(layoutlist) ... returns a list of strings of the layout tabs in the drawing.I've used this ages... Isn't it a core lisp function, or is it coming from express tools or somewhere else?
i have a for example a block with one attribute and would like add a new attribute. i´m trying to read the current block and redefine - it comes a new attribute in propertieswindow but not graphical.
How to create lisp which i can simply type in to the command bar so that the current drawing's filepath-folder will be automatically opened by windows explorer?
I need to select all the viewports in the drawing and to make some changes with them, I'm planning to select them all with ssget command. If I do that I will have one viewport for the paperspace itself in every layout. One of my question is, how to know which viewport is the paperspace itself?
Second question is, how to get the name of layout in which one is the viewport? It is important to me that the lisp is really fast, so I'm planning to do the most of stuffs with vla commands.
Any LISP routine that can create multiple paper space layout tabs and can name them incrementally. I have a template and I wanted to copy tab2 of my layout multiple times and name them incrementally. I have a code shown below that comes close to what I need it to do but it creates a "New Layout" instead of copying the tab I need it to. Please see code below:
(vl-load-com)(defun c:LAYOUT+ (/ *error* prefix i n acDoc oLayouts layoutName) (defun *error* (msg) (if acDoc (vla-endundomark acDoc) ) (cond ((not msg)) ; Normal exit ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))) ; <esc> or (quit) ((princ (strcat " ** Error: " msg " ** "))) ; Fatal error, display it ) (princ) ) (if (and (setq prefix (getstring " Enter layout name prefix: "))
I am trying to put together a lisp routine for exporting a Civil3D drawing to basic autocad entities and convert it to a clients layer standards.
I don't want any user input, so I see two problems with the routine at the moment.
Step 2. SAVEAS - I want the drawing to be saved in the same directory as the current drawing, either called "CLIENT_export.dwg" or preferably "Export_{current drawing name}.dwg". If the dwg exists I want it either to overwrite or increment a suffix number.
Step 4. At the moment it askes the user for a selection, I want it to select "ALL"
;;;Purpose to convert a Civil3D drawing into CLIENT layer standards.
Technique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
I am working on a lisp that automaticaly draws some tubes and fittings.First the user has to select the block where the tubes start and then he selects where the tubes has to end.Herefor i whrote this lisp..
Is it posible to show the user how the tubes gow befor chozing the second point?(A litle bit like when you stretch a dynamic block where you can see how the object will look like while preforming the stretch action).
As you smart individuals can figure out, we do up drawing packages for construction that consist of several drawings, hundreds of drawings, for several modules of construction. Our process usually consists of one layout per drawing, so that the lisp guy can do a drawing count and put in sheet numbers based on how I manipulate the list of drawings in the one directory folder.
Now I have a client, despite the way we currently do things, requires that about 70% of the drawings will have multiple layouts. Now we're back in the stone ages, manually putting in sheet numbers, eating up our budget for this contract.
how to use AutoLISP to draw lines between two points. I have x,y,z coordinates for the end points in an excel sheet which I can save as a text file. I need to pull the coordinates from the file and use them to draw the lines. There are 2000+ lines so it is not feasible to draw them manually.
I have the following string of code, that I'll write in everyone's start-up suite. I'm able to retrieve a list of files I want to modify, for whatever reason. (One example, when plotting drawings with layouts, sometimes the shadeplot setting is wireframe, and not classic hidden, though it's been set up in our templates).
The huge question is, can I get a list of drawings to a variable in one drawing, and have access to that variable list, in the next drawing I open? I'll iron out the bugs on read-only statuses, or manipulating drawing states later.
I know through the block command you can write out a selection of entities to a single drawing.But what I am wondering is if it is possible to have two drawings open, and transfer data quickly between the two?
As an example as we are detailing an assembly we create a title block around a detail, put dimensions and notes on as needed and would then like that to be transfered into another drawing next to the previously transfered detail drawing.
I'd like to create a lisp that would check my drawings for stray vertices (I only draw in full measurements per UCS), and automatically round them up to the closest whole value, or at least mark them up in circles for manually fixing them.
Is there a way of opening existing cmds in the visual lisp editor and edit them to do something else? I'd like to set up a lisp where 'uu' would switch the drawing units from decimal to architectural units and hittng 'uu' again would switch it back.
I want to draw a line which shows a particular color scheme, I at current do this by drawing a solid line of one color and then use a dashed line of another color top go over it.
The obvious problem is that these lines are being double drawn. Is there a way using lisp that I can draw both lines at once?
I am attempting to create an AutoLISP that removes all un-used drawing scales from a file, then adds the standard scales used in civil engineering. This is what I tried using:
Now, I am only a beginner to writing LISP, but I know that my problem is that it is reading the inch marks after the one in the scale name as a enter, but I don't know how to get around this. Also, I don't know how to get it to skip scales that are still in the drawing.
i have one big pipeline drawing and need to "split" it into smaller drawings..there are layers, v500, v250, v100 that represent size of pipeline.i'd like to extract all elements from layer v500 to drawing v500.dwg, after that v250... etc.
problem is that i would select only elements from v500, erase all other and than save it as v500.dwg... and then what? undo all and repeat everything with another layer?
is there a way to copy elements to another drawing and save and then return to original drawing and execute another set of commands?