AutoCad 2D :: Stretch Command Functioning Differently

Apr 29, 2013

Many many times have i used the stretch command without any dramas. I now have a new PC with AUTOCAD 2010. Since the upgrade my stretch command seems to act differently.

If i go to stretch a polyline with some sort of arc joined. no part of the arc inside the window will move.

Please see the picture atatched for better detail.


Why does it now stretch in this manner?

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AutoCad :: How To Use Stretch Command In Custom Settings

Feb 1, 2012

Is there a way to use the stretch command like this?First I select the object. type stretch, when i make my selection window the stretch points of only that object get selected and not of other polylines which are inside my selection box.

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AutoCad :: Move Command Acting Like Stretch

Nov 22, 2012

Whenever I use the move command on a line or series of lines that are touching other lines, the lines that aren't part of my selection move with that one line. cad-movecommand.jpg Here's a series of screenshots showing what I mean. I can't move just that line without moving the other lines around it.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: STRETCH Command Not Working Properly

Feb 21, 2013

I am currently using AutoCAD 2012 and having problems with the STRETCH command.When I select 3 lines, then deselect 1 of them lines and then select the STRETCH command it does not stretch the selected lines.

Now this is the way I have done in it in previous versions and it has worked. (AutoCAD 2010). Our Company has recently moved to 2012.Is this a function that has been removed with this version or am I doing something wrong?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: STRETCH Command Not Working Properly

Oct 25, 2012

On ACAD versions higher than 2005 the STRETCH command does not work properly.  The problem happens when selecting the items from the left to right.  The item is MOVED instead of STRETCHED.  It works normally when selecting item from Right to Left.  However I need it to work from Left to Right so that I can individually select the item that I want to stretch.  Because of this, I am still using 2005.  Both 2009 and 2012 have this BUG, making them un-usable for my applications.  I just got a new computer with 2012 version only, but I can't use it.  I am trying to get 2005 installed on it now. 

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AutoCad 3D :: Apply Stretch Command To Pipe Block?

Jul 10, 2012

im creating some 3d pipe blocks but im stumped on a block for a straight pipe. Basically I want to beable to apply the stretch command to a 3d pipe block which has the internal bore removed so its a hollow tube. I want to be able to have it as a block but also the be able to stretch it at either end.

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AutoCad :: Stretch Actions Parameter Set To Stretch Parts Including Annotative Text

Mar 15, 2012

Voorstel spantenlijn.dwg

I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.

Now the block seems to work fine.

- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct

- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.

But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).

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AutoCAD LT :: Displaying Viewports Differently On Same Layout

Jul 4, 2013

Using 2008LT/2012LT...I am working on a job that is being done in phases. I want to show one phase as per pen assignments and other phases in a grayscale. Is there a way to do this when plotting or do I have to change the viewport display individually for the grayscale vps?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hatching Displayed Differently

Nov 19, 2012

I am working with Autocad 2011 and I have a problem with the geometry display. The block I created was a dynamic block of a concrete nail we use in surveying. The circle is created with two lines crisscrossing each other so as to create 4 quadrants within it. I also created it with visibility states and a lookup parameter for scaling to the appropriate size according to the drawing scale. The visibility state is for "Found state" and a "Placed state". For the found state 2 of the 4 quadrants are filled in(using a hatch pattern) and for the placed state all 4 quadrants are cleared. What is happening is the hatch pattern is changing to different quadrants of the circle depending on what scale you chose from the lookup scale list.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Text Displays Differently In Different Files?

Jun 20, 2013

I am trying to use our standard room name block in two new files from a client but it is not showing up the way it is supposed to.  It looks like a totally different font.  I have checked the text options box and it says it's "romans", just like it is supposed to, but it does not look right.  It also does it with regular mtext that I copy in from another file.  Once I change it back it looks right, but when I pull it in, it defaults to Romans and @arialunicode MS.  I'm assuminng that's what the block is doing as well, but how do I fix that? 

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AutoCad :: Copy And Move Work Differently In Some Drawings

Jul 7, 2011

Normally when I hit move or copy there cursor will change to a square and I can click single items for the command. If I enter "c" on the command line and change to the cross cursor I can select multiple objects by clicking and dragging.

