3ds Max :: Compressing Animation (From 12 To 8 Frames)

Aug 12, 2011

I have a 12 frame animation and need to shrink it down to an 8 frame animation. Is there an easy way to "compress" the timeline?

Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000

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3ds Max :: Compressing Overall Time - Less Frames

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to compress my overall animation and I want to reduce the number of overall frames. How do I do this without losing all my Key Frames? Do I use the Re-Scale Time button? It seems to still delete my key frames.

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Maya Animation :: Animation Combines All Frames

Feb 4, 2014

When I key the arm on frame 1 for instance, then key the hip they both appear on the same frame, meaning if I copy the arm to frame 20, it copies the hip too.Or if I want to adjust the arm on frame 10 it also adjusts the hip (and all the other frames in the scene.)Making it practically impossible to tween anything at all because it's all lumped together.

I deleted my entire walk cycle and started over again, reset the options to default, reloaded Maya... and it's still happening but only in this scene.

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Maya Animation :: Won't Accept More Than 10 Frames

Mar 18, 2012

I have problem with Render setting window. I made an animation 240 frames and when I try to set the frame range it does´t want accept 240 and stays alway on 10. Start frame 1 - End frame 10, no more. I also try to change the frame/animations ext but it won´t accept multi frame neither.

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Illustrator :: Slow Down Animation Between Frames?

Aug 7, 2012

I am looking to slow down my animation between frames. Is the only way to slow it down by adding additional layers?  There is two slides that I have rotating, but they are moving too fast and I would like to slow it down. I have a limit of 250KB and if I add any more layers I'm up to my limit.I have a gif file as the background and the two rotating slides are text....

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Photoshop :: Apply Same Effect To All Frames In CS5 Animation?

Feb 24, 2012

I need to add lens flare to all frames at once - but it needs to be applied to the flattened image.  I don't want to have to flatten, click lens flare for each of the 70 frames separately.
Here is the gif and photos illustrating what happens if I select frame one - unflattened and flattened.  The spinning globe of course is the animation that is inserted into the surrounding jpeg:


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Photoshop :: Import Sequence Of Frames Into Animation

Mar 10, 2013

Is there any way to get a sequence of frames into Photoshop and have the layer visibility set up to play straight away ?
What I mean is, I'm using Bridge to import ....Tools > Photoshop > Load Files into Photoshop layers, and was wondering if the frame visibility could be automatically set to play the animation.

Currently all the layers come in visible and I have to "Alt" click the layer visibility in each frame....can be a pita with large animations. It would be cool if I imported frames 1 to 50 and PS set them up to play in order as imported.

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Photoshop :: How To Apply Same Style To All Frames Of GIF Animation

Aug 7, 2013

Making a simple GIF. I have 8 Frames. Each Frame is a seperate Layer. I want to stroke all the frames in one shot. How can I do that?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Different Animation Frames Gives No Response

Jul 18, 2012

I draw images by hand and scan them into photoshop to touch them up with the wacom tablet. Often I'll want to take a piece of the drawing and rotate it, stretch it out, or move it. I select the piece, take the move tool (v) and do what I need to do. I then either press enter and move the piece, or I move it before pressing enter and applying the transformation.
Either way, what often happens is that the piece doesn't deselect, and I can't move it or alter it further in any way. After this happens, I also can't switch between layers, or I can, but what's on the canvas doesn't respond at all. I can still save, and select different tools in the program, but I can't work on anything. Also it might be relevant that I'm working with the frame animation window, and these drawings occupy layers that I'm using as animation frames. Selecting different animation frames also gives no response.
The only thing that works is to save what I'm working on and restart the program. Half the time this problem doesn't occur, but since I'm performing these actions a lot, it really slows me down. Photoshop works fine otherwise it's just this one thing that's bugging me.

My system specs:
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor    3.30 GHz
Ram: 8 GB
64 bit operating system
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6670

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Xara :: Edit All Animation Frames At Same Time?

Aug 11, 2012

How do you edite all animation frames at the same time? Can't figure out how to do it...

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Maya Animation :: Keys Show Up Between Frames?

Jul 8, 2011

I've been having this issue with Maya's timelines since my first usage of 2010 (on Windows) and now 2011 on Mac. The problem is an odd one, My keys start to show up "between" two frames in my timeline. This makes selecting and moving, and judging timeline distances super difficult. If I open up the graph editor, I get the same results.

