Revit :: Save Group Command Doesn't Save
Dec 13, 2013when I try to edit group or save group as separate Revit file, Revit crashes. Sometimes, it keep processing the 'save' but the group doesn't get saved; doesn't show in the folder.
View 1 Replieswhen I try to edit group or save group as separate Revit file, Revit crashes. Sometimes, it keep processing the 'save' but the group doesn't get saved; doesn't show in the folder.
View 1 RepliesWhen you save a file that has a FILL % set for a group of layers (so the fill% is set on the Group, not on each individual layer) it will not save it.
When you next open the file, it will have forgotten what the fill was set to. Is this a bug, or am I using something that I shouldn't be using, in fill on a group?
my problem is very simple:
1.- I started a new drawing, changed the project unit settings (manage>project units> etc...)
2.- I saved the new drawing as a template
3.- I started a new drawing from the previous template I created in step 2, but doesn't keep the units as I set up.
I have a problem with CorelDraw X4, some tools like save, save as, copy, cut, export doesn't work.
View 10 Replies View Relatedusing ACAD LT 2012. If he opens a DWG file from a Sharepoint site, makes some changes to the drawing and then SAVES the file, his changes are NOT saved and there is no indication that they were not saved. Needless to say this is critical.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've created an action that uses the save for web dialogue to optimise images for the web. When I use the batch command to process a full folder of images, even though I have "Override action "save as" command" checked, it ignores this and still uses the location that was used when the action was created.
Apparently this is a known issue in CS6 and previous versions but whether this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?
I need to save a drawing file and give it the name of my desire using a single command, I don't want to issue "saveas" and then specify the name in the file name prompt. This problem is has been faced when I was using ScriptPro and I couldn't succeeded to do that. Hence I need to know if it is feasible to do the stuff using a single command. It will be preferred if I can choose the location to save the file also rather than save the file to the default location.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use autocad architecture 2013 and it works just fine until the save turns to qsave whenever i want to save a drawing by save, save as and ctrl+s it works as can I turn it back to SAVE ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do i save group photos into a folder on my computer?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am facing problem while using Save / Save As / Save for web options in my Photoshop. On clicking Save / Save As commands, my photoshop gets closed abruptly and I am losing all data. If I choose Save for Web option, the file Save dialog box appears and when I click on the 'Save' button, the application gets closed abruptly.
It was working fine yesterday. My version is bundled in the Technical Communicator suite 3.5 and I faced some problems with Adobe Acrobat, for which my IT team took support from Adobe and got it resolved just two days ago. (Case ID - 184809966)
I am having a catastrophic error in Inventor 2013.
When I attempt to save a drawing I have completed, I cannot save!
Can't save, save as or any other variation of save.
This is my issue every time I click save.
I made an action.
at end of action I did save to desktop.
Is batch, I check overide save as.
because I now want to save all files to a new folder.
But images are batching to desktop.
(I've also tried it with that uncheck-- still going to desktop)
For saving a jpg:In SAVE FOR WEB: What's the difference between Type Optimized & Art Optimized? THE BOTH GIVE THE SAME EXACT TOOLTIP HINT.WHAT IS sRGB & why would I use that?
What's an ICC profile. When would I use it?
i have photoshop extended CS6 since yesterday and today when i was going to save an animation, go to file- save for web, this appears "the operation could not be completed".
View 3 Replies View RelatedThw "save as" window doesn't appear! I use PS CS6, what can I do?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm getting an issue where my save box wont open.
whilst getting this issue get other problems like this, where i cant type in some windows, such as: new document window [URL]...
and some more.i dont think the save box is popping up off screen, im on 1 monitor. i cant find it anyways. i dont want to force closure of photoshop when i have unsaved work.
also, if save to web or try to liquify or something during this time i get this {URL]...
i can do other stuff like brush, smudge, etc but cant save and stuff this is the second time its ever happened.
