Premiere Pro :: Won't Import Full Frame Range Of MOV?
Jan 13, 2014
I am working in a custom project. 30fps (progressive). My quicktimes begin at frame 0. When I look at the files in quicktime, the frames are there. When I import the files into premiere CC. the first 2 frames are not viewable and my imported clip begins at frame 2. Is this a settings thing?
I'm trying to export an animated gif with 52 frames - I'm using the timeline in CS6, it's exported correctly in the past but when I try and save for web only a seemingly arbitrary number of rames appear in the animation. With no clear route to rectify this, I've tried to affect the outcome by simply moving things around on the timeline.
I've had a variety of frame ranges (and frames) numbering between 2 and 6 frames, far off my 52 target. It's a simple image and equally simple transition to keep filesize down
when I exercise the opacity slider for an active layer I can see the full range of opacity follow the setting. Somehow I've gotten this v2.6 on a Linux box into a mode where the visible opacity doesn't follow the slider full range. Instead it is all or nothing. At 50% or less opacity the layer is entirely transparent and at 50.1% or more it is entirely opaque.
I am doing a rendering of a timeline with approx 1900 frames. I am using mental ray as my render engine. After the rendering runs its course, approx 20 hours, it completes with no problems. I open the saved avi file and the clip only captures the first say half of the rendered frames. I have done this 3 times now and for what should be approx a 60 sec clip i only get 36 sec.
I seem to be having a very strange and annoying problem with Maya 2013. I cannot change the rederable frame range at all and also some of the other rendering options! I had this problem with Maya 2012 but overcame it by borrowing a friends project file with all the render settings working and then saving a pre-set of those settings.
It used to be that whenever i would move the cursor in adobe premier with either the left or right arrows or by simply clicking and dragging it, it would play the audio from that frame. But it is not doing it anymore, I think i must have accidently hit a shortcut key or something to change it in settings i dont know. But it would be good if I could get the setting to change it back. I know for a fact that my laptops speakers do work, so its not that.
I have two contiguous clips in the timeline. I want to select the tail of the first one and the head of the second one to copy and paste somewhere else. With this tool, I can click and drag to select any segment of any number of clips, regardless of their in/out points.
When exporting a sequence from Premiere Pro CC, you are able to toggle between 4 drop down options within Adobe Media Encoder on what Source Range you'd like to export (Work Area, Sequence In/Out, Entire Sequence, Custom) as seen here:
Is there a way to set the default Source Range to something besides Sequence In/Out?
My reason for asking is that sometimes I export multiple sequences at once using AME's Queue. I add my custom presets to each Sequence and hit export, but SOMETIMES I may have accidentally marked an in point on my timeline and by default it's set to export only that In-to-Out part of the sequence.
I know what you may be thinking...well, just don't add any In/Out points to your sequence on the timeline or clear them first. The trouble is that I often don't see them or catch them when working quickly. In Premiere Pro CC, I use the "Lighter Brightness" Appearance setting because it's easier on my eyes after editing 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sure, darker looks cooler, but it kills my eyes for some reason. Anyway, PPro CC has a troublesome appearance issue in CC where it's not "optimized" for editing when you change it to a lighter appearance like it was in CS6. I've already contacted Adobe about this and another appearance issue (involving highlighted clips when in Lighter Appearance setting) and they are "actively working on fixing this appearance issue asap".
For reference, here's Premiere Pro CC in/out points in default dark appearance (notice the slightly lighter grey area):
Now here's that same in/out in "Lighter Appearance":
Not exactly optimized. Can hardly see it. This affects in/out points in the Source Window as well. Really hard to see.
Conversly, CS6 looked the best (the blue REALLY stands out making things easy to see):
is there a way to set the default "Source Range" to something else besides Sequence In/Out so that I don't end up doing what I just did and leaving for several hours while batch exporting only to come back and find that I exported only a "portion" of one of my big sequences?
I was really excited to find that Max 2013 was able to import a range of CAD files, namely STEP.
Well, the good news is the import works well and the Body Objects look nice. The bad news is that there is no option at import time to specify course settings for the viewport display mesh. No problem I thought, I'll change them to "course" with the Body Utility and that should speed things up. Max crashed evertime I tried to do this, even with just 2 or 3 items selected.
Having given up with importing STEP, I tried the same assembly as a SAT file (about 100Mb). Importing SAT does give you the option to set the viewport model to a course setting (which is good) but only provides a marginal increase in speed. On the whole the model is unworkable. You can't select the component you want as the system will select some other part that you don't want and the lag is just unbelievable.
To put things into perspective I've used Max 2011 to import huge (1GB+) Formula One engine assemblies using nPower's Power Translators plugin. On the whole it worked well, I was able to work relatively fast and got the job done. While I understand that the Body Object is a subset of the nPower plugin, I think the implementation into Max 2013 has gone wrong somewhere.
My pain-free solution is to stick with Max 2011 until 2013 gets fixed, which is a shame as I really wanted to embrace the new version into my work.
