I find that my save button is greyed out both on the ribbon and in the left dropdown window above "save as"! The project does seem to be automatically saving. Just can't access that button! Using Revit 2013 Ultimate. Win 7 64 Pro.
Intel Processor Graphics 3000 version
On a trial version of Photoshop CS6 extended trial the 3D links in the tab is greyed out. and nor can I make any 3D objects. Why is this? This is my System Info from PS (the first part only). The GPU FAQ states that my graphics card was tested: [URL] .....
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
I have just installed paint.net as a first time user on Win 7. I inserted a .jpg file which I wanted to crop, but the crop button is greyed out. Also is there a way to search for multiple words in the search box? I tride a word + word but did not work.
I want to output an mpeg4 video with compression video type h264.main. When I look at General tab 1280x960 is not listed. The closest setting is 640x480.
The user defined button is not available (greyed out).
It may be because my organizer window seems to now be attached to the desktop menu bar. the display function has now disappeared, and I can't change the way the media browser is structured. I am in folder location an can't get any other view.
i have pictures on my desktop that i am trying to import into LR. On the import page, I have chosen source, destination and copy. However the import button at the bottom right is greyed out.
I'm using P&GD2013. I draw with a wacom tablet and use the freehand brush tool in sketch mode with pressure enabled. I want to edit the properties of the brush . The help pages are quite clear except that I can't access the dialog box because the 'edit brush' button is greyed out.
I'm running Windows XP with Photoshop CS6. Since the "Save" button runs off the edge of my monitor, I can't click Save. I also can't move the dialogue box up far enough to get to it before running out of screen space. I tried just hitting the enter key, but nothing happened. I end up having to do a control-alt-delete to get out of Photoshop altogether.I've never had this problem before when I had CS2 or with the CS6 I have at work.Is there a way around this?
I have one of the floors in our building doing something wacky. The 5th floor reflected ceiling plan looks fine so I create detail plans for the suites at a different scale. this new suite blowup has what looks to be the same suite but everything is greyed out and when i switch from coarse detail to fine detail it doesn't do a thing.
The orignal full reflected ceiling plan looks fine. The line are black. The detail swithces back and forth... I can;t figure out what the problem could be. I used the same process on other floor and everyting is OK. The View Ranges are the same and everthing else in the properties seem the same too.
When I use File/Open everything is greyed out because the Enable field is blank. I can't find any place to set this field permanently to All Readable Documents.
Secondly, when I use Save As, Photoshop wants to save my image in a .eps format unless I save it as JPEG Stereo.
How to put the buttons I use a lot in the top bars, such as save, new, etc. I just upgraded from using Photoshop Elements for 10 years to Photoshop CS5. I am not a fan of using shortcuts, I prefer to use the top bar buttons. There is a ton of unused real estate on those bars.
I've had X5 for a while and never had problems until today. I trace a bitmap and then can not get it back into Corel. All the buttons on the bottom right are missing.
Aside from being completelly baffled by the new 'Asset Editor' arrangements in 2013, I have just realised that my Manage Tab>Additional Settings drop down> Asset Editor button has disappeared. I am certain it was there before as I have used it and WikiHelp [URL] says so. Whilst I have done a repair on my instalation, it is still absent. See the partial sreen print.
I have some custom buttons on toolbars and menus which I have created bitmaps for. Ever since I've upgraded to ACAD 2011, the image on the button will not save. I alter the .cui file and I can make the button find it. All looks great, I hit apply and I get no errors. When I close out I am back to the clouded question mark. The button works, but I can't get this to save the image. Also, any time I go into the cui editor, it moves all of my docked and locked toolbars. It gets difficult to have to keep dragging them back. It also keeps bringing up the steering wheel, even though I don't use that.
For no apparent reason the Render Button at the bottom of the view frame has disappeared. With RayTrace I just get a black screen. It was all working fine then suddenly the problem occurred.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the PC - I can render in MAX Design as normal.
I need to be able to work back and forth with sketchup, and revit. Unfortunatly the orbit and pan commands in revit are the exact opposite of sketchup( mmb = pan in revit) (mmb = orbit in sketchup) (shift + mmb = orbit in revit) (shift + mmb = pan in sketch up)
these commands are ingrained in my muscule memory and going back and forth is like writing one sentnce with your left hand and the next with your right. it is totally dibilitating.
Is there any way to customize these in revit? Can i change the MMB to be orbit and shift+MMB to be pan ?
when I try to edit group or save group as separate Revit file, Revit crashes. Sometimes, it keep processing the 'save' but the group doesn't get saved; doesn't show in the folder.
I am doing a trial of Revit 2014. Usually I get the student version, but I enjoy 30 days with no stamp. I want to do some night renders, and so I dropped in studio lights that aren't showing up at all in the "sun and artifical" render.
I go to adjust the lights with the "Artificial Lights" button and nothing. No response at all. It's like a fake button that just looks like it's being clicked.
In the save as dialog box, the button for creating a new folder will automatically create a named "new folder" at the bottom of the files list. It does not come up highlighted for naming but can be right-clicked, renamed. If your files list is long you won't even see the new folder created as it does not snap to the folder either. Conversely; I can still right-click, new, folder. This acts as expected which creates folder at the top of files list, highlighted for naming.
I have a VBA macro that is using at some point a full path in order to get data from an Excel file. I am changing the data from the original file to the file that is localized in the full address. Now I want to use a Browse button and generate the Save As Window to capture the data directly from source file.
Is there a piece of code that open the Save As window that I need and return the full path so I can use it in my original code? I am sending a word document with a picture that shows the window that I want to call
I have multiple files open in Corel every day, and then, at the end of the day I have to run to get my lift (never at the same time!) and I would love a way to save all my files with just a click of a button.
I know Dreamweaver had this function - not sure if it still has, but I would love for Corel to have this so I don't have to scroll through all my open files and save them! If the file is not named it can pop up the save as box as usual and leave it open till the next day.
I have to save before I go, as we have very unreliable power and the UPS systems are not reliable either.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
I have a .psd file that was created by someone else for my friends web page. The psd file is the background, logo, and navigational bar for her home page. Each button is a "slice" I think because there are lines around each button on the left side navigational bar (not a true navigational bar just created by buttons) and around the head and body etc. (The lines are blue if that tells you anything - each section is numbered with a little tiny icon that looks a little like the back of an envelope.)
My question - we wanted to change the word on one of the buttons - I did that saved the psd file - no problem. Then I cropped out the button that we had changed. When I saved it to the web (as a jpg) the button looks like a button (a box around it - not a line a raised area that looks like a button.) The other buttons do NOT look like a button (even though the layers are named buttons.)
How can I change it so it looks flat (not button like) like all of the rest of the items on the navigational bar.
I recently reinstalled Revit architecture 2011 and now I am unable to save any work. When I save or save as, Revit simply freezes. If I hit esc it returns to a functioning status without saving. It is a Network License on single license server, if that makes any difference.