Maya Animation :: Child Does Not Transform With Parent

Apr 15, 2012

My problem:There is the parent node (Base) and the child nodes (arm1, arm2, ...). When one of the children (arm1) is picked up all the lower parts in the hierarchy (arm2,arm3) moves, rotates... with their parent (arm1). But if Base is selected and rotated, the child nodes will stay where they are.

I tried to set and unset the "inherit transform" box, but this seem to take no effect.Everything behaved well until i added the point constraint, although i did it as told in the tutorial.

Maya Help >> Learning Resources > Tutorials > Getting Started with Maya > Animation > Lesson 5: Inverse kinematics

What am I doing wrong or where can i change the Settings that set the hindrance?

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3ds Max Animation :: Locking Distance Between Child And Parent?

Apr 5, 2012

I have a chain of spheres linked a linear manner, i.e. sphere10 is linked to sphere09, sphere09 is linked to sphere08,sphere08 is linked to sphere07, ..., such that sphere01 is overall parent.

I am trying to lock the distance between the children and their parent so that when moving them around, they are always the same distance from their parent. Almost like the child is pivoting around the parent's pivot point. However, I can't seem to figure it out.

I can get it to work if I turn Interactive IK on, but I do not want the movement to affect the orientation of the parent.

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Maya Animation :: Parent Constraint Not Working Properly For Hand Writing

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to get the hand to write with a pencil. I pose the hand and fingers holding the pencil and constrain (parent constraint with offset) the pencil to the hand's wrist controller and freeze the pencil's translation attributes. When moving the wrist controller creating key frames or translating in the UI, the pencil does not follow the hand/fingers. There seems to be an offset with the pencil that get worse the farther I translate or rotate the wrist controller. I tried doing the same with just the fingers and getting the same result.

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Photoshop :: Parent - Child, Master - Slave

Jul 13, 2007

im photoshop is there any kind of system like this?

for example:

i want to place an adjustment like Hue/Saturation to just one layer. I want to use that little half shaded circle at the bottom of the layers palette (create a new adjusment layer or fill). and i want it to just effect one layer of my project. So is there a way that i could set it up so that the the adjustment layer would be like a parent to the layer i want effected and it wouldnt effect the layers below the child layer?

Now i know i could just put the layer i want to be adjusted at the bottom of the layer list but for this certain layer, it needs to be above a different layer below it.

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Lightroom :: Add Child Keyword To Image But Exclude Parent

Jan 13, 2014

I'have just imported all my photo's. They are mostly already keyworded but I have a slight problem. They range over the last 50 years so I have ended up with 50 "year" keywords, i.e. 1970, 1971, 1972 etc.
In order to tidy this up I though I'd create a "Year" parent keyword and have all those entries as children to it.
This would work bu how could I have a year keyword but not the parent name "Year" in the keyword list? Or at least not have it there when the image is exported.

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Lightroom :: View All Photos Tagged Parent But Not Child At Same Time

Sep 1, 2012

Say I have a keyword "parent" and a nested keyword (subtag) "child" under that keyword. Some photos are tagged with "parent", other are (only) tagged with "child".

Is it now possible to view all photos tagged "parent", but not see the "child" photos at the same time? Either using the keyword list or text filter, I always get to see the "child" photos also...

I know I can exclude certain keywords when searching (ie. "parent !child"), but in my case I'm having about 20 child tags, so it's not very practical to write all 20 keywords as exclusions.

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Maya Animation :: How To Transform Object In A Transformer

Aug 21, 2011

I wanna know how to transform an object in a transformer.

I wanna create an animation like the movie transformers. (Transform a car in a transformers)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parent Iprops Imported Into Child Derived Part

Aug 9, 2012

how to import into a derived part the following iprops:

1. some of the iprops from the "Project" tab

2. the material from the "Physical" tab

Objective: I want to propagate those iprops into the derived part to prevent any errors down-line.

IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit

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Illustrator Scripting :: Symbol Is Within Rectangle Vector Area / Parent Child Relationship In HTML

May 30, 2012

I think the execution would be relatively easy. how to tell detect if a symbol is within a rectangle vector area. so almost like a parent child relationship in HTML goes? was thinking about getting top bottom left and right of a layer called parent then checking all layers below it (maybe they have "child" naming scene, so i can match by layer name) if the top bottom left and right are >=/<= the one above it. so it is basically detecting if a box is inside another box.

URL...need to detect is symbol1 is within div1 or 2 and same with symbol2

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Maya Animation :: End Joint Not Matching To Parent Joint (orientation)

Jun 19, 2013

In maya 2012 n 13...the end joint not matching to parent joint...

after creating leg joints are spine joints...we set the orientation of joints..but last joint wil put NONE in option box right....after applying this the end joint orientation still in world axis instead of parent joint..

is this bug are is there any other option(other then jointOrientaion in the joint attributes)..

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Maya Animation :: Delete Transform Nodes In Outliner Hierarchy For Skeleton?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm using Maya 2011 and I'm noticing, there are transform nodes in the outliner hierarchy for my skeleton. Should these be deleted? Some of them delete cleanly and some of them delete taking the bone with them. ???

