I am working in the Hypershade in Maya 2009. I need to see my place 2d texture nodes for my file textures.
Somehow they seem to have disappeared completely. There are no nodes in the utilities tab, and expanding the network to see inputs and outputs is not showing them either.
I tried starting Maya 2012 from the terminal and it started fine.Then it gave me this when I opened Hypershade libpng warning: Ignoring attempt to set cHRM RGB triangle with zero area...As soon as I made a mental ray node , in Hypershade , Maya crashed.And before crashing it spit this out
Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there.terminate called after throwing an instance of 'M2MI::ApiOutputError'maya encountered a fatal error
2012 Hypershade works fine on windows at my friends place. Do I need to upgrade my QT to the latest build ?
How am I supposed to render my scene with AmbOcc and SSS and all.
If there is a way to change the behavior of the middle mouse button in the Node Editor so that by default it moves the panel without needing to press the Alt key?
Ideally I'd like to swap the behavior of pressing the Alt Key + Middle Mouse with just the Middle Mouse.
We recently upgraded from 2008 to 2012. Sometimes, on saving a scene file, some of the meshes within a group node "disappear". They basically behave like they're on a hidden layer -- even though they're not. You can see the transform and shape nodes in the Outliner, but in the viewport they're gone.
I can fix this by un-parenting the missing meshes, at which point they reappear -- and then when I reparent them as children of the original group node they're fine. But when I save the file and reopen it, the meshes are (sometimes) invisible again.
You might think the group node itself is hidden or attached to a non-visible Display layer, but it isn't. And there are other meshes within the group node that show up fine.
How I can permanently avoid it? I'm working on fairly complex environment scenes, and having to selectively unparent/reparent meshes each time I open my files is a real hassle.
I’ve got a small issue when migrating an in-house Viewport Renderer plug-in from 2012 to 2013, when resetting a scene (for instance by creating a new scene or opening another one).
In 2012 version, when creating a new scene, a node removal callback was triggered on every node of the scene to clean things up. More precisely, by installing a callback this way: _callbackRemoveNodes = MDagMessage::addParentRemovedCallback( removeNodeCB, (void*)this );
the method removeNodeCB was called on each Dag path of my scene. Which was pretty interesting for me to clean a dual scene graph within my plug-in
In 2013 version however, none of these nodes removal callbacks are triggered on a scene reset (they are correctly triggered when manually removing a node of course).
Is there a new way to deal with scene resets in the API that I didn’t see or is this simply a bug I should report?This is a cross-post from the SDK forum. Since my issue is strongly bound to the 2013 version.
Suppose I have an asset containing three transforms:
-transform A with published attributes tx, ty and tz, -transform B with published attributes rx, ry and rz, and -transform C with no published attributes (nurbs sphere used for selection).
Is it possible to make it so that when the user clicks on the nurbs sphere, the actual asset node gets selected instead of the sphere? I seem unable to set it as the selection transform.
How to delete all ik handle nodes in a scene and all constrain nodes in a scene.
My rig is so complex that going in and deleting one by one seems like a crazy process but if there was a way to get the outliner to show only ik_handles and or constrain nodes then I could just select them and delete them and this would save me a lot of time.
I'm working with Maya 2013 and Mudbox 2013, and try to use PTEX painting in order to paint my character.
Anyway, for some reason, I'm getting visible coloring seams and distortion along them when trying to color with a stencil/stamp over some regions on the model.
Usually, texture gets distorted around extruded regions on my model, and if that's the case - the whole benefit of painting seamless texture goes out of the window.
I tried increasing/decreasing PTEX resolution, also searched in this forum and tried also edge bleed reduction/increase - unsuccessfully in all. Seams are very visible and texture is distorted.
Now, maybe it's something that is related to the natural bounds of the PTEX technology, but maybe it's just some obvious solution I'm just completely missing.
My work process is importing models from Maya by using Send To Mudbox option, then setting up PTEX with the proper resolution and starting to work.
I have been working on a script to place a psd file onto only one visible layer (document has multiple hidden layers). This java code has worked so far:
var doc = app.activeDocument; var onFile = File("C:/Users/Desktop/Desktop/ExportedArtboard-01.psd"); var mydoc = doc.placedItems.add(); mydoc.file = onFile; mydoc.embed();
however this works with only the top layer visible (eye turned on in Ai). if top most layer isn't visible i get "target layer cannot be modified" error.
For instance say i have 1,2,3 layers. layer 1 (top most) and 3 (bottom most) would be hidden, layer 2 (middle layer) would be visible and then running the script would place the psd file on to layer 2.
