AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Assign Subassembly To Certain Station Range?
Jul 10, 2012
I have a sidewalk project with 5' wide sidewalk and the edge of sidewalk is 5' of the back of curb. All is fine and well, I have link slope to surface subassembly assigned to one side and a link offset and slope subassembly to the other side of the sidewalk. Everything daylights nicely.
Here is the link slope to surface subassembly is an 8:1 slope to tie into the existing surface model. There is one stretch of sidewalk where I have a retaining wall behind the sidewalk for about 15'. My section views are every 10' and in one of them the wall needs to show up. I could use the link vertcial sub assembly in this area but I am not sure how to use a specific subassembly in one area. Do I split that region up in my corridor, create a new region to use that references a new assembly to use in that 15' strectch which would contain the link vertical subassembly? Or, do I create the link vertcial subassembly in my current assembly and assign a station range to it so it doesn't show up throughout the entire corridor? It's like I wante to transition in and back out of a subassembly. Incidentally, I have one assembly used for the entire length of my project.
I have an assembly (A) that has a subassembly (B) that has a pattern of subassemblies (C's) that consist of many parts (D, E, F, G & H). The parts (DEFGH) are steel and have their own drawings. They do and should look like steel.
They are welded together as an assembly (C). This will be painted bright yellow. I wish to assign a yellow appearance to the subassembly, not affecting the parts. Last, when I open the upper assemblies (A or B), I expect C to have the painted color. I cannot make this work in Inventor 2013.
I can assign appearances to parts DEFGH. No error there. I can NOT assign appearances to assemblies (C). The only thing I see in the Appearance box is "Favourites" and "Inventor Material Library".
I can individuall select and highlight parts DEFGH inside the assembly C and assign an appearance to them. Sort of a work-around, but...
...this is not carried through to upper assemblies (A or B). If I just open them, all items are steel-colored, not yellow. If choose to edit one of the patterned C's inside B, only that instance is colored. None of the others in the pattern.
I must thus expand every instance in the pattern and highlight every part and set an appearance. But this is still not carried through to A. Or any of several other assemblies that also contain B.
Thus, if I want a persistent coloring, I either have to "paint" the individual parts, or I will have to scour up each and every assembly and "paint" every part inside them.
Is there really no way to assign an appearance to an assembly and have it carried through automatically to all assemblies that contain it? Like in every other solid modeler I have ever used?
When I use ImportSubassembly API to import my subassembly created by Autodesk Subassembly Composer into my civil project, it reports error-"eFilerError".
I've made an stairs assembly that contains adaptive parts that are all controlled by the assembly parameters.
Here is my assembly and the controlling parameters. The stringers on the side are made with the frame generator and use the "extend" feature to get the appropriate length, as driven by the parameters. The reason I used frame generator is so that I can easily change sizes of the stringers down the road, if needed. I chose to make the parts associative so I could control all of the parameters from within the assembly instead of opening each part separately.
My goal now is to be able to use this assembly (or something similar) as a template to create new sets of stairs, all to be placed in the same main assembly.
I attempted to duplicate all of the parts (append a "2" at the end of each file name and replace components in the new set of stairs with the 2nd version) but ran into problems with the two stringers. I can't figure out what to do to get the Frame00001 and Skeleton00001 to reassociate to Frame00002 and Skeleton00002. So any time I change my slope, the original stairs will end up trying to copy the new stringers instead of keeping the old ones.
how can I make this assembly reference a new frame, and secondly?
I am using C3D 2012 and i know how to create a table showing volumes for different elevation ranges with different colours, but how to show the total cut or fill for the volume surface in the same table so that you dont have to manually add up all of the cuts or fills? or have to display only two ranges?
During an import event I get a warning message saying the Angle is out of Range. The .fbk text below is where the import is getting hung up, the red text is the specific line.
Is there a way to assign a name for each PVI? Normally PVIs are automatically labeled by station, ie x+xxx.xx, what I want to do is assign it with a name, ie. CORNER 1, MID2, END3, etc. I used to extract data from Excel manually to do this.
I am trying to insert an excel table using a datalink. If I insert the entire sheet, it includes too many cells. If I set a print area and choose that area, it will not insert the table. The first time it acts like it is going to work, but then never lets me place the table. The second attempt it just will not let me select that data link. If I actually name a group of cells, I get the same behavior as the print area. Have issues with importing excel tables? Am I missing a step?
My work flow is
Create an excel sheet & format the table.
Select desired sells, set print area.
Save & Close excel
go to annotate tab in civil 3d
select table icon
choose from data link
launch data link manager
create data link and choose range of cells as print area.
Press OK
it never let me choose insert point.
I have also tried to simply make the datalink and then run the table command with the same results.
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
Is there a way to automatically adjust the cut range colours (REDS) in the attached scheme such that the lighter colours denote lower cut depths in the same way that the fill range does (Greens)
I know they can be manually adjusted but when the analysis is run again the colours revert back
(No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
Within my road corridor, I have one section where the excavated material cannot be used as fill elsewhere. I see a place where I can specify a factor for reusable volume when I compute earthwork materials. But it looks like I can only use 1 factor for the whole corridor. Is there a way to say from Sta XX+XX to Sta XX+XX the reusable fill factor is 0, but the rest of the project it is something else?
