I am attempting to use the new Base View feature called Offset Section.
The 3D, solid, model has been created. I click on the Layout tab and there are only to panels showing: Layout and Layout Viewports. Four seem to have gone missing: Create View, Modify View, Update and Styles & Standards.
I have not made any changes to the CUI nor have I migrated settings from 2012.
I just upgraded to 2013 map to a different computer. I loaded my 2012 profile and other than having to load the profile every time, I also do not have most of the ribbon tabs which I had upon the initial installation of 2013. After about 2 days I lost all od my map ribbon tabs, and at the same time my cui stopped loading automatically.
What is going on with this 2013 thing? It seems there may be a serious need for another hotfix or service pack.
I need to create a section of a 3d model. Unfortuntaly the layout tab I need is missing. Normally if somthing is missing I type 'CUI' and then click Ribbon>Tabs> select the one I want and drag it to 'Workspaces Contents' - 'Ribbon Tabs'
The ribbon tab for layout is missing from the cui. See attached images.
On one of my computers, a couple of panels continually disappear on each start-up of Civil 3D 2013. On the modify tab, both edit geometry and edit elevations continue to uncheck themselves. I have save a workspace, made it default to no avail. Next startup i do the same thing, and so it goes throughout the day and every day.
I am trying to figure out how / if you can customize the contents of panels or what is always displayed. For example, I would like to add or show the draw order buttons because I use them frequently. So far, the only way I can get it displayed is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar or go to Tools>Toolbars>AutoCAD>Draw Order and then place it near my ribbon.
I just down loaded the new autocad 2014 yesterday and I have no ribbon. If I go to tools - palettes - ribbon, an area where the ribbon should be opens up with the message "the ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded".
I am running Windows 8. I have used multiple .NET Framework removal/repair tools, tried uninstalling all versions of .NET and reinstalling 4.0 from its official Microsoft standalone installer. However, every time I try to install 4.0, I recieve a message stating that it or a higher version of .NET is already installed.
Upon further research, I was informed that the .NET 4.5 Framework is an integral part of Windows 8 that cannot be uninstalled.
I cannot access any of the tools I need to in the program, so it is basically rendered useless (don't tell me to just use shortcuts because that is extreemely tedious and painful to make work properly, ive tried it). I have also thought about just installing Revit 11' and using that, but it is no longer available from Autodesk!
I have just created a Total Volume Table and everything is perfect in Model, but when y change to layout, the table is miising. I can barely see the title of the table zooming, but anything else. The tables are still there, but so tiny and with just the title, there is no data!
I am a PC user of Autocad LT making the transfer to Mac.Just purchased AutoCad LT for Mac 2012.While printing a file from layout in landscape, the bottom edge is missing.
If I print a file in Portrait It will center and fit to page perfectly.(Within The Dashed Lines)The layout page shows the print inside the dashed lines of the printing area as it should.
I have tried moving the layout above the dashed line, then the top that shows outside the lines won't print.I have tried every hing I can think of, without success.
I have 10 layouts then i will set each layout PSLTSCALE value to 0 but when i return to the layout that i already set, the PSLTscale value become 1 again.
I have the text style set to match text orientation to layout and it works, but when I use the same text style in mulitleader the text doesn't rotate with the layout 2013 Civil 3D
why my text is vertically oriented when I'm doing a preview of my layout? Plus, I'd like to know why when I set greyscales on my CTB only hatches and not my lines are displaying in black & white? (on my second layout)
I have started to creates some sketch blocks.The only issue i have is when i go and place them in a drawing they get placed way outside the layout so i have to drag them into the layout sheet.How do i get the sketch block to be placed into the layout..
I have just downloaded the 3 year trial of AutoCAD for students. I have managed to create a floor plan but struggling to amend the layout. First of all, I would like the page setup to be A3 but that is not an option on my Page Setup Manager as it will only connect to my printer size.
I am also trying to add a Title Block but again do not know what I am doing, or where to download template ones for free?
Can I insert a field in the title block in the layouts that will show the date of the last change made to the part of the model that is shown in the layout view.
I use multiple layouts to produce build drawings and I use the name of the layout tab to identify the sheet on the shop floor.
I currently use a field in the titleblock that calls the system variable ctab, the problem is that whenever you update the fields, they all change to the name of the current tab, not the name of their own tab (by default, when you open the drawing, they all say Model).
I resort to building all of the layouts and converting that field to text prior to printing.
Is there a way to change the layout tab name to match an attribute in the drawing? For example, I have a block in my title block named REV and an attribute in that black named RevNum, I want my users to be able to edit that block and the layout tab automatically change to match, i.e. if they modify the RevNum attribute to be A i want the layout tab name to change to A. I want this to be transparent to my users normal workflow.