Lightroom :: Color Popping When Switching Monitors?
Dec 12, 2011
So, this might be a silly question. I have lightroom on one monitor and when I drag it over (the program window) to my other monitor it pops (changes color) after about 1/2 a second. There is a shift in color. I'm wondering if it is the monitors ICC profile or something weird like that? Both of my monitors are samsungs (different models) and they are both using the Samsung natural color profile.
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Dec 9, 2012
--Toolbox: The 2 columns of Tools on the left side of the Editor screen.
--Foreground Color & Background Color: The color filled squares at the bottom of the Toolbox.
--Color dialogue box: This is the pop-up that is labeled at the top with "Color". It shows 48 different color squares (6 rows by 8 columns); they are labeled "Basic colors:". Right below the "Basic colors:" array is another 16 empty squares (2 rows by 8 columns) to be filled with colors to be defined. There is a "Define Custom Colors>>" button when clicked opens up a color picker with HSB RGB stacked below the color field screen. See this link to the Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box", [URL]
--Adobe Color Picker: The interactive dialogue box with the color field screen to the left and the HSB RGB numbers stacked on the right side.
The problem:In PSE 10, when using the Eyedropper Tool or clicking on the Foreground Color or the Background Color, the Microsoft Microsoft "Color Dialogue Box" pops up instead of the "Adobe Color Picker" dialogue box. This started about a month ago. I use Windows 7.
I want the "Adobe Color Picker" to pop up (like it used to) inside PSE 10.
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm assuming this problem I'm having stems from having color-calibrated monitors, but let me know if I'm wrong!
To preface, this is the setup I have:
Windows 73 monitors as follows, all have individual color profiles calibrated using the Spyder 3Cintiq 12WX Dell U2410Dell 2409WFPPhotoshop CS6 - Proofed with Monitor RGB, and tested with color-managed and non-color-managed documents . I usually do most of my work on the Cintiq 12WX, but pull the Photoshop window to my main monitor to do large previews and some corrections. I noticed that the color picker wouldn't pick colors consistently depending on the monitor the Photoshop window is on.
Here are some video examples:
This is how the color picker works on my Dell U2410:
This is how it works on my Cintiq 12WX:
Main Question
I know the Cintiq's video capture makes the picture look more saturated than the Dell's, but it actually looks fine physically, which is okay. But notice how the Cintiq's colour picker doesn't pick a matching colour. It was actually happening the opposite way for a while (Dell was off, Cintiq was fine), but it magically swapped while I was trying to figure out what was going on.
Semi-related Question regarding Color Management
Color management has always been the elephant-in-the-room for me when I first tried to calibrate my monitors with a Spyder colourimeter years ago. My monitors looked great, but Photoshop's colors became unpredictable and I decided to abandon the idea of calibrating my monitors for years until recently. I decided to give it another chance and follow some tutorials and articles in an attempt to keep my colors consistent across Photoshop and web browsers, at least. I've been proofing against monitor color and exporting for web without an attached profile to keep pictures looking good on web browsers. However, pictures exported as such will look horrible when uploaded to Facebook. Uploading pictures with an attached color profile makes it look good on Facebook. This has forced me to export 2 versions of a picture, one with an attached color profile and one without, each time I want to share it across different platform. Is there no way to fix this issue?
Pictures viewed in Windows Photo Viewer are also off-color, but I think that's because it's not color managed... but that's a lesser concern.
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Feb 9, 2012
IThis was pulled from the Mac forum (URl....), however I am having the exact same problem on a PC running CS5.
When I "let go" of the "work area" window on the LCD monitor it rather visibly changes the color tonality (so much so that white turns yellow). When I release the image, why is Photoshop altering the color space - when other programs display evenly across the monitors? Am I to assume that releasing the image triggers the second monitors profile? Maybe I simply need to use the same profile for both monitors (which would be strange because this was a problem before I assigned any, and is still a problem after running calibration)?
I've been using Photoshop for years and never encountered this before, however this is the first time I've added a LCD monitor into the mix, as my old Viewsonic finally died. I will be replacing the other monitor with a LCD in the near future, it will be interesting to see if the problem magically resolves (assuming I can't figure it out in the meantime)
It would have made more sense to simply be able to flag a post as pertaining to both operating systems, and thereby have it appear in both threads. That way you're not burdening everyone with threads that do not apply, and you're not losing all of the old threads (which are now read-only for some reason).
