Premiere Pro :: Equivalent To FCP Range Selection Tool?

Dec 2, 2013

Is there an equivalent to this in Premiere CC? 

I have two contiguous clips in the timeline.  I want to select the tail of the first one and the head of the second one to copy and paste somewhere else.  With this tool, I can click and drag to select any segment of any number of clips, regardless of their in/out points.

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Photoshop :: Where To Find Colour Range Selection Tool In Elements 11

Feb 19, 2013

Note: It is not under the Selection tab in the menu.

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Premiere Pro :: Selection Tool Automatically Becomes Rolling Edit Tool When Trimming?

Jan 20, 2014

I did something and I'm not sure what. But my selection tool has changed. Now when I try to alter the length of a clip in a timeline, it automatically switches to the rolling edit tool with the 2 arrows on either side of a line. If I try to just grab the end of a clip it also drags the end of the clip beside it as well. It affects inserts and almost anything I do. I can't figure out how to return my selection tool to normal.

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Premiere Pro :: Set Default (Source Range) In AME When Exporting From CC?

Aug 5, 2013

When exporting a sequence from Premiere Pro CC, you are able to toggle between 4 drop down options within Adobe Media Encoder on what Source Range you'd like to export (Work Area, Sequence In/Out, Entire Sequence, Custom) as seen here: 
Is there a way to set the default Source Range to something besides Sequence In/Out?
My reason for asking is that sometimes I export multiple sequences at once using AME's Queue. I add my custom presets to each Sequence and hit export, but SOMETIMES I may have accidentally marked an in point on my timeline and by default it's set to export only that In-to-Out part of the sequence.
I know what you may be thinking...well, just don't add any In/Out points to your sequence on the timeline or clear them first. The trouble is that I often don't see them or catch them when working quickly. In Premiere Pro CC, I use the "Lighter Brightness" Appearance setting because it's easier on my eyes after editing 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sure, darker looks cooler, but it kills my eyes for some reason. Anyway, PPro CC has a troublesome appearance issue in CC where it's not "optimized" for editing when you change it to a lighter appearance like it was in CS6. I've already contacted Adobe about this and another appearance issue (involving highlighted clips when in Lighter Appearance setting) and they are "actively working on fixing this appearance issue asap". 
For reference, here's Premiere Pro CC in/out points in default dark appearance (notice the slightly lighter grey area):

Now here's that same in/out in "Lighter Appearance":

Not exactly optimized. Can hardly see it. This affects in/out points in the Source Window as well. Really hard to see.
Conversly, CS6 looked the best (the blue REALLY stands out making things easy to see):
is there a way to set the default "Source Range" to something else besides Sequence In/Out so that I don't end up doing what I just did and leaving for several hours while batch exporting only to come back and find that I exported only a "portion" of one of my big sequences?

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Premiere Pro :: Won't Import Full Frame Range Of MOV?

Jan 13, 2014

I am working in a custom project. 30fps (progressive). My quicktimes begin at frame 0. When I look at the files in quicktime, the frames are there. When I import the files into premiere CC. the first 2 frames are not viewable and my imported clip begins at frame 2. Is this a settings thing?

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Photoshop :: Equivalent Of Liquify Filter And Freeze Tool?

Jan 29, 2012

What is the equivalent of the liquify filter and freeze tool? if we use other software like paint shop pro which has no liquefy filter, so can we download it separately.

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Photoshop :: Equivalent To Shape Builder Tool That Illustrator Has In CS6?

Sep 26, 2013

1. Is there an equivalent to the Shape Builder tool that Illustrator has in Photoshop CS6?  I want to rasterize some text and combine a couple letters into one shape.
2. If you want to embed text into a .PSD or .TIFF, do both Convert to shape and Rasterize text result in the font/text being embeded in the file the same way?

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Photoshop :: Color Range Selection Using Lab Values

Aug 4, 2008

Is there a way to select pixels in Photoshop based on given Lab values? I am using Select --> Color Range with a specified "fuzziness" threshold, but I'd rather make the selection based on specific Lab values instead of random pixels that I choose with my eye dropper. Is there a way to do this in Photoshop, or does anyone know of a plug-in that might do this?

