Illustrator Scripting :: Place / Import File To Visible Layer?
Jul 26, 2013
I have been working on a script to place a psd file onto only one visible layer (document has multiple hidden layers). This java code has worked so far:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var onFile = File("C:/Users/Desktop/Desktop/ExportedArtboard-01.psd");
var mydoc = doc.placedItems.add();
mydoc.file = onFile;
however this works with only the top layer visible (eye turned on in Ai). if top most layer isn't visible i get "target layer cannot be modified" error.
For instance say i have 1,2,3 layers. layer 1 (top most) and 3 (bottom most) would be hidden, layer 2 (middle layer) would be visible and then running the script would place the psd file on to layer 2.
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Mar 3, 2013
How to make a layer visible by using the name of the layer, with javascript?
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Jan 1, 2014
I recently created a script that reads the layer names of an Illustrator file, and uses the name to identify a swatch to use to pattern all elements on that specified layer. The script works well, and is a real time saver for our mapping staff, but it requires duplicate swatches to exist, where the only difference is their colour.
To improve the script I want to duplicate a swatch and modify its' colour before applying it to a specific layer. I think the only way this can be done is via the "placedItems" command. So the code I'm trying to write looks likke this:
for(var s=0; s<slib.length; s++){ // search swatch library
var pat=slib[s].name; // get swatch name
However I'm struggling to find the correct syntax to make this work.
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Sep 21, 2011
Is there a way with JavaScript to place an image with a calculated path and file name? I have 30+ artboards per document, each artboard named by product number. The actual file name of the master AI file is also already established (meaning every document I use this new script on will have already been saved).
Here's the scenario I'm hoping to create in the context of the documents mentioned above:
Run a script to "Place" a linked image based on the following calculated path:
["S:SAPCurrent Images in SAPStock Schools"] + [current ai filename minus the .ai extension]+[a hyphen like this "-"]+[currently selected artboard name]+[".jpg"]
This image link can be placed on a new top layer called "Images" or if necessary on the currently selected layer. Dimensions of the placed image should be a pre-determined size 8"x8".
Error if the ai document has not been saved yet.
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Sep 8, 2012
I am new to scripting in Illustrator.I am trying to import PSD files into an AI layer.So far this is my solution.
var TRGdoc = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.RGB, "1920", "1080");
var onFile = File( '~/Desktop/jpeger/illDanceREFon_00642.psd' );
var REFon =;
var LAYon = REFon.layers[0];
var LAYstuffon = LAYon.pageItems[0];
LAYstuffon.selected = true;
var TRGlayer = TRGdoc.layers[0];
TRGlayer.selected = true;
It works most of the time but sometimes it hangs up on the paste.
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Feb 11, 2013
I have 30 separate illustrator pdf files (one page each) that I would like to make into one Illustrator CS6 file with 30 artboards. Is there any way to do that without having to import one by one?
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Jun 30, 2013
how to get/determine the visible bounds (top+left coords and width+height or Rect structure) of a group having a clipping mask or several masks? When a script asks for Visible Bounds, Illustrator provides the coords/size of the group like it does not have any clipping mask. So, you see a circle of 10px diameter (and these are the actual visible bounds of this group), but Illustrator says that the visible bounds are 50 px wide and 70 px in height.
And what to do if the group contains multiple clipping masks of different shapes/sizes?
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May 15, 2012
Carlos, you created a script i believe called AI_openMultiPagePDF.However i was wondering if you could change it just a bit and instead of opening the files, could you use the PLACE command instead?
The problem i have had is that some PDF's have embedde fonts that i dont have but if i place it, then flatten transparency>Convert Outlines i can use the PDF excatly as it was and not have it convert the fonts.
Is that an easy script change?
#target illustrator
#targetengine session
// = AI_openMultiPagePDF_CS4_CS5_v1.02.jsx;
// script.description = opens a multipage PDF;
// script.required = requires CS4 or later
// script.parent = CarlosCanto // 01/07/12; v1.2-01/15/12
// script.elegant = false;
I didn't try opening a ridiculous amount of pages, I "only" open 35 about a minute and a half. Use with caution, save everything before running, script is memory intensive...
// Lion fix by John Hawkinson 01/15/12
START UI CODE, create user interface
var win = new Window ("dialog", "MTools - Open Multipage PDF");
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Jun 8, 2012
I cut and paste in place from a layer to an other and its not in the right place. it seems new since CS6
I have multiple artworks on my file but i could do it since then. do you now how to not talke care of it ?