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parent Section View In One Drawing And Child View In Another

May 6, 2013

Is it possible to have the parent view for the section in one drawing and the child views in another drawing?

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3ds Max Animation :: Losing Animation When Linking To A Parent

Jun 1, 2011

The unit basically consists of 3 short cones which at tilted at 30 degrees to the horizon and each on spins on it's own. In order to get them rotating properly I had to assign a TCB quaternion controller. With these three 'cones' rotating on their own I need to have the entire setup rotate with these guys still rotating individually.

google images "oil drill bit" to get an idea of what I'm putting together.

So I link these animated cones to the parent main shaft. Once I do this I lose all the rotation animations I had given to these cones.

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3ds Max Animation :: Rigging One Child To Two Parents

Jan 7, 2014

I've been building a robot for a while now and I'm stuck with one of the shoulder mechanisms. I'm trying to link one sphere to one shoulder blade, and the second one to the outer shoulder blade. So I could move the outer shoulderblade, and the 4 balls touching that side would move along with it, but would just rotate and not be transformed or the mesh changed any way. When I move the inner bigger shoulder blade, the whole thing would move as a whole.

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Maya :: Group Node / Child Mesh Visibility

Jan 3, 2012

We recently upgraded from 2008 to 2012. Sometimes, on saving a scene file, some of the meshes within a group node "disappear". They basically behave like they're on a hidden layer -- even though they're not. You can see the transform and shape nodes in the Outliner, but in the viewport they're gone.

I can fix this by un-parenting the missing meshes, at which point they reappear -- and then when I reparent them as children of the original group node they're fine. But when I save the file and reopen it, the meshes are (sometimes) invisible again.

You might think the group node itself is hidden or attached to a non-visible Display layer, but it isn't. And there are other meshes within the group node that show up fine.

How I can permanently avoid it? I'm working on fairly complex environment scenes, and having to selectively unparent/reparent meshes each time I open my files is a real hassle.

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Maya :: How To Ensure Child Windows Are Hidden By Main Window

Jan 30, 2013

I recently started using Maya on Mac OSX, after having always used it on Linux, and I'm really baffled by the child windows behavior (think Hypershade, Graph Editor, Script Editor, etc...)

The shortcut Cmd+~ does switch focus between the windows, but the child windows always stay on top of the main one. That means that if I open one of these, but need to work in the main maya window, I need to click on the minimize button or double-click the title bar (because Cmd+M doesn't work on these!!!), then need to click in the dock to recall them...

Surely I must have missed something, didn't I? Is there a way to ensure the child windows are hidden by the main window when I switch focus using Cmd+~? On Linux I remember we had a way to set the environment variable MAYA_SET_PARENT_HINT to change this. For sure it's possible under OSX, since that's how firefox / safari and other applications work (switching focus between the different child windows correctly manage which one are in the foreground / background)

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Change CSS Of Particular Child Symbol From Multiple Child Symbols Made Using Json Data

Jul 27, 2013

I've created a number of child symbols in a for loop for each of the data elements in my local json file. However, based on key pressed (up/down/right/left), css property of a particular child symbol only needs to be changed/highlight... how can i access an earlier created child symbol ?

What i'm trying to create is that based on arrow keys, i can select/highlight (by changing css property) a particular child element only. (similar to traversing cells in an excel sheet -top/down/right/left)..

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Maya Modeling :: Rotation Axis To Parent

Feb 28, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to have an object's rotation axis match it's parent's. In Softimage, this can be done with Freeze Rotation Transform (or some similarly named command), and it will reorient the pivot axis to the parent's. Trying to find Maya equivalent.

It's not important that it match it's parents transform. If there is a way to have an object match any other object's rotation axis, yet maintain vertex positions in world space, that's just as good.

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3ds Max Animation :: Temporarily Assigning A Common Parent Dummy To Several Parts?

Jan 3, 2014

I have several parts that at a point in time come together and need to rotate together around a common point. However, when I animate them it will only let me rotate them around each individual part's axis. How can I temporarily link these parts to a parent dummy object so that I can rotate them together? I want this to happen midstream in the animation and after the rotation I will be decoupling the parts and having them do different things..

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Maya Animation :: Unlock The Scaling Attribute In Walk Cycle Animation File?

Feb 17, 2011

I have rigged a character and made it into a character set in which i have locked the scaling attribute , I have then saved this file. I have then referenced this file and and have done a walk cycle animation and saved this file. I have then realised that I needed the scaling attribute when I have added other parts of my scene. Is there a way to unlock the scaling attribute in my walk cycle animation file or will i have to go back and change it in the rigged file, create a new character set and do the walk cycle animation again?

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Maya Animation :: Hide Non-active Animation Layer F-curves In Graph

Apr 18, 2013

My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.

