Premiere Pro :: Exporting One Frame As An Image?

Mar 14, 2014

How do I exporting one frame as an image?

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Premiere Pro :: How To Make Audio Play When Move Frame By Frame

Jan 5, 2014

It used to be that whenever i would move the cursor in adobe premier with either the left or right arrows or by simply clicking and dragging it, it would play the audio from that frame. But it is not doing it anymore, I think i must have accidently hit a shortcut key or something to change it in settings i dont know. But it would be good if I could get the setting to change it back. I know for a fact that my laptops speakers do work, so its not that.

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Premiere Pro :: Frame Rate Conversion?

Dec 16, 2013

I need to do a frame rate conversion and interlace of 24P to 29.97 interlaced for inclusion into A 29.97 timeline.
I'm on Win 7 and CS6.
Is any plugin required with CS6?
Or, can After Effects do it alone?
If a plugin is required, what is the best one for quality?
Or what stand-alone utility is most highly recommended?  I thought I'd read on a Google search that Twixtor or "Magic Bullet" by Red Giant. I just spoke to Red Giant and they said they have nothing that does this.

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Premiere Pro :: Set Poster Frame Not Working?

Feb 24, 2014

I can't set poster frames in bin icon view using command-P, nothing sticks. PPro CC 7.2.1 & OS X 10.9.1

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Premiere Pro :: How To Add A Skip Frame Effect To Video

Jan 13, 2014

I want to add a skip frame effect to my video. Which tool should I use?!

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Premiere Pro :: Won't Import Full Frame Range Of MOV?

Jan 13, 2014

I am working in a custom project. 30fps (progressive). My quicktimes begin at frame 0. When I look at the files in quicktime, the frames are there. When I import the files into premiere CC. the first 2 frames are not viewable and my imported clip begins at frame 2. Is this a settings thing?

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Premiere Pro :: Only Formats Available For Exporting In CC Are AAF And XML?

Jan 9, 2014

How do I get a premiere CC project to a web-friendly viewing format?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting In MOV Format?

Mar 17, 2014

How can I export a video from Premiere Pro CC in .mov format suitable for posting on the Amazon bookselling site?

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Premiere Pro :: After Adjusting Frame Rate Audio Is Too Slow

Mar 7, 2014

I was having trouble with my video being too slow (Nikon d5300 recording at 1920x1080 and 60i frame rate) and I changed it from 59.94 to 29.97 and it corrected my video but now my audio is too slow. What can I change now to fix audio so that the video stays corrected?

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Premiere Pro :: Reset Auto Export Frame Count

Jan 2, 2014

How to reset Auto Export frame count back to -  example still123.tif to still001.tif or change the count to commence at a number you want like still200.tif

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting A 1080 HD Project To DVD?

Jan 18, 2014

I am on the final stages of finishing my first ever HD project, having made the jump Premiere Pro 2.0 to Premiere CS5.  Mid-way thru I found it necessary to upgrade to Creative Cloud, so that is where I am working now.  The HD world is so vastly different from the old SD flow that every single step of this project has been a huge learning curve for me.  I am basically an 'oldie' but for all practical purposes I am a total 'newbie' at this. That said, I am now finding myself ready to export my project to DVD in a SD form with Stereo sound. 
I am working with footage shot on the Red Epic.  At my current stage I am working withh ProRes 444 renders from which I have created a full nested 74 minute timeline.   Frame rate is 23.976 and the source is1920x1080 with 1.0 square pixels.
So now my movie is done, and it looks and sounds like I want it to. The question now, in a nutshell, is what file type and settings should I use to export my movie so that I can retain aspect ratio?  Should I output a movie first or take the project into another program like encore first and make my disc from there?
Also, I have my first screening coming up (primarily for cast and crew and industry insiders) in a couple of weeks, so I need to create a 1080 HD File with my 5.1 surround track that I project from a laptop.  The screening venue has the capability to do that via a simple HDMI cable hookup, but does the laptop I use need to have any special capabilities to do the job?  And what is the best file type to use for that?
I have always been more of an artist than a tech head, but I am pretty much doing the whole post on this movie alone, with the exception of the Dissolve renders and the sound design, which I had done for me (I have a great finished 5.1 design in .wav format, as well as a stereo version).
I should also mention that I currently have Encore CS5.  Can I work with this on a Premiere CC project?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting For HTML 5 Video

Jun 8, 2012

I can't believe there is not more demand for this. My web dev is asking me for over 300 video clips in both .web and .ogg - - AME does not do this.Any success with a 3rd party plug-in of some sort. I can use Fire fogg (from Firefox) but it's slow using over the web as opposed to exporting from Premiere.