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Illustrator :: Selection Tool Suddenly Acting Like Direct Selection Tool During Click-and-drag

Aug 22, 2012

This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group.  It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.
I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it.  The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.
It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1.  I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1.  I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Create PDF And Choose Selection In Export Range

Mar 10, 2011

When I create a pdf and choose 'selection' in the 'Export range' they always end up with a white box around them. See sample attached. This did not happen to me with X3, why now with X5? Will this white box be there when it goes to print?

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Photoshop :: Getting New Color Range Selection Function To Work On Retina MacBook Pro

Jan 2, 2013

Is there a trick to getting the new Color Range selection function to work on a retina Mac Book Pro? I am quite familiar with the color range selection in the previous version of Photoshop, and used it regularly. I've decided to try as simply as possible by using a flat image (no layers), and trying to select colors. I've increased the contrast in the image to make dark and lights much easier to pull out.

I've explored setting the sample size to point-sample up to 3x3, and 5x5. I've also set the resolution of my display to 2880 x 1800 (to reduce the possibility of anti-aliasing problems). It will not make any selection though, using the eye-dropper sample. Using other options will work, such as Highlights, Shadows, Skin Tones, etc., but it won't do anything with Sampled Colors.

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Illustrator :: The Selection Tool Is Working As Direct Selection Tool

Oct 4, 2013

Using the  selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Freezes Using (Select) / (Color Range) Tool?

Jul 2, 2013

I was trying to make a color range selection to use as an adjustment mask. Each time I make the selection the dialog box freezes, I can not exit the dialog, or cancel the save options are available but even after saving can not exit dialog box. Also the menu "Select" "Save Selection" option does not work.
I end up having to close the program using Windows Task Manager. I am running Windows 7, CS6 13.01 I have tried this in both the 64 and 32 bit versions of CS6.  Oddly if while in the Color Range selection Dialog intermittently if you only make one sample with the dropper tool you can exit the dialog with the selection in tact, but not always.

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Photoshop :: Equivalent Of MS Paint "select" Tool?

Mar 6, 2006

I'm trying to enlongate one of the legs of a letter in a phrase. I want to seperate a portion of the bottom and move it down, then fill in the empty space.

I could just use something akin to MS Paints "select" tool where I select a portion and drag it down to where I want it.

What Photoshop tool does this?

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Photoshop :: Why Vector Selection Tool (white Arrow) Change Layer Selection To Another

Sep 1, 2013

I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?

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Photoshop :: Selection / Patch - Select Blue With Quick Selection Tool?

Dec 10, 2012

If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)

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Premiere Pro :: How To Play Duration Of A Selection

Dec 26, 2013

How can you see how long a selection is that you've made? For instance, if I mark the in & out, how can I see how long that selection is?

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Illustrator :: Use Convert Point Tool After Direct Selection Tool?

Sep 21, 2013

I don't understand if the problem is the same of this: [URL]
Any way i do not understand with after using -convert point tool- the tool -Direction tool- (2) do not leave me to manage both the direction handles (3). I try to upload a screenshot:
(1): how work Direction tool (it moves both the direction handles).

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Premiere Pro :: Copy Selection (in / Out) From Multicam Sequence To Another?

Dec 27, 2013

What's the best way to copy a selection, via in/out, from a multicam sequence into another sequence?  After setting the in/out and then copying the selection, when I paste into another sequence, the entire sequence comes in.

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InDesign :: CS6 Hand Tool Gets Stuck And Can't Use Selection Tool

Sep 7, 2012

In Indesign CS6 using Mountain Lion, the hand tool appears and I can't select or work with any other tool. All I can do is move the document around. After trying the space bar and other key commands I restarted and it worked for a while. Then it happened again. I work on a Macbook pro, so when I removed the mouse and worked only with the trackpad there was no change. When I quit and reopened, no change. I then deleted prefs and restarted and it worked, but it's been happening from time to time. Any other fix without restarting or deleting prefs.