All I can think to do is copy the quantity report to Excel and manually change the reusable volume in that station range to 0. But, since the report comes in as just numbers (no formulas), I then have to enter all the formulas to recalculate the volumes.
First - the alignment station label text size when viewed in model space is fine but when viewed in paper space it comes in way to big. How do i adjust this so i see things in paper space as they are in the model?
Second - Would like to adjust the station label style from the defalt 0+00.00 to 0+000.000
When an alignment needs to have stationing modified, what is the best process for this when a proposed grade line and corridor have been established? I know the proposed grade line can be edited via edit profile geometry>profile grid view.
But what from I have found each station has to be modified individually, which is cumbersome. I would hope to be able to modify the proposed grade line by changing only the beginning station and the rest would update, similar to the alignment.
I have a problem with some station labels I have, when I open the drawing(s) the labels display ??? instead of the station. After I manually sync the alignment in prospector, the drawing switches to the model tab with the ? now showing correctly.
Like entering a station and going there?I've used the 'SO with Zoom C. That is not simple.12+ miles of a single road alignment with 3 equation stations makes for a LOT of panning.
Im trying to make a label that will call out pipe replacement in reference to an alignment. I know how to call out from multiple alignments, but I need multiple stations from the same alignment, such as sta xxx to sta xxx.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
I have an alignment that starts at station 1+00 and runs through 20+00.
By right clicking the station labels and editing the label group, I have updated my major station increments to 200' and my minor stations (ticks only) to 100'. The problem is, I want the 200' increments to begin at my starting station (1+00), so that the labels would read 1+00, 3+00, 5+00, etc.
As it is now, the above settings make my labels read: 1+00, 2+00, 4+00, 6+00, etc.
I have a station equation in my alignment that happens to fall in a vertical curve in my profile. I'm using the PVC and PVT station and elevations from the plans and the K value to draw a Fixed Vertical Curve. It doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the station equation. It is calculating the wrong PVI station and elevation.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to split an alignment so that I do not disturb the stationing of the alignment beyond a station equation. I have a very long alignment with a finaized design. I have a design change to make, which means I need to move a section of the alignment, and I want to do it without changing the stationing past a defined point so that it does not affect the design (corridor) past that point.
I currently have a drawing with a road alignment and stationing. Is there a way to automatically station and offset a point that is not on the alignment line?
For instance, our alignment line is the centerline of the road. I need a station and offset of the new right of way line points at different places in the drawing. I want to use the alignment stationing to have it automatically create the station and offset at the point I choose.
When I am in the file with the labels everything is the proper size. When I reference this file into my sheet file everything becomes tiny. Any legitimate solution?
After editing an alignment in my drawing the stationing did not update to the new edited alignment. I tried selecting the alignment and in alignment properties changing the end stationing, but I get the error "Either outside alignment limits or within gap created by a station equation". The stationing stops at my first edit point 66+24 when the total length of edited alignment is 103+15. Is there a way to re-station alignment.
We are trying to edit a small portion of an existing corridor by adding a generic daylighting subassembly. The add subassembly tool in the Corridor Section editor works, but we get an error because the new sub doesn't have a target surface specified. how to add a target for a sub that is added after the corridor was created?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 & 2014 Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q890 2 x i7 - Q740 quad core CPU's 8GB of RAM 60GB SSD + 500GB HDD NVidia GeForce GTS 360M - driver Win 7 Home Premium
I need to transition to one subassebly to another. The first subassembly is at existing ground the other assembly is above ground. See following picture:
I need to transition from station 12+50 to 13+50. See following picture:
Here is a picture of the Corridor Properties:
Do I need to make a different subassembly in between the two stations? Is there a command I am not seeing that does it for me?
I know this sounds like a really stupid question. Where is the subassembly composer? We have Civil3D 2013, and my understanding was that the subassembly composer was supposed to automatically install in 2013 as opposed to previous years when you had to download it from the Subscription Center.
I've got a number of scenario diagrams to produce where I want to show the volume of material to be dredged from a harbour. There will be no "fill" just cut. In some parts of the area of interest the existing ground is below the target depth, so these holes wouldn't need to dredged further.
Two question:
1. Given that the area in question contains cut areas, but also other areas that I don't want to fill. What is the best way to get a good surface map and volume estimation? Currently, I create a feature line surrounding the entire area to be less than the target depth, set the elevation of the line at that depth, then grade to surface and add an infill. This gives me cut and fill volumes (for the deep holes), of which I ignore the fill number. Is there a better way??
2. I've created my TIN volume surface (comparison of EG with the graded depth surface). Now I want to present the maps with "range interval with datum", so the cut volumes are shaded increasing from (say) yellow to red, whereas for the "fill" areas I don't want to show anything (transparent would be ideal or maybe greys). Is there a way to create customised color ranges for the elevation analysis? As I'm doing numerous maps I don't want to be manually editing and re-editing the analysis range details. I'm using AutoCAD C3D 2012.
I have a volume surface that I want cut & fill displayed with elevation banding. I created a surface style and chose pastels for the color scheme. When I analyze the surface I chose elevations>> range interval with datum and I get 2d solids but they are not pastel even though the style assigned is the one I mentioned.
How do I get the colors to be pastel?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram