I am using Autocad 2009 and it seems that whatever command under express tool just not working. e.g it says: [Unknown command "OVERKILL". Press F1 for help.] when when i typed in "overkill" or even using the express drop down menu.
Auto cad 2006 and 2012; after loading commands from tool pallet The keyboard function Ctrl+Z function is not working.This error is happening all computers.
Running Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP Professional 160GB; 77GB Free
All of a sudden after more than a year functioning fine my clone stamp tool stopped working. Everything else is working fine. I reinstalled CS3 and the tool worked fine then, after a reboot, it stopped working again.
I am not supertech knowledgeable, so other than running a complete scan with my anti-virus program and a Windows Defender scan, neither of which identified any problems, I'm at a loss.
I love using Windows and Linux; however, my wife has a Mac Book Pro with X11...
She had an older version of Gimp installed, and recently it began crashing whenever she would select a text tool and tried to apply text to the image.
So, I uninstalled Gimp and downloaded a new version 2.8.2 from the Gimp website (without the addons). Upon opening Gimp there was no toolbar, so I went into tools and opened a toolbar. It appeared as one long toolbar to the left with width of one icon.
I was unable to close it, or click any of the tool icons on it. I'm unable to put in any dockable windows into it.... and the only thing I can do is maximize it full screen.
One workaround, which only temporarily and partially fixes it.... is to make the entire work area one window, then deselect that option and now the toolbar becomes the size of 2 icons . I still can't drop anything into it or resize it... or close it, but at least I can click on the tools and use them. However, once I close Gimp and Open it goes back to the old setup again...
The Type Tool has suddenly quit functioning. When I try to type with it, it gives me one HUGE vertical line on the screen, and will not adjust the font type size.
how to fix without me going through a total re-install?
I am trying to use LISP to justify text using TJUST express tool. I have different layers I need to justify differently - current code causes the error "extra cdrs in dotted pair on input". Or a better way to do it???
(setq N 0 ctext nil) (repeat (sslength ss) ; begin loop (setq ctext (entget (ssname ss N))) (setq clayer (cdr (assoc 8 ctext))) (cond ((= clayer "LABELS") (setq flag "Start") );
How to get the 'Shape to Block' command to work (under express tools).
It says select object, but no matter what object I select eg. circle, pline or line, it says invalid selection. I am running AutoCAD 2012. Are 'shape' objects somehow different from any other objects?
I am able to use the menuload command to load the express menu, but when I try to execute one of the express tools. AutoCAD say invalid command, there was something on the website that said to type express tools at the command prompt, but when I do that, too it says invalid command.
There are also a few other express tools that when picked from the ribbon menu, do not work either. Now, I have seen elsewhere on the web that in this case, you should make sure there are no search paths set to R14 Bonus tools (which mine aren't), or repair and update express tools from add/remove programs in the control panel. I did this, and the only thing that happened was the numbers after SUBR@ changed.
My application works with function it acet-ss-drag-moves of Express Tools. Can I distribute AutoCAD Express Tools with the program of Installation of my application?
This to guarantee that Express Tools will be with the user's AutoCAD. If this is possible what document should I use?
I had express tools loaded, but now I have a problem. I try downloading Auto CAD True View, but did not get it to work, since then I have been getting unknown Command "txt2mtxt" now none of my commands work. I try auto cad repair from the install program and it still does not work.
I have used image transparency successfully in the past . However, now I'm having to result to clipping to get rid of the white background within the frame. I have no results with jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, etc.
Is there a setting that may prevent the transparency from functioning?
Our .pc3 files do not save the settings properly in AutoCAD 2013.
I've created new .pc3 files for AutoCAD 2013 for the three printers/plotters we use. The .pc3 files are stored on a network drive. The four test machines we have running all have the same location of the .pc3, .pmp, .ctb files is set in the "Printer Support File Path". I created the .pc3 files with my machine; I filtered the paper sizes to be displayed and set the margins for each. When I access the files from my machine I see only the two paper sizes I set to show. If any of the other machines access the same exact file on the network drive they'll be greeted with eleven paper sizes none of which are either of the two I set up to be displayed.
If I create a .pc3 and .pmp file on a different machine it works properly only on that machine. Every other machine will be shown the same eleven paper sizes.
This happens with the HP DesignJet T1200 HPGL2, the KIP 7700 Series, and our HP Color LaserJet 5500n.
All of the test machines are HP Z400s with Intel Xeon W3565 at 3.2GHZ processors, 16GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 with 1GB RAM running 64 bit Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 and 64 bit AutoCAD 2013 Service Pack 1.
