AutoCAD 2010 :: Create New Folder Button In Save As Dialog
Nov 16, 2010
In the save as dialog box, the button for creating a new folder will automatically create a named "new folder" at the bottom of the files list. It does not come up highlighted for naming but can be right-clicked, renamed. If your files list is long you won't even see the new folder created as it does not snap to the folder either. Conversely; I can still right-click, new, folder. This acts as expected which creates folder at the top of files list, highlighted for naming.
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Feb 28, 2013
We had a project folder named A. We created a new project folder named B and copied the AutoCad files from A to B. On one of our workstations if you open a drawing from folder B, then click save as, the dialog opens to folder A.
Not a big problem, but since the files are named the same it can be confusing...
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Mar 29, 2012
I have some custom buttons on toolbars and menus which I have created bitmaps for. Ever since I've upgraded to ACAD 2011, the image on the button will not save. I alter the .cui file and I can make the button find it. All looks great, I hit apply and I get no errors. When I close out I am back to the clouded question mark. The button works, but I can't get this to save the image. Also, any time I go into the cui editor, it moves all of my docked and locked toolbars. It gets difficult to have to keep dragging them back. It also keeps bringing up the steering wheel, even though I don't use that.
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May 30, 2012
I used to be able to save as and browse to the file where I want to sane or open a file
Now I get a dialog box where I can only save to the default location or manually enter the path and file name
Same with opening a file - I go file open and it is gives a path to the last file I used. There is option to browse - how I get this back to the normal function of open/save by browsing?
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Mar 23, 2012
I am looking for creating a button that will open a PDF file (Manual). The purpose would be to have our users open our draftig procedures manual by clicking this button without the need to close autocad.
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Nov 7, 2012
I have created a script file to change some drawing settings. If it's possible to create a button to find the script file and run it. I am running it now by typing SCR then searching for it and selecting open.
I would like to give it to others to use and thought if I can create a one button pick it would be easier for others.
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Sep 25, 2013
I`m working on the code that reads a list of virtual parts from Excel and adds required qty into the assembly. So far it looks good, I just need to know how to create a folder in a Assembly view tree and save virtual part in that folder instead of placing it in the root.
Dim occs As ComponentOccurrences
occs = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
Dim identity As Matrixidentity = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreateMatrixDim virtOcc As ComponentOccurrencevirtOcc = occs.AddVirtual(sVirtPart, identity)
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Feb 15, 2012
I would like to creat a dialog box with buttons or radio buttons to insert various blocks. something easy to start the dialogue, push the button desired and my block or lisp is inserted or run. I have the dcl part figured out. i'm not quite smart enough to get the lisp down. is there a generic lisp that can reference a lisp command that i can alter or edit and add to?
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Oct 28, 2013
I am trying to create a single layout with title blockandviewport to save as a template for future. Right clicking on the layout tab does not produce the menu.
I create a new layout by selecting page set up manager in the file menu, create a new layout, but the tab does not show up at the bottom.
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Apr 3, 2012
Rudimentary lisp & dialog box skillls here...
I have a little dialog box with seven radio buttons and a text box that generically accomplishes what it's supposed to do. To retain the current dialog values, I use the write-lline function to store the information and then use read-line to bring that information back in for other Lisps that I use. As long as the user doesn't open the dialog, whatever options were last selected will remain in effect.
However, if the user re-opens the dialog, then whatever defaults I have initially set up in the dialog will then become active (in other words, whichever of the radio buttons I have set to "1")
My question is whether or not I can have the dialog box set up so that if a user selects an alternate radio button, that radio button will keeo it's value whether or not the dialog is opened and until and if the user changes it..
As it is now, whenever the user opens the dialog box to change, say one radio button, the user then has to change the other radio buttons if the defaults don't match the current run requirements.
Here's the dialog and the lisp:
OPTIONS : dialog {
label = " Counter to Cad Options";
: spacer {
height = 0.75;
[Code] ......
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Aug 21, 2013
I want to open CorelDraw's "Edit Text" Dialog with a Macro Button. How do i assign this dialog to open with my button?
