I'm trying to compress my overall animation and I want to reduce the number of overall frames. How do I do this without losing all my Key Frames? Do I use the Re-Scale Time button? It seems to still delete my key frames.
For some reason the time ruler is displaying frames and not seconds. I have tried cycling through the various time modes by ctrl clicking it as well as modifyign it in file->project settings, yet seconds will not show up on the time ruler. Please view the image below. I have also tried resetting the work space to standard default with no result.
when I want to add time to the time display, to re-position the timeline cursor, i use +15 for example. But when i want to subtract time, -15 wouldn't work. How does subtracting frames in the time display work ?
I'm following some tutorials on digital tutors and I see that an easy way to preview the frames is just by simply moving the time indicator, and the frames will play in real time by just moving the current-time indicator back and forth.
However, it doesn't work for me for some reason, when I move my current time idncator, the only thing see is the frame what it was on, and won't update until I let go of time time indicator.
I am trying out my new cam which can do video in 24p (23.something), and I can edit the clips, all ok. There are just two things I cannot do: Make a still (it's really the 24p material, I used a clip in 60i and stills worked), and changing the time/frame counter to 24 frames. No matter what I do, it will always stay there.
Whenever I create or open an image in PS it looks great. It's clear and great quality. If I save it as a .jpg, it still looks great. But when I save it as a .gif the image loses a lot of quailty. I have my Indexed Color set to the following:
Palette : Local(Selective)
Colors : 265
Forced : Black and White
Dither : Diffusion
Amount : 75%
Usually I have the palette set on exact so the .gif looks identical to the .psd But in some cases it won't let me save it as exact but in some cases it will.
When I record in 720p @ 30 FPS my raw files are usually around 30-35kbit rate, however whenever I compress the videos they seem to drop to around 18k bitrate which really put my videos below the standard I want. I've tried to add my own compression templates but whatever I do, I can't seem to get any of the compression options above 20.000 bitrate.
I have tested with Sony Vegas and with that I can pretty much choose myself what bitrate I want it to be. Although I know Corel a lot better and its easier for me to do what I want with it.
- How can I compress my files with higher bitrate? I want it around 30.000k.
I need to get the following image down to 7KB and the best I can do in CS is 19KB - does anyone know how to further decrease the size of this animation?
I have CS4 on Mac, and CS5 on PC I searched but there are soooo many results and I tried several of the suggestions I found for compressing, none worked.
Here's my challenge. I've got this image, as you can see it is solid white, and solid black only. This is going in some kind of program that needs it to be 200 PPI AND only12Kb or less AND if has to be a tif.
My dad works there and he sent me a file that is 10.8 Kb, PPI, and is 7.9" x 3.5", and it was (Bitmap)
So I changed the information and when I save it, the smallest I can get it to be is ~20Kb.
What I've tried so far:
Save for web as PNG with 2 colors, reopen it, and save that as .tif. Change it to Grayscale, then save it with JPEG Bitmap and Compressed with LZW Bitmap and Compressed with ZIP Bitmap and Compressed with NONE I even tried saving it as .25"x.125" but the file size stayed about the same.
Should I be using another program or is there a way to do this in Photoshop?
Ok, i've setup an action to compress an image as a jpeg at 60% or whatever. I'm using this action in a batch of random images I've downloaded from misc sites.
Is there anyway I can have photoshop only compress the image to 60% only if the filesize will be smaller than the original? If this isn't possible with photoshop, are they any alternative apps that do what I'm looking for?
I am attempting to have photoshop open a 16bit grayscale ramp that I generated in matlab, but a problem is occuring with mach banding still occuring eventhough photoshop is setup to be working in 10bit images right now. Are there other settings that I need to change inorder to fix this problem. (also I am using a 10bit monitor which is why I am working in the higher bits).
I'm having a hard time finding the right compression ratio for online images. My graphics always end up too large without the quality to match. I haven't had luck exporting from Corel Draw to a JPEG, so I usually save my CDR file, open it in Corel Photo- Paint, and save as a .jpg from there. I always play with the Compression and Smoothing values in the Export JPEG screen, but I think I'm missing something.
We hired someone to put together a Flash graphic recently. It was essential an exisiting graphic with sliding text boxes. My JPEG graphic that he worked from was 113K and his final Flash graphic is only 36K, and it's far more sharp and crisp.
Im trying to work with the General Contractor distribute bid sets to subcontractors. Im a residential architect. What are other architects doing in regards to this subject and does auto desk offer a product?