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Premiere Pro :: How To Get Fast Exporting Times

Feb 15, 2014

i have recently brought a new computer (very powerful) for the things i want to do, as i am also posting this you can tell i make alot of videos as well.
Here are my computer specs:

intel core i7 quad core 3.70ghz
16gb beast ram 2400mhz
4gb amd radeon r9 290 graphics card
asus SSD writes @ 830mb/rs
At the moment i am exporting a video which is 1hour and 20 minutes long and have manged to get the export time down to 30-40minutes
I have always been trying to figuring out how to get faster exporting times for a long time now, is it dependant on the sequance settings as well?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting And Sharing Videos

Dec 12, 2013

i exported my video according to the tutorial here : URL....but now I dont know how to share the video, specifically email it.

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Premiere Pro :: Cs5 - Exporting Edited Video

Mar 10, 2014

I am new to premiere CS5.  I need to send the roughcut to the client for review before further work is done. How to export the project to create a quicktime video?  How can I create different sized files?

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Premiere Pro :: How To Remove A Partial Black Frame At End Of Video Sequence

Mar 1, 2014

How to remove a partial black frame at end of video sequence? 1/8 of end frame is black. I inserted last clip on timeline and it ends with this last scene with 1/8th vertical black bar. I just need to know how to stretch out that last frame to get rid of the black so the whole image is there without messing up the audio file.

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Premiere Pro :: Timecode Filter Off One Frame For Speed Reversed Clips?

Jan 19, 2014

Is this a known issue in Premiere Pro CC? I'm using version 7.2.1 (4).
The video clip in V1 has a reverse speed change applied, and the timecode filter is off by one frame. Or maybe the source overlay is off by one frame? Which should I trust?

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Premiere Pro :: Sharpen Effect Produces White Rectangle Around The Frame?

Dec 5, 2013

I've been noticing this behaviour in CC 7.1.

When you place "Sharpen" and some third party plugin (Sapphire, NewBlue, BorisFX, ...) the 1 pixel wide rectangle starts to appear around the frame. Is it a bug?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting XML (cue Points) From Project Or FLV File

Nov 30, 2009

I have a Flash project I'm working on that is video with corresponding bulletpoints displayed next to it. While I've gotten it to work with embed cue points in the FLV file so that at certain times in the video the Flash movie goes to certain frames to display the relevant bullet points I haven't gotten it so that it can tell what the appropriate bullet point is if someone scrubs the video past the last cue point trigger. I found a process to do it using actionscript cue points instead of navigation cue points (via this guide: [URL], but it uses an external xml file for the cue points. My problem is that I can't figure out how to get that XML file without having to redo all the cue points manually. Is there someway to make Premiere Pro (CS3) export an xml file of the markers placed in my timeline instead of embedding them into the FLV file? Alternatively if there is a way I could extract them from the FLV file, that would be acceptible too.

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Premiere Pro :: Why Does Exporting In H.264 Discard Black Frames

Feb 5, 2014

I have been attempting to export a video from both Premiere and Media encoder in the H.264 codec and it continually discards the final few seconds of black frames. I have tried placing black video there, but it doesn't make a difference.

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Stuck At 0% And File Size Big

Mar 28, 2014

I'm trying to export my video game footage that I took. Which was captured in 60fps, 1920x1080, 48khz. I'm trying to export at h.264, 60fps, vbr 2 pass.
My concern is that when I increase the target bitrate the file size increases a lot. I left it at 10 atm and the estimated file size is at 1430MB. Now I've watched videos on YouTube, on Adobe Premiere export settings for gameplay footage and their file size is under 100MB with just about the same output settings as mine. I've tried exporting in Premiere but it just gets stuck at 0%, Adobe Media Encoder works but the estimated completion time is around 4 hours. When I watched those exporting videos it was almost instantly completed when he hit the export button. I could just wait 4 hours for every video I make but that's just not efficient. So I'm just curious on any solutions to my problem.
Could it be my computer specs? I mean I'm able to play games like Skyrim completely fine but it's not like I was recording a game such as that. I was recording an old Gamecube game for goodness sake.

