I am using AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. I have succesfully created a View Frame Group (VFG) from an alignment and then created Plan Profile sheets from that View Frame group. I did create the sheets in a separate file from the View Frame group (that is an option when you create the sheets). It appears that if I change a View Frame using the grips, the corresponding sheet viewport doesn't change based on the edits to the view frame. I must manually update the sheet plan viewport to align with the edited location of the view frame. Is there a way AutoCAD will do this automatically or does it just not do that? Do I have to create the whole sheet set again or can I just recreate that one sheet? I don't want to do that since create the sheet will create a new profile view.
The creation of viewframes with automatic station range at scale 1/2000 produces viewframes and sheets with ranges 0+000 - 0+738 then 0+738 - 1+456 and so on.
It is possible to creat onyl 1 viewframe with user specified station range i;e; 0+000 - 0+700. For a long alignment it involves to repeat the operation all along the alignment by ranges of 700 m. Or use the automatic range option and then make boring adjustments on viewframes and long profiles of the sheets to fit to the 700 m successive ranges we would like to draw.
Is there a possibility to produce directly multiple viewframes with a user specified station range of, say, 700 m on the entire alignment. If this is possible it would be great.
More great: would it be possible to set an overlap of 50 m for example between successive viewframes (sheets)ranges so that we have ranges 0+000 - 0+700 then 0+650 - 1+350 then 1+300 -2+000 and so forth.
I have a sidewalk project with 5' wide sidewalk and the edge of sidewalk is 5' of the back of curb. All is fine and well, I have link slope to surface subassembly assigned to one side and a link offset and slope subassembly to the other side of the sidewalk. Everything daylights nicely.
Here is the issue......my link slope to surface subassembly is an 8:1 slope to tie into the existing surface model. There is one stretch of sidewalk where I have a retaining wall behind the sidewalk for about 15'. My section views are every 10' and in one of them the wall needs to show up. I could use the link vertcial sub assembly in this area but I am not sure how to use a specific subassembly in one area. Do I split that region up in my corridor, create a new region to use that references a new assembly to use in that 15' strectch which would contain the link vertical subassembly? Or, do I create the link vertcial subassembly in my current assembly and assign a station range to it so it doesn't show up throughout the entire corridor? It's like I wante to transition in and back out of a subassembly. Incidentally, I have one assembly used for the entire length of my project.
Is there a way to generate the station ranges for each sheet title block when generating sheets? It seems like there should be some sheet set manager variable for it or something but I haven't been able to find it.
I need to produce a better standard table for our company, but need to know how it would be possible to display only either the START STAKE VALUE/ STATION or END STAKE VALUE/STATION in the appropriate column. If I can achieve this i would not need to details for straight segments as indicated in the details column.
I have been creating directly the DWG of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 for a couple of months.I created a project for the 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location - i. e. same XY-coordinates, but different Z) And I just cannot separate the 2 "depth" points of the "same XY-coordinates" location in the 3D Wireframe by using the 3D Rotation Cube. I wonder I should start the C3D 2013 with choosing the right Template, configuring proper Viewports and creating suitable View Frames. I don't know what Template is right for my project of the 2 "depth" points of the same location in the 3D Wireframe of C3D 2013 - see the attached file. what Template (.dwt) is right for my project, how to cofigure 2 or 3 Viewports, and create the View Frames.
I am using LISP in C3D 2012. I am trying to get the station and elevation of a point I pick in a profile view. I found the Method that will get that info, but I can';t seem to get the syntax right.This is the Method;
I have a profile view created with several surfaces including a proposed surface. The stationing on the X-Axis of the profile view corresponds correctly with the PT's, PC's etc on the proposed surface profile, however the the labels that are actually on the profile line are giving me values such as PC: 0+668.62 when it should read 21+93.63.
I can't seem to find a correlation in the two numbers and am having difficulty changing the style to correctly reflect the stationing.
I have set one station equation in my alignment and it displays correctly in horizontal view and in profile. But stations of projected objects after that equation are not correct in projected object label. It displays station values as it would be without station equation. If i manually insert profile view label for that point it is correct.
As you can see in attached image green station value (that one is label for projected points) is wrong because it does not take equation into calculation. How to make projected objects labels to consider station equation?
Is there anyway to display Alignment Station Offset Label at Profile View because sometimes i want to display where is the phisical noze location in profile view also my attached file display what i have in my label and how display my label in profile view.
How and where can I adjust the station precision of the view frame start and end station. I am choosing snap to nearest foot station but I am getting 1+00.00. I would like 1+00 in the label. I am setting to start end to the layout name and mapping that to the current drawing field in SSM and do not have precision control there either.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
I want to create 15 instead of 17 viewframes for a portion of the alignment. i played with the dwt file's plan viewport. doesn't matter how big i make the viewport it always create 17 pages. the bigger i make it the more overlap it has.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
I am working on a water line replacement job in a residential neighborhood. Some of the streets are getting the water line replaced and some are not. I have created an alignment for the water line on the streets that are being replaced.
When I create my view frame group along each alignment, there are some overlapping view frames from different alignments. I need to create a matchline for these instances. How to create matchlines for view frames on different alignments? Or create one view frame group from different alignments?
is possible to create view frames with an alignment? my drawing is not linear, in fact, its a survey of large lake with bathy survey data, and topo data along the shoreline. is there a function to tell c3d to divide my model into as many sheets required to cover the surface based on the template/layout properties?
I new to using the view frame groups we do allot of double plan view 11x17 sheets using an alignment on top of MrSid aerial drawings. It is very time consuming to setup the viewports along the alignment doing the old fashion method of copying the page setup and sliding the model space along the alignment for the next sheet. I understand the plan profile and cross section methods of creating multiple sheets and how the viewframe group works for those type of sheets. I'm just not sure how to create a dwt template for one plan view on top of another plan on the same sheet with to viewports. I know I'm not the only person that creates road cl double planviews when your not concerned about a profile.
I would like to find out if it is possible to produce a drawing with more than one view frame plotted on a single sheet/layout. I was thinking of minimizing on the number of sheets used for Linear features.
Any way to adjust the placement of my cross sections after i created my view frames? As you can see from the image attached i have extra room on the bottom of my sheet and my first cross section is not completely on the page. Some of my view frames are correct and others are not. Can this be adjusted per sheet?
I have a road design with a corridor. I want to plot the plan and profile but not show the sub-assembly section that are every 25 feet. I can't freeze the layer because then I only see my baseline for the alignment. I want to see the offsets of the road. I have tried creating an offset of my alignment but it will not create the offsets for some reason.
I want my final output to show the entire road over my OG topo survey but do not want to see section lines every 25ft
I am just starting out in Civil 3D and we are using the 2011 version. Anyway I have created cross sections along the centerline of a profile. How do I get the elevations and offsets to show up without digits to the right of the decimal, in other words to the nearest foot (ie. 3820.00 = 3820, 50.00 = 50)?
I have a Multi-Value Parameter "MV" that I want to populate using a Named Range from an Excel file that is already populating other parameters for the same file.
I currently have the file working by populating "MV" by using the snippet from iLogic below...
The reason I don't like this method is because if ever that range changes... all the iLogic code will have to be updated as well. How to set a Multi-Value Parameter using a Named Range from an Excel file? I assumed the below snippet would work but I am receiving
"Array was not a one-dimensional array." as an error.
I am doing a rendering of a timeline with approx 1900 frames. I am using mental ray as my render engine. After the rendering runs its course, approx 20 hours, it completes with no problems. I open the saved avi file and the clip only captures the first say half of the rendered frames. I have done this 3 times now and for what should be approx a 60 sec clip i only get 36 sec.