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Aug 25, 2013
I need to make a bright pink/hot pink type of color for the web/monitors.
I been through tons of pantones, art books, etc... All the pinks look like pastel or extremely dull, not bright at all, like that hot pink, neon pink type of color.
1. is there a certain pantone/color/etc that will give me that hot pink color that will look hot pink on a website? if so what is it?
2. if there is no color for this, is there some way to simulate it?
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Nov 4, 2012
How do I go about setting up LR4 for two monitors?
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Oct 23, 2012
I'm using Win7 with LR4 and have dual monitors. When i switch to the second monitor in LR4 it then displays both LR4 windows on both monitors. In other words it just shows the same thing on each monitor.
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Sep 27, 2012
I use two monitors while editing and in the past I was able to edit in Lightroom on the left monitor and do other things on the right (ie. email, netflix etc...) Now Lightroom wants to use my right monitor to show me a preview of whatever picture I am working on. I cannot manage to override this and turn the preview off. Is it something within the program or do I need to change something in my control panel?
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Feb 8, 2012
if it's possible to span the compare mode across two monitors, so the curent select is on the left, and the candidate is on the right?
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Oct 18, 2012
I'm having problems with lightroom 4.2 crashing in develop when using two monitors. I cant seem to make it crash in any other module with both monitors active, or make it crash in develop with only one monitor. I have tried updating all drivers (graphics etc) along with uninstalling wacom tablet driver which I read somewhere could have an effect. My system is:
WIndow 7 pro 64 bit
nVidia GTX 285 1gb graphics card
Gigabyte GA-EX58-Extreme motherboard
12gb Corsair memory
Core i7 975 Extreme processor
Have also tried clean install with just lightroom and cs6 but to no avail.
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May 18, 2012
I've been using bridge the past 2yrs, currently CS5... and looking to switch to Lighroom4.
Thing is, I'll probably use bridge from time to time, and already started rating stuff in Bridge. I noticed when I opened Lightroom that the star ratings were there which is great, but, in Lightroom I setup a copyright and applied it to a group of images which when in Bridge I'm not seeing.
When doing star ratings, keywords and copyright tags... do the files/images saves that info? I don't want to spend the time cleaning up my system in Lightroom, to find out that when I burn the files to discs and use on other systems or in Bridge the info doesn't carry.
PC - Win7x64bit System
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Jun 18, 2012
When switching from the Library to Develop module, there's a several second delay. However, when going to the Book module, LR4.1 will beach ball for a good 15-20 seconds. Other modules (Slideshow, Print, Web) are better, but....
My spec's: 2010 15" MacBook Pro, 2.4Ghz i5, 8gigs of RAM, 500gig 7200rpm HD, nVidia 330 with 256mb of video RAM.
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Oct 4, 2013
I use PSE 11 with 20,000 categorised photos in the Organiser. Can I migrate the Organiser to Lightroom if I make the switch ?
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Dec 6, 2011
I'm using Lightroom 2.6 on a Mac G5. I've got 93.36Gb of photos ( 9,000 RAW files plus their sidecar files) on a 500Gb firewire 400 drive. I'm upgraing to a 1TB firewire 800 external, and my file is (I believe) on my internal hard drive under users somewhere.
I can piggy back the new and old externals, or copy my photos to the internal and then transfer to the new drive when I connect it, but I have no way of connecting both firewire drives to the computer at the same time.
What's the most effective and easiest way to transfer my catalog and photo files from one drive to another and have Lightroom find them and sort everything out?
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Oct 24, 2013
Almost every time I switch in and out of Lightroom 5.2 running on OS X mavericks cursor and keyboard control freezes up for around 10-30 seconds. Other applications including LR still continue to work during this freeze up but the mouse cursor will not move and I just have to sit and wait for a little while and everything will resume normally after this delay.
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Oct 6, 2012
I recently updated Lighroom 4.1 to 4.2 successfuly, but now any time I go into the Develop module, Lightroom pauses, then crashes and forces me to quite the program. Is this a bug than needs to be ironed out, or is there something else going on?
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Oct 11, 2012
In Library mode, when I'm switching between all my photos, there is a fade in fade out transition as it switches to the next photo. Can I get rid of this transition? I would like to just switch to the next photo without any fancy transition.