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Premiere Pro :: Audio Effects Not Exporting Properly

Feb 6, 2014

I'm working with the denoiser filter cleaning up some audio in an interview. In the timeline the audio sounds clean but on the export certain clips revert to their non-denoised state. It seems to happen with the same couple clips and I have tried unlinking and relinking the media, outputting audio only, outputting just pieces of the timeline and, of course, restarting my machine. There are lots of other clips in the timeline using the same filter and they sound fine 

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Premiere Pro :: Set Default (Source Range) In AME When Exporting From CC?

Aug 5, 2013

When exporting a sequence from Premiere Pro CC, you are able to toggle between 4 drop down options within Adobe Media Encoder on what Source Range you'd like to export (Work Area, Sequence In/Out, Entire Sequence, Custom) as seen here: 
Is there a way to set the default Source Range to something besides Sequence In/Out?
My reason for asking is that sometimes I export multiple sequences at once using AME's Queue. I add my custom presets to each Sequence and hit export, but SOMETIMES I may have accidentally marked an in point on my timeline and by default it's set to export only that In-to-Out part of the sequence.
I know what you may be thinking...well, just don't add any In/Out points to your sequence on the timeline or clear them first. The trouble is that I often don't see them or catch them when working quickly. In Premiere Pro CC, I use the "Lighter Brightness" Appearance setting because it's easier on my eyes after editing 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sure, darker looks cooler, but it kills my eyes for some reason. Anyway, PPro CC has a troublesome appearance issue in CC where it's not "optimized" for editing when you change it to a lighter appearance like it was in CS6. I've already contacted Adobe about this and another appearance issue (involving highlighted clips when in Lighter Appearance setting) and they are "actively working on fixing this appearance issue asap". 
For reference, here's Premiere Pro CC in/out points in default dark appearance (notice the slightly lighter grey area):

Now here's that same in/out in "Lighter Appearance":

Not exactly optimized. Can hardly see it. This affects in/out points in the Source Window as well. Really hard to see.
Conversly, CS6 looked the best (the blue REALLY stands out making things easy to see):
is there a way to set the default "Source Range" to something else besides Sequence In/Out so that I don't end up doing what I just did and leaving for several hours while batch exporting only to come back and find that I exported only a "portion" of one of my big sequences?

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Premiere Pro :: Progressive Video Looks Interlaced After Exporting

Feb 18, 2014

I'm having problems with progressive videos that look interlaced after exporting full size.The videos look fine within PP; when the same sequence is exported using You-Tube and Vimeo settings there is no interlacing.

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Premiere Pro :: Rendering / Exporting Overheating ASUS

Oct 27, 2013

Okay getting completely irritated with these issues of overheating when I even just am rendering a video to get ready for export (and also on exporting)
I have tried setting power controls to the CPU to 80% but using SpeedFan I can see the CPU usage still spiking 90%-98% and heating just keeps rising and rising til shutdown.Idle CPU
-Rendering Usage in Balanced Power Settings

-Rendering Usage in High Power Settings

I really suck at understanding these things.  But changing from Balanced to High Power didnt seem to affect the rendering times.  But also the time was down at like 20-40 minutes before I started messing with the power controls now its at over 2 hours.
Finished a small render with success but it got pretty hot again and Norton pops up saying High CPU usage by PPro.  100% was hit quite a bit too

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Synced Audio With Video For Further Editing

Dec 9, 2013

I'm exporting DSLR footage with synced audio in order to "bake" the audio in. I'm going to bring the export into Prelude to organize and then back into Premiere to edit. What are the best export settings (including target and maximum bitrate) to maintain top quality footage that I'll continue editing?

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Premiere Pro :: Media Encoder Crashing When Exporting / Rendering?