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Oct 5, 2012
To get the top, left and width of an groupitem without Clipping mask. Actually the group has Clipping mask. But i need only the width of the selection (without Clipping mask). I got these properties in scripting but including the clipping mask. The GUI itself shows different (i.e. Info -->: X:0 mm, Y:0 mm, W:full width [including clipping mask]. Transform palette -->: X:43.00, Y:22.0, W:64 [excluding clipping mask])
How to get the properties without clipping mask?
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Oct 28, 2009
In prior versions of illustrator we used a script that basically saved the visible bounds of a masked object as an EPS file. With the upgrade to CS4 and Multiple Artboards this save function (EPSSaveOptions) no longer does the same visible bounds. I have read several post of similar issues, but what I am asking is:
In there a way to make the visible bounds of the eps file equal the artboard on the active artboard only? The artboard seems to be driving the crop box. When I manually save the file as EPS the visible bounds are correct. When I save from the script it is not? As with other posts I do not want to go backwards within compatibility...I would like to keep the file at the CS4 level. What command am I missing? We have tried making the crop box = visibleBounds to no avail.
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Mar 3, 2013
I want to select all text frames on all visible layers. The script below will select all text frames even in groups but when a layer with text on it is invisible the script will error.(target layer cannot be modified)
if (app.documents.length > 0 ) {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var numTextFrames = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < doc.textFrames.length; i++ ) {
textArtRange = doc.textFrames[i];
textArtRange.selected = true;
So I made this script to select text frames on only the visible layers but it now misses text that is in a group.
var layerCount = activeDocument.layers.length;
var docSelected = activeDocument.selection;
for (i = 0; i < layerCount; i++)
[Code] .....
Why it does not selected textframes in a group when done this way and is there a way to get all textframes selected on all visible layers?
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Apr 15, 2012
This is my very first attempt at a script:
* this script will prompt the user for a file name and location and then save the current file as a .pdf with secure save options*/
var curDoc = app.activeDocument;
var destName = prompt ("Enter a Filename Daniel", "", "Save With Security");
var destFolder = Folder.selectDialog('Select which folder to save to :');
saveFileToPDF(destFolder+ '/' + destName); // not sure if i need this here ?
[Code] .......
i can do the math of (artboard width)-(text width) / 2 is start point of text but how do i find out the text width and the artboard width?
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm looking for a script to paste an object (paste in place) on top of all other layers in a file.
I know I can position a single object on the top layer and then turn the bottom layers on and off, but for my needs (and in this situation) I need to actually paste that object onto each layer.
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Mar 20, 2012
trying to have an applescript place a PDF as an Illustrator Link at the PDF's Media Box using "make new placed item". The only result possible as far as I can tell is a link at the PDF's Art Box.
I've seached around and have seen others with the same issue, but no answers as to whether it is actually possible. As with most Applescript stuff, I am either way overthinking it or it is not possible directly.
Currently I have a workaround using an Applescript script controlling Acrobat to sidestep the problem by setting the Art and Crop box to Media box, then place as a link in Illustrator, but it is not a direct route into illustrator.
I have also noticed that in the "Adobe Illustrator CS5 Scripting Reference" that the "PDF options object properties" do not honor the PDF crop bounds (except for the default value of Media Box). Is this an inherent problem with Applescript/Illustrator and PDF crop boxes? Could it be that the options for Open PDF and Place PDF are crossed?
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Feb 1, 2013
I'm looking for the most elegant syntax to loop through a document and select all the text frames.
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Jul 25, 2013
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator
var doc = app.activeDocument;
idLayers(doc)//IRename layers
idGroups(doc)//Rename groups
function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
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Jan 4, 2014
when I import files from Illustrator, and import them as footage to preserve the layers, I get an object for every layer. However, when I move those layers into my comp, they are either moved by default into the center or wherever I drop them. How would I move them into the comp while preserving the position of the layers in my actual ai file?
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Aug 26, 2013
I have several .dwg files from an architect each with several hundred layers. I set up a Layer State in one drawing with just the layers I need. I want to use the same Layer State in the other drawings. I opened the Layer States Manager, selected my layer state, and clicked export, selected a location and closed the window.
I double checked in the file manager in Windows 7 that the .las file was where I had exported it. Then I opened the next .dwg, opened Layer States Manager, navigated to the file location and the .las file does not show up.
When I go back to the original drawing and click Import, the .las file is not visible either, but it is if I click Export.I am working on drawings on my hard drive not a network, and saving the .las file to my hard drive.
