AutoCAD 2013 :: Autodesk Exchange - Says Flash Is Not Installed But It Is - Can't Play Videos
Feb 16, 2013
I just installed AutoCAD 2013 under Windows 8
AutoCAD 2013 installed as expected but I can not run the Flash based introduction movies.
I am a new to AutoCAD, have never used to program before and would like to switching the "preferences" (which I can't find) to a better browser like Google Chrome.
Suggestion for Autodesk: Please dump IE in favor or propper browsers. IE has never and will never work properly.
In conclusion: How can I get the Flash videos to work. Where do I register the software?
Because of the above issues, I've installed AutoCAD 2013 on my iMac and everything is running as expected. I am more of a Linux/OS X user and have limited experience with Microsoft products.
Autodesck Exchange opens when we launch AutoCad. When any page displays with videos, there is a message that Flash is not installed. None of the videos play. Flash is installed and we re-installed it.
I really like Smoke, I've tried pre-release and I've noticed there is no realtime playback. I have pretty fast machine, MBP, 17, 1920x1200, SSD, 16Gb Ram, 2.3 Ghz (early 2011), AMD 1GB, but still it seems too slow for Smoke?
optimize it for laptops, because 50% of users siting on laptops.
When I import a short AVCHD or MPG (~ 1 min., 100 mb) into Premiere Pro CS6 or After Effects CS6, it plays great. When I import the same file into Photoshop CS6 on the same computer, it's jerky, even with sound off, frame skipping enabled, cached, and no other applications running.
System is a Core i7 with 8 gb RAM, 1.5 gb nVidia GeForce, Win 7 x64 and DirectX 11. All drivers ruthlessly updated.
I am planning to buy Illustrator and a MacBook air / pro, but the macs comes with a flash drive, and it is stated that Illustrator cannot be installed on flash drives.Can this really be true? It must be the way all new laptops are going.
I've got LR5 and I started with a completely new catalog, so no migration of anything old.I have lots of video clips from my GH3 but every time I try to play one in the Library it doesn't play. I look at Task Manager and dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe is pegged at close to 100% CPU usage and using 500MB of memory.
I'm using the Flash - Gallery 1 that came with Photoshop CS2. Is there a (hopefully easy) way to get the gallery to automatically play the slideshow when a user visits the page (instead of clicking the play button)?
I am running the elements 9 I have downloaded my pictures and video from my Canon camera the pictures I can view but the videos will not play or cannot be viewed , an error states the compression or a non compatability. What I have to add or download to allow me to view , edit and share my pictures and videos.
I cannot get the Adobe TV videos to play--even the ones in my library--all I get is a black screen--I have been ay from Adobe TV for several months--what has changed and how can I view the videos?
In pse 11 my videos in organizer will not preview. Says quicktime is not installed. But it is. Not in pse my videos will preview when i double click but they do so in windows media player. How do i get quicktime to work in pse? In pse i get a notice that some files are not assigned to quicktime. It says do i want to assign them to quicktime and i say yes.
I'm using Photoshop Elements 10 Organizer with Premiere Elements10 Installed. I have a number of files of type MTS which I understand to be AVCHD and are imported from my Panasonic Lumix TZ20 camera which captures HD video. These files will not play in the Organizer, resulting in a message stating the required Codec is missing. However, when the same file is sent to Premiere Elements for Editingand agreeing to a message to have Premiere set the correct properties for the media type it plays perfectly. What am I do wrong? Are there any settings I need to change to have Organizer also play the file successfully?
I wanted to go through all of the Essentials videos for Inventor (URL... ) but every single link listed for the Essentials is broken. Is there another place I can find them?
I'm trying to use the new linking Revit file feture in 3ds Max 2013 but i'm getting an error saying 'Autodesk Revit Interoperability is not installed on your system, consult your instalition guide...' Where do I get this from?
there is a little bit of a "Play Lag" or Pause just after hitting Play. Afterwards it works fine. is just the beginning. Even on a Very Fast Computer with all resolutions even on Pro Res LT.
Also when I press "L" more than once, everytime I press it there's the pause or lag before changing speed.
I have a question about conforming material from Abode Premiere CS 5.5..I have a 720@50p source that was converted to Avid DNxHD 10bit 720@50p in Quicktime .mov container, using Media Encoder.Then material was edited in Premiere, cuts, dissolves and etc. Timeline in Premiere is set to 720@25p, because I need to output 720@25p finals.Premiere DOES NOT slowdown shots in timeline, it just plays them skipping every 2nd frame (I thinks so), so it is played in a normal speed and audio is in sync also. In Interpret footage settings nothin is changed - so, it still treats as 50p footage.
Problem is that I dont understand how to conform this footage correctly in Smoke.If I use automatic conform using wiretap import of AAF (same dir as footage is), Smoke thinking about this operation about 10-15 mins and then it creates a 1080@50p timeline where all shots are smaller it's native size and timing is completly wrong. They starts early than they should.If I use Video I/O I have correct sizing but timing issue is still present.
I need to create a project with PAL settings and override resolution to 720p?
How make Smoke to play footage same as Premiere does? Whithout shifting in out points?
Every Quicktime I import and cache into my project won't play audio, even though the audio tracks show up in the timeline with waveforms and the seqeunce specs match that of the source audio. Apparently Flame users are having similar problems. I'm having to strip out the audio into AIF for separate import and re-sync.
Oddly enough, I can hear the audio prior to import when playing the preview clip in Media Hub.
when I'm in the MediaHub, using the player there, clicking on the play button will start playback but it does not stop it like it does in the other players. I would expect it to behave just like the play button in the Source/Record Viewers.
I took the Windows 8.1 upgrade, and now AutoCad LT 2013 crashes just as the window starts to open up. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and have applied SP1.1 and SP2.
I am running ACAD 2012 & Civil3d 2012 and would like to install ACAD 2014 to start playing around with the software. Are there issues with running both versions on the same computer?
my CAD 2013 and Revit 2013 crashs in the open screen only..i use Windows 8 .CAD 2013 days an error saying 'The security system (softlock license manager) is not functioning or is improperly installed,.. I did try ticking the netframes from the windows on/off settings and still end up with a softlock error..
The Autocad 2013 x86 or x64 is not installed on Windows 8 Consumer Preview because programs can not read .NET Framework versions 2 and 4 which are integral parts of the OS.
I am using 2013 inventor and revit. I am trying to use this BIM exchange in inventor and I am try to by creating a simple part/family with a couple of different sizes in a table. Everything looks good in inventor as far as the table having different size and when I activate one it changes the part. When I export I am going to tools, BIM exchange, hitting export and away she goes. There is only one export button and everything is pretty simple to understand. So inventor as far as I know, is good.
Now when I bring it into revit as the ASDK format from export with BIM exchange as I am getting is the model with whatever view happens to be active. I am not getting the table nor the parameters I set up for manually changing the family.
I have done some research and noticed that in previous verisons you needed to export the table in inventor after that model, but I am not seeing that option anywhere.
So my question is, am I missing something and you can no longer export parametric parts from inventor to revit, or is there another set I am missing either in the inventor setup or the import into revit?