AutoCAD LT :: 2012 - Turn Off Apply To Layout Button In Plot Model Window?
Jan 19, 2012How do I turn off the apply to layout button in thi window
View 4 RepliesHow do I turn off the apply to layout button in thi window
View 4 RepliesHow do I disable the layout Tools Contextual tab in Civile3d 2012 so that is does not become active every time I change to Paper Space. I would like the ribbon to stay focused on the HOME tab when in paper space.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi want to create a layout that just surrounds a given model windows, with a given scale. that is, not set to a specific paper size or with title blocks etc. Is there a way?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD command to turnoff the Model/Layout tab in autocad 2014 or which function i need to call from will trunoff the modellayout.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to plot model and layput in a dwf file in AutoCAD 2013. So is it possible to plot model and layout in a dwf file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have drawn a site plan in model space at 1to1 scale. I try to draw hidden lines to show demolition. In paper space the scale is set to 1"=50" to fit on paper. But all the hidden lines plot solid. I had changed LTSCALE, PSLTSCALE, to 1. This problem keeps happening in most every thing I draw.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to apply plot styles and line weights to a dwg file like 'dwf ePlot' does but keeping the results in .dwg format?
View 4 Replies View RelatedUsing someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded from 2010 to 2012 and when trying to plot, using the very same page setups as before the upgrade, the quality (or resolution) of the plot is very poor and pixelated. I am using very high resolution aerial imagery. The output is not at all high resolution (totally pixelated, not presentable as professional). It seems like AutoCAD is reducing the image quality now. Is this a system variable that can be adjusted?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a network with Windows XP and Windows 7.
Printers: from HP 5000 series to a KIP 3000.
CAD,from 2008 to 2012 versions.ALL of the PCs are having this strange behaviour:Open a drawing, Press File then Plot and..
Scenario 1: if the KIP3000 is online then plotting window comes in few seconds, a normal, decent delay!
Scenario 2: if the KIP 3000 is offline then plotting can be delayed to minutes!!!
Downloaded the drivers from KIP web site, installed and tested, prints fine once the above issue with delay is sorted! I’m guessing that is something built-in CAD, pre-emptive, background checks running for printers status when you attempt to plot to the printer / plotter !
I have several objects on various layers in model space and they are exposed through a viewport in a paperspace layout. I also have a corporate CTB plot style.
Here is my problem: If i plot the objects from model space, they all plot with the correct lineweights as defined in our corporate CTB, but when i plot them from the paperspace layout, some but not all objects plot with a heavier lineweight than what is defined in the CTB.
I thought the CTB was supposed to override any settings applied to individual objects, but more importantly, why the different results, on the same objects, depending upon the space from which they're plotted?
I need to plot a drawing with a few plans, which are in 2D but also a 3D model of the intire installation and a few side views, which are side views of the 3D model.When I plot the drawing I am able to get the side views in black and white by taking the following steps:(i got these steps from this post: URL....
- set the visual style (in model space) to hidden or wireframe.
- in the layout you select a viewport that conntains a 3D visualisation and double click in that window to set the visual style to 2D wireframe and also set the viewports shade plot to hidden.
because the plotter is black and white only I see those side views in different shades of grey but the problem is that the difference in grey isn't clear enough (and yellow pipes are hardly visible) and I can't adjust these. When adjusting the .ctb it only affects the 2D views and not the 3D views.
It is possible to change the greyness by changing the color of the diffent pipes that are in the drawing but this is not a desired option by the to alter the shades of grey in 3D visualisations so that not all pipelines look the same .I attached a file of what the plot preview looks like and another of what the actual plot looks like
I have got as far as understanding the difference between CTB and STB plot styles, and have identified I require STB, as I want to apply plot styles to individual layers as opposed to certain colours.
I have converted my drawing from CTB to STB and have set up an STB plot style to acheive what I would like. However I am unable to apply the styles held within this STB to individual layers in the layers property manager. In the plot style coloumn they are slightly greyed out, upon clicking on a layer a 'Select Plot Style' box appears which lists the "normal", "style 1" & "style 2" that I have created. However upon choosing a different style and hitting ok it doesnt apply my selection.
I am reasonably confident my STB file is setup correctly, as it is possible to apply the styles to objects using the object properties box, and for these to then be printed correctly to the style assigned.
PS - I am using AutoCAD LT 2010
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
CIvil 3D 2013 / My drawing opens in layout view and all model objects are appropriately coloured by layer. If I hit plot at this point, my colour dependent .ctb file works fine. However, once I swtich to model view, all my linework turns white and if I switch back to Layout view it remains white and plots each line with the weight assigned to the colour white.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to turn on/off the layers in a filter?