Many many times have i used the stretch command without any dramas. I now have a new PC with AUTOCAD 2010. Since the upgrade my stretch command seems to act differently.
If i go to stretch a polyline with some sort of arc joined. no part of the arc inside the window will move.
Please see the picture atatched for better detail.
When I highlight any object in model space the layer control, color control or line type control does not change from the current layer status to the layer of the high lighted object if it is different. I am also not able through this layer control bar able to high light an object and use the fly out arrow to go into the layers and change this object to another desired layer for this object. I have never seen this function just not work before and can find no setting or preference that might not be turned on to make it function. why it is not functioning?
when I select objects to erase it will not delete if I use the delete button. erase works however I would like my delete button to function...it worked prior to my power failure... is there a setting
I am trying to link to parameters in sub-components of an assembly, and feed dimensions to them. When I am in my iLogic interface I browse to the the part in the assembly and click the plus sign next to the part I am interested in. I then click the "User Parameters" section under that part and find the parameter I want to change. Now the normal workflow is to double click the parameter and it shows up in your iLogic code like here in this example:
So obviously something got messed up in my machine and iLogic is no longer formating the code properly. It only happens on my machine here, everyone else in our department still works fine. I have also determined that it is happening on all files new and old.
My fear right now is that I may have to re-install Inventor and I do not want to have to do that. I do have a call in with tech support through my local reseller, but who knows how long that will take.
I have been using Inventor 2012 and have been wanting to replace model references in drawings (.idw) with other parts. Inventor will let me select the Replace Model Feature, select the model to be replaced, and find the model I want to replace it with. It will even have the prompt appear asking if I want to continue with the replacement. The issue is that when I hit yes, nothing gets replaced.
My content browser is being finicky. The palettes are there, I can select the I-drop but when I release the dropper in my file, nothing happens, no error, no content???
Is it possible to unload and reload just the content browser?
Basically, I create a simple mesh primitive box. I set the selection filter to vertex, and select all vertices on one side of the box. If the selection of all vertices actually registers, it simply moves the entire object, not just the vertices selected. I've tried this in all directions, and the same thing happens.. Other times, it chooses to only move one of the vertices, a result I cannot reliably reproduce -- it just sort of "happens". Scale and Rotate all function normally.
This is happening for me in Civil 3D 2011 as well as Civil 3D 2013. I launched "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", and this problem doesn't seem to happen. Also, in "Civil 3d 2013 as Autocad", the vertex nodes all select as red, not as blue as seen in the screencast link. I spend all my time in Civil 3D, and would like to find out why this is happening so I don't have to constantly switch platforms.
This has also been posted over in the Civil 3D group, but since it's a regular "Autocad" entity, I was hoping to have more luck here.
I'm running Win7 Pro, 16GB ram, 2.67 Ghz 8 core processor and latest service packs on everything.
my CAD 2013 and Revit 2013 crashs in the open screen only..i use Windows 8 .CAD 2013 days an error saying 'The security system (softlock license manager) is not functioning or is improperly installed,.. I did try ticking the netframes from the windows on/off settings and still end up with a softlock error..
I finally have my first and only .Net version of a former VBA function running and I want to make it available to other users, but security is getting in the way. Copying the project even to a different location on the same local hard drive results in a security violation, let alone copying it to a network directory. I am using Visual Studio Express 2008 and cannot find the ClickOnce nor any Publish function written up on MDSN - do those tools only apply to exe style projects?
I did read about a work around of adding an allow remote flag to the AutoCAD configuration file, but that appears to be a massive security hole as it could (I think?) allow *any* malicious dll file to run.
Is distributing / publishing a dll project impossible with Express?
Inventor Professional 2014 64 SP1 Windows 7 64 bit - SP1 Xeon E5-1620 16 GB Ram Quadro 2000
I have the express tools loaded and it shows in Autocad. But when I try to use a command it says unknown command. I have tried unloading and loading the express tools many times but the commands in express tools aren't working.
My question is: Why certin AutoCad files, I'm not able to draw lines?
I'm in model space. I can move objects. I can even erase/delete things. But I'm tring to edit this shop drawing, i need to add some details, so i need to draw some lines. I use the "l" command. Select my 1st point, then 2nd point. It doesn't work? The Command line keeps saying: Specify next point or [Close/Undo]. But no lines are getting drawn. i finally have to hit escape to end the line command but no lines have gotten drawn. its the same thing if i draw a square or circle. (Not sure if you need to know this but these are my companies files created by a former employee of my company using our own AutoCad. So, i would think if he's locked this file somehow, i should be able to unlock it.)