AutoCAD Architecture :: Where Did Asset Menu Go
Nov 15, 2011I seem to have lost the asset menu in my ACAD Architecture factory design suite 2012. how to get it back.
View 1 RepliesI seem to have lost the asset menu in my ACAD Architecture factory design suite 2012. how to get it back.
View 1 RepliesI intended to add more option at right click shortcut menu. Is it possible to be done?
View 2 Replies View Relatedonly just begginning to use CAD and I installed Architecture 2011 but there is no tab menu when there is supposed to be?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do you add the menu bar back in across the top and also how do you add the traditional "File", "Edit", "View", etc..
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhy I can't see all the layers in the pull down menu? This doesn't happen with all drawings, but I've noticed this in a recent files.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was working in Arch 2011, it crashed. When I opened it back up and clicked on the Big A to try and open the file back up, nothing happens! It looks like the program is active, if I don't try to navigate to a file everything seems to work.
Also, I can navigate to the file using Windows and 'Open With' which also works and the program opens the file and seems fine. I really need the navigation menu back though.
I was workingona project with autocad 2011, but i lsot the original menus, Ihave been obliged to use the costomed menu. I knew how to use Autocad 2000 and ADT 2002,
View 9 Replies View RelatedTrying to setup my machine at home to match my machine at work. To clear things up, I'm running ACA 2009 on both machines, both are running XP Professional, although I'm running XP Professional at home through VMWare Fusion 4 on my MacBook Pro and I really doubt that could cause these issues since a coworker is having these issues at work on a PC.
First of all when I startup ACA 2009 almost everything is missing! When I go to profiles and load the imperial profile I get the wonderful ribbon, which I immediately use RIBBONCLOSE to turn off but then I don't have any file menus. I have the large A in the upper left corner but it only has File, Edit, and Exit I believe. So I used MENULOAD to get the ACAD.cui back up and then reinserted the install CD to add EXPRESSTOOLS back (...why aren't this included to start....that's for another time).
So now I have a something pretty close to my work machine after moving some properties, xref, and tool palettes around. I don't really use any buttons so it is a pretty minimalist desktop. Now down to the real question...
Where did the Project Browser and Style Managers disappear to? I know, I know, ending in a preposition...I can't think anymore today and Autodesk you are responsible. Is it just me or does Autodesk seem to be hiding more and more from us with each release every year? I can type ProjectBrowser into the command line and it will appear but it isn't under the File menu and more and I honestly couldn't find the Style Manager command prompt so I can't tell you if that works.
How do I get these two items to reappear, neither of the two buttons existing either in the standard ACAD.cui configuration next to Tool Palette, etc
Also, why don't the profiles work anymore? If I save it under profiles and reload it the next time everything is messed up nothing happens, and yes the shortcut I use to start ACA references that profile.
I'm using Architecture 2012 and all of a sudden the right-click context menus are no longer specific to the selected objects. If I pick a door/window tag, I no longer get the specific options to anchor it to a specific door/window. This is typical of all objects now. All that ever pops up is the basic context menu.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When I launch the program it opens up without any problems. But, when I go to the menu and select "File" then "Open" to open up my CAD files nothing happens. My screen just hangs and the ribbon turns a faint white color. I can't open any of my CAD files from the program. In order to stop CAD from hanging and doing nothing, I press the ESC key and everything is back to normal. I am wondering why CAD will not let me open any of my files from the menu.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my workspace saved, but everytime I open AutoCAD Architecture, all my tool bars are messed up again. What is going on? How can I get it to standarized my work environment?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to use pull down menu commands, for example when I want to save as, I have to type it manually in the command open a file I have to type the file name at command line..
when I click save as or any other command from the pull down menu, it does not work, the command line apprars at the buttom of the drawing asking me to manually make an imput...
The pulldown menus listed in the CUI are File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Window, and Help. The menu bar has one pulldown menu: Express. How do I make the pulldown menus listed in the CUI appear on the menu bar? Sure wish it was as easy and obvious as "drag them there".
View 5 Replies View RelatedI looked through the discussion groups and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. Our office recently upgraded their server. Since this happened, my dual monitor blinks when highlighting objects or zooming in and out. Plus, it adds extra menu bars (gray horizontal bars).
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter a few seconds in the program the menu with all the slides like insert,view,etc. somehow freezes. i can´t pick it anymore. the rest of the program is working,i can work on the work surface with the current tool, but choosing an ew one isn´t possible. i have this problem with different version 2011,12 and even 13....
