AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Viewframe Groups And Creating Multiple Double Plan View Sheets?
Jan 10, 2013
I new to using the view frame groups we do allot of double plan view 11x17 sheets using an alignment on top of MrSid aerial drawings. It is very time consuming to setup the viewports along the alignment doing the old fashion method of copying the page setup and sliding the model space along the alignment for the next sheet. I understand the plan profile and cross section methods of creating multiple sheets and how the viewframe group works for those type of sheets. I'm just not sure how to create a dwt template for one plan view on top of another plan on the same sheet with to viewports. I know I'm not the only person that creates road cl double planviews when your not concerned about a profile.
I am running civil 3D 2014 and have several lisp file that I have added to my startup suite. I am creating layout tabs for plan and profile sheets and use my lisps continuously and then all of the sudden it tell me that it's an "unknown command". I have closed the program and reopened the drawing an I realized that my start up suite is now empty.
I am using Rel. 2012. I would like to hear what some of the practices are regarding a general note used on multiple plan sheets. What I have is a plan set with 150 sheets. On each sheet a general note is required that likely will be revised by agencies reviewing the plans. Currently I have a base cadd file with the note and I x-ref that drawing into each sheet.
C3D2012. We have a master C3D template that includes a number of point filters (let say 20 of them) and a number of layouts (again, let say 20 of them) to accommodate our two sheet sizes.
Here is the issue that I am running into, when the Plan Production tools use a layout to create plan and profile sheets from the same master template that is used to initially create the file, the whole process will duplicate each point group 150 times for every group (see attached). So, what I ended up with is 20 point groups X 150. In my example, I ended up with 3000 duplicate point groups.
The end result is a file that is somewhat unusable do to the number of point groups. The other issue is now that all of these point groups are in the file you are unable to delete them all at once without "crashing" C3D. So you are left to deleting a handful at time. It is also best if you turn UNDO off while you do it.
I have been able to duplicate this in multiple files; however, from the same master template. As a test I did create separate templates (which are pretty bare bones) for the plan production and all works well. Therefore, there is either an issue with C3D and Plan Production and point groups or it is our template.
I would really like to nail down (as best I can) what is generating the 150 duplicates/ point group name to see if there is a way "around" this.
Currently, I am unable to share the template, but it shouldn't be too difficult to re-create. Take any template, add some point groups to, add a plan and profile sheet to one of the layouts, create a new file from this template, finally create plan and profile sheets from the layout in the very same template.
So I had to jump into the middle of a project. The Viewframes were already created but when I go to the plan and profile sheets for the viewframes the profile is not showing and I'm not sure how to choose the correct profile and display it in the corresponding plan and profile sheet.
I have generated a right to left profile. I use General-create the view frames and they show right to left --good
I use General-create sheets to create the layouts in my current drawing . Rather than being from left to right, it flips my plan view upside down and aligns it on the left side. Is their a viewport setting I don't know about?
I'm using the Plan Production feature of Civil3D 2012 (x64). Here's my scenario:
I have a base file with all company style and layer standards. I have an alignment and profile in this base file, which I am creating sheets for (plan and profile, same sheet). I create my VFG and generate the sheets from this base file. My sheet template creation .dwt file only has a couple layers in it (nice and clean).
Is it normal behavior for the sheet files being created to have ALL the company layers and styles associated with the base drawing where the VFG and sheets were created from? I would think only the layers/styles used for the alignment, profile, and profile view would be transferred to each sheet.
I have a low pressure sewer system that runs along a road side but is not always parallel to the road. I'm using hte centerline of the road for my alignment. What I need to do is have a profile of the existing ground above the centerline of the pressure pipes show in the plan/profile sheets. I do not need a profile of the roadway.
I'm currently using feature lines to accomplish this and that works fine in the main drawing, however, the profiles I create there don't transfer to the plan/profile sheets when I create them. The only way I have found so far to get thoe profiles to show in the plan/profile sheets is to create the feature lines in the plan/profile drawing and project those lines to my profile view. This is a fairly large system so I will have numerous plan/profile sheets. Creating the feature lines and profiles in the individual sheets is fairly time consuming.
I'm currently using Civil 3D 2012. I realize that with the addition of pressure pipe networks in 2013 might very well give me the tools I need but I'm at a point in this project, and our office, where switching to 2013 isn't really an option yet. However, if that is my answer then I will have to consider that.
I'm currently doing some testing of 2014 SP1 and noticed the Copy Styles routine when creating Plan Production Sheets doesn't seem to function as it did in 2012?
Using 2014 SP1, I data referenced a Pipe Network into a Plan Prod. sheet that was created before the Pipe networks were created. After data referencing the first Pipe Network into the plan sheet, I tried to label my pipes and structures, noticed none of our custom styles got copied (during create sheets command) into the sheet?
In 2012 they did.We have a lot of these Plan Production dwt's here and it's going to be a major PITA if all Plan Production.dwt's will need to have all Styles within them.
The nice thing about the way it used to work is the styles only needed to be maintained in a couple base.dwt's.
In addition to these Pipe & Structure label styles missing the list goes on throughout the Settings tab. Only present styles seem to be of "in use" nature such as pfl style, Alignment style, pfl view style etc. where the sheet creation process pulled specific information into the sheet dwg from source dwg.
Also did a quick test of our 2012 configuration and majority of , if not all, styles from source dwt do get copied over eliminating the need for them within the Plan Production dwt's. 2012 SP3 used here.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I was given a horizontal centerline of a 5 mile bike path. We have to stake all the even stationing every 50 feet and all the VPC's and VPT's with vertical elevation. I have created the horizontal profile and also the vertical profile including all the vertical curve information. Is there an easy way to incorporate the elevation information back into the plan view so I can create points that carry x,y & z points that I can transfer out of autocad as a .txt file so we can upload it on our gps equipment?
