AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Express Grass On Subassembly?
Jan 6, 2013I want to know green area on subassembly.
I attach screenshot.
magenta color line is grass.
How can I express grass on subassembly?
I want to know green area on subassembly.
I attach screenshot.
magenta color line is grass.
How can I express grass on subassembly?
When I use ImportSubassembly API to import my subassembly created by Autodesk Subassembly Composer into my civil project, it reports error-"eFilerError".
the code like this:
atcFile = @"D:9f92eaa4ef514ac982518852e1169932.atc";
itemId = "ab660722-c69d-4ade-b373-0e9f99c94e55";
SubassemblyCollection subassemblyCollection = cDoc.SubassemblyCollection;
ObjectId subassemblyId = subassemblyCollection.ImportSubassembly("TestSubassembly", atcFile, itemId, this.doc.Editor.GetPoint("Select import subAssembly location").Value);
However, it is OK if to import subassembly provided by Cilvil 3D.
Just installed 2014 Civil 3D. In 2013, I had created screen menu layout for Lite Users, where I placed the old Standard and Express Tools Menus along the top of the CAD window, just below the Ribbon. To do this I would Rt. Click in the Grey area (just below the Ribbon and above the CAD window), and then be able to choose menus from the AutoCAD, CIVIL, or EXPRESS menu groups.
In 2014, when I Rt.Clk. in the same area, I'm not given a way to select menus to add - as in 2013.
Is there another way to manually load the Standard AutoCAD and Express menus to the screen, in addition to the Ribbon, etc?
I recently did a repair on my C3d 2012 (whcih didn't fix the problem, but I found out what that was and sorted it another way.)
I now find that all express tools commands give me the command unknown error.
I have checked in the cui and the Express tools ARE loaded. I tried unloading and reloading acermain.cuix without success.
I tried adding features from the control panel, but express tools do not show in the list.
I checked the text window after I first opened C3d and it definitely lists that it has loaded express tools yet they do not work.
I tried typing expressmenu in the command line, but it says command unknown.
edit - I tried resetting acetmain.cuix and got the following error:
Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If yu click continue the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.
Unable to cast object of type 'Autodesk Autocad Customization CUIUnresolvedCUIFileNode to type Autodesk Autocad Customization CUIPartialCUIFilenode'
(in Inventor Pro 2014,64 bit):
I've made an stairs assembly that contains adaptive parts that are all controlled by the assembly parameters.
Here is my assembly and the controlling parameters. The stringers on the side are made with the frame generator and use the "extend" feature to get the appropriate length, as driven by the parameters. The reason I used frame generator is so that I can easily change sizes of the stringers down the road, if needed. I chose to make the parts associative so I could control all of the parameters from within the assembly instead of opening each part separately.
My goal now is to be able to use this assembly (or something similar) as a template to create new sets of stairs, all to be placed in the same main assembly.
I attempted to duplicate all of the parts (append a "2" at the end of each file name and replace components in the new set of stairs with the 2nd version) but ran into problems with the two stringers. I can't figure out what to do to get the Frame00001 and Skeleton00001 to reassociate to Frame00002 and Skeleton00002. So any time I change my slope, the original stairs will end up trying to copy the new stringers instead of keeping the old ones.
how can I make this assembly reference a new frame, and secondly?
Is there anyway that a tidal flap valve fitted to a culvert outlet can be modeled in Hydraflow Express Culverts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are seeming ot have problems with a few of our engineers having the Microsoft Office product go to "Not Responding" and then closing while working in Hydraflow & Hydrographs. This has been with Outlook, Word and Excel. All workstations are 64 bit systems with 16 gig of Ram Windows 7 and Civil 3D 2012 SP2.1.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to get the 'Shape to Block' command to work (under express tools).
It says select object, but no matter what object I select eg. circle, pline or line, it says invalid selection. I am running AutoCAD 2012. Are 'shape' objects somehow different from any other objects?
How can I create a subassembly..AND hot to add a Pave 3 option or another subbase depth.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe are trying to edit a small portion of an existing corridor by adding a generic daylighting subassembly. The add subassembly tool in the Corridor Section editor works, but we get an error because the new sub doesn't have a target surface specified. how to add a target for a sub that is added after the corridor was created?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 & 2014
Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q890
2 x i7 - Q740 quad core CPU's
8GB of RAM
60GB SSD + 500GB HDD
NVidia GeForce GTS 360M - driver
Win 7 Home Premium
I need to transition to one subassebly to another. The first subassembly is at existing ground the other assembly is above ground. See following picture:
I need to transition from station 12+50 to 13+50. See following picture:
Here is a picture of the Corridor Properties:
Do I need to make a different subassembly in between the two stations? Is there a command I am not seeing that does it for me?
I know this sounds like a really stupid question. Where is the subassembly composer? We have Civil3D 2013, and my understanding was that the subassembly composer was supposed to automatically install in 2013 as opposed to previous years when you had to download it from the Subscription Center.
C3D 2013
my subassembly always is placed going to the right....
(The sub is avery basic sub.... 4 points .... 1 variable.. no targets.)