In some drawing the cursor will not change to a square and I can not enter "c" on the command line. I can select single objects but the cursor becomes the standard windows arrow.

Is there a setting / variable in the drawing that can affect this?

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Create Leader That Places Text Differently

Oct 24, 2012

If you create a leader in autocad it automatically places the text as shown i figure 1. I would like to create one that places it like in figure 2. How do you do this the smartest way?


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AutoCad 2D :: Hatch With Same Scale - Appearing Differently In Different Drawings?

Jul 14, 2011

I have two drawings, both in unit: meters, UCS world (however I think that doesn't matter). How come that a hatch with same scale appears denser in one drawing than the other?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Parcel Segment Displays Differently In Version 14

May 20, 2013

I was upgraded to version 14 on Friday, and when I opened my drawing that was started in version 2011, the parcel that I created looks different, and not in a good way. My parcel boundary now appears as if it were a polyline with linetype generation is enabled, whereas in previous versions, linetype generation would reset at each vertex. How do I change the way my parcel segments display in version 14?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Assembly Offset Alignment Can Be Superelevated Differently?

Oct 3, 2007

i have a main control line and a offset alignment control line which have different profiles and superelevation. i know the offset alignment can apply profile but can the superelevation be different?

Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710

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AutoCad :: Prevent Transparency From Functioning

Jan 20, 2012

I have used image transparency successfully in the past . However, now I'm having to result to clipping to get rid of the white background within the frame. I have no results with jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, etc.

Is there a setting that may prevent the transparency from functioning?

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AutoCad :: Express Tool Is Not Functioning

May 22, 2011

I am using Autocad 2009 and it seems that whatever command under express tool just not working. e.g it says: [Unknown command "OVERKILL". Press F1 for help.] when when i typed in "overkill" or even using the express drop down menu.

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AutoCad 2D :: Delete Key Stop Functioning

Mar 12, 2008

Just out of nowhere just now, my delete key stopped function in autocad. It work fine in windows.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Base Drawing - Pipe And Structure Styles Displaying Differently

Jul 26, 2012

I have a base drawing with all my pipe networks data referenced in. When I xref this drawing into out drawings some of the pipe styles and structure styles are displaying differently than in the base file. Both drawings have same parts lists and styles.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 64 Bit PC3 Files Not Functioning Properly

Aug 23, 2012

Our .pc3 files do not save the settings properly in AutoCAD 2013.

I've created new .pc3 files for AutoCAD 2013 for the three printers/plotters we use.  The .pc3 files are stored on a network drive.  The four test machines we have running all have the same location of the .pc3, .pmp, .ctb files is set in the "Printer Support File Path".  I created the .pc3 files with my machine; I filtered the paper sizes to be displayed and set the margins for each.  When I access the files from my machine I see only the two paper sizes I set to show.  If any of the other machines access the same exact file on the network drive they'll be greeted with eleven paper sizes none of which are either of the two I set up to be displayed.

If I create a .pc3 and .pmp file on a different machine it works properly only on that machine.  Every other machine will  be shown the same eleven paper sizes. 

This happens with the HP DesignJet T1200 HPGL2, the KIP 7700 Series, and our HP Color LaserJet 5500n.

All of the test machines are HP Z400s with Intel Xeon W3565 at 3.2GHZ processors, 16GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 with 1GB RAM running 64 bit Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 and 64 bit AutoCAD 2013 Service Pack 1.

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AutoCad :: Non Functioning Layer Control Status Bar?

Feb 15, 2012

When I highlight any object in model space the layer control, color control or line type control does not change from the current layer status to the layer of the high lighted object if it is different. I am also not able through this layer control bar able to high light an object and use the fly out arrow to go into the layers and change this object to another desired layer for this object. I have never seen this function just not work before and can find no setting or preference that might not be turned on to make it function. why it is not functioning?

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AutoCad :: Delete Keyboard Button Not Functioning?

Mar 21, 2012

when I select objects to erase it will not delete if I use the delete button. erase works however I would like my delete button to worked prior to my power failure... is there a setting

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Interface Not Functioning Properly?