I'm running Maya 2011 x64 Educational SP1 on Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on an 2009 iMac. I'm not sure this has any bearing on what is happening in my timeline, as I've had similar results on a Windows machine a few years ago.

I've been working on this scene for a few weeks now, and only recently did this start happening, near the end of the timeline in the scene. I am working at 24fps REALTIME, which is necessary for the project. I have also tried scaling the timeline up and won, but I get no relief from the problem.

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3ds Max Animation :: Biped Unwanted Rotation Between Frames

Feb 11, 2011

I need a biped to stay still in an animation for a few frames. What I'm doing is say I copy a pose from frame 10, then I want the biped to remain still until frame 40. So I paste the pose there and fix the feet keys. As a result the biped position is the same in both frames, but when I play the animation I get some unwanted rotations between these frames I can't get rid of.

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3ds Max :: Bake Audio Controller Animation To Frames

Jan 3, 2012

How or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?

I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.

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Photoshop :: How To Switch From Frames To Timeline In Animation Panel

Mar 29, 2013

I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and I am trying to switch from Frames to Timeline in the Animation Panel. I have read in other forums that there should be a menu in the bottom right corner of the panel, but none is appearing in my panel.

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Photoshop :: Apply Layers Style To All Frames In Animation?

Apr 8, 2012

what i've done it imported a video to frames.I've added some text to go on every frame. But when i edit the texts style (outline etc) it only applies to one. I can't select all or some of the layers/frames for the text style to appear on.Do I have to do it manually one by one?

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Xara :: Create A Simple Animation With 6 Frames In Gallery

May 11, 2012

I have created a simple animation with 6 frames in the gallery. I want to link each individual frame to different websites. So, as the animation on the site is changing, you can click on one frame, and it takes you to one site, or you click on the next frame and it takes you to another site.

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3ds Max Animation :: Force Timeline Ticks To Full Frames?

Jul 29, 2011

So, this is something that's been a nuisance for a while now, and I think it's time for me to inquire seriously about a fix for it. I'm working with some ani's in max's timeline, and everyso often I find it starts to make use (or I start to make use...?) of "ticks"...I really dont wnat them, and in fact they cause a whole bunch of issues when adjusting keyframes as Im sure some of you can imagine.

Im not sure if it does this because of a setting I choose ( I always start animating in frames mode), or because I often will work in Key mode when Im swapping in a certain pose often...since all my character's animations are in one timeline.

The big question is...is there a way to FORCE these "ticked" keys onto full frames somehow? I've looked through all the timewarps I can find, and adjust <i>their</i> keys to full frames, but eventually it still goes back to ticks....WHAT MUST I DO!!!!! maybe there's a script, or Im missing something obvious?

I keep resetting to frames mode, and rechecking timewarps...to no longterm avail.

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Maya Animation :: Spacing Key Frames In The Graph Editor

Nov 17, 2011

I have a object divided to multiple parts, nearly 150, and when animating the rotation or any attribute I want some spacing between the keyframes, so that the second part starts moving after the first one by 5 frames, and it's about 150 objects, and i don' t want do it all manually, Is there any script or technique that could speed up my workflow.

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Maya Animation :: Mark Certain Frames Or Certain Regions Of The Timeline With Labels

Mar 27, 2012

there is a way to mark certain frames or certain regions of the maya timeline with labels.

Basically I want to be able to set a label at certain keyframes so that I can export this information for use in a third-party tool.

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3ds Max Animation :: Finished AVI File Is Not Capturing Full Range Of Rendered Frames

Mar 18, 2011

I am doing a rendering of a timeline with approx 1900 frames. I am using mental ray as my render engine. After the rendering runs its course, approx 20 hours, it completes with no problems. I open the saved avi file and the clip only captures the first say half of the rendered frames. I have done this 3 times now and for what should be approx a 60 sec clip i only get 36 sec.

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Photoshop :: Animation Frames Side By Side Saving

Dec 12, 2012

I was wondering if there was any quick way to save each animation frame right next to each other in one large png in Photoshop CS6? For example, lets say I have an animation which has 10 frames, each frame being 100px x 100px, I want to be able to save the first frame in the first 100 x 100 enclosure of my canvas, the next frame in the next 100px, and so on and so on for the rest of the frames, resulting in a png which is 100px x 1000px at finish, having the first frame at the very left, and the final frame at the very right.At the moment I'm moving each frame individually to the right by 100,200,300px however I need to do this for over 400 animations with varying dimensions, so it's a bit time consuming and I feel that I might lose track and enter a value wrong at some point. Any other program that might achieve this in which I'm able to import Photoshop animations that can also work.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Photoshop :: Compressing .gif's Too Much

Dec 23, 2004

Whenever I create or open an image in PS it looks great. It's clear and great quality. If I save it as a .jpg, it still looks great. But when I save it as a .gif the image loses a lot of quailty. I have my Indexed Color set to the following:

Palette : Local(Selective)

Colors : 265

Forced : Black and White

Dither : Diffusion

Amount : 75%

Usually I have the palette set on exact so the .gif looks identical to the .psd But in some cases it won't let me save it as exact but in some cases it will.