Feb 16, 2014

For the longest time if I ever tried to export or render a video longer than 5 minutes, my Premiere Pro or Media Encoder crashes. I don't know why but it is EXTREMELY irritating when attempting to make lengthened gaming videos. I have tried 15 different methods all online, to no avail. It always crashes around the 40% mark in Adobe Premiere and it isn't a corrupt project.
Technical Specifications:

OS NameMicrosoft Windows 7 Home PremiumVersion6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601Other OS DescriptionNot AvailableOS ManufacturerMicrosoft CorporationSystem NameFRITZ-PCSystem ManufacturerMSISystem ModelMS-7821System Typex64-based PCProcessorIntel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)BIOS Version/DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. V1.1, 5/3/2013SMBIOS Version2.7Windows DirectoryC:WindowsSystem DirectoryC:Windowssystem32Boot DeviceDeviceHarddiskVolume1LocaleUnited StatesHardware Abstraction LayerVersion = "6.1.7601.17514"User NameFritz-PCFritzTime ZoneEastern Standard TimeInstalled Physical Memory (RAM)8.00 GBTotal Physical Memory7.95 GBAvailable Physical Memory5.97 GBTotal Virtual Memory15.9 GBAvailable Virtual Memory12.4 GBPage File Space7.95 GBPage FileC:pagefile.sys

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Merged Audio Tracks To Audition?

Jan 14, 2014

I recently started to work with the Adobe suit so i am not yet used to the workflow. We are serval people working on the post production of a short movie filmed with a red SCARLET in raw which means that the files are pretty big. The audio where captured in serval tracks who all have been merged with the video clips. The clips have thereafter been cut and placed in its right place. So now it is my job to work with the sound design. I have tryd to export the audio in both AAF and OMF and every time i open it up in Audition it sais that the media is offline. On my computer all i have is the orgininal Audio files. Is there anyway to get only the audio (all the tracks) to Audition, without having them searching for the merged files. For example creating new Audio from the cutted tracks?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting A Larger File Size Than What Started With

Jan 18, 2014

Using Premiere Pro CS6, I'm trying to figure out why it's doing this:
I imported a video into a new sequence and made sure to match the sequence settings with the video's.  I do some basic editing (not adding more video or anything like that) but when I choose to export media and have it match the sequence settings, the video appears to have the exact same attributes as the original video (minus my changes) except the file size is 2-5x larger.

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Premiere Pro :: Quality Not The Same After Exporting Movie Made Up Of JPG Images

Feb 6, 2014

Basically I made an animation sequence on Autodesk Maya and rendered the sequence as 2000 jpeg images each representing 1 frame, put it in one folder and on Adobe Premiere imported and dragged the folder into the timeline to make a moving image so in other words my video is made up of hundreds of jpg images.
Now on the editor it all looks HD and fine but when I export it via file > export > media, in order to match the sequence to the screen I must click on 'match sequence settings' which will snap the whole movie into the window rather than have it widescreen and once I do this I can't modify anything else such as codec, etc (codec is automatically set as MPEG -Frame and the output automatically is mpeg), is this normal? Why is it mpeg ajnd not avi...
So once I export the video with these settings (image uploaded) the quality is ok but not as good as what I see in the Premeire editor, why? What can I do to improve the quality?
On the other hand if I don't click on match to sequence settings and personally customise the paramaters such as avi, I use max settings for many things but after exporting my picture quality actually goes worse compared tomatch to sequence settings? (which has less parameters)
Why is this happening, all my jpeg images are high quality 720p and I should just be able to export it as normal...
I am trying to make a cut-scene to get into Unity so the codec is important as well.
How can I make my video best quality as possible being mpeg or avi? What settings do I need to play with?

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Premiere Pro :: Exporting Using Match Sequence Settings With 24 Bit Audio

Feb 26, 2014

I am having an issue exporting my sequence which contains final AIFF mix (24 bit 48 kHz) into a 'same-as-source' ProRes 422 file with 24 bit audio. I am specifically trying to export media with 'Match Sequence Settings' checked to create an identical output of what my sequence is. I wind up only creating a PR422 with 16 bit audio rather than 24 bit audio.
My sequence contains ProRes 422 media and 24 bit AIFF final stereo mix (1 audio file) from our Sound department.
My sequence is currently setup as "Custom" at 1920x1080, 23.976 fps, Square Pixels, Progressive, etc. Audio is 48 kHz (I don't see an option for choosing different bit rates in the 'Sequence Settings').
Using 'Match Sequence Settings', my options to alter the audio are "greyed out" and unavailable. I'm not sure why 'Match Sequence Settings' doesn't recognize that I am cutting with 24 bit audio and, instead, only exports 16 bit audio.

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