AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Build Wall Panels
Jun 22, 2012Im looking for any auto cad course especific in how to build wall panels.
View 3 RepliesIm looking for any auto cad course especific in how to build wall panels.
View 3 RepliesI am trying to build a spiral staircase and need to use spline to build the railings. Every time I try to end the spline by hitting enter the spline disappears. I am using 2014, and I have never had this problem before with previous versions.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI created a curved curtain wall based on a reference curve. I set the divisions and mullions and everything seems to be working like its supposed to except for a the mullions and the infill panels. First, the mullions vertically and horizontally dont seem to line up nor have any way to miter with themselves. They should because they are extruding along the same center point. This should be simple but it doesnt seem to work. Second, and the most annoying, is that the curtain wall infill panels dont seem to know where they are supposed to cut themselves. They leave themselves stranded at the ends for some reason and none of the settings for the panel or the curtain wall itself seems to address this. I thought it might have to do with the center point of the profile I used for the frames and mullions but apparently they dont and I dont have control of it. Seems like it should work a little more cleanly. Unless it is some sort of bug in ACA 2013.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to build a wall that has the concrete block pattern that's offset by 1/2. If I build a wall using mass then I can make it into a pattern that I want but then I can't paint it so that's it's clear or see through. On the other hand if I build a wall just using the walls then I can't find an option for the block pattern.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to build a curtain wall panel family (see attached). I want the extremities of the solids to be glued to the surrounding frame. I want to be able to scale the model inside the frame with different curtain wall panel system sizes. 5'x4', 6'x8' etc... I am having problems with restricted constraints. I do not know what I am doing wrong. the model inside the panel are created from soild extrusions. if I align the solid extrusion from one side of the frame , only that side will grow or shrink with frame, and makes the model look weird. I tried to group the solids with reference lines in them glued to the reference line grid i created in the panel and that did not work. I want to be to scale proportionally the model inside the panel.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been added and removed specific mullions along curtain wall grid lines and now have the mullions where I want them. Unfortunately, some of the glass panels remain divided along the grid lines even though the mullions have been removed. Is there some way to join the two panels into one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export my floor plan to dwg file and I have curtain wall there which have panels as regular wall types. The problem is that exporting it will put those panels on the wall layer. I need them to be on curtain wall panel layer. I tried to use "Function" parameter in wall family by changing certain wall types to Retaining (since I don't use this parameter) and changed Wall/Retaining category layer to curtain panel in dwg export setup. But it seems it has no effect.I also noticed that walls inserted as panels into curtain wall do have a parameter under "Identity Data" with the name "Categorize as" where are two values - wall or panel. But this does not have any effect either since there is no category for it in export setup.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you create an alternating curtain panel pattern in a hexagon divided surface curtain wall without individually selecting the panels?
I want the "rows" of hexagons to alternate between solid and void.
All of a sudden my ribbon panels will not pull off... some refer to this as 'tear off'. The interface is not locked either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to build web configurator from Cad drawings (dwg)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working in a 3D Modeling workspace.
I am attempting to use the new Base View feature called Offset Section.
The 3D, solid, model has been created. I click on the Layout tab and there are only to panels showing: Layout and Layout Viewports. Four seem to have gone missing: Create View, Modify View, Update and Styles & Standards.
I have not made any changes to the CUI nor have I migrated settings from 2012.
I am trying to figure out how / if you can customize the contents of panels or what is always displayed. For example, I would like to add or show the draw order buttons because I use them frequently. So far, the only way I can get it displayed is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar or go to Tools>Toolbars>AutoCAD>Draw Order and then place it near my ribbon.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just down loaded the new autocad 2014 yesterday and I have no ribbon. If I go to tools - palettes - ribbon, an area where the ribbon should be opens up with the message "the ribbon does not have any tabs or panels currently loaded".
How do I load the tabs and panels?
I just upgraded to 2013 map to a different computer. I loaded my 2012 profile and other than having to load the profile every time, I also do not have most of the ribbon tabs which I had upon the initial installation of 2013. After about 2 days I lost all od my map ribbon tabs, and at the same time my cui stopped loading automatically.
What is going on with this 2013 thing? It seems there may be a serious need for another hotfix or service pack.
I'm trying to build a list of surface lable style, (both slope and spot elevation) using vlisp 2013.
I can create a list of the parant, but I can not find the clildren.
my goal is to change a surface label style between the parent and the children, using a list. To many style for the property menu.
We recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
I have a project where I have got a drawing from an architect which is drawn as a mesh.
I consists of triangular panels which is joined together with different angles. (see attachment)
I have tried to model it in 3d with autocad, but I can`t get the joints to be precise.
I am going to produce this panels with our cnc-router in a 12 mm mdf board.
The panels has to be mitered in the joints.
I have the following questions:
Is it possible in autocad, to model this figure and separate each panel, with the correct angles on the edges?
I am running Windows 8. I have used multiple .NET Framework removal/repair tools, tried uninstalling all versions of .NET and reinstalling 4.0 from its official Microsoft standalone installer. However, every time I try to install 4.0, I recieve a message stating that it or a higher version of .NET is already installed.
Upon further research, I was informed that the .NET 4.5 Framework is an integral part of Windows 8 that cannot be uninstalled.
I cannot access any of the tools I need to in the program, so it is basically rendered useless (don't tell me to just use shortcuts because that is extreemely tedious and painful to make work properly, ive tried it). I have also thought about just installing Revit 11' and using that, but it is no longer available from Autodesk!