In our company we use standard layerfilters, so they should be the same name in every drawing (else its gonna be a good idea to do so).
If i know the command on how to turn off of on layers who are set in a filter i can make a macro to do it for me, but i dunno if there is an way to turn of those layers with an command.
I'm creating/selecting plot settings and apply them to my layouts.
The problem is when I open the plot dialog, the name of the page setup is not displayed. when I select the page setup name just created from the combobox, the setup is applied but the name still missing.
But this issue only combined with the new plot settings created in program. The existing page setups manually added from plot dialog are ok.The difference between the two type of plot settings is the .ISMODIFIED property is true for new settings but false for existing settings.
How can I make the plot settings not modified.
I am using Pro X3 in full editor. When using Presets, if I select a preset such as an arrow from the drop down menu, the drop down menu seems to cover the Apply button. I can place a preset in my image but I cannot find the apply button while working from the Preset sub menu. The object retains the edit frame until I close the image, then I am asked if I want to APPLY before saving.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAs we all know when u publish a pdf the layout name & drawing file name is automatically inserted into the file name for the pdf ur about to create. Is there a way of controlling this? ie i only want the file name n not the layout name as well,
View 7 Replies View RelatedOkay, so I have about 25 layouts on this particular drawing that already have a default page setup assigned to them. I just created a new page setup and want to apply it to these layouts...but I cannot. I can select the right setup in the publish window but it does not stay current after publishing.
The problem also comes up if I do a "-purge" or wblock the entire drawing as to remove weird elements. The pagesetups then show as missing.
If I create a new drawing and setup the page setup for the first time AutoCAD will ask if I would like to apply to all layouts. Where is this option for existing drawings?
We just received ACAD 2012 and I would like to turn off the layout tab preview option/function. We have drawings with upwards fo 60-70 layout tabs in them and the preview is annoying and is causing some issues. I can't seem to find the system variable to trun it off.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I disable the layout Tools Contextual tab in Autocad map 2013 so that is does not become active every time I change to Paper Space. I would like the ribbon to stay focused on the HOME tab when in paper space.
View 5 Replies View RelatedBasically I am trying to plot a paperspace layout tab... I have 4 viewports... I have selected monochrome... And when I plot it on my HP plotter everything in the viewport plots in color but my titaleblock information is black and white...
I am running AutoCAD Mechanical 2011
Let me know
I don't know how to plot/scale from layout. I have drawing in model that wont show in layout. Drawing is in scale 1:1 in mm. i have to plot it on 36" paper in scale 1:500. I saw someone scaling it with commands something like, z-s-1xp, an ucs.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am unable to apply textures to the maodel I made in inventor.
I tried doing it from the iproperties as well as the top down option we have on the top. Its not working.
Where as, If someone else logs-in in my system, they are able to apply.
Is there any way to turn off Layout Tools Contextual Tab in 2013? I tried the same options that worked for 2013, but it didn't work on 2013.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAlso, can I add text of different fonts and colors in the same image?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a weird problem with several (not all) objects in my scene. No matter if Max 2012 or 2013. It's impossible to apply any transform as soon as the auto key button is pressed. The objects are totally locked. With auto key button inactive, transformations are possible. Key filters are active.
The only workaround so far is to group those objects or link them to a dummy or detach all elements into a new object and delete the original one. Any newly created objects can be animated either.
Autocad 2012 copy button freezes once i have finished copying and pressing enter. Just been installed 32 Bit
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cannot print my layouts to pdf. Every time there is a fatal error.
It goes like this:
1. Open any drawing.
2. Select any layout.
3. File > Plot > Select PDF as printer/plotter
4. Click OK
5. Plot job progress bar appears
6. Fatal Error Message
7. Total crash, AutoCAD closes
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c000000dh Exception at 237eb667h
It is with every drawing, different drawings, every time. It started suddenly.
I am using LT 2013. I used to have 2008. I got similar errors using 2008. I uninstalled it (after trying repair reinstall, which failed to correct the problem) and reinstalled windows, and upgraded to 2013. The problem was gone for a time and has just now restarted.
I have a layout with numerous plot numbers, they have there own layer, they have a consistent style and height but display differently. According to properties the only thing that varies is their content and x,y location. It should be a 2d dwg but i have had 'issues'.They have consistent layer properties, linetypes, weights, the font isn't bold, colour etc. I have tried flatten, flatz, specifying them at a significant height and then bringing them down again, match properties which interestingly will make narrow text bold but not the other way, setting Z to 0.000000000001 etc. I tried viewpoint etc and nothing has made any difference.
View 7 Replies View Related