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May 17, 2012
How to save files with spaces insted of dashes in Save for Web dialog window in Illustrator CS6?
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Mar 2, 2012
I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to
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Sep 14, 2013
I'm running Windows XP with Photoshop CS6. Since the "Save" button runs off the edge of my monitor, I can't click Save. I also can't move the dialogue box up far enough to get to it before running out of screen space. I tried just hitting the enter key, but nothing happened. I end up having to do a control-alt-delete to get out of Photoshop altogether.I've never had this problem before when I had CS2 or with the CS6 I have at work.Is there a way around this?
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Jan 12, 2012
Is it possible to display the default windows explorer folder tree in the open dialog box instead of the current "Libraries" folder?
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Mar 2, 2008
I recently got a new computer, with Windows Vista. I used my wife's existing CD to install Paint Shop Pro 7 (from 2001 - yikes!). It seems fine, except for a few of the preferences. The BIG problem is that the [Printer] button on the Page Setup dialog no longer appears! Here's the verbiage from the PaintShopPro7 user guide:
6To surround the image with a color, click the Background button. When the Color dialog box opens, choose the color. The area of the paper from the image edge to the paper margin will be covered with this color.
7Click the Printer button to open the printer.
8Click OK to close the dialog box and save the settings.
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm using P&GD2013. I draw with a wacom tablet and use the freehand brush tool in sketch mode with pressure enabled. I want to edit the properties of the brush . The help pages are quite clear except that I can't access the dialog box because the 'edit brush' button is greyed out.
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Aug 1, 2012
I'm fumbling around with a Python script. Is it possible to make an input dialog with a "Browse" button so the user can find a folder (to be loaded into a variable in the script)?
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Dec 4, 2013
AND/OR a open tab recovery cache or way to extract the images that get lost during a crash of PDN.
Number two on my list behind your fantastic new layer functionality that I had been dreaming about for three years. I NEVER close PDN. The ONLY time it closes is once every week or two when the 20, 30, 50 tabs that I have open, finally overwhelm my system. I bounce back and forth so much that there is no way to continuously save them as I make changes cause it would jack up my workflow by taking up too much time.
No way around it, this is just how I work. It would be lovely if PDN was able to, similar to After Effects, popup an error box saying it was about to crash and did 'you" want to save the session. Especially, now, with 4, as while it is a super duper version upgrade, the crashes were daily, with me, and I couldn't keep losing that much data. Sophie's choice, for me. The old layer window or daily crashes.
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Oct 17, 2013
We are moving to CS6 at work currently. In our workflow, we need to move from folder to folder (hundreds of them) often, and I do this quickly by dragging the desired folder into the open/save/place dialogs. Doing this immediately takes me to the folder I need without requiring me to navigate there manually.
In CS6, when I need to replace contents of a smart object (which I need to do proably 30 times every day), I right-click on the smart object's name and select "Replace Contents". A "Place" dialog opens and I can drag the folder of the asset I need into the dialog, but the dialog disappears when I click off of Photoshop to drag the folder. This happens in all screen modes. It is impractical to keep source folders in the left bar of the Place dialog (there are literally hundreds of folders I use).
CS5 let me drag files from the Finder into the open/save/place dialogs. CS6 apparently does not.
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Mar 2, 2013
LR3.6 started to fail to Syncronize folders. It also doesn't show only NEW photos on Importing fron hard drive, as it always has.
When I choose not to "show Import dialog" while synchronising a folder, it shows the correct number of new photos in a folder. But when the import starts there's a blank field and nothing happens. This can last for a whole day. Here is a screenshot.
The second problem is with Import.
When I start "Import" or mark "Show import dialog before importing" in syncing a folder it shows me all the photos, despite I choose "Add", "New Photos" and "Don't Import Suscected Duplicates".
I havent changed any preferances, it all just started to happen lately.
I'm using Raw Photo Processor plug-in for external developing, I thougt this might be the cause, but I've been using it for a long time, and the problems started several days ago.
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Aug 11, 2013
In ACAD 2007 when I create a new UCS, the dialog box shows as current an unnamed UCS which I can then rename. In 2014, this doesn't happen - I have to do all that using the command line. Is there some setting to get the dialog box to work?
