AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adjust Precision Of View Frame Start And End Station?
Mar 8, 2012
How and where can I adjust the station precision of the view frame start and end station. I am choosing snap to nearest foot station but I am getting 1+00.00. I would like 1+00 in the label. I am setting to start end to the layout name and mapping that to the current drawing field in SSM and do not have precision control there either.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
64 Bit Win7 OS
I can't seem to get my profile start and end station labels to appear even after I checked "Label start station" and "label end station" in the profile view properties.
is it possible to get the start and end station of each projected objects?
see picture. what i am doing is based on the different colour. they are geotechnical requirement for the minimul fill depth. so i am thinking about making a program to put in a profile for me and then put horizontal curves. so don't need to do anything by hand. good starting point at least. save a lot of time and not really hard to code either.
Civil 3D 2012 Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2 Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
I am working on road improvements, the City my client want to extend the improvement longer form the original scope of work. I am already completed the alignment and road profile centerline and the production plan is 100% completed.
What I need to do is to change and extend the alignment 750 feet backward from the original station (10+00). If I could explain correctly, I want to start the station @ 7+50 (backward from 10+00) and no changes on forward stationing.
What is the best way without doing re-creating alignment.
When a Station Equation is added to an alignment it causes all of the profile views to get messed up. In addition once the EG profile changes the entire FG profile may also need to be changed. See this video I uploaded to Youtube that fully explains and shows the problem: [URL] ........
So, any way to some how lock the profile views start and end stations? Or to some how lock the PVI locations on a a proposed profile to certain stations?
I have a feature line, and a labels table created for it. The table has the following columns: Line or Curve #, Station, Segment Start X, Segment Start Y, Segment Start X, Bearing/Delta, Length, Radius, Grade Ahead.
what code I need for the table to display the station of the feature line at the start of the segment?
I also have an alignment with the same stationing over top of the feature line, but Im not sure how to code a reference text into the table either. I can create an end segment reference text for the plan view labels but even if I copy that code into the labels table it doesn't work.
I am using LISP in C3D 2012. I am trying to get the station and elevation of a point I pick in a profile view. I found the Method that will get that info, but I can';t seem to get the syntax right.This is the Method;
I have a profile view created with several surfaces including a proposed surface. The stationing on the X-Axis of the profile view corresponds correctly with the PT's, PC's etc on the proposed surface profile, however the the labels that are actually on the profile line are giving me values such as PC: 0+668.62 when it should read 21+93.63.
I can't seem to find a correlation in the two numbers and am having difficulty changing the style to correctly reflect the stationing.
I have set one station equation in my alignment and it displays correctly in horizontal view and in profile. But stations of projected objects after that equation are not correct in projected object label. It displays station values as it would be without station equation. If i manually insert profile view label for that point it is correct.
As you can see in attached image green station value (that one is label for projected points) is wrong because it does not take equation into calculation. How to make projected objects labels to consider station equation?
Is there anyway to display Alignment Station Offset Label at Profile View because sometimes i want to display where is the phisical noze location in profile view also my attached file display what i have in my label and how display my label in profile view.
The creation of viewframes with automatic station range at scale 1/2000 produces viewframes and sheets with ranges 0+000 - 0+738 then 0+738 - 1+456 and so on.
It is possible to creat onyl 1 viewframe with user specified station range i;e; 0+000 - 0+700. For a long alignment it involves to repeat the operation all along the alignment by ranges of 700 m. Or use the automatic range option and then make boring adjustments on viewframes and long profiles of the sheets to fit to the 700 m successive ranges we would like to draw.
Is there a possibility to produce directly multiple viewframes with a user specified station range of, say, 700 m on the entire alignment. If this is possible it would be great.
More great: would it be possible to set an overlap of 50 m for example between successive viewframes (sheets)ranges so that we have ranges 0+000 - 0+700 then 0+650 - 1+350 then 1+300 -2+000 and so forth.
I creating plan and sections from my model. I went through my Create View Frames, and created my sheets fine. But one thing I cannot seem to fix, I am starting from Sheet 10, not sheet 1, so I need my match line to start at sheet 10, then up from there. Whats the setting I need to change for this? I have set all counters to start from 10, but the first match line still says sheet 1 i have attached an image of the matchline.
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800 Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
I am working in AutoCivil 3D 2014. I have created a curve table for a plat of an allotment with the precision for the curve length set to "Normal Rounding". My problem is that we have to show data for the individual lot frontage as well as the total length of the right-of-way curve length. So the individual lot frontages must add up to the total right-of-way length.
If they don't, I have to make an adjustment to one of the lengths. If I change the precision of the tag syle, there is no change in the table. I have attached a screen shot to show my results. The left picture shows a "span" style with the tag and curve length with the precision "truncated". On the right, is what is in the table. I would like to keep the table dynamic and not have to explode it. I think my problem lies in the table and the only way this can work is if I can override the one length in the table. But I have not been able to do that yet.
I have a long animation. I want to use populate at frame 12000. But populate frames won't let me go over 10000 frames. How can I get my people to animate after frame 10000 as you cant adjust the start point in the curve editor.
How can I make better the second labeling precision in Civil 3D? It's only has four digits precision for the seconds. I did change the ambient settings (Lat Long precision to 8) but haven't got the result.
Is it possible to change the precision in the properties box for the maximum and minimum grades and elevations of a feature line? I like to select my feature lines and see the minimum and maximum grades and elevations in the properties. (I keep the properties window docked and open at all times.)
I have a Points Table in metric. I was to display the coordinate data to 3 decimals. It currently is showing only 2 decimals. I looked under table style and table properties but cannot seem to find this setting.
My parcel inverse reports from the Toolbox Report Manager are still coming in with the bearings having decimal seconds to 3 places (N 0-00-00.000 E). I have already changed the variable for angle precision to zero in the "General_Formating_JScript" xsl file but it's still not coming out correctly. Is there any other file that holds an additional angle or bearing precision setting?
Where is the settings for changing the precision on an annotated line length? I'm getting three places right now, and I don't need any places other than the whole number on a series of lines.
i am trying to change my contour label precision from 700 to 700.50, i am working in a very flat area and i placed .25' and 1' contours on my site plan but can only get even foot labels to show. where do i change the precision, i tried in units, no luck.
The AutoCAD C3D fails to apply the precision for all elevations in one go!I wanted to let the precision to be zero for all the contour lines in ONE go but sound not to work!Only the picked elevation responds to the selected precisions, the others are not affected!