Im simply trying to compress pdf files of all my architectural/structural files and send to the builder so he can distribute. I cant seem to simply compress pdf files and attach to an email. Sending DWF files to the reproduction company seems to work ok without zipping but requires two emails. Have tried to download Winzip but not happy with them yet.
I've been experimenting with using Gaussian Blur on uncompressed TIFF images. The TIFF images consist of scans of printed images with a screen ruling.
I've been noticing an 8x8 blocking artifact when compressing the blurred images to JPEG's. (The reason for not using the scanner's Descreen feature is so that I can selectively blur.)
Here, a JPEG without prior blurring appears on top, and a JPEG with prior blurring appears on the bottom:
Would blurring the JPEG, instead of blurring the TIFF beforehand, be preferable?
I have a huge file that I am working with. I keep getting fatal errors. I am trying to make the file size smaller. Within the file there are 1836 layers, I am trying to reduce that number greatly. There are also lots and lots of blocks. I have heard that it is possible to make all of the objects on one layer and also compress layers.
Ok some times when I go to run details it pops up that it can not load the component database AecDtlComponents (US).mdb file. I go to options and can not do anything there. So I have to close it all down and hope when I reload AA it works. 9 out of 10 times it does. But this is a pain to do when ever you need to add detail stuff. Oh also this happens on more then one computer in the office. running 2012 with sp and all updates on windows 7
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example, If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011 B file's capture time is 1/11/2012 C file's capture time is 1/11/2013 I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014 B file -> 1/11/2015 C file -> 1/11/2016 So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
I am updating capture time based on GPS Time (a bit OCD, I know) but when I change Capture Time the Date Time Digitized value does not change. This in in LR 4.3 and is not affected by whether on not the Catalog is set to 'Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files'.
I have been trying to figure out if I can make capture time changes to adjust for time zone errors or the daylight saving time mistakes where the capture time in the Metadata panel is off by 1 hour or so, and then have these adjustments saved permanently to the original files (master photos). This works for JPEG files and it also works for DNG files (after converting from CR2 to DNG). But it doesn't seem to work for CR2 files directly. If I used the "Save Metadata to file" option from the Metadata menu I might just get sidecar XMP files.
Then I found this option "write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" in the Catalog Settings. This seems about right. But what does it do? I tried enabling that, created a new catalog and then imported some new CR2 files. I then changed the captured time and tried the Save Metadata to file option. It still spits out these sidecar files. It doesn't actually write this to the CR2 files.
Or does it? Perhaps I am not seeing it in Windows Explorer? Like IPTC vs. EXIF? I'm not sure Windows reads both. These are like different types or sections of metadata information about a file. So I just wonder what the benefit or consequence is of having this option enabled? Whatever it is, it is not very apparent. And as you can see from the screenshots above the capture time has not changed (not been saved) when you look at the file in Windows Explorer. Any changes are held in the XMP sidecar. Even thou I have enabled this EXIF option in Catalog Settings.
I note that from time to time I can't see the counter and this is quite an annoyance. When the invisible pointer hover over or passes over an object, the latter will highlight as usual. I have to close and restart the drawing each time due to this issue. Is there an explanation for it, even a solution to prevent this from happening?
NOTE : This is limited to the drawing area only. I can see the pointer in the menu/toolbar area and outside autocad but not in the drawing area.
I want to add a watermark to a photo which encompasses a progress time or finish time of a sports event. For example, if an event starts at 7.00 am, photos taken at 8.05 am, in the watermark I want to display 1:05 hr (or 65 mins).
I have a Canon S100 and just started importing photos and video into my LR 4.3 catalog. I convert RAW to DNG, and the Capture Time on the photos in LR is correct. However, the video Capture Time is shifted forward exactly 8 hours. I know how to correct the video Capture Time, but is there anything I can do to stop this from happening in the first place? I looked at what the metadata looks like in Bridge.
PHOTO: Date Created = Correct Capture Time Date File Modified = The time I imported the file into LR.
VIDEO: Date Created = Capture Time + 8 hours Date File Modified = Correct Capture Time
I have bought an Easycap capture device and it is installed properly. However when I try to capture video from VHS I get the message "The sample start time is after the sample end time"
I want to double matte a photo on a page with a background. The inner matte will be a 10 pixel black and I want the outer to be a half-inch patterned matte. I have scanned in the pattern from a piece of scrapbooking paper. How do I do the two mattes? I want the the mattes and picture to be moveable and sizeable.