AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create View Frames With Alignment?
Nov 26, 2013
is possible to create view frames with an alignment? my drawing is not linear, in fact, its a survey of large lake with bathy survey data, and topo data along the shoreline. is there a function to tell c3d to divide my model into as many sheets required to cover the surface based on the template/layout properties?
I want to create 15 instead of 17 viewframes for a portion of the alignment. i played with the dwt file's plan viewport. doesn't matter how big i make the viewport it always create 17 pages. the bigger i make it the more overlap it has.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
Having a rough time with Pipe Networks! I am working an example from the Mastering C3D book (P. 371) as in the following steps:
1.Clicked SS structure(16)
2.Selected Create Alignment from Network on ribbon
3.Selected last structure(18), hit Enter
4.Changed options as needed in Create Align from Network - Create Profile and Profile View check box: Selected
5.Changed options and clicked Create Profile View
At this point the program pauses, then a dialog box trys to partially fill the screen but is all white then fades away as fast as it appeared and I'm stuck with a paperweight that beeps at me everytime I click the mouse, no panning or zooming response at this time. The command line is prompting me for the profile origin. I can switch to other apps and bring up TM and when I attempt to end C3D then it tells me that it can't because waiting for response. I can then cancel the prompt to save the drawing and C3D exits the active command and control is returned.
Civil 3D 2013 SP 1, 64 bit Dell Precision T5600, 16 GB Win 7 Professional 64 bit Intel Xeon @ 2.0 GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000
I’m wondering if there is a way to launch alignment grid view/alignment entities (attached) without the need to first launching “alignment”? This dialogue box is quite essential in editing the values of radius, degree of curvature and deflection angle for the selected curve.
I have been creating directly the DWG of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 for a couple of months.I created a project for the 8 points (4 locations with 2 depths in each location - i. e. same XY-coordinates, but different Z) And I just cannot separate the 2 "depth" points of the "same XY-coordinates" location in the 3D Wireframe by using the 3D Rotation Cube. I wonder I should start the C3D 2013 with choosing the right Template, configuring proper Viewports and creating suitable View Frames. I don't know what Template is right for my project of the 2 "depth" points of the same location in the 3D Wireframe of C3D 2013 - see the attached file. what Template (.dwt) is right for my project, how to cofigure 2 or 3 Viewports, and create the View Frames.
I was wondering if after drawing an alignment, creating a profile, and profile view, is there a way I can mark items along the alignment so they could show up in the profile view. I am laying out a pipeline and want to have the profile display a marker for items such as tees, elbows, reducers and other items. The marker I would like to use will be something like the vertical style grade break markers.
Also on a side note, as each of these items will have a different name, is there a way that I can add these markers and then have each one with a unique name?
I imported Google earth surface (at eye alt 600m) to civil 3d 2012 and created an alignment of length 181m.
When I exported same alignment to Google earth , it showed the length as 190m ( the difference increases with increase in length of alignment) And also the profile view of the alignment in the Civil D & Google earth varies.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3d 2012. I have succesfully created a View Frame Group (VFG) from an alignment and then created Plan Profile sheets from that View Frame group. I did create the sheets in a separate file from the View Frame group (that is an option when you create the sheets). It appears that if I change a View Frame using the grips, the corresponding sheet viewport doesn't change based on the edits to the view frame. I must manually update the sheet plan viewport to align with the edited location of the view frame. Is there a way AutoCAD will do this automatically or does it just not do that? Do I have to create the whole sheet set again or can I just recreate that one sheet? I don't want to do that since create the sheet will create a new profile view.
I am working on a water line replacement job in a residential neighborhood. Some of the streets are getting the water line replaced and some are not. I have created an alignment for the water line on the streets that are being replaced.
When I create my view frame group along each alignment, there are some overlapping view frames from different alignments. I need to create a matchline for these instances. How to create matchlines for view frames on different alignments? Or create one view frame group from different alignments?
I would like to find out if it is possible to produce a drawing with more than one view frame plotted on a single sheet/layout. I was thinking of minimizing on the number of sheets used for Linear features.
Right, I'm working on a pressurenetwork for a new drinkwaterpipe. I created an alignment from network using the launch pad in the associative tab.
The alignment is crossing several other pipes and cables. What I made using the alignment is a surface profile and the profile of the drinkwaterpipe. Now I want to project the crossing cables and pipes into the profile view.
Now unfortunately it doesn't 'cut' the crossing cables and pipes at the alignment intersection, which would result in circles in my profileview. Instead it projects whole strengs of pipe.
