to clean a dual scene graph within my plug-in

In 2013 version however, none of these nodes removal callbacks are triggered on a scene reset (they are correctly triggered when manually removing a node of course).

Is there a new way to deal with scene resets in the API that I didn’t see or is this simply a bug I should report?This is a cross-post from the SDK forum. Since my issue is strongly bound to the 2013 version.

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Maya :: Cannot Find Menu Location For Node Editor

Oct 3, 2011

Can not find the menu location for the node editor???

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Maya :: How To Enable MR Production Node In Version 2012

Jan 5, 2012

I found a way to solve in maya 2009, but it doesn't work in 2012.

I can't find Maya2012scriptsothersmentalrayCustomNodeClass.mel.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Find And Delete Specific Node Types

Oct 23, 2012

How to delete all ik handle nodes in a scene and all constrain nodes in a scene.

My rig is so complex that going in and deleting one by one seems like a crazy process but if there was a way to get the outliner to show only ik_handles and or constrain nodes then I could just select them and delete them and this would save me a lot of time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Node Osnap Broken - Point Selection

Dec 13, 2013

Back in LDT you used to be able to mouse over point descriptions of dragged state points to get Osnap to select the node. Civil 3D has apparently done away with this, why who knows but its very very hard to know what point your selecting if say you have a bunch of points on top of eachother. Can this be enabled anywhere?

The very mundain work around is to use 'PO to select the point entity, but it does not show the little osnap indicator on the point marker when you use 'PO.

How can I get my old Osnap node selection back?

Intel i7 2600 /z68 Gigabyte
8gigs DDR3 1800
Intel 320 Series SSD
Quadro 600 (1gig)
C3D 2013 / LDT 2009 / Win7 x64

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Photoshop :: Transform Selection Without Cutting

Nov 22, 2013

How do I transform a selection and rotate without cutting out the background image below?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Not Seeing Transform Selection Default As Used To

Jan 10, 2013

I've been using PS CS6 (Creative Cloud) on a Windows 7 workstation and have liked the feature that shows transform box when a layer or layers is selected. On my new Windows 8 workstation I'm getting PS CS6 x64 configured with my preferences. I'm not seeing the selection box unless I manually invoke "transform" (ctrl+t) on my selection. I haven't found a setting that enables the transform view by default.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Vista 64 Transform Selection

Jul 9, 2008

I make a selection, select move (which shrinks the bounding box to the pixels themselves) and click "show transform controls" and (after verifying my reference location point is centered) I press (and hold)shift, click the middle bounding box on my selection and try to proportionally scale the selection it does not work. Only the side I am moving transforms. I thought since I am holding shift, the ENTIRE selection will transform based on the reference (or pivot) point?

I'm simply trying to scale a selection (in this case) on the horizontal axis only and scaling from the selected reference point (center).

Am I missing something or is it another CS3/vista64 "incompatibility"

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Maya Animation :: Child Does Not Transform With Parent

Apr 15, 2012

My problem:There is the parent node (Base) and the child nodes (arm1, arm2, ...). When one of the children (arm1) is picked up all the lower parts in the hierarchy (arm2,arm3) moves, rotates... with their parent (arm1). But if Base is selected and rotated, the child nodes will stay where they are.

I tried to set and unset the "inherit transform" box, but this seem to take no effect.Everything behaved well until i added the point constraint, although i did it as told in the tutorial.

Maya Help >> Learning Resources > Tutorials > Getting Started with Maya > Animation > Lesson 5: Inverse kinematics

What am I doing wrong or where can i change the Settings that set the hindrance?

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Maya Animation :: How To Transform Object In A Transformer

Aug 21, 2011

I wanna know how to transform an object in a transformer.

I wanna create an animation like the movie transformers. (Transform a car in a transformers)

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Photoshop :: Recording Transform Selection To Action

Nov 8, 2012

How do I record an action that will mimic my doing these clicks (assume that I've selected what I want to transform)
1. Edit
2. Transform -> Scale
3. Maintain Aspect Ratio
Now I want it to wait for me to manually adjust the scale, then I'll hit "Enter" when I'm done.

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Photoshop :: Cannot See Selection As Transform / Scale Layer?

Apr 28, 2013

I selected a layer in order to scale it. When I click the link between height and width and then change the percentage up or down the object I'm trying to scale simply disappears. I can see the edges and the transform tool 'handles' but the layer is not there. I've never had an issue in any other version of Photoshop. What the heck is going on?
Doesn't matter whether I use the percentage tool in the upper palette of Photoshop or just shift and drag to scale. The scaling object becomes invisible.

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Photoshop :: Transform Selection Results Do Not Look Proportional

Oct 26, 2005

In digital scrapping, you usually create an inner and outer mat for a photo. I select the photo layer, then edit>transform and click the lock button and set the option to 105%. After I create both inner and outer mats, the heighth and width proportion does not seem like it is exactly 105% on all edges.

I did not apply any drop shadows because I thought perhaps that was fooling the eye.

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GIMP :: How To Move And Rotate Or Transform A Selection

Aug 20, 2011

How can I move (rotate or otherwise transform) a Selection.

1. Suppose I have a single Layer, on which I draw an image.

2. Now I activate a Selection Tool (Rectangular, Elliptical, Lasso, etc.) and make a Selection.

3. Then I activate the Move Tool and click on the "Move Selection" option, not the "Move Layer" option. [Oddly, when the "Move Selection" option is activated, there are two greyed out (unavailable) sub-options, both indication "Move Selection".]

