I go into component mode to select something, say vertices, the object then displays with the "sunrise" spread of red to orange to yellow and all the vertices are highlighted yellow dots. But I can't select anything. Not in face, or edges or vertices. I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting Maya and restarting my computer and restoring the Maya file(s) from my daily backups but nothing changes this. I even uninstalled & reinstalled Maya but still.
I'm using Maya 2011 x64 on Win 7, with an AMD Phenom and 8 gb RAM,.
The problem is when I try editing the object in perspective mode, I cannot. But I can edit it in other views. I dont know how this happened. It was working fine all this while. which button I pressed that made the Perspective view to lock up!! I tried switching to persp view from one of the other views, and it does let me get to the marking menu, but after that, when I select anything like edges, vertex etc.. it stays there and I'm unable to bring back the marking menu in the perspective view. All other views are fine. A little while before, I was able to work in perspective to a certain degree, and would lock up eventually (usually after I press the Q button to go to select tool). But as of now, even when I quit Maya and relaunch it and then open the same file, the perspective view is locked and I cannot bring up the marking menu to select the faces, edges, etc.. Only the marking menu showing Complete Tool and Select All comes up.
I noticed that when a face is selected, vertices and edges in the near vicinity glow orange, and are affected when the primary selection is translated/rotated. Is there a way to modify only the primary selection without any secondary effects?
I know in other 3D modeling software it is possible to transform individual faces without deforming the surrounding geometry. Is there a setting that I need to change?
in order to get a head start on my next class, I bought the book: Introducing Maya 2011 by Dariush Derakhshani and have been following along with the tutorial projects within.
The issue I am having is probably a silly noob thing, but I can't get the selection handles (for polygon faces) to show up on a simple polygon sphere. I can see the handles on the corners of individual faces, but not the ones that are supposedly in the center of each face.
I have tried going to Display > Transform Display > Selection Handles but nothing happens. I have tried this while selecting the sphere with options under both "Select by Object Type" and "Select by Component Type" with no results.
I am using Maya 2012. I am doing a tutorial for Maya 2011. It is directing me to do some selecting and transformation to my mesh using camera based selection. The tutorial says:
1. double click the selection tool icon in the toolbox. the tool settings editor appears.
2. In the common selection options selection underneath marquee, turn on camera based selection.
3. Right mouse click the mesh and select vertex from the marking menu. The vertices appear on the mesh.
4. While looking at the front of the mesh, select the vertices that need to me moved by holding the left mouse button at one corner dragging a marquee selection over them. the vertices should be selected.
I selected the “turn on camera based selection” in the selection icon toolbox settings editor. But I can’t select the veritces using a left mouse click bounding box or by selecting the vertices individually. The vertices just won’t highlight or select. If I want to select I have to turn off the camera based selection.
I'm working from a book tutorial and the book wants me to "turn off Surface Selection" in the "Selection Mask Options".
I've looked everywhere but can't find "Selection Mask Options".
Is there something like a "Maya 2011 Bible" out there (or even 2010 or 2012)? The publisher that makes the Bible series does not seem to have made one for Maya since 4.5. I was wondering if there was a book or website that simply listed every Maya option with a short description and its location.
are the developing capabilities completely equal when it comes to gamut and histogram between ACR and LR5 (5.?) or to get equality do I have to develop in soft proof mode in LR5?
I just installed the trial version of Maya 2012 on a new machine, and I'm playing around with the new Viewport 2.0 features. In the preview demo Autodesk showed that one of the new feature is soft edge shadows, but I can't find any way to activate them, the shadows in the viewport are jaggy and pixelated, even if I set the resolution of the shadow map to 2048. Increasing the filter works a bit, but that's the same as the old versions of Maya, so where is this new soft shadows feature?
Also, I would like to point out that I installed Maya 64bit on a very powerful machine, an i7 with 8 GB of RAM and a GeForce 480, but the performance in full screen are VERY DISAPPOINTING, especially when the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion is active, the framerate drops drastically. This machine can run games such a Crysis 2 in full HD at 60 fps, how come the Maya viewport is so slow?!
Graphics Card: AMD ATI Radeon HD 5570 RAM: 9 GB OS: Windows 7 64 Maya Edition: 2012 Hotfix 4 x64
Color feedback drops in and out. Yes I have the box checked in the settings. Sometimes it slightly works and most times it simply does nothing. Half the time I don't get color feed back and when I try to move the handle or scale, it doesn't affect the polygonal mesh at all. It's driving me crazy and I really don't want to do my facial blendshapes by hand!
I have also tried deleting my preferences, and it didn't work either.I have also tried resetting the tool. No go.
