3ds Max Animation :: Finished AVI File Is Not Capturing Full Range Of Rendered Frames
Mar 18, 2011
I am doing a rendering of a timeline with approx 1900 frames. I am using mental ray as my render engine. After the rendering runs its course, approx 20 hours, it completes with no problems. I open the saved avi file and the clip only captures the first say half of the rendered frames. I have done this 3 times now and for what should be approx a 60 sec clip i only get 36 sec.
So, this is something that's been a nuisance for a while now, and I think it's time for me to inquire seriously about a fix for it. I'm working with some ani's in max's timeline, and everyso often I find it starts to make use (or I start to make use...?) of "ticks"...I really dont wnat them, and in fact they cause a whole bunch of issues when adjusting keyframes as Im sure some of you can imagine.
Im not sure if it does this because of a setting I choose ( I always start animating in frames mode), or because I often will work in Key mode when Im swapping in a certain pose often...since all my character's animations are in one timeline.
The big question is...is there a way to FORCE these "ticked" keys onto full frames somehow? I've looked through all the timewarps I can find, and adjust <i>their</i> keys to full frames, but eventually it still goes back to ticks....WHAT MUST I DO!!!!! maybe there's a script, or Im missing something obvious?
I keep resetting to frames mode, and rechecking timewarps...to no longterm avail.
I want to re-edit -remove some parts, adding a title- a fullhd VSX3 rendered file which looks and plays perfect. I never have problems with VSX2/3 even when re-editing. This time, it first takes seconds before it opens in the preview window when I click the library tumbnail. It freezes (with created or without smart proxi) for several seconds when I try to cut, or whatever on the timeline.
It only gets somewhat better when de-selecting "audio while scrubbing", but remains still much more "freezy" than all my other (rendered) files. It's a ~2.5 Gb AVCHD file rendered at 18Mb/s VBR in VS. The only thing what is different is that it contains (pre-converted to AVXHD) SD parts from a JVC camcorder (.mod), but it all plays back flawlesly in several HW and SW players.
I'm using Ulead VS 11. When I make a clip and render it as new video, the new video is repeating frames all over the place. As it renders I can see it happening. It's like the video renders minute/second 1:01, then jumps back to 1:00, then re-renders 1:01. All over the place. These repeat frames are not in the original video.
The format of the original video is MPEG2, 8000 bps, and is being converted to WMV (don't ask!). I have found that the only way to retain any semblance of quality in the new video is to change it to WMV, and for my purposes, this is adequate. I have tried about 10 of the different output formats offered in the "Create Video" option, including saving with settings the same as project settings, and the result is the same, with the exception that the WMV 720 is the only one where a decent quality is maintained. That's a whole other question -- why rendering with "same as project settings" gives me total junk.
Is there some other setting that could be causing these frame repeats? I don't believe I had these problems when the original video was WMV rendering to WMV. But MPEG2 to MPEG2 is not fixing it either, so there must be something else.
I have a number of video files captured at 1080X720 full frame resolution at 29.97 frames/second, shown on my PC as .MOV files.
When watching the original files either on my PC or TV, movement is fluid and smooth.
When watching a finished video created via VideoStudio Pro X4 using the aforementioned files, movement is jerky, and is particularly noticeable when watching a panned scene. The effect is so bad that it makes viewing on a large screen impossible as the picture movement jerks/judders about. I have looked at the project preferences, and notice under Project Option>General tab, the only available frame sizes are the standard ones which only go up to 720X576. The radio button to select a user defined frame size is greyed out and cannot be selected to input my own frame sizes. I’m therefore unable to actually input the frame size of the source video files.
Basically how do I render a finished video without jerky movement?
Is there an easy way to duplicate a single rendered frame to create multiple frames for use in creating a video file?
I have a part of an animation that closes with the client's logo. I'm going to hold the animation on the logo for 5 seconds. So I need to make many copies of the same frame, while keeping the naming sequence of the images proper for use in Video Post.
• Intel i7-975 - 3.33 GHZ • 24 GB RAM • Samsung 256 GB - SSD • NVIDIA GTX 295 • 3ds Max 2013 • Windows 7 - 64 bit • SpaceMouse Pro
I am working in a custom project. 30fps (progressive). My quicktimes begin at frame 0. When I look at the files in quicktime, the frames are there. When I import the files into premiere CC. the first 2 frames are not viewable and my imported clip begins at frame 2. Is this a settings thing?
I'm trying to export an animated gif with 52 frames - I'm using the timeline in CS6, it's exported correctly in the past but when I try and save for web only a seemingly arbitrary number of rames appear in the animation. With no clear route to rectify this, I've tried to affect the outcome by simply moving things around on the timeline.
I've had a variety of frame ranges (and frames) numbering between 2 and 6 frames, far off my 52 target. It's a simple image and equally simple transition to keep filesize down
My current goal is to specify the rotation and translation of an object using a text file full of numbers. I have been told that I should import a "move" file. However, I can't seem to find any kind of reference about the move file format or how to use it. I see in the import dialog box that there is a file type called "move" but I don't know how to format the data that I put into the "move" file.