Is there any way to create a section view from an alignment from start to end, instead of sample lines perpendicular?
Any way to adjust the placement of my cross sections after i created my view frames? As you can see from the image attached i have extra room on the bottom of my sheet and my first cross section is not completely on the page. Some of my view frames are correct and others are not. Can this be adjusted per sheet?
I have a road design with a corridor. I want to plot the plan and profile but not show the sub-assembly section that are every 25 feet. I can't freeze the layer because then I only see my baseline for the alignment. I want to see the offsets of the road. I have tried creating an offset of my alignment but it will not create the offsets for some reason.
I want my final output to show the entire road over my OG topo survey but do not want to see section lines every 25ft
We are working together with another firm here in town. The are doing the road and we are doing the utilities. They have established the alignments and profiles. When I import them all the data comes in. For whatever reason I do not have their profile views so I create my own profile view and put their profiles in them.
When they send an updated .xml file of all the alignments and profiles, they import okay but my profile views disappear. I assume it's because in their .xml file that I import, there are no profile view defined.
Is there an options when you export and alignment to an .xml file that you can include the profile views with it as well? This way when I import them I would get them.
Is there a way of adding superelvation data such as full superelevation cross slope to an alignment curve label in plan view?
In my case we add a label for each horizontal curve with critical curve data such as PI Station, Delta, Degree of Curve, etc... but I can't seem to find a way of adding any superelvation information to the plan view as a label. Ideally I would like to be able to add the maximum cross slope value and superelevation critical stations to the label.
There is a way of adding the superelevation critical stations a labels to the alignment similar to how PC's or PT's are labeled, but it does not give the cross slope value.
Is there anyway to display Alignment Station Offset Label at Profile View because sometimes i want to display where is the phisical noze location in profile view also my attached file display what i have in my label and how display my label in profile view.
The creation of viewframes with automatic station range at scale 1/2000 produces viewframes and sheets with ranges 0+000 - 0+738 then 0+738 - 1+456 and so on.
It is possible to creat onyl 1 viewframe with user specified station range i;e; 0+000 - 0+700. For a long alignment it involves to repeat the operation all along the alignment by ranges of 700 m. Or use the automatic range option and then make boring adjustments on viewframes and long profiles of the sheets to fit to the 700 m successive ranges we would like to draw.
Is there a possibility to produce directly multiple viewframes with a user specified station range of, say, 700 m on the entire alignment. If this is possible it would be great.
More great: would it be possible to set an overlap of 50 m for example between successive viewframes (sheets)ranges so that we have ranges 0+000 - 0+700 then 0+650 - 1+350 then 1+300 -2+000 and so forth.
Run profile on a self-intersecting street? The one I'm dealing with is a dead end 'P' shape. Logically, there are manholes in the intersection of the 'P', and logically to me, these structures need to show up in two places in the same profile view. Of course, C3D doesn't realize that I want a certain structure to show up twice, and I'm not sure how to communicate that information to it.
The street is a 'T'. The alignment is extended... Sta 0+00 starts 100' back and the intersection at centerlines starts at 1+00. The alignment is masked between 0+00 and 1+00, but that obviously doesn't make a difference for the intersection wizard.
The intersection wizard does not give me a choice, it just presumes a 4-way intersection. How do a do/choose a 3-way 'T' intersection in this case?
Is it possible for a civil 3d structure to be displayed correctly in profile view when the alignment does not pass through the insertion point of the structure. See the attached screen capture.
The rectangular structure is a storage tank and there will be a pipe coming in on one end and the exit pipe will be on the adjacent side at the far end, just as the alignment shows - but the structure doesn't show correctly, or now how I expected.
I have a drawing and want to create an alignment in Civil 3D. I have my line, which is 987.83' long. However, when I create the alignment, the stationing runs from 0+00 to 118+53.92 instead of 0+00 to 9+87.83. This is a factor of 12. The properties tab reports a length of 11853.92 for the line as well. However, when I dimension the line, it displays the correct dimension that I want in feet.
When I try to create a feature line using an alignment/ profile, sometimes it gives me a feature line for the entire alignment, even though my profile is only a small segment. I made sure I selected the correct profile, and I even deleted all other surface profiles just in case. But it still gives me a wonky feature line for the entire alignment.
However, in the same file, other profiles have worked perfectly.
I have been using the "Create Surface Profile" to create cross sections of a road at various points using separate alignments (at the various points). I was wondering if there was a more sophisticated way to do this? When comparing my work to other plans it seems that this method is juvenile.