I'm working on a animation with a female model. It's a simple animation which I did with a couple of soft modification points. After that was done, I created the UV texture in Photoshop. At the point in the animation that the soft modification points deform the mesh the texture goes all crazy.
I know why that is, because the UV is projected and is not stuck on the mesh yet. I've worked the wrong way. Next time I will first add the UV texture and then animate the mesh. Now I'm having a duplicate of the model and deleted the history. The UV sticks on that mesh, but the softmodification points are also deleted. So the mesh doesn't deform anymore.
I've tried a lot of ways, but didn't find the solution yet. That's why my question is. How do you copy/reconnect the soft modification points on a identical mesh with a sticking UV texture? It's the same polycount, so I think it's possible. I've tried connecting the soft mods in the new mesh in the Hypergraph, but I didn't know which atributes I should connect. I also tried to bake a simulation, but Maya says he is calculating, but I can't see if it is working and how long it would take. I tried to export the animation and import it in a new scene with the history deleted model, but that wasn't the solution either.
I don't know if my story is all clear, but this i my goal. I want the animation on a model that has the UV texture sticking on it. What is the best way to get there?
When creating a selection Command using the PromptXXXOptions and PromptXXXResult. The entities are selected on the current view, but once the selection ends the entities return to an unselected state.
Is it possible to leave them in selection mode.
I want to this, because it will be better to use Editor.SelectImplied() instead of saving the last selection object Ids.
I just can't make it work.. I need to use QUICK SELECTION TOOL to select part of image and then cut it out and paste it exactly in the same place. But whenever I do it, that tool automatically add feather to the edge so I can't paste it in same place again!
I already turn on hardness to 100% and I don't see any other options I can alter to eliminate it.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
When I'm editing an editable poly and I select vertices they disappear. I'm using max 2012 design and the nitrous driver. It only happens in wireframe and hidden line mode.
Max Design 2012, Windows 7 64 Quadro 4000 Dual Xeon X5650 2.67 GHz, 24Gb Ram
I have an imageplane attached to a camera. If I use an image, it shows up in all view-ports fine, however if I change the mode to texture, nothing shows up, either in dx11 or opengl mode. It is there though, and correctly referenced, as it shows up correctly when I render.
When I open a file or create e new file in CS5.1, it fills the screen. In CS3, at the bottom of the tool bar, is a tool "screen mode" that lets me open a file that doesn't fill the screen so that I can put two or more small files (images) on a new blank file. I have not been able to do that in CS5. I do not know how to show two (or more) files at one time in CS5.1.
Whenever I try to collapse a group of edges in Edit Poly mode there is always 1 edge that is left intact therefore creating undesired results. This doesn't happen in Edit Mesh mode, and also behaves accordingly in previous versions of Max.
Currently using Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 Version 16.0 commercial
I am having quite a frustrating issue when trying to simply shift + drag in edge mode. I click the edge and hold shift to drag it and it instantly becomes deselected when clicking the the gizmo to move up.
I have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
I'm scanning slides with the intention of showing them in HD. So I need to crop the 3:2 slide format to 16:9. Is there any way to view a selection full-screen other than an Action? At the moment I make the 16:9 selection, crop, jump to full-screen mode, remove the selection rectangle, and CMD-0 to fill the screen.
I have photoshop cs6, and I was just wondering how to save a selection in channel mode.
So for example (below), If i wanted to only copy the part of this picture that has white and the plant in the picture how would i do this? I've tried colour range but it didn't work so I am very stuck.
Situation: Rendering a sequence of frames with different image dimensions (photos of 3D scene for printing, different image dimensions needed for different purposes). Changing image width/height in pre-render frame MEL script. Therefore, need to know what frame we are on.
Unfortunately, mental ray batch render returns frame number (currentTime) of PREVIOUS frame when called during pre-render frame script. I have to add 1 to get the frame that is about to render, to determine needed image dimensions.
This is different than rendering current frame within Maya to preview what will happen -- currentTime is already on the correct frame.
So, in my frame mel script, I need to know whether in batch mode or not, to know whether to add 1 to time.
How do so?
I searched docs and googled. All I found is a mention "Implementors of render traversals may wish to check whether they are running in batch mode", that did not say how to do so. And a mention in 2006 of "about -batch" that supposedly gives documentation that mentions how to do so. But the about command must be obsolete.
Maya keeps resizing the height of an animation during a software batch render to 180px. Rendering a single scene, the size is as specified in the settings.
I've got an animation I need to render. I'm trying to render at 640x480. I can render single scenes or the entire batch in Hardware mode and it renders at 640x480 no problem. I can render a single scene in software mode and it renders at 640x480. If I try to batch render the animation in software mode, Maya resizes the height to 180. If I reset the size of the render to 1024x748 Maya once again resizes the height to 180.
I wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
My model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.