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Mar 22, 2012
I'm trying to create a menu macro to close and dont save the drawing without it prompting me.
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Dec 17, 2011
I have AUTOCAD LT 2012 - windows 7 - SP1
Neither the button for Hatching or the Draw Hatch menu do not activate the HATCH DIALOG BOX?
This means I cannot Hatch?
I have also added the Hotfix for the Ribbon and it made no difference.
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Jan 16, 2013
i select a folder of files to import but i cant import t hem, the button isnt active.
it says i already have these photos imported. if so how do i edit or see them.
i uninstalled and re-installed the software and it seeme dto start from scratch, in that when i import the folder the photos appear in the develop area to choose from.
however next time i open the application i cant see them and import doesnt work unless i uninstall again.
whats the trick with using this software?
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Aug 12, 2005
In AutoCad 2006, when I want to open a new or existing drawing or template, instead of regular dialog box I receive only a prompter dialog which is present in the command line also, asking me for the name of the drawing that I want to open; it is the case also when I want to save a drawing too. I already checked the "Options" under the "Open and Save" tab and everything looks to be in order. How can I resolve this bothering problem since I am able to perform the above tasks only accessing "Windows explorer"?
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Apr 23, 2012
I'm following the steps in the following link from Adobe:
The final step, after selecting the folder I want to add, is to select Import. Except, the Import button remains grayed out. I'm not sure what to do in order to select Import and add the folder I already have.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm using the save for web function to save a large number of files (not batch saving)usually, when I open a file and start saving for web, it will remember the folder that I most recently exported to, and by default open that folder for that file, until I "save for web" into a different folder.
Out of seemingly nowhere, the save for web seemed to "forget" this folder (and any other folder I tried to save to), and now defaults to the "Documents" folder, causing me have to click through to find my intended destination folder. I'm on CS5 & Mac running Mountain Lion. On my work computer (exactly the same, Mac + Mountain Lion) I am using CS6 and have not encountered this issue.
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Apr 19, 2012
I lost my dialog boxes for SAVEAS and EXPORT. I tried the CMDDIA system variable but had no luck. I can't stand having to type in full paths for files that I'm trying to save.
I would imagine that alot of my other dialog boxes default back to command line as well.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have the following function that opens the File "Save As" dialog box. It gets fed a drawing number and allows the users to browse to a folder where they want to save it. The problem is when a file already exists with the same name. A message box pops up letting the user know that the file already exists and do they want to overwrite it. The can pick yes to overwrite, but it doesn't really overwrite the old file, it seems like it opens it and then crashes when the rest of the program tries to run.
What I want to do is create a loop to determine if the file already exists. If it does not exist, then save the path and drawing name as usual.
If the drawing exists, I want to pop up a dialog giving two options; Overwrite, or Rename the current drawing. If they pick Overwrite, I can have the program delete the old existing drawing and then just save this one. If they pick Rename it will loop back to the "Save As" dialog giving the user the ability to change their drawing name (like add a "-1" to it.
Public Function GetFilePathAndName(ByVal dwgNumber) podDWG = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument podDB = podDWG.Database podEd = podDWG.Editor podPSO.InitialDirectory = "W:Work_in_Process" podPSO.InitialFileName = dwgNumber podPSO.Filter = "AutoCAD DWG Files|*.dwg" podPFR = podEd.GetFileNameForSave(podPSO) Select Case podPFR.Status Case EditorInput.PromptStatus.OK SaveDwgName = podPFR.StringResult Case EditorInput.PromptStatus.Cancel MsgBox("User Cancelled.") End Select Return SaveDwgName End Function
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Jul 10, 2012
I have a VBA macro that is using at some point a full path in order to get data from an Excel file. I am changing the data from the original file to the file that is localized in the full address. Now I want to use a Browse button and generate the Save As Window to capture the data directly from source file.
Is there a piece of code that open the Save As window that I need and return the full path so I can use it in my original code? I am sending a word document with a picture that shows the window that I want to call
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