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Premiere Pro :: No Track Selection When Editing Multicam Into Sequence?

Apr 17, 2014

I'm new to CC's Mulicam feature, but well versed in the more limited equivalent in FCP. I was delighted with everything about it, until I began actually cutting multicam footage into my sequence.
Whenever I try and overwrite/insert/drag the multicam material into the sequence, it brings in 18 audio tracks- in spite of the fact that my multicam sequences have only 4 audio and 2 video tracks.
No amount of track deselection on the destination sequence works with this.This is going to be a real problem as I add new material into an existing a rough cut, with a 5 track temp mix. how I can specify only 1 or 2 tracks of audio?

I'm running 7.2.2, on OSX 8.5.
PS, Also unable to insert images into this post. Using Chrome Version 34.0.1847.116

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Photoshop :: Square Selection Tool, The Selection Edges Are Rounded Rather Than Square

Jan 18, 2009

When I use the square selection tool, the selection edges are rounded rather than square. I can't remember how to rset this.

How do you make the edges square by default?

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Premiere Pro :: Is There A Scope For Capture Tool In CC

Feb 24, 2014

I have to capture live feed from remote camera that I control, but I don't have a scope to calibrate the camera. Is there a hidden scope with the capture tool cause I can't find it.
I can't stand Final Cut anymore at least it had a scope with  the capture tool.

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Premiere Pro :: Keyboard Shortcut To Close Title Tool?

Feb 22, 2014

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close the Tiltle Tool after creating text?Having to mouse-click the red "Close" button is not an efficient process after typing text..

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Photoshop :: Selection Of Pen Tool

Sep 29, 2012

Once I close the selection of the pen tool how do I copy it to a transparent canvas?I right clicked and chose copy but when I pasted it onto the new canvas the whole background came with it.Or maybe the path isn't completely closed because I don't see the marching ants.

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Photoshop :: Trying To Cut Out A Selection With My Pen Tool

Apr 27, 2008

I am trying to cut out a selection with my pen tool, I make cut out but it does not cut out what I wanted, instead a new layer is created when I try to make the cut out selection, What do I do so it cuts out what I want instead of making a new layer

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Photoshop :: Selection Tool

Jun 24, 2008

Photoshop CS3 sees the addition of the quick selection tool. Designed to be semi-automated, it's designed to speed up the selecting process, especially good if you're in a hurry!

My question though, is just how good is it? Anybody mastered it yet? One of the things I'd like to see is a kind of sensitivity control, I know that would start to defeat the object of it being a 'quick' selection tool, but sometimes having the option of adding more control to a tool can drastically improve its useability.

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GIMP :: Getting Rid Of Selection Tool

Apr 8, 2013

I've read that to "drop" a selection tool, you choose "Select" "None". But very often "None" is not available to select, so how do you get rid of the tool when it goes wherever you go, like a piece of chewing gum stuck to your shoe?

I've tried clicking it, double-clicking, clicking outside the image, pressing escape, it won't go away, so I have to close the image and start again.

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Premiere Pro :: Drop Shadow Disappears When Close Title Tool?

Mar 10, 2014

I'm using Premiere Pro CC. I have created a title in title tool and I have added a drop shadow. I can see the drop shadow when I still have the title tool open. Once I close the title tool window the drop shadow disappears? I have tried different fonts nothing seems to work. Don't know what else to try?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Equivalent Of Delegate In C# To VB

Sep 27, 2011

I am using those online translator for translating C# to vb. But it seems they are not working properly. what is the equivalent of this line in  VB ?

_db.ObjectErased += delegate(object sender, ObjectErasedEventArgs e) {

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Photoshop :: Equivalent Of Painter

Jan 28, 2006

Does Adobe CS 2 have and equivalent of Corel Painter? If I just want to create a paintbrush stroke that is wide at the beginning but tapers in the end (just like a painter would do with a brush stroke),

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