Using maya 2013/MR to render with the optimised texture(the converted .map textures in sourceimage/cache)
i have done some tests on this issue, and kind of confirm my maya 2013/MR would not utilise the .map textures at render time, whereas in maya 2009/MR, i can clearly see the render progress window indicates that the .map textures are being used at render time; plus, with maya 2009/MR, i can see obvious memory drops when batch render with the optimised textures.
Why maya 2013/MR would not use the .map textures? or did i mis some new setting somewhere with 2013?
I would be able to export an FBX file from Revit directly into Maya (I work for an architecture firm and we exclusively use Maya), especially since none of us have 3ds Max... I am aware of materials and RPC conflicts and have tried every way I know how to to simply export basic architectural models so that they open in Maya (I'm fine with adding shaders in Maya)... So I've tried everything I know to modify the file but no matter what I do I seem to have this gray shade that blacks out the model if I try to zoom out (in Maya). I even downloaded a trial of 3ds to try it through there with no luck. Same problem... I can tell the model is there and complete but like I said, blackout whenever I rotate and zoom.
I have an imageplane attached to a camera. If I use an image, it shows up in all view-ports fine, however if I change the mode to texture, nothing shows up, either in dx11 or opengl mode. It is there though, and correctly referenced, as it shows up correctly when I render.
Maya 2012: When I export to fbx all I get in the end result is the shape. No colors, no texture, nothing else. I've been through my two books and YouTube.
Sent to Mudbox working fine and i can see all uvs and so on, however sent back to maya with UVS and textures giving me hard time, whatever i do it always send it to maya with black textures. I have 3 layers on normal,spec and diffue...
I am currently trying to make a symmetrical texture map for my character.
For example, I want the arms of a character to share the same texture pattern.
But I can't place the UV shell corresponding to one arm on top of the piece corresponding to the other arm because it doesn't match without flip.
If I'm trying to flip this shell it becomes shaded with a semi-transparent red color. But all UV shells must be shaded with blue and have a clockwise winding order. Am I right ?
Is there a way to reverse the winding order so the UVs match the original half's without physically flipping the UV shell on the U or V.
No matter what changes I make in the UV texture editor, the texture on my model doesn't change (with the colors I put on it until I finalized the UV map, it would be pretty obvious). But nothing happens. Move UVs, Rotate UVs, Scale UVs--does not change the texture on the model.
Am I missing something? This all used to work just fine. Is it a setting change? Is this something caused by brining a Maya2010 file into 2011?
while working in "UV Texture Editor" and i select the shape, i keep getting a warning down at the bottom that says "//Warning: Some items cannot be moved or rotated in the 3D view." how do i disable this warning? earlier, this message wasn't showing up, but i must of pressed something on accident and enabled an option somewhere. The rotation box up in the right hand corner is gone too.
I'm tyring to use the 2d Interactive Placment Tool without success. I can see the red box, I can see the arrow cursor and when I click I see the little arrow and box, but when I use the mmb nothing happens. I've seen a video demo and it works there, but when I try it no joy, very frustrating.
I drew a shape with the bezier tool and filled it in with the planar tool resulting in a shape that the Outliner calls a PlanarTrimmedSurfaceShape - I can see the texture, but it's wonky.
so in the texture editor. as far as i know we can only move the verts around (with F12). we can select edges, to see where they relate on the mesh, but we can't move them. is there any way to move edges of the layout??
I am trying to paint a texture map in detail with Photoshop. the uv map is not ready, or it appears not to be.How do I separate/unwrap these uv's for easy texturing in Photoshop.
I'm trying to assign a jpg file to an eyeball and the file (containing the retina of the eyeball) comes out enlarged, even though it is not supposed to.
I'm using Blinn Material and hypershade to bring that texture to the eyeball, but every single time I try it, it comes out enlarged (see image attached). I've made sure I click on the Planar Mapping key before I try to copy the image onto my eyeball. I've also tried modifying the size of the image on Photoshop but not luck. If it matters, I'm using Windows 7.
Query on rigging, more to do on skinning. If my uv is a multi uv layout (0-1, 1-2 and so on) for a model then I am able to get the maximum size of texture for each part of the model.
When I take this to rigging then the model gets a default bind skin properly.However when we try to paint skin weights it starts behaving erratic after some time.I feel this could be due to the multi uv set feature.Is there a solution to work around this?
For certain and obvious reasons i need to delete history, problem is since i never deleted it, certain problems occur, like the very binding of my character to the skeleton is undoed, is there a way out of this mess, i just want the texture to stop moving when animation starts.
How I can check if an object is within a polygon face on the y axis?
On another note, would it be possible to get a world coordinates of the U or V vectors of a vertex? I had been trying to calculate it from two vertices that has around the same V values, but in some cases they don’t exist.