If some poor soul decided they didn't want/need them taking up screen real estate, how would said individual permanently disable them?
Tools > Option > Display > Display Drawing Tabs (FILETABCLOSE) works fine for the session, but it's not being remembered between sessions. How to make it leave and never come back.
How I can edit the attached 3D drawing without drawing it from scratch. I want to increase the outside 4 tabs from .030" to ,050". I want to move the 2 inside lips .040 up. Drawing attached.
I'm a right clicker. Contextual ribbon tabs pop up every time I touch an object. They require additional clicks and mouse movements. I don't want them. How can I stop them? I just want the default ribbon. I was able to do this on a previous version but now I forget how. Version upgrades do not bode well for old people.
I've been crashing (fatal error, unhandled access violation) a LOT lately, and it happens when I'm changing between tabs - both between layout tabs and from layout to model. I have a brand new computer and a recent install of AutoCAD, which I also ran the repair routine on recently to try to fix the crashing issue. This happened with my old computer as well, and our IT people thought maybe it was too old to handle AC 2013 (old one was about 7 years old), so now I'm running an HP Compaq Elite 8300, Win 7 OS, with an Intel i5-3470 CPU at 3.2 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA NVS 300 graphics card. And it still crashes.
I'm using files that were created on my old CAD station, which ran AutoCAD 2008 LT, and it started crashing on me - I suppose it's possible that one or more of those files got corrupted and that's what's causing this.It's crashed three times in the last three days, and probably a total of 10 - 15 times since my new computer came in late last month, and I'm getting pretty tired of it.
I just down loaded the new autocad 2014 yesterday and I have no ribbon. If I go to tools - palettes - ribbon, an area where the ribbon should be opens up with the message "the ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded".
Restore my Model and Layout Tabs at the bottom of the Drawing area. I went to Options/Display Tab, and under the pannel of "Layouts elements" the box of "Display Layout and Model Tabs" is checked, yet, I can't witness this diplayed. Even if I have to toggle something to make it hidden and displayed, where is the place for that? See the pictures of my settings and the Drawing area.
I haven't used AutoCAD for seven years and when I did use it, it was for mechanical engineering purposes. Now I am using AutoCAD LT for architectural reasons. I've signed up to my local night school to get back into things.
I am making a location plan for a planning permission application to the local authority. I bought a 4 hectare or so location plan from the Ordinance Survey. I've drawn in the location of the proposed building and changed the relevant site boundaries to red and blue.
Now I want to use two layout tabs with a drawing border at a scale of 1:1250 and 1:1500 respectively. The existing scales appear to be in imperial units.
I have several paperspace tabs on my drawing. When I create a new layer on the drawing, I have to go to every tab and viewport to turn on or off the new layer. Is there a way to create a layer that is turned off in all the drawing viewports and tabs. Then, I only have to go to the paperspace tab and viewport I want the layer to be seen and turn it on.
When opening some drawing in Autocad 2014 it automatically creates thousands of layout out tabs which need to be deleted. This causes a huge problem while batch plotting.
(layoutlist) ... returns a list of strings of the layout tabs in the drawing.I've used this ages... Isn't it a core lisp function, or is it coming from express tools or somewhere else?
My group and I are getting an infrequent but annoying problem with Model Documentation (MD) generated views in paperspace layout tabs. We all on autocad 2013, with sp1.1 installed on x64 machines.
We are seeing objects/ blocks showing in the MD views (viewbase created) in the layout that are no longer in model space. One common factor in this is that these objects seem to always be externally referenced (xref) files that have been either unloaded or completely detached (both cases purges preformed afterwards to wipe any remaining blocks made no difference). In this latest case the ghost objects show up twice (we needed 2 of the same xref) at what appears to be the correct old coordinates.
We have no work around for this and when this occurs we either have to revert to an older version from vault or create a new dwg, port all information over and recreate all views. The interesting thing about this problem is that if we revert to an older version from vault, the ghosts do not reappear/ reoccur at the same commands they appeared at previously.
I have been using AutoCAD 2014 for a couple of weeks now and there seems to be a problem when switching from the model tab to the layouts.
This is the problem i have: I draft my plans in model space as usual, once i finish that, i want to go to the layout tab
where the titleblock is and modify its attributes. When switching, AutoCAD crashes, it allows me to save a recovery file but it closes the program completley.
I have submited the error report to AutoDesk but i have not seen any other comments about it.
I currently have an assignment that requires us to turn our 2D drawing into 3D. I am having difficulty with the walls and constructing them. Any recommendations on how to begin this process?
Is there a way without deleting the part from the assembly to make said part not show up in the drawing? I need to be able to do this in the model and not in the drawing. Suppressing the part create a level of detail, but I would have to create new views in the drawing and I don't want to do that.
The part is used in some cases, but not in others so I don't want to delete it from the assembly.
It happens sometimes, when I try to turn off the visibility of a part in a created view, the option is grayed out, can't uncheck visibility. Whats the reason?
I often draw over topography lines and use them for reference but I don't want to snap to them. Is there any way to view an object and turn off snapping only for that specific object or layer? For instance, can you make frozen layers visible somehow so they can be viewed, but not snapped to? Or is there another way to accomplish this?
After setting up a layout tab, all of my objects turned light grey. When I went to model space they were the same. if I list an object the color says bylayer but the display (in model space or in paperspace remains grey even afret doing a regen, or closing the drawing and reopening it.
How do I turn off the defpoints layer so it does not appear when i use the dimension tool while editing a block. I simply want to turn it off so the layer doesn't appear in the layer manager.
Since changing to Inventor I seem to be unable to turn off visibility of parts in assemblies on a drawing. Usually I just expand the view in the browser then right click on parts and turn off visibility. When I try this the visibility option is grey.