I don't know how to plot/scale from layout. I have drawing in model that wont show in layout. Drawing is in scale 1:1 in mm. i have to plot it on 36" paper in scale 1:500. I saw someone scaling it with commands something like, z-s-1xp, an ucs.
Using someone elses template. When I plot to PDF the layout sheet name is not the PDF plot file name, it uses the drawing file name (and hence the same file name for all plots, not what I want). When I plot in paper space, my layout sheet name is the output file name, is there a way to change this?
I am working on automating page setups in model space and am looking for a way to set the plot scale equal to the annotation scale for scaled drawings with
Setting the plot scale with !A causes the lisp to fail. However, when running each prompt through the command line individually, !A works fine. what is missing?
I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.
We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.
Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?
I work in autocad 2010 and I draw in scale 1:1 . What an annotation scale is, moreover I have never used annotative objects in my drawings.
Nonetheless, when I try to plot a drawing, while I am in the model view, I choose the scale in mm/units, I select the plot area and when I press preview or plot, I get the message THE ANNOTATION SCALE IS NOT EQUAL TO THE PLOT SCALE. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?
I press yes, I print it and the outcome is always a bit smaller than it should be.
When i am in the layout mode and I try to plot, I dont get this message. But I dont know how scaling works in this case. For example I want to plot in a A4 paper, scale 1:100. So I type 1000mm/100units, as I did in the model mode, but the result is wrong.
As we all know when u publish a pdf the layout name & drawing file name is automatically inserted into the file name for the pdf ur about to create. Is there a way of controlling this? ie i only want the file name n not the layout name as well,
Basically I am trying to plot a paperspace layout tab... I have 4 viewports... I have selected monochrome... And when I plot it on my HP plotter everything in the viewport plots in color but my titaleblock information is black and white...
I cannot print my layouts to pdf. Every time there is a fatal error.
It goes like this:
1. Open any drawing.
2. Select any layout.
3. File > Plot > Select PDF as printer/plotter
4. Click OK
5. Plot job progress bar appears
6. Fatal Error Message
7. Total crash, AutoCAD closes
FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c000000dh Exception at 237eb667h
It is with every drawing, different drawings, every time. It started suddenly.
I am using LT 2013. I used to have 2008. I got similar errors using 2008. I uninstalled it (after trying repair reinstall, which failed to correct the problem) and reinstalled windows, and upgraded to 2013. The problem was gone for a time and has just now restarted.
I have a layout with numerous plot numbers, they have there own layer, they have a consistent style and height but display differently. According to properties the only thing that varies is their content and x,y location. It should be a 2d dwg but i have had 'issues'.They have consistent layer properties, linetypes, weights, the font isn't bold, colour etc. I have tried flatten, flatz, specifying them at a significant height and then bringing them down again, match properties which interestingly will make narrow text bold but not the other way, setting Z to 0.000000000001 etc. I tried viewpoint etc and nothing has made any difference.
I am newish to AutoCAD having just gone through a Lynda tutorial.
When i open my layout i see my drawing as a very small drawing at the bottom. When i expand the whole layout i see shapes which re related in that its the basic shape of the drawings but that's it. No lines at all. In the Lynda tutorial all seemed so easy. I am using metric. I have uploaded the file.
I am creating an A3 pdf of a layout at a scale of 1:200. I am creating the pdf from model space, but when I print the pdf off, it is not quite to scale. What am I doing wrong?
I work with a 0.1 text height (in the model tab). I want to have in the layout tab a 1.5 text height always. That is when the scale is 1:200, 1/50, etc.
What do i have to do to achieve that? Maybe annotation scale.
I've got a drawing of a site, which is about 144 meter long, so 144000 mm to put it in autocad units. I drew it completely in millimeters, and made a new scale in the layout view 1:500, all my units are set to millimeters.
I would expect when chosing the scale 1:500 it would precisely fit on my paper, as 144000/500=288 and the longest side of an A4 paper is 297.
But somehow, when chosing the scale, things get seriously messed up... My drawing is no longer recognizable at all as it is zoomed in way to far...
Also, when watching youtube video's about lay-out, I always see a little toolbar under the main frame (the one where your title stands) saying things like new viewport and page setup. Somehow it's not visible with me... How can I turn it on?
I have an A4 peice of paper and need to change the scale of my drawing so it fits onto the page. I remember there was a short cut, but have since forgotten it.
It is currently at 1:1 and want to change that to a more appropriate scale.
I've got a very long narrow site where more of it would be better shown and printed on a vertical page. However all the default and custom viewports are designed specifically for horizontal pages. How can a page be rotated to be plotted vertically?
I am currently using the visual style "Wireframe" and cannot seem to figure out why my lines won't plot out as dashed lines even though they are dashed in my layout. I have been playing around with my LTSCALE,PSLTSCALE but nothing seems to be working.
When I create a drawing in model space and then take off several views onthe new layout command, when I go to plot the layout in PDF all the viewsappear with a really thick line weight
I have tried selecting every part of the layout and changing the weight to 0mmas it was before but it doesn't make any difference...
Wall layer will not print when I export the plan to layout via export to Pdf. All other lines print. When I print in model space by putting a window around the plan and export to a PDF file the wall layer prints.
i already know how to change the viewport scaling from 1:1, to 1:10, to 1:20, and so on but my real issue is someone before me change the view scale from 1:1 to 1:.808XXXXX. when i print my figures from the layout everything that is not in the viewport ( like my scale bar) come out shorter that it is on the the screen in paper space. Ive tried to change it back to 1:1 but it wont accept it and keeps the .808XXX value.
Why in layout in viewport scale in these two file different ??? with same scale 1:60???!!! i cant find answer in file f-metric scale 1:60 while in e metric 1:300 to be same file F-metric ??if you make it 1:60 in file E-metric view will not same ?? what the reason ?
I am using File>Export Layout to Model... command.
The drawing exported in half scale means a circle with 10mm diameter dimension on it exported as a circle with 5mm diameter But the dimension on the circle remains as 10mm!!!
I am using autoCAD 2011. I have a problem. If I do a drawing in autoCAD in mesarments that they should be in real life. For example if wall is 9000mm long I type in 9000. Building plan like that is easier for me. But problem comes when I try to plot it to scale 1:100 for ISO A3 paper (420x297) How Can I make it fit perfectly and be in-scale?
And another question. If I want to have a frame around my drawing and corner frame with name of the work, who did it etc etc. so I don't have to do it over and over again on every single new drawing. How can I do it? I heared I can use blocks. But how do I fit my block to a certain scale? If I make my block in 420x297 which is A3 standard and do a drawing with 1000- mesarments than it simply will be small for it.