I just down loaded the new autocad 2014 yesterday and I have no ribbon. If I go to tools - palettes - ribbon, an area where the ribbon should be opens up with the message "the ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded".
I turned on my AutoCAD LT 2011 this morning at work, and I didn't have any panels or tabs on the top ribbon. After searching for a way to turn them on, I found a way to remove the ribbon completely and am unable to get it back. How can I get my ribbon with tabs and panels back on the top of the screen?
I accidentally deleted my menuload ACADLT.cuix and my AUTODESKSEEK.cuix i found and reloaded them and now my Ribbon is gone. If if type ribbon in the command line "The Ribbon does not habe any tabs or panels currently loaded." appears.
when i load autocad it says "The ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded"
ive tried everything i can find and cant make anything show up there. im on page 4 of 800 in my AutoCad book and it doesnt say what to do if nothing is there in the way of tools to use.. how can i make my toolbars appear? ive tried typing "ribbon" but nothing...
"This Ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded."
It was there yesterday until I quit ACA, where did it go?
Did Autodesk install a virus that deletes the Ribbon after a predefined number of uses? It doesn't make any difference which workspace is invoked it is not there. In Document it is just completely gone and typing ribbon at the command line brings up the "This Ribbon..." as is the case in all the other workspaces. How does this happen?
My Ribbon is blank and says, "The Ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded."
I have tried "reseting" my CUI acad.cuix file and restoring it and it won't work -- I heard that was the golden ticket to my problem; however, my ribbon still says it doesn't have tabs or panels loaded...I've tried restarting AutoCad and then reseting my main cuix file as well.
My IRM officer had to install some sort of update to my AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010 package. When I loaded AutoCad, it gave me a message where my ribbon was that "The Ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded." I was able to fix this with the WSCURRENT command, but when I switch to the "Task-based Geospatial" or the Tool-based Geospatial" module, I cannot get the Ribbon back.
I am attempting to use the new Base View feature called Offset Section.
The 3D, solid, model has been created. I click on the Layout tab and there are only to panels showing: Layout and Layout Viewports. Four seem to have gone missing: Create View, Modify View, Update and Styles & Standards.
I have not made any changes to the CUI nor have I migrated settings from 2012.
I am trying to figure out how / if you can customize the contents of panels or what is always displayed. For example, I would like to add or show the draw order buttons because I use them frequently. So far, the only way I can get it displayed is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar or go to Tools>Toolbars>AutoCAD>Draw Order and then place it near my ribbon.
I just upgraded to 2013 map to a different computer. I loaded my 2012 profile and other than having to load the profile every time, I also do not have most of the ribbon tabs which I had upon the initial installation of 2013. After about 2 days I lost all od my map ribbon tabs, and at the same time my cui stopped loading automatically.
What is going on with this 2013 thing? It seems there may be a serious need for another hotfix or service pack.
I've been crashing (fatal error, unhandled access violation) a LOT lately, and it happens when I'm changing between tabs - both between layout tabs and from layout to model. I have a brand new computer and a recent install of AutoCAD, which I also ran the repair routine on recently to try to fix the crashing issue. This happened with my old computer as well, and our IT people thought maybe it was too old to handle AC 2013 (old one was about 7 years old), so now I'm running an HP Compaq Elite 8300, Win 7 OS, with an Intel i5-3470 CPU at 3.2 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA NVS 300 graphics card. And it still crashes.
I'm using files that were created on my old CAD station, which ran AutoCAD 2008 LT, and it started crashing on me - I suppose it's possible that one or more of those files got corrupted and that's what's causing this.It's crashed three times in the last three days, and probably a total of 10 - 15 times since my new computer came in late last month, and I'm getting pretty tired of it.
If some poor soul decided they didn't want/need them taking up screen real estate, how would said individual permanently disable them?
Tools > Option > Display > Display Drawing Tabs (FILETABCLOSE) works fine for the session, but it's not being remembered between sessions. How to make it leave and never come back.
Restore my Model and Layout Tabs at the bottom of the Drawing area. I went to Options/Display Tab, and under the pannel of "Layouts elements" the box of "Display Layout and Model Tabs" is checked, yet, I can't witness this diplayed. Even if I have to toggle something to make it hidden and displayed, where is the place for that? See the pictures of my settings and the Drawing area.
How I can edit the attached 3D drawing without drawing it from scratch. I want to increase the outside 4 tabs from .030" to ,050". I want to move the 2 inside lips .040 up. Drawing attached.
When opening some drawing in Autocad 2014 it automatically creates thousands of layout out tabs which need to be deleted. This causes a huge problem while batch plotting.
I have a fairly new DELL PC that meets all the minimum system requirements. I am running Window 7 and I can't get Autocad 2013 demo to run. It says install successful but when I try to run it it just hangs up and says "First run Initializing" and never loading. This is the first program that won't run I've ever had with this new computer.
My group and I are getting an infrequent but annoying problem with Model Documentation (MD) generated views in paperspace layout tabs. We all on autocad 2013, with sp1.1 installed on x64 machines.
We are seeing objects/ blocks showing in the MD views (viewbase created) in the layout that are no longer in model space. One common factor in this is that these objects seem to always be externally referenced (xref) files that have been either unloaded or completely detached (both cases purges preformed afterwards to wipe any remaining blocks made no difference). In this latest case the ghost objects show up twice (we needed 2 of the same xref) at what appears to be the correct old coordinates.
We have no work around for this and when this occurs we either have to revert to an older version from vault or create a new dwg, port all information over and recreate all views. The interesting thing about this problem is that if we revert to an older version from vault, the ghosts do not reappear/ reoccur at the same commands they appeared at previously.
I have been using AutoCAD 2014 for a couple of weeks now and there seems to be a problem when switching from the model tab to the layouts.
This is the problem i have: I draft my plans in model space as usual, once i finish that, i want to go to the layout tab
where the titleblock is and modify its attributes. When switching, AutoCAD crashes, it allows me to save a recovery file but it closes the program completley.
I have submited the error report to AutoDesk but i have not seen any other comments about it.
I am running Windows 8. I have used multiple .NET Framework removal/repair tools, tried uninstalling all versions of .NET and reinstalling 4.0 from its official Microsoft standalone installer. However, every time I try to install 4.0, I recieve a message stating that it or a higher version of .NET is already installed.
Upon further research, I was informed that the .NET 4.5 Framework is an integral part of Windows 8 that cannot be uninstalled.
I cannot access any of the tools I need to in the program, so it is basically rendered useless (don't tell me to just use shortcuts because that is extreemely tedious and painful to make work properly, ive tried it). I have also thought about just installing Revit 11' and using that, but it is no longer available from Autodesk!
So I was working in AutoCAD at work and this Error Message showed up. I don't know how to load my drawing because everytime this error message comes up AutoCAD shuts down.