I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS6, and did the update to v13.04. Get a message with Save for Web: "The operation could not be completed. A write permissions error has occurred." There is a bug fix for v12 for exactly this, but CS5.5 (not sure which version of 12 it was) worked fine on this machine. On a Macbook 17 inch running OSX 10.7.5 with 8gig Ram and 2.5 Ghz I7.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy PS cs3 provides saving files only as PDF or PSD files!
How can I save them as JPG?
So for some reason my GIMP doesn't open the save box. I re-installed but still nothing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have tried saving my project as a PDF so that I can send to different people and print, but no matter which PDF options I chose in Illustrator's final step for saving as PDF I end up getting a PDF with nothing on it! It turns up as a blank page. If I do get a visible PDF it stays that way for only a few minutes and prints out in reversed colours!! This is bissare. Some Preferences or something of mine are wack??
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust today, Indesign has decided not to save certain files. Also not remember undos, and weirdly not reshape/resize text boxes when manipulated.Have trashed preferences, but to no avail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the "pull down"menu and select a file format to "save as" The actual file format name is off by 1.
Example: In the pull down "format" menu the order of the formats is
Scitex (sct)TIF
Photoshop 1.0
When saving "test.psd" as a TIF file, the name in the "save as title box gets a .sct extension (Test.sct). In order to actually save as TIF file I need to select Photoshop 1.0 and the title will receive a tiff.
I have recently upgraded from CS4 to CS6. After editing a jpeg, I try the Save As command and recieve this message...."could not complete the Save As command because there is not enough memory RAM" I also notice that all my images are at 72 dpi, is this going to affect image quality? I shoot in the largest file possible when taking the photographs.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am in PS 7 (Yeah my knuckles drag a little but I can't afford to upgrade)
Everything works great until I try to save the image, then it freezes but not completely.
I can still move around but all of the menu items are dead and nothing works.
I have re installed 6 times and still the same.
When I have a PSD file, and try to save it, It will now let me save it as an JPG, CS5 did. Even after flattening the image, I often find it does not work instead of saving it as JGP as wanted, it PS changes it to IMG.
I have just had the same trouble trying to save to PDF, PS changed the extension to JPF, I eventually found a work around, jut kept ging down the list of files, until PS decided to add the PDF extension I was after.
I have tried to completely remove CS6 and re install it, no difference.
When I go to save the project I'm working on and click the Save As button, the Save Window does not open?
I am running the 30 Day Trial Version on Windows 7.
I have noticed that CS6 Editor does not add a "_edited" or something like that when I pick Save As. This is not a terribly bad issue but if it is just that I have a setting wrong then I really would like to know.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the "Save As..." command to save a picture with transparency as a Windows bitmap file (.BMP), the transparency information gets lost. I selected alpha-channels and chose 32-bit in the BMP options dialog.
In CS3 this works fine.
how I can get it to work in CS4? The target program can only read BMP-files, so my workflow depends on it.
I just re-built my PC with Vista x64 and re-installed PS CS3 from scratch upgrading to 10.0.1 from the auto update. I need this for LR2 to integrate.
Since the re-build (I was on XP x64 previously) one of my actions which includes a 'Save As', which saves the image to a specified directory and as a JPG (not the directory the image opens from), is unexpectedly displaying the 'save as' dialog, waiting for manual input. This opens on the source image directory, suggesting it's ignored the suggested destination path, and it suggests the PSD file type rather than JPG as suggested in the action. It seems to be looking for input simply because it thinks I'm trying to overwrite the original image file.
I put a new material in the material editor. However long later, I save the max file and when I come back to it, the material editor does not have the material I previously created in there.
The get it back I have to 'eyedrop' the mesh to retrieve it.I've not seen this before in any version, and I use the compact material editor.
Is this another bug with this version, or is this a strange new feature added?
we are using A2011, Classic workspace (toolbars) and i have partial menus loaded (custom toolbars).
If i try to add a new toolbar to a custom toolbar, or to add buttons to an existing one, the changes are not saved when i close the customization window.