Working isn´t possible this way.
Working in ACA 2012 on a Windows 7 machine. Noticed that pinning documents in the "Recent Documents" under the main menu is acting goofy. If I pin a document (so that it presumably stays there no matter what) and then open other drawings, the pinned drawing gets pushed down the list just like any other. Eventually, it gets pushed off the list just like all the others.
Is there a system variable I'm not aware of that controls this feature? Or is this just a bug, but since this feature is rarely used no one has noticed it?
For whatever reason the "select similar" command has disappeared from both my right click menu and my cui list when I'm in my personal profile on Architecture... Can't seem to get it back in my personal profile although can access it if I go back to the Autodesk Standard profile.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOne of the CAD engineer in my office is facing with a new problem. Until two days back she was able to use the "mid between two points" object snap. But recently it dissappeared from the shift+right click short cut menu. method to bring it back to the shortcut menu?
I recently loaded AutoCAD Architecture 2008 and the menu tabs for File, Edit, Window etc were all missing. They are replaced with a tab that says M-Color 9.5. When i load the program with older files (from this morning) the menu tabs are there but then they disappear. How do i get them back?
Also in addition to that my toolbars are gone, but i can recover those when i have my tool bars.
I have an inactive snap shortcut menu. When clicking shift + right mouse button the menu appears but when I typet
"E" for "ENDpoint", "M" for "Midpoint" or when I just click over the respective icons in the menu nothing really happens and I get the following message in the command bar:
"Command: _endp Unknown command "ENDP". Press F1 for help."
"Command: _mid Unknown command "MID". Press F1 for help."
I tried following, none of which worked:
1. resetting the main customization file ACA_Global.cuix
2. switching between different profiles and cuix files
3. reinstalling Autocad Architecture 2013
4. uninstalling and Installing Autocad Architecture 2013 service pack 1
5. installing older versions of Autocad (2008 and Architecture 2012)
6. reinstalling Windows 7 and installing Autocad Architecture 2013 again
I created a host of materials with a certain appearance etc and saved them as a library. When I open my Inventor 2013 this morning I seemed to have lost my appearances. It says my materials are missing the Appearance asset - see attached screenshot.
What is this, and how can I rectify the problem?
Dim oAppAsset As Inventor.Asset oAppAsset = m_inventorApplication.AssetLibraries.Item _
("Autodesk Appearance Library").AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03")
oPartDoc.ActiveAppearance = oAppAsset
Dim oNewAsset As Inventor.Asset
oNewAsset = oPartDoc.AppearanceAssets.Item("Machined 03")
Dim oValue As AssetValue oValue = oNewAsset.Item("generic_bump_map")
Dim oColorValue As ColorAssetValue oColorValue = oValue
oColorValue.HasConnectedTexture = False
The above failed while changing the HasConnectedTexture. How to overcome this.
I want to add a text height chart to a dropdown menu in the Quick access bar.
I have the Dropdown made but forget how to add the chart.
Accelerator Keys
My accelerator keys for the right-click object-snap cursor menu do not work. For example, I will be drawing a line and I will bring up the object-snap menu, then I will select ‘E’ for endpoint snap, the ‘e’ will display in the dynamic input window and the snap does not work.
Having issue in Inventor Pro 2014 with the factory layout/simulation add-on (factory design suite) where you can't drag and drop "out of the box" assets onto your factory floor?
When I drag/drop onto the factory floor, nothing happens and no message appears..
My asset browser does not pop up when I select it from the drop down menu...
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm using Windows 7 Professional and the Log in option on Asset Tracking its disabled. Its disabled for Vault and Perforce as well.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made a simple file with a retangular box in a new layer, which I filled with a color. I then added an image in another layer. I labeled the image layer as a image.png.
The image was transferred as an asset to Reflow, but not the retangular box.
I have tried all kinds of shapes, and none of them are transferred to Reflow.
What am I doing wrong?
Aside from being completelly baffled by the new 'Asset Editor' arrangements in 2013, I have just realised that my Manage Tab>Additional Settings drop down> Asset Editor button has disappeared. I am certain it was there before as I have used it and WikiHelp [URL] says so. Whilst I have done a repair on my instalation, it is still absent. See the partial sreen print.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I update an asset in use by Edge Animate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm updating our Revit template in Revit Structure 2013. When I look into the Asset Browser in the unreferenced library there are a lot of Assets wich are incremented [(1), (2), (3),...]. I don't need these Assets in my template, but I can't remove them because the unreferenced folder is locked. How can I delete these Assets?
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