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Maya Animation :: Setting Up A Rope For Animation Based On Control Panel

Jan 20, 2011

I'm trying to animate a moving rope based on simulation data. I know how to import my motion data for individual objects.I've seen lots of tutorials where one uses simulations or soft bodies with IK in order to create a rope. how to use all these features and I want the rope to follow my coordinates exactly. I was hoping I could do something like the following:

1. create points in Maya which correspond to my data points
2. connect the points with a curve
3. loft a circle using the curve as a path in order to make a rope
4. move the points. due to History, the rope position is updated

Is there a way to do something like this in Maya? I've tried, and it looks like ep points do not have key-able channel data, so I can't create animations for them separately. I'm using .mov data file imports to generate x, y, and z motion keys for the points.

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Maya Animation :: Additive Layer Animation For Rapid Prototyping

Dec 11, 2010

I have an assignment for a class where part of the final project is detailing the construction of a mold for a part. The animation that I would like to do would show the build up of the part in a 3D printer layer by layer. The closest method of animating this that I can think of is unfortunately backwards.

As I would have the part and a camera facing up from the bottom of the part and would have a plane that would recede upwards in the y direction. This would reveal the part as the plane translates in the y direction.

This might be okay, but the problem is that I would like to show this from a camera on top facing down instead of a camera on bottom facing up. How I can create the look of a part being built up in this additive method?

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Maya Animation :: Expression To Automate Animation Of Wheels

Oct 10, 2012

I am trying to add an expression to the standard Mudbox car to make the wheels turn when the vehicle moves in both the X & Z dimension. I have found many scripts that let me do this in a single dimension. I have found some others that claim to work for both dimensions, but at certain angles the wheels turn in the wrong direction.

My work flow is as follows:
1 - Export car from Mudbox to Maya
2 - Separate the wheels & center pivot all items
3 - Add NurbsCurves to create a rig
4 - Parenting the elements of the car
5 - Add an expression based on this web post [URL].......
6 - Test the animation

It works great when translating the car in the Z axis, but when the car is rotated 95 degrees in the Y axis the wheel will only go backwards no matter which direction the car is moved.

I have attached an MB (Maya 2013) so you can see the

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Maya Animation :: Blendshape Animation From Motion Capture?

Mar 6, 2012

translate facial motion capturing data (basically 2d point clouds) to blendshape weights. I finished rigging my character and wanted to drive my blendshapes by the relative position of my tracking data, e.g. distance between corners of the mouth drive the "wide" blendshape and so on...

Hope YOU know a solution for this, I believe blendshapes are THE way to create realism in tracked animation but I was not able to find ANY reference to something like that. I'd like it to be customizable and not to expensive, so the imagemetrics faceware service won't do for me

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Maya Animation :: Baking Parts Of Animation Deletes Others

Apr 3, 2011

How come baking some part of animation in graph editor deletes everything before and after the part i bake and how can i bake that part while leaving the rest untouched?

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Maya Animation :: ATOM Animation Transfer Between Different Characters

Oct 23, 2012

I have a character with animation. Another character is the same(same bones, meshes), but with no animation, 100 times larger in size and I resize the head to make the head looks slimmer. They are saved in different fbx files and I imported them into mb scenes. I select the root bone and "select hierarchy", the export options is shown below. Then select in the same way in the larger character's scene, the importer options is shown below. THE PROBLEM is: after I import the atom, the character becomes shrinked to the same size as the former one and the ratio of head becomes the same as the former one too.

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Maya Animation :: Bicycle Type Chain Animation?

Dec 22, 2010

For some scenes we have a chain which is wrapped around several cogs, just like a bicycle. In this scenario we need the chain links to follow the path and retain their relationship to each other.

In other scenes we have a chain which follows along a changing path. Imagine this if you can: A heavy weight has a chain attached which goes vertically up, over a pulley and down the other side where it is attached to a lorry. The lorry drives off pulling the weight upwards. This is my challenge!

Should I individually constrain the links using a Pin constraint and use dynamics completely to keep the chain taught?

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Maya Animation :: How To Get Random Motion In Camera Animation

Nov 29, 2010

Was wondering if there is a way of getting random camera movements? For example, i am doing a fly through of an earthquake scene and as the camera animates along the street it randomly shakes with the earthquake shocks.

I know I could animate it by hand but I wondered if there was a way (perhaps an expression) to make it more simple?

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Maya Animation :: Hide / Show Components Within Animation?

Jan 20, 2011

I have made a 3d Spectrum analyser , its made of rectangular boxes 16 rows and 16 boxes in each row.

So i have made my cam from Bottom Left corner to Top Right over 96 Frames.

What i need to do, is make some of the blocks disappear and re appear as the cam pans across.

In sketchup i did it by HIDEING the component (block), make new scene, then un hide it..

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3ds Max Animation :: Transform To Zero Parameter?

Oct 31, 2011

i'm rigging a character and i want to create an custom parameter for my rig's controller that save a lot of time for animators; "transform to zero" is one of most useful command in animating, take a look at my screenshot

now my question is how can i create an custom parameter like "button" under my controller parameters or in attribute holder that run a simple code/script for me like transform to zero script: "Animation Tools" "TransformToZero"

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