I am using Photoshop Elements 6.0. I've shot an image which is horizontal, and am an trying to get the image to be full frame (square). I need to have the entire image shown so I know this needs to have a border on the top and bottom of the image. My image background is black so the border needs to be black to blend in; similar to a letter box format on a Cinemascope ratio move. how I can get this border so that I can make a rectangular image look square?
I have just started to use a Canon 5DMkIII and have used the camera crop feature set to 4:5 thinking that this is just for viewing purposes during composition of the image in the camera. When I came to import my RAW files into LR4, I realise that the images are already cropped and all I can see is the image between the guide lines in the camera. The camera, however still shows the whole image and so I assume that all the data was captured.
I have two Sony full HD camcorders: my new one will do 50p whilst my old one with only do 50i (UK Pal for info). Just wondering, if you were doing a multi-camera project would you film in 50i and 50p or both in 50i?
Also, what are the ramifications of editing mixed formats? I'm using Premiere Pro CS6.
I shoot in 16:9 on the canon t3i, however when I upload my videos to YouTube there is a black bar on the left and right. The canon team said there should be a setting in premiere to make my videos full screen.
I'm new to video editing and know little about the program I am using (Adobe Premiere Pro CC). How I can add the full size video or pics to the time line. It appears whenever I add something from my Gopro 3 HD camera I only get a partial of the video / pic.
(Ulead Videostudio version 9). I am trying to compile a number of clips of tv into 1 programme, the problem is that some of the clips are not full frame, but half size widescreen etc. Is there a way in video studio to convert all of these clips to full frame etc, so the whole programme looks the same or do I use a different piece of software. Another question, what is the max lengh of dvd output you can use the software before it loses picture quality, some of my recent productions have been poor quality picture wise, even though the input picture quality has been high.
I need to do a frame rate conversion and interlace of 24P to 29.97 interlaced for inclusion into A 29.97 timeline.
I'm on Win 7 and CS6.
Is any plugin required with CS6?
Or, can After Effects do it alone?
If a plugin is required, what is the best one for quality?
Or what stand-alone utility is most highly recommended? I thought I'd read on a Google search that Twixtor or "Magic Bullet" by Red Giant. I just spoke to Red Giant and they said they have nothing that does this.
Wondering how to best format prints for printer to avoid visible edge loss in printing. I have color borders on the photos, H & V.Do I subtract a 1/4th inch from each side while formatting? Order with "border" and cut the border?
Prints will be mounted on standzard 16 x20 backboard.
I was having trouble with my video being too slow (Nikon d5300 recording at 1920x1080 and 60i frame rate) and I changed it from 59.94 to 29.97 and it corrected my video but now my audio is too slow. What can I change now to fix audio so that the video stays corrected?
How to reset Auto Export frame count back to - example still123.tif to still001.tif or change the count to commence at a number you want like still200.tif
How to remove a partial black frame at end of video sequence? 1/8 of end frame is black. I inserted last clip on timeline and it ends with this last scene with 1/8th vertical black bar. I just need to know how to stretch out that last frame to get rid of the black so the whole image is there without messing up the audio file.
Is this a known issue in Premiere Pro CC? I'm using version 7.2.1 (4).
The video clip in V1 has a reverse speed change applied, and the timecode filter is off by one frame. Or maybe the source overlay is off by one frame? Which should I trust?
When you place "Sharpen" and some third party plugin (Sapphire, NewBlue, BorisFX, ...) the 1 pixel wide rectangle starts to appear around the frame. Is it a bug?
I believe that only exporting the smart collection settings is not enough. I have in my collections a hierarchy of collection set, collection and smart collection that works with my workflow:
-special [CS] -- pano [SC] -- fuse [SC] -themes -- holiday... [SC] -- ... - worklist [CS] -- dominant color [CS] --- dominant color to review [SC] --- dominant color reviewed [C] -- weather [CS] etc. -- geography [CS] etc.
Being able to export the hierarchy from one specific node would be great when I switch from catalog to catalog. After all, smart collections content can be re-created.
I've seen that in the DB, there are these two tables that would need to be 'copied' : agLibraryCollection & agLibraryCollectionContent. Their IDs when importing in the new catalog would probably pose a problem if we were just to import them like that.
On the other hand, there are in the SDK some functions to go through the collections and some functions to create collections, collection-sets, smartCollections...
Would it be difficult to include such a functionality in a future release ?Would it be difficult or possible to write in the mean time a plugin that would do just that: import/export collection hierarchies ?
i am trying to make a gif but i try using import video frames to layers and each time it always say could not complete the video frames to layers command because QuickTime 7.1 or later is required. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, and i also have QuickTime. Im using windows.
I have several Premier cs3 projects using the Matrox system which I want to import into Premier CC. Howeer the CC will not accept the avi files that were used in the cs3 software. Do I need a special codec for matrox avi files? Where can I get that? Adobe obviously has it as I use it in the cs3 version?