4. With the Move Tool, I am able to move the Selection, but not the contents of that Selection.

The Gimp Documentation guide says:"If you click-and-drag the selection without handles, you create a new selection! To move the selection contents, you have to hold down Ctrl+Alt keys and click-and-drag the selection. This makes the original place empty. A floating selection is created. The required key commands may differ on your system, look in the status bar to see if another combination is specified; for example, Shift+Ctrl+Alt."

I have tried every combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt (Shift+Ctrl, Ctrl+Alt and Shift+Alt). None of these allow me to move the contents of the selection. Further, there are no "handles" on the Selection. I suppose the key is to get the handles to appear, but I have not been able to discover the secret combination of keys to make that happen.

I am running Windows XP Pro.

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Maya Modeling :: Create Two Spheres And To Transform One Without Affecting Other

Jan 2, 2014

Is There  a way to creat two spheres and to transform (rotate, move) one without affect the other? For example, I created two spheres in center of the scene, when I transformed (move, rotate) one other sphere was affected, deforming it. I now this is a basic doubt but I can't progress to next exercise.

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Mudbox :: Transform Model Every-time When Import / Export Through Maya

Dec 8, 2010

I'm having a problem with the transform of my model every time I import/export through maya and mudbox.

Basically every time I import a mesh from maya into mudbox then export to maya and back my mesh is shown smaller on the grid, I've done everything I can think of in Maya before exporting by centering the pivot, freezing transform, and deleting all history, but I still get the same result and my mesh just gets smaller and smaller?? I've also tried resizing it as well and get the same result.

I'm using maya 6.5 and mudbox 2011.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Make Moved Selection Very Small By Free Transform

Dec 15, 2011

I have CS5 and when I select a portion of a photo and add it to another photo and make the moved selection very small by "free transform" it loses almost all of the detail.

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Photoshop :: Feather, Modify, Grow, Transform Selection Disabled

Dec 24, 2005

I have a edu version of Adobe creative suite CS2. I tried to learn some text effects in online turtorial but I found that feather, modify, grow, similar, transform selection submenu are disabled in the select main menu. I would like to know why and how to make them enable.

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Maya Animation :: Delete Transform Nodes In Outliner Hierarchy For Skeleton?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm using Maya 2011 and I'm noticing, there are transform nodes in the outliner hierarchy for my skeleton. Should these be deleted? Some of them delete cleanly and some of them delete taking the bone with them. ???

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Photoshop :: Why Does Making A Selection Inside Of A Smart Object Disable Free Transform

Nov 14, 2012

Why does making a selection inside of a smart object (say with the rectangular marquis tool) disable Free Transform?

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Photoshop :: Using Transform Or Selection Tools Makes Non-background Layers Or Whole Document Invisible

Dec 15, 2012

I recently started having this problem in Photoshop CS6 where using the transform or selection tools makes all the layers other than my background layer disappear so I can't see what I'm selection or transforming. This happens randomly out of nowhere. I can be using those tools all day with no problem, and then out of nowhere it starts making things invisible.

There doesn't seem to be any other programs running that would cause it (not that that should be an issue, my computer could easily run all my Adobe programs at once if I wanted it to), and the only thing that seems to fix it so far is restarting Photoshop. But that gets old really fast when I have to do it over and over again. I tried calling Adobe, but somehow they're always closed, even during their supposed hours of operation.

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Maya Modeling :: Soft Selection Mode

Feb 26, 2012

I go into component mode to select something, say vertices, the object then displays with the "sunrise" spread of red to orange to yellow and all the vertices are highlighted yellow dots. But I can't select anything. Not in face, or edges or vertices. I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting Maya and restarting my computer and restoring the Maya file(s) from my daily backups but nothing changes this. I even uninstalled & reinstalled Maya but still.

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Maya :: Unable To Maintain Selection In Channel Box

Oct 30, 2011

I've come across a weird problem. Whenever I select a channel in the channel box ("Translate X" for example) it is immediately unselected. This prevents me from selecting a channel and middle-mouse dragging in the viewport to adjust its value.

This only happens in particular scenes. But if I start a fresh scene, I do not have the problem. Is there a button somewhere that I need to deactivate to fix this?

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Maya Modeling :: Why Are Vertices Around Selection Orange

Oct 19, 2011

I noticed that when a face is selected, vertices and edges in the near vicinity glow orange, and are affected when the primary selection is translated/rotated. Is there a way to modify only the primary selection without any secondary effects?

I know in other 3D modeling software it is possible to transform individual faces without deforming the surrounding geometry. Is there a setting that I need to change?

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Maya Modeling :: How To Reset Selection Handles

May 16, 2013

how i can reset selection they are back in the middle of an Object and zero out.

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Maya Modeling :: Can't Get Selection Handles On Polygon Faces

Aug 12, 2011

in order to get a head start on my next class, I bought the book: Introducing Maya 2011 by Dariush Derakhshani and have been following along with the tutorial projects within.

The issue I am having is probably a silly noob thing, but I can't get the selection handles (for polygon faces) to show up on a simple polygon sphere. I can see the handles on the corners of individual faces, but not the ones that are supposedly in the center of each face.

I have tried going to Display > Transform Display > Selection Handles but nothing happens. I have tried this while selecting the sphere with options under both "Select by Object Type" and "Select by Component Type" with no results.

I am running Maya 2011 on a Macbook Pro on OSX.

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