Jul 2, 2012

I am trying to link to parameters in sub-components of an assembly, and feed dimensions to them. When I am in my iLogic interface I browse to the the part in the assembly and click the plus sign next to the part I am interested in. I then click the "User Parameters" section under that part and find the parameter I want to change. Now the normal workflow is to double click the parameter and it shows up in your iLogic code like here in this example:
Parameter("MSS_Cabinet1_Frame:1", "Splice_Length2") = Cab1_SpliceLength2
Well when I try to do this now, I get this:

So obviously something got messed up in my machine and iLogic is no longer formating the code properly. It only happens on my machine here, everyone else in our department still works fine. I have also determined that it is happening on all files new and old.

My fear right now is that I may have to re-install Inventor and I do not want to have to do that. I do have a call in with tech support through my local reseller, but who knows how long that will take.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Model Reference Not Functioning

Jun 26, 2013

I have been using Inventor 2012 and have been wanting to replace model references in drawings (.idw) with other parts. Inventor will let me select the Replace Model Feature, select the model to be replaced, and find the model I want to replace it with. It will even have the prompt appear asking if I want to continue with the replacement. The issue is that when I hit yes, nothing gets replaced.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2014 - Content Browser Not Functioning

Jul 11, 2013

Autocad Architecture 2014

My content browser is being finicky.  The palettes are there, I can select the I-drop but when I release the dropper in my file, nothing happens, no error, no content???

Is it possible to unload and reload just the content browser?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Mesh Modeling Not Functioning Properly

Feb 19, 2013

view the screen capture video here: [URL]

Basically, I create a simple mesh primitive box.  I set the selection filter to vertex, and select all vertices on one side of the box.  If the selection of all vertices actually registers, it simply moves the entire object, not just the vertices selected.  I've tried this in all directions, and the same thing happens..  Other times, it chooses to only move one of the vertices, a result I cannot reliably reproduce -- it just sort of "happens".    Scale and Rotate all function normally.

This is happening for me in Civil 3D 2011 as well as Civil 3D 2013.  I launched "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", and this problem doesn't seem to happen.  Also, in "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", the vertex nodes all select as red, not as blue as seen in the screencast link.  I spend all my time in Civil 3D, and would like to find out why this is happening so I don't have to constantly switch platforms.

This has also been posted over in the Civil 3D group, but since it's a regular "Autocad" entity, I was hoping to have more luck here.

I'm running Win7 Pro, 16GB ram, 2.67 Ghz 8 core processor and latest service packs on everything.

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AutoCad :: Ctrl + Z Not Functioning After Loading Commands From Tool Pallet?

Jun 9, 2013

Auto cad 2006 and 2012; after loading commands from tool pallet The keyboard function Ctrl+Z function is not working.This error is happening all computers.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Error / The Security System Is Not Functioning Or Is Improperly Installed

Mar 20, 2013

my CAD 2013 and Revit 2013 crashs in the open screen only..i use Windows 8 .CAD 2013 days an error saying 'The security system (softlock license manager) is not functioning or is improperly installed,.. I did try ticking the netframes from the windows on/off settings and still end up with a softlock error..

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3ds Max :: Viewport Map Display Differently From Render?

Oct 15, 2012

It's in 3ds max 2013. I attach the image along with the post. How it happen? I use DefaultScanline. How could we show maps in Viewport the same in the render?

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Lightroom :: Web Albums Appear Differently In Different Browsers

Nov 10, 2011

Web albums created by Lightroom flash a white page prior to each new image when viewed in Chrome.  The same web album does not flash a white page when viewed in Internet Explorer.
Is there a setting or way to make Chrome show Lightroom web album images without flashing a white page as described? A test website can be found at URL....

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Lightroom :: Photoshop Renders Differently

Feb 19, 2013

when I send an image from Lightroom 4.3 to Photoshop CS6 (CMD+E), it renders slightly differently. I notice Photoshop (CR) seems to not apply the lens correction profile I apply in Lightroom. Sometimes it seems the luminosity of the image too is slightly off, but updating the image preview in Lightroom seems to fix this (but not the lens profile issue). I thought it was a monitor color profile problem, but what has it to do with the lens profile correction? To me, it just seems Photoshop renders the dng differently than Lightroom.
I'm on a Mac and everything is updated to the latest release (both Adobe and OSX), so I don't think there should be a compatibility problem between software versions..

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