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Sep 26, 2013
Have to enter a lot of text snippets into illustrator cs4 every day, would love to make my live easier.
I'm trying to figure out how to import text to illustrator automaticly.
I have olny a few parameters: the text, what font to use, the size of the text (the text width and length in mm as if the text would be converted to outlines, needs to be exactly the right size) and the coulor.
Usually its one line of text, sometimes more lines of wich i have the widht and length of the complete block of text
The parameters could be in a cvs-file or something like that, ideally all texts would be imported in one file but it could be seperate files
Texts should be converted to outlines and saved as AI version 3
Is it possible to do this?
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Aug 9, 2012
Is it possible to create an art which is present on the document but not on the 'Layer' panel(F7)?
My requirement is to create an art which is visible on the document, but could not be seen on the Layer panel and user is not able to select it.
Just like it happens in case of reflection, when we are creating a copy of selected art object, the reflected copy doesn't present on the 'Layer' panel but it is visible on the document and user is not able to select the reflected one, while he can only select the original art.
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Apr 3, 2012
I am writing my own Illustrator scripts.
How do I write a script to delete layer with ".ARD" name.
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Dec 19, 2012
Is it possible to script using a highlighted layer.
I know that selected items can be used for scripting, but I would like to just highlight the layers I want to process but not directly select the items on those layers.
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Jan 3, 2013
what is the script to delete some letters from layer?For ex. I've "Layer XYZ" and I want "Layer XY".
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Dec 19, 2012
I am working on a script to standardize layers and I need to move all the pageItems from a layer called "PART_NUMBER" to a layer named "STATIC".
following code at the arrow...
I am using "test" to troubleshoot the move.
standardizeLayerNames() // This function verifies that the Layer names conform to the standard Layer names.
function standardizeLayerNames() {
var myDoc7=app.activeDocument
var myLayerCount7 = myDoc7.layers.length
[Code] ........
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Sep 27, 2012
I create with VBA an Illustrator sheet with custom size:
'define size
Dim B_cust, H_cust As Integer
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
B_cust = CInt(InputBox("B=", "Higth:"))
H_cust = CInt(InputBox("H=", "Width:"))
Set newDocument = appRef.Documents.Add(aiDocumentCMYKColor, B_cust, H_cust)
This works fine
I would have fore each new document the same layer order like
Rem ###new Layer###
Set myDoc = appRef.ActiveDocument
Set myLayer = myDoc.Layers.Add()
Set myLayer.Name = "cad"
I'm not able to rename the created layer ?
Furthermore I would erase the default Layer LEVEL 1
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Jan 4, 2013
I am realtively good with actionscript, so I am trying my hand at this to streamline our image exporting process. I am using CS5 on a PC.
We build our illustrator files to be a combination of different layers. Sometimes just one layer is exported at a time, and sometimes layers are combined to form a more complex image. We use layer names with instructions of what layers should be on and off.
An example of the layer naming might look like this:
03 (01-ON, 02-OFF)
02 (01-OFF)
I have been able to figure out how to check if there is a note to turn a layer on, my question is how do I select the layer to turn on the visibility without using the exact name of the layer?
In my example, when layer 3 gets exported, it should have layer "01" visible and layer "02 (01-OFF)" not visible. Since our files are always constructed differently (meaning 02 might not always have a note about 01 being off), I can't use the getByName option because I don't have an exact name to call the layer and turn the visibility on. The layers always start with 01, 02, 03, etc. Is there a way to use getByName and only have it look at the first 2 characters of the layer name?
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Dec 27, 2010
Is there a simple way to test whether a layer with a specific name exists?
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Nov 20, 2013
I'm new in scripting and i need to make a script that moving all layers into a single layer (in Illustrator i press CTRL+A then CTRL+G in layers and works) but i need that in script.
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Sep 30, 2013
I would like to make the active layer name the same as the document name. I know very little about scripting. I found this script:
var idoc = app.activeDocument;var ilayer = idoc.activeLayer;var filename =; = filename;
It does almost what I need it to do. except that it also copies the ".ai" in to the layer name. Is there some way to modify this script to have it exclude or delete the file extension?
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Apr 9, 2013
I am trying to iterate through objects in a layer and if the object satisfy a condition, I want to remove it.
Problem is that from what I suspect, if I use a "for loop" then when I remove an element, the initial length of the loop becomes invalid by removing the element. So what I would need is to iterate through objects in another matter and I am clueless.
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