Is there a way to easily add an object from a profile view to a plan view? I have developed a pipeline profile that has high and low points and I would like to show these points on the plan views.
I created plan and profile sheets using the P&P tools. Then I created a new drawing and attached (XREF) the dwg with the viewframes in it. Then I set the viewframe layer to Plot instead of non-plot and I changed the color so that it would be heavy (we use CTB).
Then when I went to my PSPACE layout to try and plot, the viewframes are NOT there. The layer IS turned on, because there's a PLINE that I drew on that layer and it DOES show up. When in modelspace, the viewframes are there and the color did change as expected.
So why do they disappear when I'm on the layout tab?
The goal is to create a plottable sheet that identifies where each sheet is (I want to point to each viewframe and lable them C-101, C-102 etc).
I am creating P&P sheets for my road. I created view frames, and when I got to create sheets, I pick "all layouts in new drawing". I go to open the new drawing up, but all that shows up/tranfers is the profile and alignment, nothing else comes over ( proposed linework, existing linework, etc.)??????
Why would you Dref a Viewframe Group into another drawing?I wanted to cut P&P sheets (via layout tabs) in a new drawing. The sheets display fine, except that the plan view is an xref. I cannot move the matchline labels in the new P&P sheets because they are xref'd. Sure I could go to the parent drawing and move them, but that become tedious. I thought, why not Dref the viewframe group into the P&P sheet, that way I could move the matchline label to a new position. By new position I mean along the matchline itself, not to different stationing. It works but the sheet next and previous labels display #### (hashtags). The only workaround I can think of is to create the P&P sheets in the current drawing (parent), that way the matchlines would be live. I don't want to do that, I want just the alignment and profile of the P&P sheets I create to be dynamic, Xref everything else..
I have about 50 point groups that the client needs in an ENZ format, is it possible to export them all at once with the name of the point group being the name of the file?
if so, the more annoying part of this is that I actually have to make the ENZ file an ENZD file with the D being the name of the file for each point, if both of these things are possible
After I create cross section sheets (Output---> generate cross section), the generated sections do not fit in the sheet exactly. In fact, the generated layouts do not cover the sections correctly, and some sections fall outside the created sheet.
It should be noted that I use the "ISO A1 Section 1 to 500" layout which is installed on the default pass of C3D (template folder), and the scale of "view section style" is set to 1/500. I tried the scale of the drawing (toolspace window---> setting tab---> rigth click on the name of drawing and click edit drawing setting) with 1/500, however the problem was not solved.
Another important issue is that the section views in the "Model space" are shown correctly, but my problem is in the layout space after generating cross sections.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. I have succesfully created a View Frame Group (VFG) from an alignment and then created Plan Profile sheets from that View Frame group. I did create the sheets in a separate file from the View Frame group (that is an option when you create the sheets). It appears that if I change a View Frame using the grips, the corresponding sheet viewport doesn't change based on the edits to the view frame. I must manually update the sheet plan viewport to align with the edited location of the view frame. Is there a way AutoCAD will do this automatically or does it just not do that? Do I have to create the whole sheet set again or can I just recreate that one sheet? I don't want to do that since create the sheet will create a new profile view.
I am running into a problem where Civil 3D is creating multiple point groups of my 4 existing groups (the original group names are Topo, Existing Ground, Hide, and All Points). The new groups seem to be copies of the originals in terms of styles but do not include the points that were designated in the originals (no points are assigned in these copies).
The groups appear some time after I create the surface.
I've also noticed that this occurs in my list of grading criteria as well.
I have this problem when creating grading groups with more than one feature line in them. It seems really unstable when you trying get the grading to connect. I have tried to create two separate grading groups in one site or two feature lines in one grading group. And the result is the same, the grading that will be create can sometimes look oki, but suddenly they tend to disappear or look weird...
I am creating plan sheets and using the sheet creation tool. The plan sheets I am looking to make have stacked view, similar to a plan and profile sheet, only they have the horizontal alignment in both views.
I have a template set up with two viewports, but when I try to create the sheets it puts the same view frame in both of the viewports. Is there any way to set this template up so that I can have, lets say, STA 100+00 - 110+00 in the top viewport and then STA 110+00 - 120+00 in the bottom viewport. I understand that I can move the viewports once they are created, but I would rather have that done automatically. I am not sure if what I want done is possible with Civil 3D.
I'm having an intermittent issue with my publish command. So far the pattern seems to be on drawings with a larger number of sheets (last one was 15, this one is 7). When I get the publish dialog box, I'll set the number of copies to however many I need but it ends up only printing one set. It doesn't happen every time. Just with these two drawings so far. They have nothing to do with each other and haven't shared any data. The only similiarity is that they're both older projects that were started some years ago on previous CAD versions.
I am simply xref'ing a profile drawing into a sheet drawing to print out. AS shown on the attached, when the profile comes into the xref I lose all the band data and the EG line does not come in as a dashed 2 line as the layer is set to. It almost looks as if the PL linetype generation is off for this line.
I found super elevation labeling for profile, but not for alignment in plan view. Is there a way to label alignment, f.x. in critical points of super elevation automatically?
When creating cross section views ("Home>Section Views>Create Multiple Views"), my sections are being placed at the exact boundary of the viewport (viewport is per my template).
Surely there's a way to create a margin inside the viewport.
Here's a screen shot of what I'm seeing. Notice how the dotted "Plot Area Boundary line is going right thru the left axis labels and on top of the bottom axis blue line (which means the bottom axis labels will NOT be seen).