AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 - Turn Off Accudraw That Pops Up When Drawing A Line?

Aug 13, 2013

Just upgraded from 2010 to 2012. How do I turn off this new "accudraw" that pops up when drawing a line?  And can I disable it permanently? (accudraw is the only thing I can equate it to).

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AutoCAD LT :: Quickproperties Disabled Yet Still Pops Up - How To Turn Off

Mar 20, 2012

The attached images show that quickproperties is not checked, yet while selecting objects the quickproperties dialogue box will randomly appear against my desires (I am unable to continue selecting objects once quickproperties is displayed).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Turn On Classic View In 2012

Jun 13, 2011

I recently upgraded from 2007 to 2012 and the entire look and feel of the program is different. Like Microsoft, AutoCad has "upgraded" everything so overnight i have managed to go from marginally competent to totally inept!

I really really would like to know if it is possible to switch back to the classic view with the old tool bars and commands.

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Photoshop :: Turn Off Nag Dialog That Pops Up Using CS6 Liquify On XP

Aug 16, 2012

I'm wondering if there's a way to turn off the nag dialog that pops up every time I use CS6 Liquify on XP.
I have to run CS6 on both my XP and W7 partitions - (some other apps I use are not W7 compatible, so having CS6 on XP sure saves a lot of dual booting).

I haven't found a way in the prefs to stop it appearing - I wish there was a "Don't Show Again" checkbox on it at least.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Open And Create A Drawing In 2012 From Visual Basic 2010

Jul 1, 2012

I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:

1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.

2. I wrote this in the heading of the form's

- Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
-Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common

3. In the event Click of the Button1 I put this:

    Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application
    AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application
    Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document
    acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2
    'Draw a line
    Dim PT1(2) As Double

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Photoshop :: Turn Picture To Line Art Drawing?

Nov 7, 2012

How can I turn a picture to line art drawing?

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Illustrator :: How To Turn A Photo Into Line Drawing

Dec 30, 2013

How do you turn a photo into a line drawing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Save Xrefs In Drawing In 2012?

Jun 16, 2011

How do I save xrefs in a drawing in Autocad 2012? 

I´ve been using eTransmit command in previous versions, now that I´ve switched to v2012 there´s no longer support to save all dwg xrefs as dwg references in the eTransmit popup window. My dwg xrefs are instead attached as blocks.

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Photoshop :: Any Filters To Turn A Photo Into A Line Drawing?

Aug 9, 2006

is there any filters to turn a photo into a line drawing?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Circles On Angled Piece In 2012 In 3D?

May 14, 2013

I am trying to draw a circle on an angled face on a valve I made, and am not too sure of the best way to do it.

Here is a front view showing the angle. I need to use the face at the top that is on a 22* angle or so


Here is a top view showing the 10 holes I need to make at the proper angle. The blue lines are showing where each of my holes will need to be with a fitting on it as well


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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2010 Quits Before It Starts Or After Splash Screen Pops Up

Nov 5, 2013

When I try to start Inventor is attempts to open and shows up in the active processes list for a few seconds.

Sometimes it will quit before the splash screen appears and sometimes a split second after it appears. No error messages or computer lag, it just simply quits. I'll list the steps I've taken so far. (Windows 7 64 bit)

Deleted the Cascadeinfo.cas file

I've had an error when my 3d connexion mouse trys to start so I uninstalled the drivers.

IT guy could open Inventor from his login on my computer but still not with mine.

Deleted Autodesk folder in the AppData folder and deleted the Cascadeinfo.cas again.

Did a "Repair" of Inventor.

Did a "Re-Install" of Inventor.

Nothing has worked yet and the only advice I'm finding is in regards to deleting the Cascadeinfo.cas file.

My thoughts are that the key to this problem is the fact that it works for other users on this machine. I just don't know what it is or how to fix it.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing A Line Perpendicular To An Arc?

Sep 21, 2011

Recently I've been working with a lot more projects that contain curved architectural features. It appears that I am unable to draw a line to an implied perpendicular point on an arc. I can draw a line to an implied point perpendicular to another line but not an arc. refer to attached images.

Image1 demonstrates the implied point perpendicular to a line.

Image2 demonstrates that there is no implied perpendiuclar point on the arc given by AutoCAD.

Image3 demonstrates that if the arc is manually extended, a point perpendicular to the arc does exist.

It seems like this should work.


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing A Line From Base Coordinate?

Jul 9, 2012

We have a new PC set up, and the user is trying to draw a line, starting from point 0,0,0. AutoCAD won't let him draw a line from that coordinate.

How do we get AutoCAD to draw from the BASE coordinate? Is there a new switch that's messing this up?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Line Weights Of Attached TIF With Drawing

Mar 13, 2012

A customer of ours sent us a drawing that has a TIF file attached to it. Inside the TIF all the objects appear red (we plot with a ctb) but no matter what we do, all the TIFs objects plot with really thick lineweight.

How can we make this print legibly?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Some Object And Line Missing While Plotting PDF For 3D Drawing

Jul 29, 2013

We are facing the problem of some object/line missing while ploting/PDF for  the Autocad 3d drawing.

We also tried for "HIDEPRECISION=1" command , even then not displaying it.

Then we use "OBSCUREDLTYPE=1" then the missing object display but other all lines get too dark in the same drawing .