Also, I tried to export a "move" file so I could take a look at what Maya generates, but I keep getting the error "// Error: Could not save file "C:/My Documents/maya/projects/body_in_ocean/scenes/examplemove.mov".
I created a group with my object in one file, referenced it in my working file, moved the group around and set some keys in the working file, but I can't seem to export any move data. How to get this to work?
when I exercise the opacity slider for an active layer I can see the full range of opacity follow the setting. Somehow I've gotten this v2.6 on a Linux box into a mode where the visible opacity doesn't follow the slider full range. Instead it is all or nothing. At 50% or less opacity the layer is entirely transparent and at 50.1% or more it is entirely opaque.
When I key the arm on frame 1 for instance, then key the hip they both appear on the same frame, meaning if I copy the arm to frame 20, it copies the hip too.Or if I want to adjust the arm on frame 10 it also adjusts the hip (and all the other frames in the scene.)Making it practically impossible to tween anything at all because it's all lumped together.
I deleted my entire walk cycle and started over again, reset the options to default, reloaded Maya... and it's still happening but only in this scene.
Any tips on smoothing out animation rendered at 24p? My sequence is 29.97. The shot is of two cars going across the screen and I'm trying to smooth out the stutter. From what I've read side to side motion is the not good for 24p as it really shows the stutter. I've tried various timewarp settings but nothing works. Do I need to have the cgi guys re render at 29.97 or 30fps or is there a technique for smoothing out the motion?
How can I change the range at which blend shapes are created? In other words, blend shapes are created with ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. How could I change it to, for example, -0.4 to 4 without using a custom attribute?
I'm aware I can type -0.4 or 4 in a blend shape target. However, that will mutiply the effect which is not desirable.
I have converted my finished movie project into .flv format to be exported to a directory on my hard drive. I am not having any success with getting it done. How to move this movie file to my computer hard drive?
I have problem with Render setting window. I made an animation 240 frames and when I try to set the frame range it does´t want accept 240 and stays alway on 10. Start frame 1 - End frame 10, no more. I also try to change the frame/animations ext but it won´t accept multi frame neither.
I am looking to slow down my animation between frames. Is the only way to slow it down by adding additional layers? There is two slides that I have rotating, but they are moving too fast and I would like to slow it down. I have a limit of 250KB and if I add any more layers I'm up to my limit.I have a gif file as the background and the two rotating slides are text....
I need to add lens flare to all frames at once - but it needs to be applied to the flattened image. I don't want to have to flatten, click lens flare for each of the 70 frames separately.
Here is the gif and photos illustrating what happens if I select frame one - unflattened and flattened. The spinning globe of course is the animation that is inserted into the surrounding jpeg:
Is there any way to get a sequence of frames into Photoshop and have the layer visibility set up to play straight away ?
What I mean is, I'm using Bridge to import ....Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into Photoshop layers, and was wondering if the frame visibility could be automatically set to play the animation.
Currently all the layers come in visible and I have to "Alt" click the layer visibility in each frame....can be a pita with large animations. It would be cool if I imported frames 1 to 50 and PS set them up to play in order as imported.
I draw images by hand and scan them into photoshop to touch them up with the wacom tablet. Often I'll want to take a piece of the drawing and rotate it, stretch it out, or move it. I select the piece, take the move tool (v) and do what I need to do. I then either press enter and move the piece, or I move it before pressing enter and applying the transformation.
Either way, what often happens is that the piece doesn't deselect, and I can't move it or alter it further in any way. After this happens, I also can't switch between layers, or I can, but what's on the canvas doesn't respond at all. I can still save, and select different tools in the program, but I can't work on anything. Also it might be relevant that I'm working with the frame animation window, and these drawings occupy layers that I'm using as animation frames. Selecting different animation frames also gives no response.
The only thing that works is to save what I'm working on and restart the program. Half the time this problem doesn't occur, but since I'm performing these actions a lot, it really slows me down. Photoshop works fine otherwise it's just this one thing that's bugging me.
My system specs:
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor 3.30 GHz Ram: 8 GB 64 bit operating system Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6670
I've been having this issue with Maya's timelines since my first usage of 2010 (on Windows) and now 2011 on Mac. The problem is an odd one, My keys start to show up "between" two frames in my timeline. This makes selecting and moving, and judging timeline distances super difficult. If I open up the graph editor, I get the same results.
I'm running Maya 2011 x64 Educational SP1 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on an 2009 iMac. I'm not sure this has any bearing on what is happening in my timeline, as I've had similar results on a Windows machine a few years ago.
I've been working on this scene for a few weeks now, and only recently did this start happening, near the end of the timeline in the scene. I am working at 24fps REALTIME, which is necessary for the project. I have also tried scaling the timeline up and won, but I get no relief from the problem.
I need a biped to stay still in an animation for a few frames. What I'm doing is say I copy a pose from frame 10, then I want the biped to remain still until frame 40. So I paste the pose there and fix the feet keys. As a result the biped position is the same in both frames, but when I play the animation I get some unwanted rotations between these frames I can't get rid of.