I am trying to create a wall tag to do the following also see attached PDF:
Tag designation (text and number) generated from wall style (wallstyles:type) and be annotative.
Tag has 2 lines forming an L that I would like to preset (12" by the text and 18" long) but have the capability to be stretched/stretchable later on.
Tag has grip hand similar to doors which enables it to be attached to walls but doesn't change placement when wall is extended/trimmed/ moved or wall tag generates information from the wall it touches but if the wall moves the tag would stay but show and error or "X".
It didn't sound so difficult in my head but writing it down makes it seem very difficult. Anyways is this possible or any source to some step by step directions for creating a tag like this?
I have used Autodesk products in the past, but I have never had this much trouble making a single wall. There are no scroll bars to move my view in the blue prints, keyboard arrows don't work, and there appears to be no way to change the cursor type so I can select and drag the viewing area. Is there some trick to it? When I drag the mouse it just highlights everything. This is especially annoying when I am just trying to change the orientation to see what is already made.
I am trying to begin with a very simple project: A deck. All I want to do is draw two original brick walls and then begin with a wood frame construction to place against it, but I also can't even seem to make a single right angle with this. When one wall length is finished it wants to position itself at 15 degre angles, but not in relation to the wall it is connected to. It sets those angles in relation to the compass direction which results in an inability to make even a single square. This means that even though the original wall I am building onto faces a South west 340 degree direction I pretty much have to disregard the presence of a compass and assume North is "top" which is pretty sloppy and makes me question why a compass is even present.
With a north orientation I can get right-angles without any problems, but the mouse is too sensitive and if I type in a length before clicking to create the wall the size ends up much longer than what I define. I can create it, select it, and then define the length, but I can't seem to define which side it expands from and I can't seem to find a toggle to keep a connected wall snapped in place or even to manually move that wall.
Also: When attempting to insert an opening into the wall at a specific point in the wall there appears to be no option to manually define (with text) it's position in that wall. There is a graphical method, but no matter where I put it on that wall it snaps to the far end. It's an existing wall with an existing opening.
I created a wall via RECTANGLE/PRESSPULL to a desired height. But I need to be able to increase the height of one corner of the wall. Not quite sure how to do this.
On the attached picture, corner A needs to remain where it is, while corner B needs to be 3' higher.
Attaching the draw.
The top transom (beam) has to be cut on 2 levels degree : inout as the circle diameter , and up and down as the slope . I made the drawing with the SWEEP command of a 2D transom view along a line, but the result is not good To get the dimensions of manufacturing, it is good as a general "simulation". How can i do it more accurate?, or it is a big task for the autocad?
In Autocad Architectural 2012 if I typed 'wall' I would get several options for walls. If I selected 'A' (add) it would bring up the properties panel and draw the necessary walls. This does not work in Architectural 2013. Where to I access the wall/window/door pallet?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI cannot seem to find out when and where it's ocuring. I took measurements of a large room and modeled it in Autocad 2014. The solids I used are rather simple, mostly just boxes with some boolean unions and substractions here and there. I then took pictures of every wall, perspective-corrected them, imported each of them to Autocad as material, assigned the real size to the picture material and applied those materials to the corresponding wall faces. Planar mapping proved to be adequate in all cases and mostly mapped correctly on the first go.
The project was completed and saved. To my horror most of the material mappings had just gone the next time I opened the project. It was just as if I had never applied any material mapping or texture to the faces.
After partially appliying the damned material mappings and materials (textures) again I tried to determine under what circumstances the mappings get lost. Its not allways the same walls. The bug seems to occur randomly on various geometry and at various times. Sometimes the mappings get lost after opening the project, sometimes the get lost on the fly when isolating (hiding) geometry. There is no way I can get the room to look as I want it to look as there will allways be some wall that has become default-grey again, randomly (either while working or after opening up the project again).
I really expect Autocad to be rock solid after so many program versions. Did I do something wrong? How would you go about applying textures of inividual walls to wall-faces? Or is Autocad just crap regarding heavy use of textures because that is not the average use-case?
i need a lisp that construct line between two lines of wall by selection called (Wall Centerline)
i attach example of what i want assuming that i will often isolate wall layer in the project to facilitate the task.
I can make a curved wall, now I need to make a "cylinder" wall or a closed curved wall. If a curved wall can be closed I cannot figure it out.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using the RetainWallVertical subassembly with a created gutter subassembly attached to the wall and a DaylightGeneral subassembly attached to the gutter assembly. My cut slope parameter is set to hold at 1.5:1. I would like to use a target (feature line or alignment) to daylight to and have the wall height adjust accordingly. Problem, I am not able to use a target other than a surface for daylighting. I can use my existing ground surface, which I am daylighting too, but I can't adjust the target point.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm attempting to create a wall style that has 2 components, a framed wall and a brick veneer. What I would like to do is have this wall react a certain way when I insert a window. Basically, I don't want the window to cut into the brick veneer, only the framing.
I have attached my attempt so far, and I have not figured out how to get the window to only cut the framed portion.
I am having trouble cleaning up different wall types joining at or close to a corner. I tried to over ride the clean up luck.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can convert a wall to a curtain wall but not a curtain wall to a wall. When converting a wall to a curtain wall I select wall in the design pallette right click apply to wall select the wall and it changes to a curtain wall. When I try converting a curtain wall to a wall I right click on curtain wall select apply properties to wall then go to select the curtain wall but I cannot select the curtain wall as a wall?
I simply want to convert an existing curtain wall to another wall type how is that done/
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
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