For sample , I have attached one pdf , in which you can see the missing line and object marked with bluecolor box.

solution to display the missing object.

We are using :

Software :  Autocad 2012-64Bit , NAviswork 2013 , Autoplant Piping V8i - SS4 version : , MS-Office 2010 64 Bit.

Hardware : Workstation Dell Precision T3600

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Line Use Often Resizes Drawing Window?

Sep 13, 2011

An example is when I'm drawing a box, line etc and attempt to type "@5,-5", AutoCAD somehow jumps to a window on the side and if I don't notice will restore the window I'm working in and not complete the command I typed ("@5,-5" in this case).  If I do notice in time, then I have to pres ESC about 3-4 times, which will then have me back on the command line with the text "@5,-" already typed (as if that was were I paused while typing??).   The attached picture shows the dialog box on the top left, and the command line as if I've only typed "@", when after pressing ESC as mentioned the full "@5,-" text becomes visible on the command line? 

Also, as a note:  I've already ruled out that I'm pressing other keys that could possibly cause this...

I'm running AutoCAD (Mechanical) 2011

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Drawing Object - Snap To Elevation Of Contour Line

Dec 12, 2013

Is there a setting I can change so if I am drawing an object (line, polyline, etc.) if I am snapping to a contour line, the objects will NOT take on the elevation of the contour line?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Where To Set Drawing Style / Text Height / Line Space Factor

Mar 15, 2013

Which settings or where do I go to set my drawing Style, Text height and line space factor on all my drawings in one shot. It is frustrating going through many drawings changing it.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Install 2012 And LT 2012 On Same Computer?

Mar 29, 2012

Is this supported by Autodesk, and will installing both products create any issues?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn Off Prompt In 2012?

Oct 8, 2013

I wan to turn this prompt off...period.  Not fix it, just turn it off. 

"The location of the selected file is not in the active project. To ensure that the file can be found when you open files that reference it, add the location to the project or move the file to a location specified in the project."

Looked through options, changed approproate setting to "Never". Still prompts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Turn On Welcome Screen

Oct 23, 2013

How to turn back ON the welcome screen in Inventor 2012? i cant find it anywhere!

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AutoCAD LT :: Can Turn Draft Preview Off In 2012

Feb 9, 2013

running autocad 2012: there is an autopreview that shows what the command will look like before I hit return. How do I turn it off.

The issue is: I am overdrafting what Autocad is able to keep up with. I feel like I am now at half speed... I can replicate the same issue: offset x dimension; I move to left and hit enter; in the same instance autocad has autopreviewed right, and that becomes the command that sticks. really annoying... I have run ADT with bloated files on the same machine and not had this problem, so I figure its this feature that is causing the slowdown for me.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn Off 2012 Radial Menu?

Aug 15, 2011

The new menu system that comes up when you right click.  I don't like it, how do I turn it off?

Windows XP SP3 32-bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 6400 @ 2.13 GHz
Nvidia Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI 256MB Vram
2 GB Ram

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2012 - Turn Off Layout Tools Contextual Tab

May 3, 2011

How do I disable the layout Tools Contextual tab in Civile3d 2012 so that is does not become active every time I change to Paper Space. I would like the ribbon to stay focused on the HOME tab when in paper space.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn Off Auto Highlight Feature In 2012?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there some way we can turn off the auto highlight feature in inventor 2012?  I am working in a large assembly and every time I move the cursor over the assembly it is trying to pre highlite parts and assemblys and it really causing alot of delay in my work.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Drawing Disappears After Opening Second Drawing In 3D 2012?

Mar 23, 2013

I have two drawings A and B. I work in A and I need some design elements from B.

When I open the drawing B everything I have in drawing A disappeared. I refer to all elements of design (blocks, lines, polylines, etc.).

After studying the issue have concluded that the design of all elements were automatically isolated. Right click> Isolate> End Object Isolation and everything reappears in drawing A.

I mention that I installed Autocad Map 3D 2012 x64 on Windows 7 x64 and work in Map Classic Workspace using the same coordinate system in both drawings.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Turn Off Apply To Layout Button In Plot Model Window?

Jan 19, 2012

How do I turn off the apply to layout button in thi window

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2010 Through 2012 Freezing When Using Open - Windows 7

May 23, 2012

I recently loaded several versions of AutoCAD on to a Windows 7 machine.  ALL versions will open a drawing if double-clicked from windows explorer, but if I try to open through AutoCAD, the program freezes as soon as I click on the "Open" button.  This is true for AutoCAD 2010 through 2012.

Machine Specs:

Dell Optiplex 990
250GB HD
8GB Ram
I7-2600 proc
AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1Gb) Video Card

I also cannot open multiple instances of ANY version of AutoCAD in Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: How To Turn Pen Line Into An Actual Line?

Sep 17, 2008

I just drew a shape with the pen tool. But even though I can see the line, it's not a real line. I can hide the layer and still see it.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Turn Line Into Fenceline?

May 27, 2011

I would like to turn a line into a fenceline, but i dont have the linetype for fence.

How do i make my own linetype? I want the line to look something like this ___ll____ll____ (would like to have the vertical lines whit some degrees) Is this possible?

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AutoCad :: Drawing Bottom Line With Angle Of 132 Relative To Middle Line

May 15, 2013


How can I draw the bottom line, with an angle of 132 relative to the middle line?

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