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Nov 20, 2013
I'm a huge fan of Full screen mode (pressing F) to review my image large without UI clutter.However often the image in Fullscreen looks quite different from what I see in normal mode within Develop. The full screen image is brighter (by about 0.5EV) and lacks contrast. Exporting the image and reviewing externally shows that it is faithful to the version in normal Develop mode.
Originally I thought this was due to visual perception where the dark border made the full screen version appear brighter, but this isn't the case. Using Lights out mode with all tabs collapsed and then switching to Fullscreen also exhibits the difference. Further I've taken screenshots of both modes, put them in layers in Photoshop and the difference is very noticeable switching between them.
I'm not sure if nobody is noticing or using Fullscreen or if it's somehow unique to me? As it stands, without being able to trust Fullscreen mode showing a faithful image it's rather useless as a review tool.
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm running LR5 on Windows. I've got the grid view on my primary display and a second display showing the loupe view.
If the focus moves to another application (i.e. a small notepad window on the primary display) then I can still see LR with its grid view in the background behind notepad on the primary display however the loupe view on the second display disappears and I can see the desktop.
Is it possible to configure LR not to automatically hide the 2nd display when the input foucs moves to a different wiindow? I'd like to be able to continue displaying the image on the 2nd display while I'm doing something else on the primary display.
I've not been able to check but I've a feeling this is new behaviour in 5, I don't think 3 or 4 did this.
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Mar 7, 2012
When I change to process 2012 on an image that has been worked in 2010 I'm seeing a big change in the image, much brighter, less contrast. Any way to closely preserve the old look while updating the process?
Also wondering what the new 2012 process brings to the image, aside from access to the new tools. Will I see a better (or just different) rendering of the image from older files?
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Oct 22, 2005
Sometimes this happens when I'm working with photoshop : first it doesn't do anything for a moment because he is processing something (I don't have loads of RAM) then suddenly like 5 help-windows open... I wonder: is there any way to prevent it?: is there a shortcut I must prevent pushing? some settings? It's not that important as I can still do everything, but it is very irritating...
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Apr 12, 2011
My asset browser does not pop up when I select it from the drop down menu...
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Jul 13, 2012
Obviously this is a change from CS5 to CS6 and I don't like it. I would like to know how to change it back. When I have a bunch of tabs open in a window and then minimize them because I am working in yet another new window... every time I return to PS6, that minimized window keeps opening up on top of the project I really want to work with. Why doesn't it stay minimized (like it used to in CS5)? Is there a way to go back to the way that works in CS6?
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Jul 10, 2012
every time i try to draw a marquee or draw a shape in ps6, a small info box appears next to my curser. it is incredibly distracting, and i cannot figure out how to get rid of it.
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Sep 2, 2012
I'm having major problem with trying to record a screen capture. It's my first time trying corel videostudio. When I click record screen capture region the program minimizes but nothing else pops up and there is no frame on my monitor region. I've tried every compatibility mode, and it does the exact same thing. no recorder bar pops up.
windows 7 64
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Mar 19, 2013
When I start Photoshop, I get the message, "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video adapter manufacturer's website for the latest software. GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences."
I have updated everything but this message still pops up everytime I open Photoshop CS4. Not only that, I tried to enable the GPU enhancements via Preferences but my Photoshop keeps crashing every time I try to click or do anything.
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Jun 2, 2013
For the longest time, when I open ID, the Info panel is there. Now suddenly the same thing is happening in PS. This is driving me nuts; I don't want the Info panel there when I open the programs. How can I prevent this?
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Apr 14, 2013
Corel A.RM. has been popping up and forcing Corel to close. This has been happening at leas once or twice a day. I'm using X6 on WindowsXP. what A.R.M. is and possible reasons why this is happening?
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Apr 20, 2012
I need to edit the scales and add custom ones, but when i type _SCALELISTEDIT, nothing happens, I know that its selected as my layout isn't any longer, but I can't find the darn window where the scales are located. I've also tried using the menu as well. This is for ALL drawings. New and already created.
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Jun 8, 2012
Any way to use text and write in gimp without the text options popping up when you are writing.
I am asking because I would like to record a video using gimp and will be typing certain things and I really don't want the text options there while I'm typing.
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Jan 11, 2012
Twice now using PSP X4 I have got a message encouraging me to complete a 5 minute survey. I take the survey, press submit at the end, and get an annoying window to a Corel X4 ad page with no browser controls. The please take a survey message window is still there underneath. When I close the Corel X4 ad window, is asks if I really want to cancel?
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