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VideoStudio :: Compressing Above 20k Bit Video?

Feb 19, 2013

When I record in 720p @ 30 FPS my raw files are usually around 30-35kbit rate, however whenever I compress the videos they seem to drop to around 18k bitrate which really put my videos below the standard I want. I've tried to add my own compression templates but whatever I do, I can't seem to get any of the compression options above 20.000 bitrate.

I have tested with Sony Vegas and with that I can pretty much choose myself what bitrate I want it to be. Although I know Corel a lot better and its easier for me to do what I want with it.

- How can I compress my files with higher bitrate? I want it around 30.000k.

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Photoshop :: Compressing Filesize

Aug 19, 2004

I need to get the following image down to 7KB and the best I can do in CS is 19KB - does anyone know how to further decrease the size of this animation?

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Photoshop :: Compressing TIFF Image

Feb 22, 2012

I have CS4 on Mac, and CS5 on PC I searched but there are soooo many results and I tried several of the suggestions I found for compressing, none worked.
Here's my challenge. I've got this image, as you can see it is solid white, and solid black only. This is going in some kind of program that needs it to be 200 PPI AND only12Kb or less AND if has to be a tif.

My dad works there and he sent me a file that is 10.8 Kb, PPI, and is 7.9" x 3.5", and it was (Bitmap)

So I changed the information and when I save it, the smallest I can get it to be is ~20Kb.
What I've tried so far:

Save for web as PNG with 2 colors, reopen it, and save that as .tif.
Change it to Grayscale, then save it with JPEG
Bitmap and Compressed with LZW
Bitmap and Compressed with ZIP
Bitmap and Compressed with NONE
I even tried saving it as  .25"x.125" but the file size stayed about the same.
Should I be using another program or is there a way to do this in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Batch Compressing Jpegs

Aug 15, 2005

Ok, i've setup an action to compress an image as a jpeg at 60% or whatever. I'm using this action in a batch of random images I've downloaded from misc sites.

Is there anyway I can have photoshop only compress the image to 60% only if the filesize will be smaller than the original? If this isn't possible with photoshop, are they any alternative apps that do what I'm looking for?

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Photoshop Elements :: Compressing Files To 40 KB?

Nov 7, 2013

I am running Photoshop Elements 7.0. I am unable to 'Save for Web' Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S to compress my file to 40 KB.

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Photoshop :: Compressing Image As Opens The File

Jul 16, 2013

I am attempting to have photoshop open a 16bit grayscale ramp that I generated in matlab, but a problem is occuring with mach banding still occuring eventhough photoshop is setup to be working in 10bit images right now. Are there other settings that I need to change inorder to fix this problem. (also I am using a 10bit monitor which is why I am working in the higher bits).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Compressing Images

Apr 28, 2011

I'm having a hard time finding the right compression ratio for online images.  My graphics always end up too large without the quality to match.  I haven't had luck exporting from Corel Draw to a JPEG, so I usually save my CDR file, open it in Corel Photo- Paint, and save as a .jpg from there.  I always play with the Compression and Smoothing values in the Export JPEG screen, but I think I'm missing something. 

We hired someone to put together a Flash graphic recently.  It was essential an exisiting graphic with sliding text boxes.  My JPEG graphic that he worked from was 113K and his final Flash graphic is only 36K, and it's far more sharp and crisp. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Compressing PDF Or DWF Files For Bid Sets?

Aug 2, 2012

Im trying to work with the General Contractor distribute bid sets to subcontractors. Im a residential architect. What are other architects doing in regards to this subject and does auto desk offer a product?

Im simply trying to compress pdf files of all my architectural/structural files and send to the builder so he can distribute. I cant seem to simply compress pdf files and attach to an email. Sending DWF files to the reproduction company seems to work ok without zipping but requires two emails.  Have tried to download Winzip but not happy with them yet.

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