Civil 3D (2013)
I am analyzing a culvert in a tidal zone which has an outlet invert level below the normal tidal range. The invert level of the culvert outlet is -0.520m, however Hydra flow Express Culverts will not allow a negative invert elevation to be entered.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a project where I am removing existing asphalt pavement and overlaying new pavement. I am changing the existing profile and cross-slope to tie-in to the existing profile and cross-slope. know of a mill and overlay subassembly that will allow you to tie the edge to a profile or feature line?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSpecifically to Subassembly.LinkWidthAndSlope / I only have Top or Datum options for that sub and if I assign either one in the code set it seems to overwrite all the other subassembly materials such as asphalt, curbs etc...with none set my realisic view has a gap between the back of curb and slope to existing.
Civil 3D 2012 SP1 on Win 7 64-bit SP1
Intel i7-2600kcpu @ 3.4ghz 16mb ram
ATI FirePro V4800
How to use the superelevation. I read that I have to enter this command:
if((Side=Left)AND(SE.HasLeftLO), SE.LeftLO,
if((Side=Right)AND(SE.HasRightLO), SE.RightLO,
but I don't know where, and I just want to create a simple assembly with a slope and delta X and having a lane outside superelevation for the both side.
Where do I change the colour of my assembly if I imported it from SAC?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy I can't mirror the Daylight Inside ROW Subassembly? For some reason I can only place it on the right side of my assembly and in the subassembly properties there is no option to flip it to the left. In the Modify Subassembly section when it's selected the mirror option is greyed out.
What I am trying to accomplish seems simple enough:
I have a utility easement in a drainage ditch that is 30' wide with a sewer line designed down the center, we need a very simple 10' access road on the uphill side of sewer line with 4:1 Cut/Fill slopes on either side when possible, however when the 4:1 won't catch within the easement I need it to daylight within.
At first glance the Daylight Inside ROW seems to be the appropriate subassembly for this instance but I can't get it on the left side of my road.Is there a way to set up this parameter with a different subassembly because I can get other subassemblies on the either side just fine, for example, the Cut Slope Layout Mode subaasembly works but when I build my corridor with it the slopes tie outside of the easement in several locations.
Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
I am creating an subassembly for Tunnel in the subassembly composer.I am wondering how can i draw an ellipse with the minor and major radius data.I tried it with curve geometry but it doesn't seem to be way to draw an ellipse with the major and minor axis parameter?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am using one assembly for this project and of course the existing surface does not always work well with one assembly so I have been using the corridor section editor to adjust each station individually. Attached is a picture of my first station, I started with a 3:1 fore slope (left side) and have changed it to a 2:1 slope. However, my ditch line elevation did not adjust and my parameter editor will not let me adjust the beginning elevation for the ditch line. I am curious as to what the simple solution is for this so my ditchline and back slope or slope to surface will be portrayed correctly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my Subassembly Name Template is not being applied to my subassemblies. This happens in new drawings using the default Imperial Template that ships with the product.
I am showing the settings in a screen capture and the results when I apply them in a screen recording.
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
I have an alignment running counter clockwise at the perimeter of a septic bed. I’m trying to use a conditional subassembly for the grading.From 0’ to 5’ of fill, grade to existing @ 3:1.Greater than 5” of fill, add a wall (no more than 4’ high) and grade to existing @ 3:1.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a basic wall sub assembly that I created in SAC.Its looks fine in the SAC but when I import it into Civils it does not work...I have changed the extension from pkt to zip so that I can post it on here
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am working with SAC , and cant understand how that superelevation works, how to make my models work in CIvil 3d in superelevations... how to build it properly in SAC. I would rly love to get .pkt file with working model as example , or at least get some usefull tip.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am working on implementing Chad Studer's techniques from his presentation at Autodesk University for corridors with conditional subassemblies at the driveways. Basically I created a corridor with two driveways for a test run. When I select the corridor and look at the object viewer, there are several lines going to who knows where at both driveways. But a look at the properties of the finished grade surface generated doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. I had the conditional subassembly look for a polyline on layer "driveway." It appears that there may be a gap in the corridor at each end of the pollyline. I've attached the drawing file.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow can one create the cut file conditional subassembly or the horizontal conditional subassembly using subassembly composer?
Civil 3D 2013
HP Pavilion dv6 cor i7
windows 8
I created one section with two assemblies. Main line assembly and offset (second line) assembly. Each assembly has its own alignment and profile.In strait its all ok, but in curve I get strange situation, that I try to solve. (look to the picture)
I add Mark points on Point 1 and 3. Then connect them using Link Slopes Between Points. Knowing that Point 2 is not static, but moving point I can't find any way to connect subassembly edge point to that Point 2.
So how can I connect subassembly to Point 2? Or maybe there is a smarter way to connect points 1 and 3. Slope from 1 to 2 should be 50:1 and from 2 to 3 should be 1.5:1
I created a simple sub-assembly for a windfarm project but when I bring it into civils none of the links or points show up!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am creating section view with my road project. I successfully created center line alignment, surface, surface profile, sample line and section views on every station I needed on my design.
I want to see "subassembly" (travel lane, curb & gutter, sidewalk, 2:1 slope) on my section view. I can block, insert and copy it to my section my manually, but I know this not the right way to do.
I am having trouble with my display I can get autocad to display my property box for subassembly I have all my locks turned off for lock location setting and when I want to insert a sub assembly the window will not pop up and I also notice that when I pick a entity in my drawing my layer to that object will not become active in my layer tool box.
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